"immunity from compelled congressional process simply does not exist.”

The baby killing Democrats should never been allowed control of the House or Representatives. Now, we're paying the price.

President Trump should never have been elected by the Electoral College as he is a criminal and unfit to hold the office. Now we're paying the price.

The judge who delivered a 120 page decision ordering Don McGahn to testify, exoriated the Justice Department for participating in this brief, calling it an "attack on the Constitution" which assumes powers for the executive office which are in no way found in the Constitution.

The judge made it crystal clear that refusal to provide the documents requested or the witnesses Congress needs to carry out this oversight, is an insult to the people.

You Russians are in way over your heads on this Constitutional stuff.

The foreign troll uses "we" as if she is a citizen of the United States, even though "she" has admitted in the past that "she" is not. Then "she" has the gall to call someone else a "Russian" because they dare to disagree with "her" on Executive Privilege. Now, as this type of case has never reached the Supreme Court, I'm interested to see how it all sorts out. I doubt if "blanket privilege" survives as this was a Congressional subpoena instead of one issued by the Judiciary, but we'll see.
the question:

Is the President of the USA a King and above all laws, and we are all his subjects?


Is the President, the leader of the USA, who is hired/chosen by we the people/electoral process and works for us and is paid by us, to execute the laws derived by us, through our representation in Congress, and to lead the military as commander?

The President is arguing that it is the first scenario, and we the people, are arguing it is the latter!


IT IS the latter.
Oh stop with the overdramatic false BS and once again accusing others of what Democrats have done / do!

Barak Obama violated the Constitution, according to the USSC, at least 3 times and his administration had more case losses than any modern President. He was found in Contempt of Court for violating Federal Judges' orders at least twice, broke the law more than can be counted (thought never faced judicial punishment because he owned the DOJ, NSA,CIA, & FBI), and his administration set a new record for criminal non-compliance with the FOIA and Federal Records Act.

He admitted he did not have the Constitutional power or authority to affect existing US Immigration Law...and then did it anyway by imposing his own DACA EDICT with his own personal 'King' pen.

The SOB was caught illegally spying on Americans, reporters, the media, US Senators, USSC JUSTICES, political opponents, and even a newly elected President. The Nobel Peace Prize winner illegally ran guns to Al Qaeda, ISIS, and Mexican Drug Cartels, negotiated his own illegal TREATY with Iran and as soon as it was signed raced to the UN to get it ratified before the US Congress could even look at it.

Barak Obama was the most corrupt / criminal President and ran the most scandalous administration in US History - His US AG, for example, was the 1st US AG / Presidential Cabinet member to be Censured in US history for crimes of felony perjury and obstruction of Justice for refusing to turn over official documents regarding Fast and Furious. The SOB initiated the political coup against candidate / President Trump - according to Strzok and the #3 man in the CIA's leadership, as well as former Obama NSA Director Clapper who stated Obama ordered them to do what they did.

All of these are documented, recorded, reported FACTS; yet, snowflakes like you ignore them, attempt to re-write history, believe if you repeat the lies enough people will believe them, and spend half your time defending these traitorous criminals and the other half of your time lying / attacking anyone who dares speak the truth about the Criminal Organization known as The Democratic Party!
If House Liar / Leaker Schiff can declare a non-qualifying whistle blower is afforded the protections of anonymity & immunity found in no existing law
Where do you folks get the crap you spew?

Whistleblower Protection Act - Wikipedia


"A federal agency violates the Whistleblower Protection Act if agency authorities take (or threaten to take) retaliatory personnel action against any employee or applicant because of disclosure of information by that employee or applicant."

Simply identifying the whistleblower is not retaliatory. The identity is not protected.
Lois Lerner was unavailable for comment.

Lois plead the 5th as is her right and was advised to do so by her lawyer. Did President Obama order her not to appear? What crime was she accused of?
(1). Any news report of this type that does not indicate, in bold print, who appointed the judge is guilty of journalistic malpractice. Is it any wonder that this case was brought in a court presided over by an Obama judge?

(2) This is a fairly simple case. The fact that the judge's decision went over 100 pages indicates - very strongly - that this judge didn't write it, and it is total bullshit. It doesn't take 100 pages to make a case that is based on the actual law and facts. Turning the law on its figurative head takes a lot of words - a hundred pages or so, in this case.

(3) There is nothing in the Constitution that gives Congress the power to oversee the activities of the President or his Administration. In specific cases where Congress has provided specific guidance under a particular law, OK, Congress can oversee the Administration to ensure the law is being carried out according to the law. But this ain't that. The three branches of government are co-equal. No one branch supervises another.

(4) The "demand" to have McGahn appear before Congress was part of an attempt to re-hash the work and re-write the results of the Mueller political-assassination attempt. McGahn cooperated with the Mueller team. End of story.

(5) Lefties who keep proclaiming all of the Democrats' "wins in court," are delusional. These are all cherry-picked courts and judges, and until the USSC weighs in, it is all the political equivalent of "Spring Training Baseball scores." Meaningless.
Ex-White House counsel Don McGahn must appear before Congress for testimony, judge says

The judge rules Trump's absurd assertion of blanket immunity, a claim never before made by any prez because...........ridiculous...........is total bullshyte.

Clearly, the ruling has implications for the impeachment inquiry.

The mind boggling aspect of the ruling is................Billy the Bagman is contesting it. The guy who is supposed to be the people's lawyer is working in Trump's interest, not the country's. Imagine my surprise.

Claims one judge, it could be reversed.


Nixon lost 9-0 in the Supreme Court and had to turn over the tapes.

The President is not a King with unlimited power over the government.
The FACT is the ICIG had no jurisdiction to accept or act on the complaint. .
The fact is the IC IG changed the rules because of this bogus complaint by someone who does not meet the qualifications as a 'Whistle Blower', someone whose complaint is based completely on HEARSAY, allowing the complaint to be expedited - sent to the Dems / Schiff & his House Intel Committee
- The House Intel Committee is supposed to be a committee that deals with substantiated collected Intel - FACT - not political hearsay.

The fact was the non-qualifying 'whistle blower' went directly to Schiff and his staff BEFORE filing their complaint, making Schiff a contact witness that should not only disqualify him from leading this investigation but also from even being involved.

The fact is that the complaint was dismissed by the prosecutorial divisions of the DOJ because it was hearsay, un-verifiable, much like the Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence 'Trump Dossier' Propaganda.

The fact is that despite the prosecutorial divisions of the DOJ ruling there was NOTHING to this 'whistle blower complaint' BS, Lying / Leaking Schiff STILL leaked the complaint to the public to justify their opening an Impeachment Hearing based on HEARSAY and innuendo, much like Comey leaking info to the press through his friend so a pre-coordinated Special Counsel could be assigned and the 'Collusion Delusion 1.0' coup attempt could go forward.

The fact is the circus run by Schiff that followed exposed the fact that this was another failed coup attempt by the Democrats who once again attempted to remove a President from office based on no crime committed, no evidence of a crime, no whistle blower, and no witnesses, as no one witnessed anything....and it was televised for the entire world to see.

It was such a disaster that polls in Democratic-held parts of the country show Democrats don't even want the President Impeached based on the Democrats' BS self-destructing televised coup attempt, and more Democrats are jumping off of the 'Impeach Trump' train now.
Lois plead the 5th as is her right and was advised to do so by her lawyer. Did President Obama order her not to appear? What crime was she accused of?
How is it that you seem to have been in a coma every time the Democrats admitted to lying, targeting, spying, and other criminal acts?

"The Internal Revenue Service apologized Friday for subjecting Tea Party groups to additional scrutiny during the 2012 election, but denied any political motive.

Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS unit that oversees tax-exempt groups, said organizations that included the words "tea party" or "patriot" in their applications for tax-exempt status were singled out for additional reviews. Her remarks, which came at an American Bar Association gathering, were first reported by the Associated Press."

Lerner admitted the IRS TARGETED Tea Party Groups - anyone with the words 'TEA Party' or 'Patriot' in their names....then had the audacity to claim that this SIONGLING OUT / TARGETING was not 'politically motivated'. Stupid Snowflake sheep the ones Jonathon Gruber spoke so fondly of, may actually buy that BS, but anyone with even half of a brain knows that is complete fecal matter.

IRS Director Koskinen was later caught flat-out in a lie before Congress under oath testifying about this scandal, but Obama's (IN-)Justice Department protected him from indictment for perjury, like many of his Directors and Cabinet members during his administration.

IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups

"It was the question heard round the tax world. But it was the answer that made waves. In 2013, then Acting Director of Exempt Organizations at IRS, Lois Lerner, apologized to a room of tax lawyers for the IRS's inappropriate targeting of conservative political groups. Her comments set off a chain of events that would slash IRS funds, fire officials and consider impeachment proceedings for IRS Commissioner Koskinen's actions. But the scandal didn't begin or end there."
-- IRS Targeting Scandal: Citizens United, Lois Lerner And The $20M Tax Saga That Won't Go Away

Lois plead the 5th as is her right and was advised to do so by her lawyer. Did President Obama order her not to appear? What crime was she accused of?
How is it that you seem to have been in a coma every time the Democrats admitted to lying, targeting, spying, and other criminal acts?

"The Internal Revenue Service apologized Friday for subjecting Tea Party groups to additional scrutiny during the 2012 election, but denied any political motive.

Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS unit that oversees tax-exempt groups, said organizations that included the words "tea party" or "patriot" in their applications for tax-exempt status were singled out for additional reviews. Her remarks, which came at an American Bar Association gathering, were first reported by the Associated Press."

Lerner admitted the IRS TARGETED Tea Party Groups - anyone with the words 'TEA Party' or 'Patriot' in their names....then had the audacity to claim that this SIONGLING OUT / TARGETING was not 'politically motivated'. Stupid Snowflake sheep the ones Jonathon Gruber spoke so fondly of, may actually buy that BS, but anyone with even half of a brain knows that is complete fecal matter.

IRS Director Koskinen was later caught flat-out in a lie before Congress under oath testifying about this scandal, but Obama's (IN-)Justice Department protected him from indictment for perjury, like many of his Directors and Cabinet members during his administration.

IRS apologizes for targeting conservative groups

"It was the question heard round the tax world. But it was the answer that made waves. In 2013, then Acting Director of Exempt Organizations at IRS, Lois Lerner, apologized to a room of tax lawyers for the IRS's inappropriate targeting of conservative political groups. Her comments set off a chain of events that would slash IRS funds, fire officials and consider impeachment proceedings for IRS Commissioner Koskinen's actions. But the scandal didn't begin or end there."
-- IRS Targeting Scandal: Citizens United, Lois Lerner And The $20M Tax Saga That Won't Go Away


It’s ironic that Lerner is criticized for singling out conservative groups yet defend Trump singling out the Bidens.
The President is not a King with unlimited power over the government.
Snowflakes should have spoken up and told Barry this....

Democrats joined Republicans to block funding for one of Obama's first EO's and his plan to close down Gitmo.

Furthermore, President Obama never issued anything like blanket immunity against Congressional subpoena's. I don't believe he ever demanded anyone in his administration not obey a Congressional subpoena. Not once during the multiple Benghazi investigations did he refuse to turn over requested documents.

Trumpublicans love to cite AG Holder's refusal to turn over a set of documents after turning over thousands of pages after multiple requests in which they voted him in Contempt of Congress. One instance of refusing, verses refusing all instances of requests. Only a moron would believe that comparison, and only a propagandist would try to continuously peddle it.
It’s ironic that Lerner is criticized for singling out conservative groups yet defend Trump singling out the Bidens.
The American people Obama, Koskinen, and Lois Lerner singled out, targeted, and whose rights they denied/trampled upon committed no crimes but were instead opposing the re-election of Barak Obama legally. They did not give videotaped confessions of committing crimes, like Joe Biden did.

The fact that you are trying your hardest to accuse law-abiding citizens who do not embrace the radical lefts' beliefs and agenda of being criminals yet are attempting to defend an admitted extortionist - despicable.

You are a pathetic criminal Democrat apologist, lil' snowflake,.
Last edited:
A stay was issued, from what I heard. I don’t have a link yet, just one showing the stay was requested from about an hour ago.
Democrats joined Republicans to block funding for one of Obama's first EO's and his plan to close down Gitmo.
That was because only Obama wanted to close down GITMO. I am talking about when Barry violated the Constitution, was held in contempt for violating Judges' orders, when he broke laws, dragged the US into his own private wars to help terrorists,etc....
It’s ironic that Lerner is criticized for singling out conservative groups yet defend Trump singling out the Bidens.
The American people Obama, Koskinen, and Lois Lerner singled out, targeted, and whose rights they denied/trampled upon committed no crimes but were instead opposing the re-election of Barak Obama legally. They did not give videotaped confessions of committing crimes, like Joe Biden did.

The fact that you are trying your hardest to accuse law-abiding citizens who do not embrace the radical lefts' beliefs and agenda of being criminals yet are attempting to defend an admitted extortionist is despicable.

You are a pathetic criminal Democrat apologist, lil' snowflake,.

Joe Biden admitted to no crimes in video no matter how many times you attempt to say so, it’s just not true. He was legally enacting US foreign policy.

Trump is singling out Joe Biden, attempting to deprive him of his rights because he opposes Trump’s reelection.

Like I said, the irony is very thick here.
Enough is enough. Any federal or Supreme Court Judge has only to look at what the Democrats have done repeatedly for the last 4 years - one fishing trip / coup attempt after another - to know the only reason the Democrats want the President's tax returns is to go 'fishing' again and attempt to find anything else they can use to undermine the President and the current United States government while dividing the nation further.

The courts should tell the Democrats that after 4 years they have not produced the 1st bit of evidence to suggest the President committed any crime or that a crime was committed that involves the President; therefore, there is no reason for them to be given his tax returns. When they can actually point to a crime and give any bit of evidence that the President was involved THEN they can look at his tax returns. Until then, F* OFF!
Joe Biden admitted to no crimes in video no matter how many times you attempt to say so, it’s just not true. He was legally enacting US foreign policy. Trump is singling out Joe Biden, attempting to deprive him of his rights because he opposes Trump’s reelection.

All Americans are not the stupid ignorant sheep Jonathon Gruber exposed snowflakes as being, the kind of dumbasses Democrats count on to keep getting away with their crimes. Americans don't need a liberal progressive Socialist Democrat snowflake Dem-apologist translator to tell us what Joe MEANT when he bragged about extorting the Ukraine PM. The video speaks for itself.

President Trump, according to numerous laws, is responsible for ensuring foreign financial and military aid is not given to nations acting against our national security, which former corrupt Ukraine did by working with Democrats to interfere in our election in 2016. Before lethal military aid was given to Ukraine the President wanted assurances from the new Ukraine PM that his country was no longer interfering in out country's government and elections. Democrats have criticized the President lately for seemingly not caring about potential foreign interference in our 2020 election while simultaneously attempting to Impeach him for acting to ensure the same interference that happened in 2016 and the same corruption going on at the time does not happen again.

Joe Biden gave a self-explanatory videotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM. Again, we don't need shameless easily emotionally-manipulated / deceived Jonathon-Gruber-Snowflakes attempting to tell us what to think about Biden's confession.

It speaks for itself.
Joe Biden admitted to no crimes in video no matter how many times you attempt to say so, it’s just not true. He was legally enacting US foreign policy. Trump is singling out Joe Biden, attempting to deprive him of his rights because he opposes Trump’s reelection.

All Americans are not the stupid ignorant sheep Jonathon Gruber exposed snowflakes as being, the kind of dumbasses Democrats count on to keep getting away with their crimes. Americans don't need a liberal progressive Socialist Democrat snowflake Dem-apologist translator to tell us what Joe MEANT when he bragged about extorting the Ukraine PM. The video speaks for itself.

President Trump, according to numerous laws, is responsible for ensuring foreign financial and military aid is not given to nations acting against our national security, which former corrupt Ukraine did by working with Democrats to interfere in our election in 2016. Before lethal military aid was given to Ukraine the President wanted assurances from the new Ukraine PM that his country was no longer interfering in out country's government and elections. Democrats have criticized the President lately for seemingly not caring about potential foreign interference in our 2020 election while simultaneously attempting to Impeach him for acting to ensure the same interference that happened in 2016 and the same corruption going on at the time does not happen again.

Joe Biden gave a self-explanatory videotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM. Again, we don't need shameless easily emotionally-manipulated / deceived Jonathon-Gruber-Snowflakes attempting to tell us what to think about Biden's confession.

It speaks for itself.

You’re pretending something is there that just isn’t. Biden didn’t confess to breaking any laws. He “confessed” to making sure our foreign aid didn’t go to a corrupt nation. Hold on, isn’t that exactly what you are demanding they do? Fascinating. No where did Biden mention his son. No where did Biden mention Burisma. No where did Biden claim that he used foreign aid to help anyone other than Ukraine and America in their question for reform in that country. Maybe you’re the one that’s been manipulated to make believe it’s there. But it isn’t.

In your own words, what did Ukraine to to meddle in our election? Certainly there is bogus theory that Trump has been parroting, about Crowdstrike being owned by a Ukrainian oligarch (a lie) and the “server” being located in Ukraine has been identified as a baseless story propagated by Russian intelligence service to the easily manipulated to deflect from their own culpability. That can’t be what you’re referring to.

What exactly do you think Ukraine did to interfere in our election?
You’re pretending something is there that just isn’t.
Again, thank you for your fragile, criminal-defending, easily emotionally-manipulated personal translation of what YOU claim Biden was / is thinking, feeling, and what he means in HIS videotaped confession of extorting the Ukraine PM, but it is not needed.

The video speaks for itself. No snowflake filter / translation needed.
The President is not a King with unlimited power over the government.
Snowflakes should have spoken up and told Barry this....

Democrats joined Republicans to block funding for one of Obama's first EO's and his plan to close down Gitmo.

Furthermore, President Obama never issued anything like blanket immunity against Congressional subpoena's. I don't believe he ever demanded anyone in his administration not obey a Congressional subpoena. Not once during the multiple Benghazi investigations did he refuse to turn over requested documents.

Trumpublicans love to cite AG Holder's refusal to turn over a set of documents after turning over thousands of pages after multiple requests in which they voted him in Contempt of Congress. One instance of refusing, verses refusing all instances of requests. Only a moron would believe that comparison, and only a propagandist would try to continuously peddle it.
Oh, yes documents were withheld. And in the fast and furious case were only turned over in 2017.
White House cites executive privilege, keeps Obama aide from testifying about Iran nuclear deal
Breaking News, Analysis, Politics, Blogs, News Photos, Video, Tech Reviews - TIME.com
More Than 10,000 Days of Delays: Obama Admin’s Delays of Benghazi Documents Equivalent to Over 27 Years
The Facts Behind Obama’s Executive Privilege Claim — ProPublica
Congress Rips Obama on Cover-up of Fast and Furious Gun Running
Obama asserts executive privilege over ‘Fast and Furious’ documents
Obama used executive privilege to shield Holder emails
- The Administration’s Latest Abuse: Impeding IGs and Hiding the Truth From the American People
Attorney General Lynch 'Pleads Fifth' on Secret Iran 'Ransom' Payments
Obama guilty of real Hillary Clinton obstruction, Fmr. US AG Mukasey says

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