Impeaching Trump for obstructing a non-crime: Civil War

Will Impeaching Trump for obstructing a non-crime trigger a Civil War?

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Trump has been LYING all along. .
Obama lied for 8 years and you don't even realize it.
The funniest part of all this....the dirt on Hillary which is the central theme all turned out to be true. Nobody mentions it though do they ?

There was no "dirt on Hillary", there was the Head of the DNC offering to throw Bernie under the bus, and the Clinton campaign refusing.

Conversely, the Russians didn't publish the emails stolen from the RNC and the Never Trumpers promoting the idea of a "brokered convention" to stop Trump, or any of the other behind the scenes manoevering at the RNC.

Bernie Sanders is not and has only ever been a Democrat when he wants to run for President using the campaign structure and the financial assistance running as a Democrat can bring him. I don't blame Democrats for wanting to keep him off the ticket. Look at how Trump has destroyed the Republican Party. It's now the Trumpian Party, and forever will be the party of racists, mysogynists and xenophobes.

Why would the Russians post Email's from the RNC? did they rig an nomination? did they mess in Russia's election like hillary and the DNC did?
I know who the enemy is....

Do enlighten the forum as to who the enemy is.
You're the enemy, turd. Anyone who defends Mueller's witch hunt is the enemy.

That's what scares them the most.

Imagine after patriots win the civil war, we use the NSA to reveal all the socialist propaganda agents on the forums, messageboards and social media and sentence them to 20 years (Like Axis Sally) for treason and sedition.

That's why they get so scared and condensceing when civil war is mentioned. They know they're the enemy when SHTF and they know they'll lose if SHTF and they know, just like Axis Sally that they'll be brought to justice.

Mildred Gillars - Wikipedia

was an American broadcaster employed by Nazi Germany to disseminate propaganda during World War II. Following her capture in post-war Berlin, she became the first woman to be convicted of treason against the United States.[2] In March 1949, she was sentenced to ten to thirty years' imprisonment.[2]She was released in 1961.

Thanks to Edward Snowden, we know the NSA fusion centers have records every IP and message posted by the socialists agents that have infiltrated the American media.

The funny part is even though there's seemingly millions of them, the NSA logs would probably reveal it was only ten to twenty thousand using multiple accounts across multiple platforms.
White conservatards already lost one civil war.

Do they have to lose another before they learn?
Trump has been LYING all along. .
Obama lied for 8 years and you don't even realize it.
The funniest part of all this....the dirt on Hillary which is the central theme all turned out to be true. Nobody mentions it though do they ?
There was no "dirt on Hillary", there was the Head of the DNC offering to throw Bernie under the bus, and the Clinton campaign refusing.
  1. Questions around the Clinton Foundation: This is the smallest category of emails. But a surprising revelation about Qatari officials and a newly discovered Clinton Foundation audit help validate fears that foundation donors likely received "special access."
  2. Clinton’s ties to Wall Street, big donors: Hundreds of other emails also highlight Clinton and her team’s much-discussed connections to Wall Street and big money. They reveal a Clinton certainly more sympathetic to these unpopular actors than she would presumably be on the campaign trail.
  3. Covert military action: At one point in the leaked Wall Street speeches, Clinton admits to yearning for the days where the American military could secretly intervene abroad without the press finding out. She appears to lament that government employees now "can’t help themselves" before exposing American operations abroad:
  4. The list goes on...
What 20,000 pages of hacked WikiLeaks emails teach us about Hillary Clinton

But you don't want to see or hear any of it.

Conversely, the Russians didn't publish the emails stolen from the RNC and the Never Trumpers promoting the idea of a "brokered convention" to stop Trump, or any of the other behind the scenes manoevering at the RNC.
It's been debunked for 2 years that Russia hacked the DNC.
But you'd rather believe the continuing lies in the MSM.

But you won't watch because the truth scares you.
Bernie Sanders is not and has only ever been a Democrat when he wants to run for President using the campaign structure and the financial assistance running as a Democrat can bring him. I don't blame Democrats for wanting to keep him off the ticket. Look at how Trump has destroyed the Republican Party. It's now the Trumpian Party, and forever will be the party of racists, mysogynists and xenophobes.
If Bernie wasn't a Democrat he would have gone third party in 2016 and beaten both Trump and Clinton.

Trump has been LYING all along. .
Obama lied for 8 years and you don't even realize it.
The funniest part of all this....the dirt on Hillary which is the central theme all turned out to be true. Nobody mentions it though do they ?
There was no "dirt on Hillary", there was the Head of the DNC offering to throw Bernie under the bus, and the Clinton campaign refusing.
  1. Questions around the Clinton Foundation: This is the smallest category of emails. But a surprising revelation about Qatari officials and a newly discovered Clinton Foundation audit help validate fears that foundation donors likely received "special access."
  2. Clinton’s ties to Wall Street, big donors: Hundreds of other emails also highlight Clinton and her team’s much-discussed connections to Wall Street and big money. They reveal a Clinton certainly more sympathetic to these unpopular actors than she would presumably be on the campaign trail.
  3. Covert military action: At one point in the leaked Wall Street speeches, Clinton admits to yearning for the days where the American military could secretly intervene abroad without the press finding out. She appears to lament that government employees now "can’t help themselves" before exposing American operations abroad:
  4. The list goes on...
What 20,000 pages of hacked WikiLeaks emails teach us about Hillary Clinton

But you don't want to see or hear any of it.

Conversely, the Russians didn't publish the emails stolen from the RNC and the Never Trumpers promoting the idea of a "brokered convention" to stop Trump, or any of the other behind the scenes manoevering at the RNC.
It's been debunked for 2 years that Russia hacked the DNC.
But you'd rather believe the continuing lies in the MSM.

But you won't watch because the truth scares you.
Bernie Sanders is not and has only ever been a Democrat when he wants to run for President using the campaign structure and the financial assistance running as a Democrat can bring him. I don't blame Democrats for wanting to keep him off the ticket. Look at how Trump has destroyed the Republican Party. It's now the Trumpian Party, and forever will be the party of racists, mysogynists and xenophobes.
If Bernie wasn't a Democrat he would have gone third party in 2016 and beaten both Trump and Clinton.

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Trump has been LYING all along. .
Obama lied for 8 years and you don't even realize it.
The funniest part of all this....the dirt on Hillary which is the central theme all turned out to be true. Nobody mentions it though do they ?
There was no "dirt on Hillary", there was the Head of the DNC offering to throw Bernie under the bus, and the Clinton campaign refusing.
  1. Questions around the Clinton Foundation: This is the smallest category of emails. But a surprising revelation about Qatari officials and a newly discovered Clinton Foundation audit help validate fears that foundation donors likely received "special access."
  2. Clinton’s ties to Wall Street, big donors: Hundreds of other emails also highlight Clinton and her team’s much-discussed connections to Wall Street and big money. They reveal a Clinton certainly more sympathetic to these unpopular actors than she would presumably be on the campaign trail.
  3. Covert military action: At one point in the leaked Wall Street speeches, Clinton admits to yearning for the days where the American military could secretly intervene abroad without the press finding out. She appears to lament that government employees now "can’t help themselves" before exposing American operations abroad:
  4. The list goes on...
What 20,000 pages of hacked WikiLeaks emails teach us about Hillary Clinton

But you don't want to see or hear any of it.

Conversely, the Russians didn't publish the emails stolen from the RNC and the Never Trumpers promoting the idea of a "brokered convention" to stop Trump, or any of the other behind the scenes manoevering at the RNC.
It's been debunked for 2 years that Russia hacked the DNC.
But you'd rather believe the continuing lies in the MSM.

But you won't watch because the truth scares you.
Bernie Sanders is not and has only ever been a Democrat when he wants to run for President using the campaign structure and the financial assistance running as a Democrat can bring him. I don't blame Democrats for wanting to keep him off the ticket. Look at how Trump has destroyed the Republican Party. It's now the Trumpian Party, and forever will be the party of racists, mysogynists and xenophobes.
If Bernie wasn't a Democrat he would have gone third party in 2016 and beaten both Trump and Clinton.

What a huge IF......always a “IF” with a socialist. Instead he just let Hillary bitch slap him and he did say a thing.

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What a huge IF......always a “IF” with a socialist. Instead he just let Hillary bitch slap him and he did say a thing.

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Not a decision he made without deep consideration of the consequences .

In other words he pussied out to the Clinton machine. She screwed him and he took it. He’s no Trump I’ll tell you that.

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Obstruction of the the investigation into Russia interfering with our election.

You're right, Trump wasn't involved with the crime that Mueller was investigating. So, why was he trying so hard to interfere with it?

We don't know that Trump wasn't part of the Russian Interference.

We do know he has attempted to obstruct the investigation.
I like some black people I hate all liberals is that racist?

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It shows that you, like most Americans don't have a clue what liberal or conservative truly mean. I'm both and I'm neither - all I want is the truth from whichever side brings it.

“I’m both and I’m neither”
You’re a idiot

and trust me you maybe a liberal and a socialist but you’re not a conservative TRUST ME.

Now go head and play you’re boring me.

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