Impeachment? "He's just not worth it."

She didn't say "he's not worth it". Angry lefties imagined that because it's what they wanted to hear. She said "it's not worth it" which means that she is well aware that democrats will come up empty after a two year costly investigation.
unlike the party die hards i know that the people who make up congress are some of the biggest pieces of shit in the country..

Did you vote in the 2016 election?

just asking out of curiosity
local elections,because they have direct bearing on my far as the nationals go i cant stand either party and just about any of the phonies that they put up....the 16's election had some of the worst candidates i have ever seen...we have gone from mid barrel to one we may be scraping the bottom of the barrel.....
First the Dems pivot to questioning Mueller's investigation. Now, despite demands from the Dem base to impeach, they are saying its not worth it? I thought Vlad Putin was pulling the strings in the WH? I thought the Russians changed the votes? What about the golden shower? Something here doesn't add up.
The question is:

Will the Repubs nominate a man with multiple, documented crimes over his head? By the time 2020 get here...the choice will need to be made.

Interesting opinion, we will have to wait and see what transpires, I’m sure if you could e
You're going to have to beat him in 2020 if you want to get rid of him.

That's gonna be so hard. I can barely stand it.

At what point is it insane to continue underestimating Trump?

Yeah. He's a lock.

Hillary was a lock too!
local elections,because they have direct bearing on my far as the nationals go i cant stand either party and just about any of the phonies that they put up....

Thank you for your answer

I'm off to other things

I wish you and yours a great day and beyond

bye :)-
First the Dems pivot to questioning Mueller's investigation. Now, despite demands from the Dem base to impeach, they are saying its not worth it? I thought Vlad Putin was pulling the strings in the WH? I thought the Russians changed the votes? What about the golden shower? Something here doesn't add up.

It's the Illuminati. Duh!
"He's just not worth it."

Translation ... "We got nothing on him ... we need an excuse for failure".

Bingo. They don't have one shred of proof on anything yet here they are with investigation after investigation showing voter how idiotic an ineffectual they are.

I doubt they hang onto the House in 2020 and they sure as hell won't get the WH or Senate.
She didn't say "he's not worth it". Angry lefties imagined that because it's what they wanted to hear. She said "it's not worth it" which means that she is well aware that democrats will come up empty after a two year costly investigation.
Russian interference has already been well investigated and the facts are out there. It is already far from "coming up empty." The reason folks keep talking about Trump's campaign being involved is because they were so up to their necks with the Russians. It would be great to find that the campaign was not colluding with the Russians. This administration is bad enough without that.
"He's just not worth it."

Translation ... "We got nothing on him ... we need an excuse for failure".

Bingo. They don't have one shred of proof on anything yet here they are with investigation after investigation showing voter how idiotic an ineffectual they are.

I doubt they hang onto the House in 2020 and they sure as hell won't get the WH or Senate.

The numbers in the Senate make it nearly impossible for the GOP to hold it in 2020. The situation the Dems had is 2018 in the Senate is reversed in the favor in 2020.
She didn't say "he's not worth it". Angry lefties imagined that because it's what they wanted to hear. She said "it's not worth it" which means that she is well aware that democrats will come up empty after a two year costly investigation.
Russian interference has already been well investigated and the facts are out there. It is already far from "coming up empty." The reason folks keep talking about Trump's campaign being involved is because they were so up to their necks with the Russians. It would be great to find that the campaign was not colluding with the Russians. This administration is bad enough without that.

Let's be real for a moment. If the Democrats had anything on President Trump, they'd be gloating like Lex Luthor after killing Superman

The fact is, their 3-year long investigation laid a big goose egg and they're going to have to ditch Plan A) Impeach Trump and declare Hillary the rightful heir to the throne ... and focus on Plan Z) Find an actual candidate who can unseat him in 2020. Frankly, I think they should have given up on this silly scheme two years ago.
Pelosi says impeaching Trump 'just not worth it'

Ha Ha! Yes...he isn't worth it.

A POS should be flushed....

After ALL of these months of screaming that he WOULD be impeached. You're "special" aren't you.
ANY DAY never mind.

Nancy has learned from history. The GOP Impeached Clinton for a Library BJ and the Senate refused to remove him. Then his popularity went up.

trump plays the Victim Card so well that he would turn an Impeachment into his advantage. His campaign rallies would be a "Poor Me!" reality show.

But! If the crimes keep piling up on both the State and Federal level...voters will see what a criminal that he is.

Both Obstruction and Federal Election violations are on the table right now. I see more coming down the road. The Dems don't want trump nearly as much as they want to soil and decimate the Republican Party. The longer the GOP defends a criminal...the more they will lose.
Nancy has learned from history.

Which is why she started this pogrom three years ago? Did she just now learn from history? Or, did she learn from the history of the past three years and realize it's time to take her ball and go home?
Nancy has learned from history.

Which is why she started this pogrom three years ago? Did she just now learn from history? Or, did she learn from the history of the past three years and realize it's time to take her ball and go home?

Talking mighty brave while 17 different investigations are still under way for your boy.

I am sure she is gauging her response to political realities. She has decided the country would not be favourable to a Dem House that made Impeachment their priority.

But...if trump's crimes and amoral character are brought before the public every week by a House committee...that in itself would not only inflict damage on trump...but also on the Repub party. Nancy is a brutal competitor. And her statement does not rule out Impeachment if the upcoming reports reveal egregious crimes.

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