Impeach the President

Impeach President Obama?

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He needs to be charged with high treason, put on trial, and go the way of the rosenbergs. He has been that deliberate. From sending organized rioters that created the blacklivesmatter organizations.

To him aiding and comforting our enemies and deliberately emboldening them. To alienating and dissolving our relationships with our allies. Like Israel, who still does not stone women for being raped, does not throw gays off of roof tops for being gay, and allows anyone to worship in their country as they see fit. No other ME country allows that, and our beloved left who are supposedly on the side of women and hates religion are on the side of the enemies of Israel.

He represents all of these fucking demented American hating traitors. All of these brainwashed monkeys deserve, well I will not say it.

This president has committed so many crimes. Many of which we do not know about. He is the worst president in history. Do not think for a moment that this is a mistake. He has been a contrived construct of the world socialists. His agenda was to bring the country down.

He has dug such a hole, that it is almost impossible for anyone to dig us out. If a republican does win it, the country will implode under their administration as a result of the liberal policies being passed now. They will then have their victory.

He is a pathetic disgrace and the only things worse than him are those who blindly vote for him and his types.

Does that answer the question clearly enough?

Sure did. I had always questioned whether you were comletely fucking stupid and crazy. Or just pretending.

Now I know. You are for real completely fucking stupid and crazy.

Impeach a President because YOU have a poor opinion of him???

Thats funny. Stupid but funny.
BO should have been impeached when details of his failed Fast and Furious program became known

Since there was no evidence of wrongdoing by the President in any of the phony GOP nutters allegations, it is a stupid idea.
BO should have been impeached when details of his failed Fast and Furious program became known

Since there was no evidence of wrongdoing by the President in any of the phony GOP nutters allegations, it is a stupid idea.

But they came up with so many phony allegations..

There is one thing I like about Europe. If you are caught lying or making false allegations it follows you. The number of false allegations against Obama and Clinton is incredible.
Actually now and again European forget and see a guy on TV spouting crap and go Clinton must be up to something. Then someone explains to the guy that US news networks don't do credibility so they invite people who have proven wrong numerous times before.
In the best interest of America - Nixon resigned, like a man.
Perhaps Obama should grow a set and try it.

What Obama has done far exceeds anything Nixon has done, yet the far left will accept it and say "Well Nixon...."..

Except Nixon was so crooked even his own party turned against him. Hell, we have it on tape. President Obama is squeaky clean compared to the disgraced President Nixon.
In the best interest of America - Nixon resigned, like a man.
Perhaps Obama should grow a set and try it.

What Obama has done far exceeds anything Nixon has done, yet the far left will accept it and say "Well Nixon...."..

Except Nixon was so crooked even his own party turned against him. Hell, we have it on tape. President Obama is squeaky clean compared to the disgraced President Nixon.

Yep shows that the far left will accept someone and keep them in power even if they are worse than Nixon and Bush combined..

More proof that the far left religion is more dangerous than ISIS, that you support without question or hesitation..
Except Nixon was so crooked even his own party turned against him. Hell, we have it on tape. President Obama is squeaky clean compared to the disgraced President Nixon.

Ah, shuddup. Your current Democrapic nominee - the 70 year old bat, is a pathelogical liar, under investigation by the FBI. What corporation would hire a jackass like this as their CEO, yet drooling idiots like yourself will vote for her to be president- the same as you did with the current idiot in charge.

Stay home on election day son. Leave the voting to adults.
BO should have been impeached when details of his failed Fast and Furious program became known

Since there was no evidence of wrongdoing by the President in any of the phony GOP nutters allegations, it is a stupid idea.

Says the far left drone that supports the illegal wars of Obama!

Put up or shut up.

Says the far left drone that voted for worse than Bush twice and supports Obama illegal wars..
Except Nixon was so crooked even his own party turned against him. Hell, we have it on tape. President Obama is squeaky clean compared to the disgraced President Nixon.

Ah, shuddup. Your current Democrapic nominee - the 70 year old bat, is a pathelogical liar, under investigation by the FBI. What corporation would hire a jackass like this as their CEO, yet drooling idiots like yourself will vote for her to be president- the same as you did with the current idiot in charge.

Stay home on election day son. Leave the voting to adults.

Adult? Seriously?

BO should have been impeached when details of his failed Fast and Furious program became known

Since there was no evidence of wrongdoing by the President in any of the phony GOP nutters allegations, it is a stupid idea.

Says the far left drone that supports the illegal wars of Obama!

Put up or shut up.

Says the far left drone that voted for worse than Bush twice and supports Obama illegal wars..

Still waiting on your proof of anything illegal under this administration.
Except Nixon was so crooked even his own party turned against him. Hell, we have it on tape. President Obama is squeaky clean compared to the disgraced President Nixon.

Ah, shuddup. Your current Democrapic nominee - the 70 year old bat, is a pathelogical liar, under investigation by the FBI. What corporation would hire a jackass like this as their CEO, yet drooling idiots like yourself will vote for her to be president- the same as you did with the current idiot in charge.

Stay home on election day son. Leave the voting to adults.

Adult? Seriously?


Yes it is hard to expect a far left drone to act like an adult as you keep proving!

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