Impeach Maxine Waters


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
I don't know how people vote for a rabid left-wing moron...

April 24, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


Maxine Waters has been making a lot of noises about impeaching President Trump lately. But maybe Congresswoman Waters is the one who ought to be impeached. Why? How about we start here.


It's a very convenient setup and Waters isn't the only one who funnels money to friends and family. But it's also one of those "swampy" practices that ought to be stopped. The Dems have put Waters forward as their standard bearer for impeachment. Anyone taking on that role ought to be cleaner than clean rather than dirtier than dirt.

Impeach Maxine Waters

She defiles the halls of Congress and needs to be driven out. She's pure scum, ghetto dirtbag. I don't mean that in a bad way though.
Lots of dirt bags in the GOP congress. I mean they are truly dirt bags in my book.
Mad Maxine responds: "Buh! Buh! Caw! Caw! Chimpchimpchimp! Chee! Cheeeeeeee! Buh! Buuuuuh!!"

Know what we mean?
It is probably more beneficial to have her stay in her position as a continuing example of left-wing idiocy.
I don't know how people vote for a rabid left-wing moron...

April 24, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


Maxine Waters has been making a lot of noises about impeaching President Trump lately. But maybe Congresswoman Waters is the one who ought to be impeached. Why? How about we start here.


It's a very convenient setup and Waters isn't the only one who funnels money to friends and family. But it's also one of those "swampy" practices that ought to be stopped. The Dems have put Waters forward as their standard bearer for impeachment. Anyone taking on that role ought to be cleaner than clean rather than dirtier than dirt.

Impeach Maxine Waters

Not going to work as long as the sitting President keeps engaging in out of control nepotism.
I don't know how people vote for a rabid left-wing moron...

April 24, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


Maxine Waters has been making a lot of noises about impeaching President Trump lately. But maybe Congresswoman Waters is the one who ought to be impeached. Why? How about we start here.


It's a very convenient setup and Waters isn't the only one who funnels money to friends and family. But it's also one of those "swampy" practices that ought to be stopped. The Dems have put Waters forward as their standard bearer for impeachment. Anyone taking on that role ought to be cleaner than clean rather than dirtier than dirt.

Impeach Maxine Waters

On what grounds?

Audit Maxine Waters tax returns!!!!!!!!!!


No, not because you don't like those who don't fall in line behind you right wing lemmings. Real reasons. What has she done to deserve either?

I don't know how people vote for a rabid left-wing moron...

April 24, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


Maxine Waters has been making a lot of noises about impeaching President Trump lately. But maybe Congresswoman Waters is the one who ought to be impeached. Why? How about we start here.


It's a very convenient setup and Waters isn't the only one who funnels money to friends and family. But it's also one of those "swampy" practices that ought to be stopped. The Dems have put Waters forward as their standard bearer for impeachment. Anyone taking on that role ought to be cleaner than clean rather than dirtier than dirt.

Impeach Maxine Waters

On what grounds?

Audit Maxine Waters tax returns!!!!!!!!!!


No, not because you don't like those who don't fall in line behind you right wing lemmings. Real reasons. What has she done to deserve either?

Oh look another libtart/ilk greenhorn. welcome...:ahole-1:
I don't know how people vote for a rabid left-wing moron...

April 24, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


Maxine Waters has been making a lot of noises about impeaching President Trump lately. But maybe Congresswoman Waters is the one who ought to be impeached. Why? How about we start here.


It's a very convenient setup and Waters isn't the only one who funnels money to friends and family. But it's also one of those "swampy" practices that ought to be stopped. The Dems have put Waters forward as their standard bearer for impeachment. Anyone taking on that role ought to be cleaner than clean rather than dirtier than dirt.

Impeach Maxine Waters

No she needs to be confined for a mental examination. Has a problem understanding information, I don't know if she is a danger to herself and others yet.
I don't know how people vote for a rabid left-wing moron...

April 24, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


Maxine Waters has been making a lot of noises about impeaching President Trump lately. But maybe Congresswoman Waters is the one who ought to be impeached. Why? How about we start here.


It's a very convenient setup and Waters isn't the only one who funnels money to friends and family. But it's also one of those "swampy" practices that ought to be stopped. The Dems have put Waters forward as their standard bearer for impeachment. Anyone taking on that role ought to be cleaner than clean rather than dirtier than dirt.

Impeach Maxine Waters

Impeach her?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Let us know when you actually read the Constitution, eh?

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