Impeaching Trump for obstructing a non-crime: Civil War

Will Impeaching Trump for obstructing a non-crime trigger a Civil War?

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Do it Dems.

I have no doubt that impeaching Trump for "obstruction" of a crime he did not commit would start a VERY HOT Civil War.

I'm looking forward to it.

Nothing but blood, prison and public executions of the losing side is going to settle this conflict. You've made that clear by doubling down on the Mueller Report.

You are an idiot of the first order.

Impeaching Trump on obstruction of justice charges is the duty of the House of Representatives. No man is above the law. When Trump fired Domey, when Trump called Leaendoaski to fire a Mueller, when Trump asked McCabb to fire Mueller, when Trump lied constantly about his Russia business dealings, he was committing a crime and that crime is obstruction of justice.

Tell us how Trump, or more precisely your devotion to that huckster buffoon, has special privileges that his subordinates do not. The first article of impeachment against Nixon was...ONSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE!

Then you go on a treasonous rant about blood, prison and public executions just like an Airhoritarian, certainly not an American.

Tell us, tough guy, who are you going to fight in this civil war fantasy of yours? Your neighbor for not voting for Trump? Your neighbor for not slavishly devoting himself to the cult of personality?

Do you think Trump is more important than the rule of law?

Would you have that lying orange sack of monkey shit cut loose from any and all constraints of the constitution? By the way, have you ever heard of the constitution? Can you explain Article I?

Honest to God. Some of these hair brained, hair triggered Trumpians are more dangerous to our system of government than any of the boogeyman they want to demonize.

If no man, or woman, is above the law the entire Congress could be, and should be, kicked out of office, at the very least. A bigger bunch of lying crooks would be impossible to assemble in one place if it weren't for government "service".
I have no doubt that impeaching Trump for "obstruction" of a crime he did not commit would start a VERY HOT Civil War.



(c) Whoever corruptly—

(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object's integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or

(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
Wow! That has Hillary stamped all over it.
Also I just wanna mention that you armchair revolutionaries crack me the fuck up.


I've lost track; has every Trump supporter gone on record as being in favor of a civil war yet? It sure seems like it. If this is "winning" I can't wait to see what losing looks like.

I am not in favor of civil war but I can see it coming to that. Here is what I hope: I hope the morons in Congress and the press actually press forward with impeachment and finally crush your party into dust for generations. I do. Go for it. DO IT. I hope you all can't keep your mouths shut about "obstruction" and "impeachment" and give the morons the impression that this is the thinking of MOST Americans and not just the crazy 10%

So I say again. Keep talking. Light up the Twitterverse. DO IT
Meanwhile, the Congress is negligent in performing their duties, refusing to do their actual jobs instead of pursuing this ridiculous infatuation. Their focus on destroying President Trump is way past a mental derangement.
Do it Dems.

I have no doubt that impeaching Trump for "obstruction" of a crime he did not commit would start a VERY HOT Civil War.

I'm looking forward to it.

Nothing but blood, prison and public executions of the losing side is going to settle this conflict. You've made that clear by doubling down on the Mueller Report.

Read the report son. This isn't a "non crime".

No collusion.


I read all of Volume I.

Volume II had no citations of law or statues, just opinion.

If you read the first volume, then WTF do you think "“Harm to Ongoing Matter” means?

Mueller farmed out 12 different "matters" to the SDNY and the Eastern District of Virginia.

His job was to find a conspiracy between Trump and Russia.

He found that Putin has a useful idiot in the Oval Office.

Stay tuned. It's the beginning of the end of your Grifter in Chief.

None of them have read it, they are just repeating what they have been told to say..
As usual.

Told by Sean Hannity.
We know they don't read.
But it looks like another investigation is being organized into Erik Prince and his lying before Congress.

In the Mueller Report, Erik Prince Funds a Covert Effort to Obtain Clinton’s E-mails from a Foreign State

The article you linked quoted 4 words from the Mueller report and then quoted 3 separate words immediately after.
Do it Dems.

I have no doubt that impeaching Trump for "obstruction" of a crime he did not commit would start a VERY HOT Civil War.

I'm looking forward to it.

Nothing but blood, prison and public executions of the losing side is going to settle this conflict. You've made that clear by doubling down on the Mueller Report.

You are an idiot of the first order.

Impeaching Trump on obstruction of justice charges is the duty of the House of Representatives. No man is above the law. When Trump fired Domey, when Trump called Leaendoaski to fire a Mueller, when Trump asked McCabb to fire Mueller, when Trump lied constantly about his Russia business dealings, he was committing a crime and that crime is obstruction of justice.

Tell us how Trump, or more precisely your devotion to that huckster buffoon, has special privileges that his subordinates do not. The first article of impeachment against Nixon was...ONSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE!

Then you go on a treasonous rant about blood, prison and public executions just like an Airhoritarian, certainly not an American.

Tell us, tough guy, who are you going to fight in this civil war fantasy of yours? Your neighbor for not voting for Trump? Your neighbor for not slavishly devoting himself to the cult of personality?

Do you think Trump is more important than the rule of law?

Would you have that lying orange sack of monkey shit cut loose from any and all constraints of the constitution? By the way, have you ever heard of the constitution? Can you explain Article I?

Honest to God. Some of these hair brained, hair triggered Trumpians are more dangerous to our system of government than any of the boogeyman they want to demonize.

If no man, or woman, is above the law the entire Congress could be, and should be, kicked out of office, at the very least. A bigger bunch of lying crooks would be impossible to assemble in one place if it weren't for government "service".

Okay. No sane person can defend congress. But let's deal with the corruption we can see first.
Also I just wanna mention that you armchair revolutionaries crack me the fuck up.


I've lost track; has every Trump supporter gone on record as being in favor of a civil war yet? It sure seems like it. If this is "winning" I can't wait to see what losing looks like.

I am not in favor of civil war but I can see it coming to that. Here is what I hope: I hope the morons in Congress and the press actually press forward with impeachment and finally crush your party into dust for generations. I do. Go for it. DO IT. I hope you all can't keep your mouths shut about "obstruction" and "impeachment" and give the morons the impression that this is the thinking of MOST Americans and not just the crazy 10%

So I say again. Keep talking. Light up the Twitterverse. DO IT

I doubt they will go you know who Alexander Butterfield is?

This is not Watergate sweetheart. And why should they not go there? Don't you want them to? Maxine, Warren and many others do.

More hearings yes.
Impeachment? No.
Nothing better to do than instigate more hearings? No better way to waste money than to pay for more investigations? Congresscritters need to learn to prioritize.
I've lost track; has every Trump supporter gone on record as being in favor of a civil war yet? It sure seems like it. If this is "winning" I can't wait to see what losing looks like.

I am not in favor of civil war but I can see it coming to that. Here is what I hope: I hope the morons in Congress and the press actually press forward with impeachment and finally crush your party into dust for generations. I do. Go for it. DO IT. I hope you all can't keep your mouths shut about "obstruction" and "impeachment" and give the morons the impression that this is the thinking of MOST Americans and not just the crazy 10%

So I say again. Keep talking. Light up the Twitterverse. DO IT

I doubt they will go you know who Alexander Butterfield is?

This is not Watergate sweetheart. And why should they not go there? Don't you want them to? Maxine, Warren and many others do.

More hearings yes.
Impeachment? No.
Nothing better to do than instigate more hearings? No better way to waste money than to pay for more investigations? Congresscritters need to learn to prioritize.

Nothing is going to get passed the Senate and the President will just declare a national emergency to fund anything he really wants....
So You are probably correct.
America lost the election to a candidate sponsored by a foreign and hostile power. We've accepted that.

No, you Stalinists lost, and you not only have not accepted it, you've attempted to overthrow the government.

But we live in a Constitutional Democracy...that requires Congress to oversee the Presidency and take appropriate action when the President violates the law.

You're going to have to live with that, and nobody cares if you accept it or not.

The fuck you do. You are at war to end the United States Constitution.

I mean, what do you Bolshevik fuckers support?

The electoral college? Uh no.

Freedom of speech? Fuck no
Freedom of religion? Yeah, right...
Freedom of the press? ISIS Barry put HOW MANY reporters in prison? 9?

The right to defend yourself or your life? :lmao:
The right to be secure in your person and papers? Fuckwad Obama and the deep state spying on the opposition candidate to rig the election....

Dude, you're a fucking traitor - that's just fact. You are waging civil war to end America.
America lost the election to a candidate sponsored by a foreign and hostile power. We've accepted that.

No, you Stalinists lost, and you not only have not accepted it, you've attempted to overthrow the government.

But we live in a Constitutional Democracy...that requires Congress to oversee the Presidency and take appropriate action when the President violates the law.

You're going to have to live with that, and nobody cares if you accept it or not.

The fuck you do. You are at war to end the United States Constitution.

I mean, what do you Bolshevik fuckers support?

The electoral college? Uh no.

Freedom of speech? Fuck no
Freedom of religion? Yeah, right...
Freedom of the press? ISIS Barry put HOW MANY reporters in prison? 9?

The right to defend yourself or your life? :lmao:
The right to be secure in your person and papers? Fuckwad Obama and the deep state spying on the opposition candidate to rig the election....

Dude, you're a fucking traitor - that's just fact. You are waging civil war to end America.

Don't forget post birth abortion, drag queen story hour and transgender pedophiles in the little girl's
How do you obstruct something that didn't happen??

The Dems and another steaming pile of horse shit.
How do you obstruct something that didn't happen??

The Dems and another steaming pile of horse shit.

It's a matter of entitlement.

To the Stalinists, they were ENTITLED to the presidency. So Trump threatening Hillary by doing well violated what they were entitled to. Hence Obama was JUSTIFIED in using the FSB, KGB/CIA, NSA to fabricate a Dossier with the Clinton campaign to RIG the election.

The Stalinists were ENTITLED to Hillary winning the presidency. How dare America say otherwise. America will be punished with ending the Electoral College for the OUTRAGE of defying the entitled ruler the democrats selected.

To the Stalinists, they were ENTITLED to Obama's pick for SCOTUS. When the Usurper failed to anoint Merrick Garland they were OUTRAGED. The Usurper OBSTRUCTED their plans.

The Stalinists have their deep state operatives running a shadow government which is a thousand times more powerful than the legitimate government. The Usurper was to be brought to heel by deep state apparatchiks. But then the Usurper FIRED one that was assigned to rule over him. How DARE he defy the deep state and fire a subordinate, this OBSTRUCTED to the rule by the Stalinist shadow government. They decided the Usurper must be destroyed.

The President obstructed the deep state and the Stalinists in their plots and plans. Time to fully expose JUST HOW CORRUPT the democrats really are, just how deeply they pervert our REPUBLIC.
Do it Dems.

I have no doubt that impeaching Trump for "obstruction" of a crime he did not commit would start a VERY HOT Civil War.

I'm looking forward to it.

Nothing but blood, prison and public executions of the losing side is going to settle this conflict. You've made that clear by doubling down on the Mueller Report.

A bj isn’t a crime and yet Republicans impeached Clinton. Over a bj.

Trump actually committed crimes.

Incorrect. Clinton was impeached for perjury - an actual crime. A crime that we knew FOR A FACT that Clinton committed. There was no question.

And what did that impeachment accomplish? Clinton leaving office as one of the most popular presidents ever. Clinton being acquitted in the senate of a crime that we knew he committed because even the very idea of impeaching Clinton over perjury was deplorable at best.

Clinton's impeachment should have taught you that impeaching Trump over an investigation that utterly failed to find a crime against Trump is a terrible idea.
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How do you obstruct something that didn't happen??

The Dems and another steaming pile of horse shit.
To be perfectly honest - there is noting in the law that states there has to be an underlying crime. You can obstruct an investigation even if you are innocent.

The problem, of course, is that obstruction REQUIRES corrupt intent. Corrupt intent is almost impossible to establish when there is no crime. There is no doubt that Trump gave orders that would interfere with the investigation. There is also no doubt that those orders WERE NOT FOLLOWED and he did not pursue them when they were not. There is no evidence of an underlying crime to give reason for corrupt intent.

That pretty much blows a massive hole in establishing corrupt intent. There is noting in the report that points to Trump having corrupt intent toward the investigation.
I have a unique perspective on the determination annd hardiness of Americans. It is an annual cycle out here.
I live in the midddle of nowhere. This area is touted on prepper websites, back to the land websites, mother earth news type websites.. point is most land out here is sold online, sight unnseen. Land is cheap, because this is hard. country to live in.
Each spring a new crop of buyers shows up, occupying the land they bought online.

In the past 6 years, 2 people(one a fammily of native alaskans) have remained, 26 people gavve up. 21 stayed 6 months, 5 left before six mmonths.

Americans, especiallly from cities, just do not have what it would take to fight a civil war.

My 16 year old son is excellent at piloting combat drone simulations. How are you at that?

I think that your concept of war is somewhat out dated and obsolete.

You can keep rural Alaska - nobody in their right mind would want to live there - which is why most urbanites leave.

Ive been to alaska but i live in arizona. i think two things:
we wont have a war, when the folks not in their right mind stop working at the power plants, cities are fucked.
second, i don't think you ever set a cornner post a full 24 inches in the ground friend.

Actually, I have fixed cattle fences before. I lived in the rural parts of the Virgin Islands - an area at least as tough as anyplace in Alaska or Arizona. I have cleared quite a lot of land with machetes & bush hooks. So cut the crap.

The urban people of this country would overwhelm the rural parts. That's because they have advanced skills, advanced industry, overwhelming numbers and FAR superior intelligence.
Your elitism is hanging out again. You might want to put it away.

There is always an easy way to spot a small man - he is the one that thinks himself superior to others.
Do it Dems.

I have no doubt that impeaching Trump for "obstruction" of a crime he did not commit would start a VERY HOT Civil War.

I'm looking forward to it.

Nothing but blood, prison and public executions of the losing side is going to settle this conflict. You've made that clear by doubling down on the Mueller Report.

Yes, most conservatives are truly this ignorant and ridiculous.

Impeachment is a political – not legal – process.

A president can be removed from office via the impeachment process absent any evidence of criminal wrongdoing.

The Mueller report provides ample evidence justifying Trump’s impeachment.

But Democrats will wisely not seek to impeach Trump; indeed, the Clinton impeachment debacle has rendered Article II, Section 4 de facto null and void where impeaching a president is concerned.

Bullshit. Impeaching the president is not 'de facto null.' Impeaching them for an asinine reason is.

If Muller actually found conspiracy from the campaign Trump would already be on his way out.
I have a unique perspective on the determination annd hardiness of Americans. It is an annual cycle out here.
I live in the midddle of nowhere. This area is touted on prepper websites, back to the land websites, mother earth news type websites.. point is most land out here is sold online, sight unnseen. Land is cheap, because this is hard. country to live in.
Each spring a new crop of buyers shows up, occupying the land they bought online.

In the past 6 years, 2 people(one a fammily of native alaskans) have remained, 26 people gavve up. 21 stayed 6 months, 5 left before six mmonths.

Americans, especiallly from cities, just do not have what it would take to fight a civil war.

My 16 year old son is excellent at piloting combat drone simulations. How are you at that?

I think that your concept of war is somewhat out dated and obsolete.

You can keep rural Alaska - nobody in their right mind would want to live there - which is why most urbanites leave.

That's great Comrade.

Where do you intend to get these drones? From your ISIS and Hamas allies? Perhaps you'll put hand grenades on civilian drones the way the Mexican cartels do?

Or are you so stupid that you think that when your party moves to end the Constitution that the military is going to back you? :lmao:
Obstruction of Justice is a crime on it's own, just like lying to investigators is a crime on it's own - you didn't know?

Mueller's report is very clear on that.

Republicans impleached Clinton in the House, even though the underlying issue of Clinton's relationship with Lewisnki was not illegal.
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I have a unique perspective on the determination annd hardiness of Americans. It is an annual cycle out here.
I live in the midddle of nowhere. This area is touted on prepper websites, back to the land websites, mother earth news type websites.. point is most land out here is sold online, sight unnseen. Land is cheap, because this is hard. country to live in.
Each spring a new crop of buyers shows up, occupying the land they bought online.

In the past 6 years, 2 people(one a fammily of native alaskans) have remained, 26 people gavve up. 21 stayed 6 months, 5 left before six mmonths.

Americans, especiallly from cities, just do not have what it would take to fight a civil war.

My 16 year old son is excellent at piloting combat drone simulations. How are you at that?

I think that your concept of war is somewhat out dated and obsolete.

You can keep rural Alaska - nobody in their right mind would want to live there - which is why most urbanites leave.

That's great Comrade.

Where do you intend to get these drones? From your ISIS and Hamas allies? Perhaps you'll put hand grenades on civilian drones the way the Mexican cartels do?

Or are you so stupid that you think that when your party moves to end the Constitution that the military is going to back you? :lmao:

yeah buddy, this guy thinks all of us out in the middle are living like it is 1917.
we don't, of course. Many of us have been dealing with drones for years, and know how to hide our shit from google earth as welll.
Some have underground shelters stocked for a year. most have their own power and water, that wont be interupted when we turn off the power plants.
Then there is that pesky issue of shutting down the roads and trains into the cities.We know how to jam radio signals so planes just dont fly right, and we know how to disable the navigation beacons scattered around the country.
Somebody famous summed it up like this:
"You can't starve us out and you can't make us run....."
Obstruction of Justice is a crime on it's own, just like lying to investigators is a crime on it's own - you didn't know?

Mueller's report is very clear on that.

Republicans impleached Clinton in the House, even though the underlying issue of Clinton's relationship with Lewisnki was not illegal.

Well then, let's see the charge?

Oh, and PERJURY is a crime. So is threatening witnesses.

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