Impeach-obsessed Democrats Move To Impeach Barr....AGAIN

Like a pubescent teen that's just discovered his own dick. Can't stop playing with the toy.

Ridiculous. All of the shit going on right now and this is what is important to these imbeciles.
Barr should be impeached. He is the most corrupt AG we have ever had.

Thank you for, as usual, for your butt-hurt, easily-manipulated, emotionally-triggered, America/Trump-hating opinion...

BTW, snowflake....Obama US AG Eric Holder committed perjury on numerous occassions and committed Obstruction of Justice while attempting to cover Barry's backside for the 'Fast-and-Furious'criminal gun-runnning scandal. For committing these crimes a BIPARTISAN Congress censured him, maiking him the 1st Presidential administration Cabinet Member / US AG in US history to be CENSURED.
It will die a slow death in the House. Not a big deal.

It is a big deal because what it signifies is that Barr/ Durham must be getting pretty close to something really good, or perhaps have it already. It was the reason behind the phony Trump impeachment. They had to do something to keep Zelensky quiet. He knew his money came from Congress and the President, and didn't want to get in the middle of a pissing contest between Trump and the Democrats.

I think if Republicans do take the House and White House, all of a sudden we will find out what the Burisma deal really was about. Nobody in their right mind can believe some drug head who was thrown out of the military would get a job in another country with a company he had no experience in unless it was all an inside job.
It will die a slow death in the House. Not a big deal.

It is a big deal because what it signifies is that Barr/ Durham must be getting pretty close to something really good, or perhaps have it already. It was the reason behind the phony Trump impeachment. They had to do something to keep Zelensky quiet. He knew his money came from Congress and the President, and didn't want to get in the middle of a pissing contest between Trump and the Democrats.

I think if Republicans do take the House and White House, all of a sudden we will find out what the Burisma deal really was about. Nobody in their right mind can believe some drug head who was thrown out of the military would get a job in another country with a company he had no experience in unless it was all an inside job.
You don't understand.

Barr and Durham are NOT going to hold anyone responsible for the entire soft coup fiasco.

THEY ARE deep state.
It will die a slow death in the House. Not a big deal.

It is a big deal because what it signifies is that Barr/ Durham must be getting pretty close to something really good, or perhaps have it already. It was the reason behind the phony Trump impeachment. They had to do something to keep Zelensky quiet. He knew his money came from Congress and the President, and didn't want to get in the middle of a pissing contest between Trump and the Democrats.

I think if Republicans do take the House and White House, all of a sudden we will find out what the Burisma deal really was about. Nobody in their right mind can believe some drug head who was thrown out of the military would get a job in another country with a company he had no experience in unless it was all an inside job.
You don't understand.

Barr and Durham are NOT going to hold anyone responsible for the entire soft coup fiasco.

THEY ARE deep state.

Given history, that's probably true. However I think there are a lot of things the Democrats did that they don't want to get out to the public. That alone could be damaging enough.
House Dem moves to impeach attorney general, citing Roger Stone case

House Dem moves to impeach
US AG, citing Roger Stone case

"A House Democrat who’s a frequent critic of the Trump administration submitted a resolution Tuesday calling for the impeachment of Attorney General William Barr.

House Resolution 1032, filed by U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee, accuses the nation’s top law enforcement officer of using his job to pursue political goals.

“Today, I introduced #HRes1032, which would authorize an impeachment inquiry into Attorney General Barr,” Cohen wrote on Twitter. “He has
politicized the DOJ, undermined the rule of law, abused his power, obstructed justice & violated the first amendment. He is not fit to be Attorney General.”

I love how Democrats, the Fake News media, and snowflakes always accuse others of doing whatTHEY have done / are doing and of being whoTHEY are.

Cohen just described everything Barry, Hillary, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strsok, Page, Clinesmith, Baker, Rice, Powers, and other Democrats did, as has been proven.



Barr should be impeached. He is the most corrupt AG we have ever had. You snowflakes are the ones who accuse others of doing wha56t you have done just as you did.
None of your high tooting Politicos gets the treatment for some reason. And about snowflakes....they are white. A change of color is demanded.
The democrats are running out of things to do while waiting for the upcoming election, it seems.
I heard some rumors that after the democrats go after Barr that Kayleigh McEnany is next in line for impeachment.
How foolish these Assholes look.

The Judge could have imposed any sentence she wanted to. She is a more rapid Obamite than the Mueller prosecutors were.

She went with Barr's recommendation because it was the right thing to do.

Fuck Gerald Nadler. Impeachment by that Jabba-the-Hut Gross Blob is a badge of honor.
House Dem moves to impeach attorney general, citing Roger Stone case

House Dem moves to impeach
US AG, citing Roger Stone case

"A House Democrat who’s a frequent critic of the Trump administration submitted a resolution Tuesday calling for the impeachment of Attorney General William Barr.

House Resolution 1032, filed by U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee, accuses the nation’s top law enforcement officer of using his job to pursue political goals.

“Today, I introduced #HRes1032, which would authorize an impeachment inquiry into Attorney General Barr,” Cohen wrote on Twitter. “He has
politicized the DOJ, undermined the rule of law, abused his power, obstructed justice & violated the first amendment. He is not fit to be Attorney General.”

I love how Democrats, the Fake News media, and snowflakes always accuse others of doing whatTHEY have done / are doing and of being whoTHEY are.

Cohen just described everything Barry, Hillary, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strsok, Page, Clinesmith, Baker, Rice, Powers, and other Democrats did, as has been proven.


Well that's just not true. The DOJ under Barr has become a political agent for the *president* Barr needs to be removed, imprisoned, and fined into abject poverty. So does anyone who supported his unconstitutional directions.
We’ll you just lied again. As usual. Stone’s sentence was out of line with sentencing guidelines. The judge was told to give a sentence within guidelines. Idiots like you need to be slapped and re-educated (if possible with your Stage 4 TDS). Political agent for a dimbulb “president”? You misspelled Holder as Barr.
House Dem moves to impeach attorney general, citing Roger Stone case

House Dem moves to impeach
US AG, citing Roger Stone case

"A House Democrat who’s a frequent critic of the Trump administration submitted a resolution Tuesday calling for the impeachment of Attorney General William Barr.

House Resolution 1032, filed by U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee, accuses the nation’s top law enforcement officer of using his job to pursue political goals.

“Today, I introduced #HRes1032, which would authorize an impeachment inquiry into Attorney General Barr,” Cohen wrote on Twitter. “He has
politicized the DOJ, undermined the rule of law, abused his power, obstructed justice & violated the first amendment. He is not fit to be Attorney General.”

I love how Democrats, the Fake News media, and snowflakes always accuse others of doing whatTHEY have done / are doing and of being whoTHEY are.

Cohen just described everything Barry, Hillary, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strsok, Page, Clinesmith, Baker, Rice, Powers, and other Democrats did, as has been proven.


The DOJ under Barr has become a political agent for the *president*
Barr? Do you remember Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch? Now there was a pair that were political agents for a president. (for the life of me, I can't remember which president)
House Dem moves to impeach attorney general, citing Roger Stone case

House Dem moves to impeach
US AG, citing Roger Stone case

"A House Democrat who’s a frequent critic of the Trump administration submitted a resolution Tuesday calling for the impeachment of Attorney General William Barr.

House Resolution 1032, filed by U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee, accuses the nation’s top law enforcement officer of using his job to pursue political goals.

“Today, I introduced #HRes1032, which would authorize an impeachment inquiry into Attorney General Barr,” Cohen wrote on Twitter. “He has
politicized the DOJ, undermined the rule of law, abused his power, obstructed justice & violated the first amendment. He is not fit to be Attorney General.”

I love how Democrats, the Fake News media, and snowflakes always accuse others of doing whatTHEY have done / are doing and of being whoTHEY are.

Cohen just described everything Barry, Hillary, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strsok, Page, Clinesmith, Baker, Rice, Powers, and other Democrats did, as has been proven.


Well that's just not true. The DOJ under Barr has become a political agent for the *president* Barr needs to be removed, imprisoned, and fined into abject poverty. So does anyone who supported his unconstitutional directions.
Sorry, but Eric Holder was far more of a political douchebag than Barr ever thought of being.

The way you turds despise Barr just cracks me up. You react that way because you know he's over the target. A bunch of Obama administration minions are about to be indicted.
Swallwell passed gas again, this time on Fox News stating that- get this- that Barr was obstructing justice. *L*
By wanting to remove Barr during an investigation of your party's abuse of power=is the definition of obstructing justice. By wanting revenge on him for finding criminal activities of your friends in your party is the definition of abuse of power and obstruction.
I warned of this before and during his appointment, that they would seek to remove and threaten (which they did) the AG.
That's why I reported it to the OCE in which they failed to go through normal protocol instead they informed the parties involved to protect the politicians who were violating their office.
Funny how Schiff induced leftist hoax whistleblowers get different treatment then actual legit complaints. Must be nice to be fascist majority in the house that control even the so called non partisan agencies of the gov't.
Maybe Barr needs to stretch his investigation to those agencies like the OCE not acting on it's non partisan duties to keep house members in line with the law.
Swallwell passed gas again, this time on Fox News stating that- get this- that Barr was obstructing justice. *L*
By wanting to remove Barr during an investigation of your party's abuse of power=is the definition of obstructing justice. By wanting revenge on him for finding criminal activities of your friends in your party is the definition of abuse of power and obstruction.
I warned of this before and during his appointment, that they would seek to remove and threaten (which they did) the AG.
That's why I reported it to the OCE in which they failed to go through normal protocol instead they informed the parties involved to protect the politicians who were violating their office.
Funny how Schiff induced leftist hoax whistleblowers get different treatment then actual legit complaints. Must be nice to be fascist majority in the house that control even the so called non partisan agencies of the gov't.
Maybe Barr needs to stretch his investigation to those agencies like the OCE not acting on it's non partisan duties to keep house members in line with the law.
View attachment 357942
They all need to be fired. Trump needs to clean out the stables.
Swallwell passed gas again, this time on Fox News stating that- get this- that Barr was obstructing justice. *L*
By wanting to remove Barr during an investigation of your party's abuse of power=is the definition of obstructing justice. By wanting revenge on him for finding criminal activities of your friends in your party is the definition of abuse of power and obstruction.
I warned of this before and during his appointment, that they would seek to remove and threaten (which they did) the AG.
That's why I reported it to the OCE in which they failed to go through normal protocol instead they informed the parties involved to protect the politicians who were violating their office.
Funny how Schiff induced leftist hoax whistleblowers get different treatment then actual legit complaints. Must be nice to be fascist majority in the house that control even the so called non partisan agencies of the gov't.
Maybe Barr needs to stretch his investigation to those agencies like the OCE not acting on it's non partisan duties to keep house members in line with the law.
View attachment 357942
They all need to be fired. Trump needs to clean out the stables.
It's up to the people to stop voting across the board and instead voting people who best serve the country's interest and not their party, anyone who always votes party line even against the people's wish and needs should never we
re-elected. That includes people who always vote against party lines against the country's best interest, because they are moles/plants not really affiliated to their party.
Swallwell passed gas again, this time on Fox News stating that- get this- that Barr was obstructing justice. *L*
By wanting to remove Barr during an investigation of your party's abuse of power=is the definition of obstructing justice. By wanting revenge on him for finding criminal activities of your friends in your party is the definition of abuse of power and obstruction.
I warned of this before and during his appointment, that they would seek to remove and threaten (which they did) the AG.
That's why I reported it to the OCE in which they failed to go through normal protocol instead they informed the parties involved to protect the politicians who were violating their office.
Funny how Schiff induced leftist hoax whistleblowers get different treatment then actual legit complaints. Must be nice to be fascist majority in the house that control even the so called non partisan agencies of the gov't.
Maybe Barr needs to stretch his investigation to those agencies like the OCE not acting on it's non partisan duties to keep house members in line with the law.
View attachment 357942
They all need to be fired. Trump needs to clean out the stables.
It's up to the people to stop voting across the board and instead voting people who best serve the country's interest and not their party, anyone who always votes party line even against the people's wish and needs should never we
re-elected. That includes people who always vote against party lines against the country's best interest, because they are moles/plants not really affiliated to their party.
No Democrat will ever serve the country's best interests. They only care about power for the party. I will never vote Democrat.
House Dem moves to impeach attorney general, citing Roger Stone case

House Dem moves to impeach
US AG, citing Roger Stone case

"A House Democrat who’s a frequent critic of the Trump administration submitted a resolution Tuesday calling for the impeachment of Attorney General William Barr.

House Resolution 1032, filed by U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen of Tennessee, accuses the nation’s top law enforcement officer of using his job to pursue political goals.

“Today, I introduced #HRes1032, which would authorize an impeachment inquiry into Attorney General Barr,” Cohen wrote on Twitter. “He has
politicized the DOJ, undermined the rule of law, abused his power, obstructed justice & violated the first amendment. He is not fit to be Attorney General.”

I love how Democrats, the Fake News media, and snowflakes always accuse others of doing whatTHEY have done / are doing and of being whoTHEY are.

Cohen just described everything Barry, Hillary, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strsok, Page, Clinesmith, Baker, Rice, Powers, and other Democrats did, as has been proven.


The DOJ under Barr has become a political agent for the *president*
Barr? Do you remember Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch? Now there was a pair that were political agents for a president. (for the life of me, I can't remember which president)

Or how about Lynch and Comey?

Here is my theory: Bill met Lynch on her plane, ordered reporters to stay away, and they privately discussed Hillary's criminal activities. Lynch was in the hot seat. She would have to indict once Comey read his report. Bill told her the fix was in. Simply say that she will do whatever Comey advises, which has never been done before.

That's what happened, Lynch was off the hook, and Comey took the heat. Hillary continued to run for President.
Barr should be impeached. He is the most corrupt AG we have ever had.

Thank you for, as usual, for your butt-hurt, easily-manipulated, emotionally-triggered, America/Trump-hating opinion...

BTW, snowflake....Obama US AG Eric Holder committed perjury on numerous occassions and committed Obstruction of Justice while attempting to cover Barry's backside for the 'Fast-and-Furious'criminal gun-runnning scandal. For committing these crimes a BIPARTISAN Congress censured him, maiking him the 1st Presidential administration Cabinet Member / US AG in US history to be CENSURED.

Fast and Furious was run by the ATF office in Phoenix. It was the second operation of this type that the ATF's Phoenix office had previously run when George W Bush was President. There was no evidence that Holder or Obama knew anything about it. By the way snowflake, you have no trouble when Trump withholds information from Congress. You are a Trump loving vfascist pigf who would defend Trump if he shot someone in broad daylight.

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