Impeach Judge Ann Donnelly

Obama nominated activist judge has place the United States in jeopardy by injecting her personal political beliefs into her ruling. GOP Congress must toss her from office as a warning to other looney liberal federal judges that their asses will get the same. Gut the federal courts. Until borrow from Andy Jackson..."she has made her let her enforce it!"
Judge Ann Donnelly: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Fascism in the open and on display. Rid the courts, media and anyone else that criticizes or challenges the regime.
That's what Obama did. Why didn't you object then?
How do you know they didn't? More smoke from a lib....
Every douche bag in here defended his actions to the hilt.
Liberals seem to forget we are at war with Fundementalist Islamic Terrorism.
George HW Bush would not have advocated cutting through the rule of law to arrive at a desired result. To advocate this approach is simply not a conservative position. Re-read "A Man For All Seasons."
George HW Bush served before 9-11. want the terrorists to win.....throw away our Constitutional rights because you are terrorized. Who's the snowflake?
Donald Trump is in line with the Constitution dumb ass. Judge is wrong.
What is your Constitutional Law background and cite the Constitutional basis for the Judge being wrong. Lay it out for us.

Ah jeez, I can only imagine what we're going to hear...
Elections have consequences and now looney left is going to try to thwart the democratically elected POTUS by using extremists on federal courts as tools.
I seem to remember something in the constitution about there being three branches of government.
Rember this motherfuckers that to be any of the 200 in limbo the ruling refers to.

We cannot fight a war against Fundementalist Islamic terror and worry about hurting people's feelings, the 200 should respect this.

And yet you cannot even respect the rule of law in this country.

There's no law that says we can't ban refugees from Syria.
Liberals seem to forget we are at war with Fundementalist Islamic Terrorism.
George HW Bush would not have advocated cutting through the rule of law to arrive at a desired result. To advocate this approach is simply not a conservative position. Re-read "A Man For All Seasons."
George HW Bush served before 9-11. want the terrorists to win.....throw away our Constitutional rights because you are terrorized. Who's the snowflake?
Donald Trump is in line with the Constitution dumb ass. Judge is wrong.
What is your Constitutional Law background and cite the Constitutional basis for the Judge being wrong. Lay it out for us.
A Constitutional Basis for Defense
I don't get it, an unelected judge can overrule the elected President? This is bizarre. So basically a Muslim faggot from the ACLU inspired an Obama appointed POS to overruled the will of the people. WTF?
Its called our legal system, you don't like it? Tough shyte
So is the ability to impeach any out of control activist judges through the process provided for within our government system through our duly elected representatives.
I seem to remember something in the constitution about there being three branches of government.
Rember this motherfuckers that to be any of the 200 in limbo the ruling refers to.

We cannot fight a war against Fundementalist Islamic terror and worry about hurting people's feelings, the 200 should respect this.

And yet you cannot even respect the rule of law in this country.

There's no law that says we can't ban refugees from Syria.

The court ruling did not forbid the banning of refugees from Syria. The ruling protected the refugees and immigrants that had made legal arrangements to travel to America and after arriving had those arrangement rescinded and canceled without due process.
George HW Bush would not have advocated cutting through the rule of law to arrive at a desired result. To advocate this approach is simply not a conservative position. Re-read "A Man For All Seasons."
George HW Bush served before 9-11. want the terrorists to win.....throw away our Constitutional rights because you are terrorized. Who's the snowflake?
Donald Trump is in line with the Constitution dumb ass. Judge is wrong.
What is your Constitutional Law background and cite the Constitutional basis for the Judge being wrong. Lay it out for us.
A Constitutional Basis for Defense YOU tell us your Constitutional Law background and in your own words, the Constitutional basis for the Judge being wrong.
Rember this motherfuckers that to be any of the 200 in limbo the ruling refers to.

We cannot fight a war against Fundementalist Islamic terror and worry about hurting people's feelings, the 200 should respect this.

And yet you cannot even respect the rule of law in this country.

There's no law that says we can't ban refugees from Syria.

The court ruling did not forbid the banning of refugees from Syria. The ruling protected the refugees and immigrants that had made legal arrangements to travel to America after arriving had those arrangements recinded and canceled without due process.

Thank's funny to see certainly Alt-Righties here ranting and raving about something that hasn't even been ruled on.
Rember this motherfuckers that to be any of the 200 in limbo the ruling refers to.

We cannot fight a war against Fundementalist Islamic terror and worry about hurting people's feelings, the 200 should respect this.

And yet you cannot even respect the rule of law in this country.

There's no law that says we can't ban refugees from Syria.

The court ruling did not forbid the banning of refugees from Syria. The ruling protected the refugees and immigrants that had made legal arrangements to travel to America after arriving had those arrangements recinded and canceled without due process.

If they were approved under Obama administration they may very well be a threat to the United States. that to be any of the 200 in limbo the ruling refers to.
We cannot fight a war against Fundementalist Islamic terror and worry about hurting people's feelings, the 200 should respect this.
And yet you cannot even respect the rule of law in this country.
There's no law that says we can't ban refugees from Syria.
The court ruling did not forbid the banning of refugees from Syria. The ruling protected the refugees and immigrants that had made legal arrangements to travel to America after arriving had those arrangements recinded and canceled without due process.
If they were approved under Obama administration they may very well be a threat to the United States.
Four legs good, two legs bad.
George HW Bush served before 9-11. want the terrorists to win.....throw away our Constitutional rights because you are terrorized. Who's the snowflake?
Donald Trump is in line with the Constitution dumb ass. Judge is wrong.
What is your Constitutional Law background and cite the Constitutional basis for the Judge being wrong. Lay it out for us.
A Constitutional Basis for Defense YOU tell us your Constitutional Law background and in your own words, the Constitutional basis for the Judge being wrong.
What part of the "War on Terrorism " do you not understand? What part of the POTUS powers to fight this war as derived from the Constituon do you not understand? Apparently you are as ignorant as this judge who was wrong. Do I have a law degree.No.This judge does, which only makes her ruling even more ridiculous.
Who Is Responsible for America's Security?
We cannot fight a war against Fundementalist Islamic terror and worry about hurting people's feelings, the 200 should respect this.
And yet you cannot even respect the rule of law in this country.
There's no law that says we can't ban refugees from Syria.
The court ruling did not forbid the banning of refugees from Syria. The ruling protected the refugees and immigrants that had made legal arrangements to travel to America after arriving had those arrangements recinded and canceled without due process.
If they were approved under Obama administration they may very well be a threat to the United States.
Four legs good, two legs bad.
That's the liberal mantra. that to be any of the 200 in limbo the ruling refers to.
We cannot fight a war against Fundementalist Islamic terror and worry about hurting people's feelings, the 200 should respect this.
And yet you cannot even respect the rule of law in this country.
There's no law that says we can't ban refugees from Syria.
The court ruling did not forbid the banning of refugees from Syria. The ruling protected the refugees and immigrants that had made legal arrangements to travel to America after arriving had those arrangements recinded and canceled without due process.
If they were approved under Obama administration they may very well be a threat to the United States.
Look how desperate you guys are. This was nothing more than a way to deflect away from the daily news about trump and his spokespeople lying about inauguration numbers and fraudulent voters making him lose the popular vote and thereby a mandate. That is why it was rushed through without review from the legal authorities in various agencies. It was used to get attention away from those issues and to toss some red meat to his base.
Obama nominated activist judge has place the United States in jeopardy by injecting her personal political beliefs into her ruling. GOP Congress must toss her from office as a warning to other looney liberal federal judges that their asses will get the same. Gut the federal courts. Until borrow from Andy Jackson..."she has made her let her enforce it!"
Judge Ann Donnelly: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know
Fascism in the open and on display. Rid the courts, media and anyone else that criticizes or challenges the regime.

Yes, that was so Obama, Trump needs to move to the future
Have to shut the gate sometime. Couple hundred get caught in flux. Liberals protest. Judge makes fucked up ruling.

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