Impeach Judge Ann Donnelly

9-11 attackers had visas.
YEAH, for their Saudi Arabia passports you dumb shit, which isn't on Trumps list of the seven countries impacted by Trump's Memorandum!

EDIT: There are other Countries like Saudia Arabia that should be on the list using the same criteria, but Trump has business dealings with them so they were excluded! Can we say Emoluments Clause anyone?
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We cannot fight a war against Fundementalist Islamic terror and worry about hurting people's feelings, the 200 should respect this.
And yet you cannot even respect the rule of law in this country.
There's no law that says we can't ban refugees from Syria.
The court ruling did not forbid the banning of refugees from Syria. The ruling protected the refugees and immigrants that had made legal arrangements to travel to America after arriving had those arrangements recinded and canceled without due process.
If they were approved under Obama administration they may very well be a threat to the United States.
Look how desperate you guys are. This was nothing more than a way to deflect away from the daily news about trump and his spokespeople lying about inauguration numbers and fraudulent voters making him lose the popular vote and thereby a mandate. That is why it was rushed through without review from the legal authorities in various agencies. It was used to get attention away from those issues and to toss some red meat to his base.
Lol....Democratic Party is a shambles and conservatives are
We are at war. Sorry liberals wittle feewings got an ouchy. So they clogged up airports. If I was late because of these assholes I would punch them.
9-11 attackers had visas.
YEAH, for their Saudi Arabia passports you dumb shit, which isn't on Trumps list of the seven countries impacted by Trump's Memorandum!
They should all be on ban in my opinion. Sure they will be soon.
But Trump is doing business with those other countries which were excluded, and you wouldn't want to hurt Trump's bottom line would you?

He's an idiot. Put 92 on Iggie.
9-11 attackers had visas.
YEAH, for their Saudi Arabia passports you dumb shit, which isn't on Trumps list of the seven countries impacted by Trump's Memorandum!
They should all be on ban in my opinion. Sure they will be soon.
But Trump is doing business with those other countries which were excluded, and you wouldn't want to hurt Trump's bottom line would you?

He's an idiot. Put 92 on Iggie.
I'm an idiot? You voted for Hillary. Perhaps this would change airport protesters tune.
Video shows the terrifying immediate aftermath of Brussels airport suicide bombs
Do we impeach anyone who may disagree with you? Isn't there something about the rule of law?

Judge Donnelly has spat on the rule of law. 8 USC 1182(f) explicitly assigns to the President, the authority to suspend entry of any class of aliens into the country. Mr. Trump, by law, has the authority to do this, and Judge Donnelly has no authority whastoever to overrule him on it; she acted illegally in attempting to do so.
Its called our legal system, you don't like it? Tough shyte

But Obama and democrat douchebags say the legal system is biased!
Your kind didn't have a problem with the legal system when Obama decisions were overturned by appointed judges, even though Obama was elected. Can you spell HYPOCRITE

And there's a huge difference here. Many of Mr. Obama's executive orders were blatantly illegal, seeking to exercise powers and authorities that he never had. This order from Mr. Trump falls entirely within a power that is assigned by law to the President.
"She must face retribution"......this is how the fascists did it....thru intimidation and thuggery at first. I'm sure she's getting a ton of death threats this morning.

When you violate the law, as Ms. Donnelly did, there are supposed to be consequences. This ought to be especially true when the one doing so is a public official, whose duty it explicitly is to uphold the law.
What is your Constitutional Law background and cite the Constitutional basis for the Judge being wrong. Lay it out for us.

Here is the relevant law, 8 USC 1182(f)

(f) Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

There is it, in black and white. Mr. Trump's order is legal and valid, falling entirely within an authority explicitly assigned to the President by law. Judge Donnelly's ruling is illegal, and an act of lawlessness and malfeasance.
Look how desperate you guys are. This was nothing more than a way to deflect away from the daily news about trump and his spokespeople lying about inauguration numbers and fraudulent voters making him lose the popular vote and thereby a mandate. That is why it was rushed through without review from the legal authorities in various agencies. It was used to get attention away from those issues and to toss some red meat to his base.

I don't get it, an unelected judge can overrule the elected President? This is bizarre. So basically a Muslim faggot from the ACLU inspired an Obama appointed POS to overruled the will of the people. WTF?

Go back to school and learn about the 3 branches of governmental power.

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