Impeach the President

Impeach President Obama?

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BO should have been impeached when details of his failed Fast and Furious program became known

Since there was no evidence of wrongdoing by the President in any of the phony GOP nutters allegations, it is a stupid idea.
Monday mornings are always rough for the nutters since they can't think for themselves and therefore just have to make up a bunch of senseless bullshit on their own until the imbeciles get their marching orders for the week from limpballs and the rest of the wingnut radio and faux mind programmers.
Thread FAIL from the first post. If Ryan(R) and the rest of Republicorp hasn't even brought it up, theres a reason for that. :eusa_whistle:
Elections have consequences.

Obama has won two elections because the electorate felt he was the better choice than that provided by the GOP.

So maybe, instead of some fruitless impeachment reality show, the party could work on providing a more attractive message.

I dunno. Just saying.
well it like everything you say is worthless, thats what I would say ... in the last four presidential election cycle the Demsnot liberlas but dems would push conservative causes ... not all, but many did ... many were afraid of the gay marrige laws or the gun lobby laws and wouldn't side with the majority people who sided with gay marriage or better bun laws ... finally the dems are listening this time around .... I will say they will go over 50% in the polls this next election ....if the stick to their beliefs instead of what they think will elect them ... when you see that 89% of the american people are for better gun laws and the republicans don't want to pass better gun laws, well, you can read the writing on the wall ... i will be supprise if Ted cruse or rand paul get reelected
Cons, you just flail your arms and scream because you can't get your bizarre way. You take no responsibility for your own actions and you blame all of your mistakes on someone else.

Like children.
Cons, you just flail your arms and scream because you can't get your bizarre way. You take no responsibility for your own actions and you blame all of your mistakes on someone else.

Like children.
The traitors (Repubs) should just stick to their non-existant alternative to O'care

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Cons, you just flail your arms and scream because you can't get your bizarre way. You take no responsibility for your own actions and you blame all of your mistakes on someone else.

Like children.
The traitors (Repubs) should just stick to their non-existant alternative to O'care

Sent from my VS415PP using Tapatalk

That is there whole schtick. They don't have any answers, they can't lead, all they can do is point a crooked boney finger and say 'you're doing it wrong'.
That is there whole schtick. They don't have any answers, they can't lead, all they can do is point a crooked boney finger and say 'you're doing it wrong'.


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