Impeaching Trump for obstructing a non-crime: Civil War

Will Impeaching Trump for obstructing a non-crime trigger a Civil War?

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How is what Manafort did worse than Obama whispering Russian President Dmitri Medvedev that he'd have more flexibility to negotiate with Russia after the election?

Because one is the president discussing foreign policy with an foreign adversary, not against the law..... and the other is Presidential nominee accepting help from a foreign adversary to get elected..... which is against the law.
Wrong, moron, receiving information is not against the law, no matter who gives it to you. However, colluding with foreigners to smear a presidential nominee is against the law, and that's what Hillary did.

If the Trump Tower meeting was against the law, then why didn't the Mueller report claim it was against the law?

Trump haters simply cannot let go of their bogus "collusion" conspiracy theories.
Do it Dems.

I have no doubt that impeaching Trump for "obstruction" of a crime he did not commit would start a VERY HOT Civil War.

I'm looking forward to it.

Nothing but blood, prison and public executions of the losing side is going to settle this conflict. You've made that clear by doubling down on the Mueller Report.

Yea, let's have a civil war fot trump who wouldn't piss on your sorry fucking ass if you were on fire.
How is what Manafort did worse than Obama whispering Russian President Dmitri Medvedev that he'd have more flexibility to negotiate with Russia after the election?

Because one is the president discussing foreign policy with an foreign adversary, not against the law..... and the other is Presidential nominee accepting help from a foreign adversary to get elected..... which is against the law.
Wrong, moron, receiving information is not against the law, no matter who gives it to you. However, colluding with foreigners to smear a presidential nominee is against the law, and that's what Hillary did.

If the Trump Tower meeting was against the law, then why didn't the Mueller report claim it was against the law?

Trump haters simply cannot let go of their bogus "collusion" conspiracy theories.
You assholes have been ranting over Hillary for 20 years. What have you got for it? Your hand on your ass, an echo & a mindless tirade.
I know who the enemy is....

Do enlighten the forum as to who the enemy is.
You're the enemy, turd. Anyone who defends Mueller's witch hunt is the enemy.

That's what scares them the most.

Imagine after patriots win the civil war, we use the NSA to reveal all the socialist propaganda agents on the forums, messageboards and social media and sentence them to 20 years (Like Axis Sally) for treason and sedition.

That's why they get so scared and condensceing when civil war is mentioned. They know they're the enemy when SHTF and they know they'll lose if SHTF and they know, just like Axis Sally that they'll be brought to justice.

Mildred Gillars - Wikipedia

was an American broadcaster employed by Nazi Germany to disseminate propaganda during World War II. Following her capture in post-war Berlin, she became the first woman to be convicted of treason against the United States.[2] In March 1949, she was sentenced to ten to thirty years' imprisonment.[2]She was released in 1961.

Thanks to Edward Snowden, we know the NSA fusion centers have records every IP and message posted by the socialists agents that have infiltrated the American media.

The funny part is even though there's seemingly millions of them, the NSA logs would probably reveal it was only ten to twenty thousand using multiple accounts across multiple platforms.
How is what Manafort did worse than Obama whispering Russian President Dmitri Medvedev that he'd have more flexibility to negotiate with Russia after the election?

Because one is the president discussing foreign policy with an foreign adversary, not against the law..... and the other is Presidential nominee accepting help from a foreign adversary to get elected..... which is against the law.
Wrong, moron, receiving information is not against the law, no matter who gives it to you. However, colluding with foreigners to smear a presidential nominee is against the law, and that's what Hillary did.

If the Trump Tower meeting was against the law, then why didn't the Mueller report claim it was against the law?

Trump haters simply cannot let go of their bogus "collusion" conspiracy theories.
You assholes have been ranting over Hillary for 20 years. What have you got for it? Your hand on your ass, an echo & a mindless tirade.
Where did I mention Hillary?
That's what scares them the most.

Imagine after patriots win the civil war, we use the NSA to reveal all the socialist propaganda agents on the forums, messageboards and social media and sentence them to 20 years (Like Axis Sally) for treason and sedition.

That's why they get so scared and condensceing when civil war is mentioned. They know they're the enemy when SHTF and they know they'll lose if SHTF and they know, just like Axis Sally that they'll be brought to justice.

Mildred Gillars - Wikipedia

was an American broadcaster employed by Nazi Germany to disseminate propaganda during World War II. Following her capture in post-war Berlin, she became the first woman to be convicted of treason against the United States.[2] In March 1949, she was sentenced to ten to thirty years' imprisonment.[2]She was released in 1961.

Thanks to Edward Snowden, we know the NSA fusion centers have records every IP and message posted by the socialists agents that have infiltrated the American media.

The funny part is even though there's seemingly millions of them, the NSA logs would probably reveal it was only ten to twenty thousand using multiple accounts across multiple platforms.
Thank you Alex Jones.
How is what Manafort did worse than Obama whispering Russian President Dmitri Medvedev that he'd have more flexibility to negotiate with Russia after the election?

Because one is the president discussing foreign policy with an foreign adversary, not against the law..... and the other is Presidential nominee accepting help from a foreign adversary to get elected..... which is against the law.
Wrong, moron, receiving information is not against the law, no matter who gives it to you. However, colluding with foreigners to smear a presidential nominee is against the law, and that's what Hillary did.

If the Trump Tower meeting was against the law, then why didn't the Mueller report claim it was against the law?

Trump haters simply cannot let go of their bogus "collusion" conspiracy theories.
You assholes have been ranting over Hillary for 20 years. What have you got for it? Your hand on your ass, an echo & a mindless tirade.
Wrong. First, we got Obama, then we got President Trump. Hillary should have stood her ground in 2008 and she might have had a chance. No, she accepted the promise that 2016 would be hers. Too bad the elitists didn't count on the proles asserting themselves and using their vote to negate Hillary's coronation.
If you had actually read it you wouldn't have said "no collusion"
I read it and there was absolutely NO COLLUSION... Reading impaired liberals...
You can't be serious.

Another one?

Has not one single one actually read this damn thing?

We should all log off. Go out to dinner with our family and friends. Raise a toast to a great President and an innocent man. No collusion. No obstruction. Let's celebrate and move on to finding out who is responsible for this mess.
I tell you what, why don't you quote where in the report it says "no collusion" and I'll never bother you again.

I apologize. CNN & Maddow use collusion so often it is a buzzword. No conspiracy, no obstruction. Does that work better?

It has no been proven that there was conspiracy and there was obstruction - enough obstruction for impeachment, should Pelosi so choose.

The crime which underlies the obstruction is Russian interference in the election. There are already enough guilty pleas and indictments issued to blow that "no underlying crime" argument right out of the water, and as has been proven before, there doesn't need to be an underlying crime for there to be obstruction. Mueller didn't say there was "no conspiracy", he said he couldn't find ENOUGH evidence that Trump's people knew they were dealing with the Russian government, to indict.

So stop parrotting Trump's lies, and Barr's defence of Trump, because the Mueller report does not exonerate Trump, and Mueller could have cleared him, if the evidence showed he was clean, but he couldn't indict a sitting President regardless of the evidence. Mueller makes of a point of saying he did not exonerate the President, and left the matter of obstruction to CONGRESS.
Thanks to Edward Snowden, we know the NSA fusion centers have records every IP and message posted by the socialists agents that have infiltrated the American media.

What administration built 3 giant NSA data processing centers (in the United States, that we know of) ? I'll give you a hint - it rhymes with Shoosh.

Bush Jr was the worst President of the United States, followed by Obama.

It's hard to imagine there was someone worse than Obama, but it's true.
I read it and there was absolutely NO COLLUSION... Reading impaired liberals...
You can't be serious.

Another one?

Has not one single one actually read this damn thing?

We should all log off. Go out to dinner with our family and friends. Raise a toast to a great President and an innocent man. No collusion. No obstruction. Let's celebrate and move on to finding out who is responsible for this mess.
I tell you what, why don't you quote where in the report it says "no collusion" and I'll never bother you again.

I apologize. CNN & Maddow use collusion so often it is a buzzword. No conspiracy, no obstruction. Does that work better?

It has no been proven that there was conspiracy and there was obstruction - enough obstruction for impeachment, should Pelosi so choose.

The crime which underlies the obstruction is Russian interference in the election. There are already enough guilty pleas and indictments issued to blow that "no underlying crime" argument right out of the water, and as has been proven before, there doesn't need to be an underlying crime for there to be obstruction. Mueller didn't say there was "no conspiracy", he said he couldn't find ENOUGH evidence that Trump's people knew they were dealing with the Russian government, to indict.

So stop parrotting Trump's lies, and Barr's defence of Trump, because the Mueller report does not exonerate Trump, and Mueller could have cleared him, if the evidence showed he was clean, but he couldn't indict a sitting President regardless of the evidence. Mueller makes of a point of saying he did not exonerate the President, and left the matter of obstruction to CONGRESS.

Bill Barr is a man of great integrity with a brilliant legal background. If he says no collusion, no obstruction than we can rest easy and know our President is an innocent man. We need to thank Bill Barr for coming out of retirement to clean up this mess. I am sure he is working hard on bringing the real criminals to justice as we speak.
Obstruction of the the investigation into Russia interfering with our election.

You're right, Trump wasn't involved with the crime that Mueller was investigating. So, why was he trying so hard to interfere with it?

He didn't interfere with anything. If he did why did Mueller say he did not and also finished his investigation?
Read the Mueller report.

We have. I've now cited over 7,000 words of the report in this thread. You people have yet to cite any except very small partial phrases (out of context).
Oh please. I posted pages from the report.
Have you even bothered to look at it? Come on tell the truth.

Did any of the parts you posted contain an accusation of conspiracy with Russians?
Doesn't matter. They found that Russia and the Trump campaign worked side by side but not together.
But the obstruction? Multiple felonies. No doubt about it. And in the multiple felonies Trump directed Cohen to commit. Being president is the ONLY thing protecting Trump from prison. And he won't be president forever.
Obstruction of Justice is a crime on it's own, just like lying to investigators is a crime on it's own - you didn't know?

Mueller's report is very clear on that.

Republicans impleached Clinton in the House, even though the underlying issue of Clinton's relationship with Lewisnki was not illegal.

Well then, let's see the charge?

Oh, and PERJURY is a crime. So is threatening witnesses.
Here is a short list of some of the Crimes uncovered by Mueller:


And then there were the Cohen felonies which Trump directed.

Federal prosecutors have concluded that Donald Trump directed a criminal conspiracy with Michael Cohen violations

Prosecutors: Cohen committed crimes at the direction of ‘Individual-1’ aka Trump
Obstruction of Justice is a crime on it's own, just like lying to investigators is a crime on it's own - you didn't know?

Mueller's report is very clear on that.

Republicans impleached Clinton in the House, even though the underlying issue of Clinton's relationship with Lewisnki was not illegal.

Well then, let's see the charge?

Oh, and PERJURY is a crime. So is threatening witnesses.
Here is a short list of some of the Crimes uncovered by Mueller:


And then there were the Cohen felonies which Trump directed.

Federal prosecutors have concluded that Donald Trump directed a criminal conspiracy with Michael Cohen violations

Prosecutors: Cohen committed crimes at the direction of ‘Individual-1’ aka Trump
Mueller is part of the swamp... fact
So stop parrotting Trump's lies, .
Nobody needs to parrot Trump - he's been right all along.
Get over it.

Trump has been LYING all along. There was collusion, there was cooperation, and there was obstruction. The Trump Tower meeting is the definition of collusion. Paul Manafort giving polling data to the Russians is the essence of collusion. But there needs to be EVIDENCE that they these people worked for the Russian government, and that evidence is lacking.

So stop pretending that Trump is exonerated. He's not and Mueller Report is VERY damning of the President's behaviour both before and after the election.

Then there's the 16 OTHER investigations into Trump's finances, his Inauguration Fund - where did all that money go? There the Deutches Banke investigation, the Trump Foundation charges, the emoluments. Bascially every aspect of Trump's business and administration is being looked at.

Not to mention all of the investigations of the illegal behaviour of Trump and his members of the administration - taking "gifts" from lobbyists, and abuse of the public purse.

And we haven't even touched on the total incompetence of Trump and his swamp creatures.
And, like millions of veterans, nationwide, I consider that sacred oath to be binding... for life.

I would have no qualms about rallying to The Flag to hunt-down and kill insurrectionists, should it ever come to that.

Most veterans today are Oathkeepers. You should go to a local meeting near you. They will not support the Deep State and the socialists.

The socialists are the insurrectionists.

The only ones that are talking about an armed insurrection are your people and according to the oath I took 5 times, I can't support you. In fact, I would have to stand in your way. Or anyone's way that wanted to take up arms against the Nation.

Have fun taking up arms against the majority of the police and Oathkeepers veterans. Even minority police tend to be conservative and attend Oathkeeper meetings.

Guardians of the Republic

Rep. Devin Nunes to send eight criminal referrals to DOJ…
Soros donated Millions to Anti-Trump Research Firm Fusion GPS

You watch too many movies. Reality is that the Military cannot get involved in a Civilian action without the President declaring an emergency with the express permission of the Congress. Yah, I know, your hero thinks he can but if he were to try that, that would be definite grounds to get removed from office and he knows it even if you don't.

Who is the president?

Oh and Comrade, what party is waging war on the Constitution of the United States?

As for the criminal complaints, you're a fucking moron if you fail to grasp that those are going to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Unlike Trump, Obama never committed any crimes.


We even have Trump's payouts with his signature.


Trump won't be president forever.
You can't be serious.

Another one?

Has not one single one actually read this damn thing?

We should all log off. Go out to dinner with our family and friends. Raise a toast to a great President and an innocent man. No collusion. No obstruction. Let's celebrate and move on to finding out who is responsible for this mess.
I tell you what, why don't you quote where in the report it says "no collusion" and I'll never bother you again.

I apologize. CNN & Maddow use collusion so often it is a buzzword. No conspiracy, no obstruction. Does that work better?

It has no been proven that there was conspiracy and there was obstruction - enough obstruction for impeachment, should Pelosi so choose.

The crime which underlies the obstruction is Russian interference in the election. There are already enough guilty pleas and indictments issued to blow that "no underlying crime" argument right out of the water, and as has been proven before, there doesn't need to be an underlying crime for there to be obstruction. Mueller didn't say there was "no conspiracy", he said he couldn't find ENOUGH evidence that Trump's people knew they were dealing with the Russian government, to indict.

So stop parrotting Trump's lies, and Barr's defence of Trump, because the Mueller report does not exonerate Trump, and Mueller could have cleared him, if the evidence showed he was clean, but he couldn't indict a sitting President regardless of the evidence. Mueller makes of a point of saying he did not exonerate the President, and left the matter of obstruction to CONGRESS.

Bill Barr is a man of great integrity with a brilliant legal background. If he says no collusion, no obstruction than we can rest easy and know our President is an innocent man. We need to thank Bill Barr for coming out of retirement to clean up this mess. I am sure he is working hard on bringing the real criminals to justice as we speak.
Bill Barr is a hack and currently a disgrace to his office.

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