Impeaching Trump for obstructing a non-crime: Civil War

Will Impeaching Trump for obstructing a non-crime trigger a Civil War?

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And, like millions of veterans, nationwide, I consider that sacred oath to be binding... for life.

I would have no qualms about rallying to The Flag to hunt-down and kill insurrectionists, should it ever come to that.

Most veterans today are Oathkeepers. You should go to a local meeting near you. They will not support the Deep State and the socialists.

The socialists are the insurrectionists.

The only ones that are talking about an armed insurrection are your people and according to the oath I took 5 times, I can't support you. In fact, I would have to stand in your way. Or anyone's way that wanted to take up arms against the Nation.

Have fun taking up arms against the majority of the police and Oathkeepers veterans. Even minority police tend to be conservative and attend Oathkeeper meetings.

Guardians of the Republic

Rep. Devin Nunes to send eight criminal referrals to DOJ…
Soros donated Millions to Anti-Trump Research Firm Fusion GPS

You watch too many movies. Reality is that the Military cannot get involved in a Civilian action without the President declaring an emergency with the express permission of the Congress. Yah, I know, your hero thinks he can but if he were to try that, that would be definite grounds to get removed from office and he knows it even if you don't.
None of us knows how many will desert, though, do we. You know, to go home and defend their families...?
Yes, most conservatives are truly this ignorant and ridiculous.

Impeachment is a political – not legal – process.

A president can be removed from office via the impeachment process absent any evidence of criminal wrongdoing.


Article II, Section 4 (stop lying):
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

It does not say "The President can be impeached for shits and giggles."
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How do you obstruct something that didn't happen??

The Dems and another steaming pile of horse shit.

It's a matter of entitlement.

To the Stalinists, they were ENTITLED to the presidency. So Trump threatening Hillary by doing well violated what they were entitled to. Hence Obama was JUSTIFIED in using the FSB, KGB/CIA, NSA to fabricate a Dossier with the Clinton campaign to RIG the election.

The Stalinists were ENTITLED to Hillary winning the presidency. How dare America say otherwise. America will be punished with ending the Electoral College for the OUTRAGE of defying the entitled ruler the democrats selected.

To the Stalinists, they were ENTITLED to Obama's pick for SCOTUS. When the Usurper failed to anoint Merrick Garland they were OUTRAGED. The Usurper OBSTRUCTED their plans.

The Stalinists have their deep state operatives running a shadow government which is a thousand times more powerful than the legitimate government. The Usurper was to be brought to heel by deep state apparatchiks. But then the Usurper FIRED one that was assigned to rule over him. How DARE he defy the deep state and fire a subordinate, this OBSTRUCTED to the rule by the Stalinist shadow government. They decided the Usurper must be destroyed.

The President obstructed the deep state and the Stalinists in their plots and plans. Time to fully expose JUST HOW CORRUPT the democrats really are, just how deeply they pervert our REPUBLIC.
This times 10.
I have a unique perspective on the determination annd hardiness of Americans. It is an annual cycle out here.
I live in the midddle of nowhere. This area is touted on prepper websites, back to the land websites, mother earth news type websites.. point is most land out here is sold online, sight unnseen. Land is cheap, because this is hard. country to live in.
Each spring a new crop of buyers shows up, occupying the land they bought online.

In the past 6 years, 2 people(one a fammily of native alaskans) have remained, 26 people gavve up. 21 stayed 6 months, 5 left before six mmonths.

Americans, especiallly from cities, just do not have what it would take to fight a civil war.

My 16 year old son is excellent at piloting combat drone simulations. How are you at that?

I think that your concept of war is somewhat out dated and obsolete.

You can keep rural Alaska - nobody in their right mind would want to live there - which is why most urbanites leave.

Ive been to alaska but i live in arizona. i think two things:
we wont have a war, when the folks not in their right mind stop working at the power plants, cities are fucked.
second, i don't think you ever set a cornner post a full 24 inches in the ground friend.

Actually, I have fixed cattle fences before. I lived in the rural parts of the Virgin Islands - an area at least as tough as anyplace in Alaska or Arizona. I have cleared quite a lot of land with machetes & bush hooks. So cut the crap.

The urban people of this country would overwhelm the rural parts. That's because they have advanced skills, advanced industry, overwhelming numbers and FAR superior intelligence.
You are one funny person, or you are totally deluded. And, I know you have NEVER been to Alaska. Advanced industry is not a prerequisite for survival, and I doubt your "advanced skills" would do you any good, either. While I admit, urban areas do have overwhelming numbers, there are many indications that they not only lack the requisite survival skills but they are phenomenally stupid or abhorrently ignorant. Hell, just look at who they vote into office.
And, like millions of veterans, nationwide, I consider that sacred oath to be binding... for life.

I would have no qualms about rallying to The Flag to hunt-down and kill insurrectionists, should it ever come to that.

Most veterans today are Oathkeepers. You should go to a local meeting near you. They will not support the Deep State and the socialists.

The socialists are the insurrectionists.

The only ones that are talking about an armed insurrection are your people and according to the oath I took 5 times, I can't support you. In fact, I would have to stand in your way. Or anyone's way that wanted to take up arms against the Nation.

Have fun taking up arms against the majority of the police and Oathkeepers veterans. Even minority police tend to be conservative and attend Oathkeeper meetings.

Guardians of the Republic

Rep. Devin Nunes to send eight criminal referrals to DOJ…
Soros donated Millions to Anti-Trump Research Firm Fusion GPS

You watch too many movies. Reality is that the Military cannot get involved in a Civilian action without the President declaring an emergency with the express permission of the Congress. Yah, I know, your hero thinks he can but if he were to try that, that would be definite grounds to get removed from office and he knows it even if you don't.
None of us knows how many will desert, though, do we. You know, to go home and defend their families...?

Yes, fiction has that affect in writing. In Fiction, you can make up any number you want. So I guess you can assign a number at this point.
Most veterans today are Oathkeepers. You should go to a local meeting near you. They will not support the Deep State and the socialists.

The socialists are the insurrectionists.

The only ones that are talking about an armed insurrection are your people and according to the oath I took 5 times, I can't support you. In fact, I would have to stand in your way. Or anyone's way that wanted to take up arms against the Nation.

Have fun taking up arms against the majority of the police and Oathkeepers veterans. Even minority police tend to be conservative and attend Oathkeeper meetings.

Guardians of the Republic

Rep. Devin Nunes to send eight criminal referrals to DOJ…
Soros donated Millions to Anti-Trump Research Firm Fusion GPS

You watch too many movies. Reality is that the Military cannot get involved in a Civilian action without the President declaring an emergency with the express permission of the Congress. Yah, I know, your hero thinks he can but if he were to try that, that would be definite grounds to get removed from office and he knows it even if you don't.
None of us knows how many will desert, though, do we. You know, to go home and defend their families...?

Yes, fiction has that affect in writing. In Fiction, you can make up any number you want. So I guess you can assign a number at this point.
No. I'm guessing you can, though.
And, like millions of veterans, nationwide, I consider that sacred oath to be binding... for life.

I would have no qualms about rallying to The Flag to hunt-down and kill insurrectionists, should it ever come to that.

Most veterans today are Oathkeepers. You should go to a local meeting near you. They will not support the Deep State and the socialists.

The socialists are the insurrectionists.

The only ones that are talking about an armed insurrection are your people and according to the oath I took 5 times, I can't support you. In fact, I would have to stand in your way. Or anyone's way that wanted to take up arms against the Nation.

Have fun taking up arms against the majority of the police and Oathkeepers veterans. Even minority police tend to be conservative and attend Oathkeeper meetings.

Guardians of the Republic

Rep. Devin Nunes to send eight criminal referrals to DOJ…
Soros donated Millions to Anti-Trump Research Firm Fusion GPS

You watch too many movies. Reality is that the Military cannot get involved in a Civilian action without the President declaring an emergency with the express permission of the Congress. Yah, I know, your hero thinks he can but if he were to try that, that would be definite grounds to get removed from office and he knows it even if you don't.

Who is the president?

Oh and Comrade, what party is waging war on the Constitution of the United States?

As for the criminal complaints, you're a fucking moron if you fail to grasp that those are going to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

I have a unique perspective on the determination annd hardiness of Americans. It is an annual cycle out here.
I live in the midddle of nowhere. This area is touted on prepper websites, back to the land websites, mother earth news type websites.. point is most land out here is sold online, sight unnseen. Land is cheap, because this is hard. country to live in.
Each spring a new crop of buyers shows up, occupying the land they bought online.

In the past 6 years, 2 people(one a fammily of native alaskans) have remained, 26 people gavve up. 21 stayed 6 months, 5 left before six mmonths.

Americans, especiallly from cities, just do not have what it would take to fight a civil war.

My 16 year old son is excellent at piloting combat drone simulations. How are you at that?

I think that your concept of war is somewhat out dated and obsolete.

You can keep rural Alaska - nobody in their right mind would want to live there - which is why most urbanites leave.

That's great Comrade.

Where do you intend to get these drones? From your ISIS and Hamas allies? Perhaps you'll put hand grenades on civilian drones the way the Mexican cartels do?

Or are you so stupid that you think that when your party moves to end the Constitution that the military is going to back you? :lmao:

When Congress follows the Constitutional process of impeaching the president and removing him from office, the U.S. military will , as they always have uphold the Constitution - whether you like it or not.

Go back to your vodka,
I have a unique perspective on the determination annd hardiness of Americans. It is an annual cycle out here.
I live in the midddle of nowhere. This area is touted on prepper websites, back to the land websites, mother earth news type websites.. point is most land out here is sold online, sight unnseen. Land is cheap, because this is hard. country to live in.
Each spring a new crop of buyers shows up, occupying the land they bought online.

In the past 6 years, 2 people(one a fammily of native alaskans) have remained, 26 people gavve up. 21 stayed 6 months, 5 left before six mmonths.

Americans, especiallly from cities, just do not have what it would take to fight a civil war.

My 16 year old son is excellent at piloting combat drone simulations. How are you at that?

I think that your concept of war is somewhat out dated and obsolete.

You can keep rural Alaska - nobody in their right mind would want to live there - which is why most urbanites leave.

That's great Comrade.

Where do you intend to get these drones? From your ISIS and Hamas allies? Perhaps you'll put hand grenades on civilian drones the way the Mexican cartels do?

Or are you so stupid that you think that when your party moves to end the Constitution that the military is going to back you? :lmao:

When Congress follows the Constitutional process of impeaching the president and removing him from office, the U.S. military will , as they always have uphold the Constitution - whether you like it or not.

Go back to your vodka,

Duh, duh, duh DERP

So stupid fuck, you think the Stalinists in the house will move to impeach? :rofl: Even IF they were dumb enough to do so, it goes down in flames in the Senate. McConnell has already said the Senate WON'T EVEN HEAR IT.


You fucking retard, your handlers are tossing the particularly stupid - that would be you - red meat to keep you snarling and stupid.

There will be no impeachment passed in the house. For one thing, you lack the time. You lose the house in November, exactly WHEN would you traitor fools make this move?
I have a unique perspective on the determination annd hardiness of Americans. It is an annual cycle out here.
I live in the midddle of nowhere. This area is touted on prepper websites, back to the land websites, mother earth news type websites.. point is most land out here is sold online, sight unnseen. Land is cheap, because this is hard. country to live in.
Each spring a new crop of buyers shows up, occupying the land they bought online.

In the past 6 years, 2 people(one a fammily of native alaskans) have remained, 26 people gavve up. 21 stayed 6 months, 5 left before six mmonths.

Americans, especiallly from cities, just do not have what it would take to fight a civil war.

My 16 year old son is excellent at piloting combat drone simulations. How are you at that?

I think that your concept of war is somewhat out dated and obsolete.

You can keep rural Alaska - nobody in their right mind would want to live there - which is why most urbanites leave.

That's great Comrade.

Where do you intend to get these drones? From your ISIS and Hamas allies? Perhaps you'll put hand grenades on civilian drones the way the Mexican cartels do?

Or are you so stupid that you think that when your party moves to end the Constitution that the military is going to back you? :lmao:

When Congress follows the Constitutional process of impeaching the president and removing him from office, the U.S. military will , as they always have uphold the Constitution - whether you like it or not.

Go back to your vodka,

Duh, duh, duh DERP

So stupid fuck, you think the Stalinists in the house will move to impeach? :rofl: Even IF they were dumb enough to do so, it goes down in flames in the Senate. McConnell has already said the Senate WON'T EVEN HEAR IT.


You fucking retard, your handlers are tossing the particularly stupid - that would be you - red meat to keep you snarling and stupid.

There will be no impeachment passed in the house. For one thing, you lack the time. You lose the house in November, exactly WHEN would you traitor fools make this move?

Hey, dumbass - McConnell has no say on whether the Senate will hear it. The constitution specifically says that the Chief Justice of the Supreme court presides over a Presidential impeachment trial. McConnell gets one vote and nothing more.

What's more is that the Constitution specifies that a guilty verdict is by two thirds of the 'MEMBERS PRESENT'. So even if the Republicans try boycotting the trial - it would just increase the chances of Trump being removed.

Try reading the Constitution some time, you dumbass Stalinist ignoramous!
I have a unique perspective on the determination annd hardiness of Americans. It is an annual cycle out here.
I live in the midddle of nowhere. This area is touted on prepper websites, back to the land websites, mother earth news type websites.. point is most land out here is sold online, sight unnseen. Land is cheap, because this is hard. country to live in.
Each spring a new crop of buyers shows up, occupying the land they bought online.

In the past 6 years, 2 people(one a fammily of native alaskans) have remained, 26 people gavve up. 21 stayed 6 months, 5 left before six mmonths.

Americans, especiallly from cities, just do not have what it would take to fight a civil war.

My 16 year old son is excellent at piloting combat drone simulations. How are you at that?

I think that your concept of war is somewhat out dated and obsolete.

You can keep rural Alaska - nobody in their right mind would want to live there - which is why most urbanites leave.

That's great Comrade.

Where do you intend to get these drones? From your ISIS and Hamas allies? Perhaps you'll put hand grenades on civilian drones the way the Mexican cartels do?

Or are you so stupid that you think that when your party moves to end the Constitution that the military is going to back you? :lmao:

When Congress follows the Constitutional process of impeaching the president and removing him from office, the U.S. military will , as they always have uphold the Constitution - whether you like it or not.

Go back to your vodka,

Duh, duh, duh DERP

So stupid fuck, you think the Stalinists in the house will move to impeach? :rofl: Even IF they were dumb enough to do so, it goes down in flames in the Senate. McConnell has already said the Senate WON'T EVEN HEAR IT.


You fucking retard, your handlers are tossing the particularly stupid - that would be you - red meat to keep you snarling and stupid.

There will be no impeachment passed in the house. For one thing, you lack the time. You lose the house in November, exactly WHEN would you traitor fools make this move?

Hey, dumbass - McConnell has no say on whether the Senate will hear it. The constitution specifically says that the Chief Justice of the Supreme court presides over a Presidential impeachment trial. McConnell gets one vote and nothing more.

What's more is that the Constitution specifies that a guilty verdict is by two thirds of the 'MEMBERS PRESENT'. So even if the Republicans try boycotting the trial - it would just increase the chances of Trump being removed.

Try reading the Constitution some time, you dumbass Stalinist ignoramous!

Wow, you REALLY are astoundingly stupid.

Impeachment, like ANY bill from the house is UP FOR CONSIDERATION in the Senate, which can simply reject to even consider it. IF the Senate agrees to go forward on impeachment, then the Chief Justice acts as judge and the Senate as jurors, which would go along party lines. BUT the Senate is simply going to decline to bring it forward. Not that the house will even bring it to them. November 2020 is the sell be date for the Stalinists, and they know it. Most are trying to figure out some way to keep their seats, after Mueller disaster.
It's amazing that all these Trumpbots keep calling liberals 'Communists' when one of Trump's leading advisors - and architects of his campaign is a self declared Leninist!

Bannon says he’s a Leninist: that could explain the White House’s new tactics | Victor Sebestyen

Trumpbots are lying bags of shit and nothing more!
You really want to go there when almost the entire democrat presidential field is falling over each other to announce they are socialists?

Its like the ultimate I know you are but what am I playground tactic.
Yes, most conservatives are truly this ignorant and ridiculous.

Impeachment is a political – not legal – process.

A president can be removed from office via the impeachment process absent any evidence of criminal wrongdoing.


Article II, Section 4 (stop lying):
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

It does not say "The President can be impeached for shits and giggles."
Well... yes and no.

Sure, the constitution throws those terms out there BUT they are not only undefined but more importantly their interpretation is left entirely up to the legislative branch. While the president cannot be impeached for shits and giggles by the letter, functionally he certainly can because congress has not only the last word here but the only word.
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Obstruction of Justice is a crime on it's own, just like lying to investigators is a crime on it's own - you didn't know?

Mueller's report is very clear on that.

Republicans impleached Clinton in the House, even though the underlying issue of Clinton's relationship with Lewisnki was not illegal.

Well then, let's see the charge?

Oh, and PERJURY is a crime. So is threatening witnesses. is Obstruction of Justice...DUH?

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