Impeach Harry Reid For Lying to America

Willard has 10 years of tax returns to go, otherwise Reid still owns Willard as his bitch boy.

Thank you for not reading the article which stated:

A letter from auditors at Price Waterhouse Cooper states unequivocally that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney paid taxes every year between 1990 and 2009. This puts an end, once and for all, to irresponsible left-wing media speculation started by Senator Harry Reid and the Huffington Post in July.

Why are you vying for my end-of-year box-of-rocks dumb award? :lmao:

What, some letter that states "he paid taxes! trust us!" is suppose to be good enough? :lmao:
I have been preaching this for a good while now, one of the worse things Obama did when he first entered office was to shut Yucca Mountain nuclear waste repository. I am quite positive he either did it to kill the nuclear industry, or more likely to pay back the lying bastard Reid. The whole of the nation put at risk because of Harry Reid. Mark my words if dry, or wet storage of nuclear fuel becomes a problem to the point of hurting someone the blood will be on Obama's and Reid's hands. But of course they will blame someone else like they did with the Gulf oil spill.

Read about the incompetent of Obama: The Spill, The Scandal and the President | Politics News | Rolling Stone
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If we impeached every politician who has lied, we'd have no politicians left in Washington.
Well, it's against the good sense and the law to shoot political crooks. So what else can we do? :dunno: Endure 5 more years of his tenure? My relatives there say people don't even like him, can't figure out how he retook his senate seat he was so disliked.

To replay a little of the reason for Reid's unpopularity, here's a blast from the past: "Today, Senator Reid attempted to shift attention away from his failure to get anything done in the Senate. While Republicans have been focused on jobs and getting our fiscal house in order since day one, Leader Reid has failed to take up almost all of the House GOP job creation measures, failed to present a budget, and failed to put forward a pro-growth plan to get Americans back to work. Reid Blocks Republican Bill"
They should have led the nut case away in handcuffs when he tried to influence the morale of the Troops. It was the only time in history that a member of the Senate told Americans who were involved in fighting a war that "the war is lost". He belongs in the same loonie bin as the Vice President.
Willard has 10 years of tax returns to go, otherwise Reid still owns Willard as his bitch boy.

Thank you for not reading the article which stated:

A letter from auditors at Price Waterhouse Cooper states unequivocally that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney paid taxes every year between 1990 and 2009. This puts an end, once and for all, to irresponsible left-wing media speculation started by Senator Harry Reid and the Huffington Post in July.
Why are you vying for my end-of-year box-of-rocks dumb award? :lmao:
What, some letter that states "he paid taxes! trust us!" is suppose to be good enough? :lmao:
What is it you do not understand about the reputation of Price Waterhouse Cooper?
Willard has 10 years of tax returns to go, otherwise Reid still owns Willard as his bitch boy.

Thank you for not reading the article which stated:

A letter from auditors at Price Waterhouse Cooper states unequivocally that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney paid taxes every year between 1990 and 2009. This puts an end, once and for all, to irresponsible left-wing media speculation started by Senator Harry Reid and the Huffington Post in July.

Why are you vying for my end-of-year box-of-rocks dumb award? :lmao:

What, some letter that states "he paid taxes! trust us!" is suppose to be good enough? :lmao:

So Price Waterhouse Cooper creates "some letter." I guess Reid's lying is gospel but a reputable firm is not. Whow.
They should have led the nut case away in handcuffs when he tried to influence the morale of the Troops. It was the only time in history that a member of the Senate told Americans who were involved in fighting a war that "the war is lost". He belongs in the same loonie bin as the Vice President.

The thing is that the lying douche bag will now say Obama won the war.
Thank you for not reading the article which stated:

Why are you vying for my end-of-year box-of-rocks dumb award? :lmao:

What, some letter that states "he paid taxes! trust us!" is suppose to be good enough? :lmao:

So Price Waterhouse Cooper creates "some letter." I guess Reid's lying is gospel but a reputable firm is not. Whow.

If it's that legit, they should have no problem releasing the other 10 years of tax returns, correct?
What, some letter that states "he paid taxes! trust us!" is suppose to be good enough? :lmao:

So Price Waterhouse Cooper creates "some letter." I guess Reid's lying is gospel but a reputable firm is not. Whow.

If it's that legit, they should have no problem releasing the other 10 years of tax returns, correct?

In my opinion Romney is an ass for releasing the one he did today. I want a fighter for President and I would have respected Romney if he would have told all the liberals to kiss his ass. More so then bowing to their obvious political BS. BTW the unemployment rate is still over 8 percent.
Reid has lied to America and has expropriated taxpayer dollars for his family, to name only two of his errors lately.

Harry Reid lied about Romney's Tax Returns. He did not fail to pay his taxes for all those years like Harry Reid claimed he knew for certain.

He used his power over people as the Senate Majority Leader to make the false claim that somehow Romney didn't pay taxes on the ten years he didn't show.

That was hubris. And it's here. The media went lapping it up, and the circle jerk was complete to damage Mitt Romney's sterling character and good reputation.

Harry Reid has ordered land in his state valued at $38.6 million to be sold to a Chinese Solar Panel Company for $4.5 million, and guess who's getting a big fat paycheck out of it? Right. Reid's lawyer son is representing this fiasco.

Rather than giving American investors a shot at it, Reid is exporting the whole thing to Chinese interests.

Any others you'd like to add?

I think the Senate Majority Leader should be more concerned about American businesses and investors, not his pals in China, may they prosper IN CHINA but not at American investors' expense.

And you base this on Mittens submitting a contrived 2011 tax return? If not that then nothing has changed. Willard still needs to show 1998-2009...without that your little rant is stupid.
So Price Waterhouse Cooper creates "some letter." I guess Reid's lying is gospel but a reputable firm is not. Whow.

If it's that legit, they should have no problem releasing the other 10 years of tax returns, correct?

In my opinion Romney is an ass for releasing the one he did today. I want a fighter for President and I would have respected Romney if he would have told all the liberals to kiss his ass. More so then bowing to their obvious political BS. BTW the unemployment rate is still over 8 percent.

Willard clearly has something to hide which is why he keep hiding them and fudged the one he did release to make it look like he paid more.
Obama released his papers, Willard's own father said if someone doesn't release their papers they are likely hiding something, and Willard himself asked his VP noms to release 10 years of tax returns.

It's clear Willard has something to hide and he's right, he's not fit to be president.
Reid has lied to America and has expropriated taxpayer dollars for his family, to name only two of his errors lately.

Harry Reid lied about Romney's Tax Returns. He did not fail to pay his taxes for all those years like Harry Reid claimed he knew for certain.

He used his power over people as the Senate Majority Leader to make the false claim that somehow Romney didn't pay taxes on the ten years he didn't show.

That was hubris. And it's here. The media went lapping it up, and the circle jerk was complete to damage Mitt Romney's sterling character and good reputation.

Harry Reid has ordered land in his state valued at $38.6 million to be sold to a Chinese Solar Panel Company for $4.5 million, and guess who's getting a big fat paycheck out of it? Right. Reid's lawyer son is representing this fiasco.

Rather than giving American investors a shot at it, Reid is exporting the whole thing to Chinese interests.

Any others you'd like to add?

I think the Senate Majority Leader should be more concerned about American businesses and investors, not his pals in China, may they prosper IN CHINA but not at American investors' expense.

And you base this on Mittens submitting a contrived 2011 tax return? If not that then nothing has changed. Willard still needs to show 1998-2009...without that your little rant is stupid.
So the 60-minute man has no clue about a firm filled with ethical CPA's who'd punch a criminal in the nose for suggesting malfeasance?

Mr. Huggy, I'm sooooo not surprised. :rolleyes:
If it's that legit, they should have no problem releasing the other 10 years of tax returns, correct?

In my opinion Romney is an ass for releasing the one he did today. I want a fighter for President and I would have respected Romney if he would have told all the liberals to kiss his ass. More so then bowing to their obvious political BS. BTW the unemployment rate is still over 8 percent.

Willard clearly has something to hide which is why he keep hiding them and fudged the one he did release to make it look like he paid more.
Obama released his papers, Willard's own father said if someone doesn't release their papers they are likely hiding something, and Willard himself asked his VP noms to release 10 years of tax returns.

It's clear Willard has something to hide and he's right, he's not fit to be president.
The only thing that is clear is your bumpkin ways, pumpkin.
Willard has 10 years of tax returns to go, otherwise Reid still owns Willard as his bitch boy.

Thank you for not reading the article which stated:

A letter from auditors at Price Waterhouse Cooper states unequivocally that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney paid taxes every year between 1990 and 2009. This puts an end, once and for all, to irresponsible left-wing media speculation started by Senator Harry Reid and the Huffington Post in July.

Why are you vying for my end-of-year box-of-rocks dumb award? :lmao:

So Arthur Andersen was an accounting firm too. I trust them as far as I can throw a champagne glass down Wall St. :lol: Next?
Arthur Andersen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Arthur Andersen LLP, based in Chicago, was once one of the "Big Five" accounting firms among PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Ernst & Young and KPMG, providing auditing, tax, and consulting services to large corporations. In 2002, the firm voluntarily surrendered its licenses to practice as Certified Public Accountants in the United States after being found guilty of criminal charges relating to the firm's handling of the auditing of Enron, an energy corporation based in Texas,
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Willard has 10 years of tax returns to go, otherwise Reid still owns Willard as his bitch boy.

Thank you for not reading the article which stated:

Why are you vying for my end-of-year box-of-rocks dumb award? :lmao:

So Arthur Andersen was an accounting firm too. I trust them as far as I can throw a champagne glass down Wall St. :lol: Next?
Arthur Andersen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Arthur Andersen LLP, based in Chicago, was once one of the "Big Five" accounting firms among PricewaterhouseCoopers, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, Ernst & Young and KPMG, providing auditing, tax, and consulting services to large corporations. In 2002, the firm voluntarily surrendered its licenses to practice as Certified Public Accountants in the United States after being found guilty of criminal charges relating to the firm's handling of the auditing of Enron, an energy corporation based in Texas,
This is not the Enron scandal, tutti frutti.

Romney's a good, strong, innocent man who is running against YOUR apologist-in-chief, a man who takes bad fiscal situations and turns them into lean, clean winning machines.

But it's ok if you want to play the whackamole game, being as you're so pro-Reid the shameful liar's supporter. In his own state, he is not liked, he has a terrible reputation, and people fear him not because he's good, but because he is always on the take. He's just learned over the years how to cover himself better.

And Harry Reid has never disclosed a single solitary tax return to the public.
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Willard clearly has something to hide which is why he keep hiding them and fudged the one he did release to make it look like he paid more.
Obama released his papers, Willard's own father said if someone doesn't release their papers they are likely hiding something, and Willard himself asked his VP noms to release 10 years of tax returns.

It's clear Willard has something to hide and he's right, he's not fit to be president.

^^^^^The libtard version of "birther".....^^^^^

All that's missing is the tin foil hat.....
Willard has 10 years of tax returns to go, otherwise Reid still owns Willard as his bitch boy.

Thank you for not reading the article which stated:

A letter from auditors at Price Waterhouse Cooper states unequivocally that GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney paid taxes every year between 1990 and 2009. This puts an end, once and for all, to irresponsible left-wing media speculation started by Senator Harry Reid and the Huffington Post in July.

Why are you vying for my end-of-year box-of-rocks dumb award? :lmao:

What, some letter that states "he paid taxes! trust us!" is suppose to be good enough? :lmao:

If there ever was a doubt that you were anything but a hyper partisan troll you can rest assured that you took that doubt out into a field and sot it in the head...

Tell us all more about why you hate white people.
If it's that legit, they should have no problem releasing the other 10 years of tax returns, correct?

In my opinion Romney is an ass for releasing the one he did today. I want a fighter for President and I would have respected Romney if he would have told all the liberals to kiss his ass. More so then bowing to their obvious political BS. BTW the unemployment rate is still over 8 percent.

Willard clearly has something to hide which is why he keep hiding them and fudged the one he did release to make it look like he paid more.
Obama released his papers, Willard's own father said if someone doesn't release their papers they are likely hiding something, and Willard himself asked his VP noms to release 10 years of tax returns.

It's clear Willard has something to hide and he's right, he's not fit to be president.

Obama is the most secretive President in this country’s history, ironically he ran off claims that he will be the most transparent… And you voted for him and plan too again. More or less you have no credibility on this subject or really any other issue we debate on these boards.

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