Impeachment Vote Predictions

Which is the LEAST likely outcome?

  • No vote will be held

  • Vote will be held but not pass

  • Vote will be held and will pass

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Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
What do you believe is the least likely outcome regarding a formal impeachment vote in the House?

I don't think it will come to a vote because it would piss off some swing voters and put the ball in the GOP Senate's court to ridicule and rebut. Even if it did come to a vote, Dems in Trump districts might be allowed to kill it in order to save their seats. But in that case, the GOP members might abstain from voting and turn the vote into a farce.

The most likely outcome is for the Dems to continue this inquiry/investigation until the election and hope that a smoking gun appears, since they have little else to campaign on.

What do you think will happen?
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So far the democrats have shown us 3 witnesses that did not witness a damn thing...So they will vote to impeach!
The Democrats have committed to impeachment. They have no other feasible election strategy for 2020.

I find it unlikely that a vote would not pass, given the numbers and the mental state of Democrats.

The Senate will toy with it for a few weeks, dragging it out longer than the Democrats want, while likely calling witnesses that Schiff denied to the Republicans, and very possibly call Schiff himself.
So far the democrats have shown us 3 witnesses that did not witness a damn thing...So they will vote to impeach!

Then vote for No Vote as the least likely outcome and explain why you think the Dems will vote to impeach. How would that benefit them in the next election?

Is this poll too difficult to understand?
Hard to tell. Even though the Democrats have utterly failed to prove their case, they also don't seem to have God-given sense to know when they're losing.

Pelosi coulds till pull the plug on the whole thing if it becomes too much of an embarrassment to her, which it seems to be so far.

Then there's the issue of this Tijuana donkey show actually making it to the Senate. That would put the kibosh on almost every Democrat's campaign, who are running for President.

I'd say those Democrats have really screwed the pooch this time and once they realize it, they're going to be looking for some exit that allows them to retain what's left of their dignity.

Or they could just go full-retard and stay on the crooked path they're on now. You never know when you're dealing with such an unhinged bunch of people.
I think Democrats have a right to vote for impeachment. It's not a smart move but it's their right. Hopefully for Democrats, they will use it wisely. For me, I don't give a fuck. I hope they destroy themselves because they're a danger to society.
I believe the Democrat Lunacy (their leadership) will continue with meaningless "hearings" until election day.
They won't let the matter come before The Senate because the proceedings there would bring complelled testimony down on the heads of so many Democrats that there wouldn't be more than a dozen left in House or Senate.

But I do encourage them to try!
The Dems have put on a rubber, and they are gonna do the deed.................even though everyone is telling them...........ummmm...........HEY DUMMY ........that is a hole in a tree bro.

This is a play by play planned yeah they will vote to impeach......
The Dems have put on a rubber, and they are gonna do the deed.................even though everyone is telling them...........ummmm...........HEY DUMMY ........that is a hole in a tree bro.

This is a play by play planned yeah they will vote to impeach......

That's not a tree...

The Dems have put on a rubber, and they are gonna do the deed.................even though everyone is telling them...........ummmm...........HEY DUMMY ........that is a hole in a tree bro.

This is a play by play planned yeah they will vote to impeach......

That's not a tree...

Your side can't even tell the difference between a man and a woman.

The Dems have put on a rubber, and they are gonna do the deed.................even though everyone is telling them...........ummmm...........HEY DUMMY ........that is a hole in a tree bro.

This is a play by play planned yeah they will vote to impeach......

That's not a tree...

Your side can't even tell the difference between a man and a woman.

Run, Forrest! Run!!! :scared1:
The Dems have put on a rubber, and they are gonna do the deed.................even though everyone is telling them...........ummmm...........HEY DUMMY ........that is a hole in a tree bro.

This is a play by play planned yeah they will vote to impeach......

Voting to Impeach and sending it to the Senate is " Death" to All Senate Dems in the Presidential race they won't be able to Campaign when their presence is needed in the Senate hearings to listen too Witness testimony. You can bet some very familiar names will be called to testify. At some very inconvenient times for the Senate Presidential Hopefuls. And with Bloomberg and Steyer and Patrick coming into the race it's very problematic for them. I think the Party made the Decision to impeach because they knew none of the Stage props were going to win and if they can't Campaign so be it. The DNC can save a lot of cash letting the Billionaires finance their own Campaigns.
The Dems have put on a rubber, and they are gonna do the deed.................even though everyone is telling them...........ummmm...........HEY DUMMY ........that is a hole in a tree bro.

This is a play by play planned yeah they will vote to impeach......

Voting to Impeach and sending it to the Senate is " Death" to All Senate Dems in the Presidential race they won't be able to Campaign when their presence is needed in the Senate hearings to listen too Witness testimony. You can bet some very familiar names will be called to testify. At some very inconvenient times for the Senate Presidential Hopefuls. And with Bloomberg and Steyer and Patrick coming into the race it's very problematic for them. I think the Party made the Decision to impeach because they knew none of the Stage props were going to win and if they can't Campaign so be it. The DNC can save a lot of cash letting the Billionaires finance their own Campaigns.
It's very possible that it is DOA..............Vote to dismiss on lack of evidence.
The Dems have put on a rubber, and they are gonna do the deed.................even though everyone is telling them...........ummmm...........HEY DUMMY ........that is a hole in a tree bro.

This is a play by play planned yeah they will vote to impeach......

Voting to Impeach and sending it to the Senate is " Death" to All Senate Dems in the Presidential race they won't be able to Campaign when their presence is needed in the Senate hearings to listen too Witness testimony. You can bet some very familiar names will be called to testify. At some very inconvenient times for the Senate Presidential Hopefuls. And with Bloomberg and Steyer and Patrick coming into the race it's very problematic for them. I think the Party made the Decision to impeach because they knew none of the Stage props were going to win and if they can't Campaign so be it. The DNC can save a lot of cash letting the Billionaires finance their own Campaigns.
It's very possible that it is DOA..............Vote to dismiss on lack of evidence.

I think that unlikely but either way, the Democrats will look like the fools that they are.
At the end of the hearing today...popeye schiff said they were going back to the dungeon on monday.

Was that planned? Or do they realize they are losing so bad they are running back to their hidey hole?

I thought the hearings were going to be televised for 2 weeks or so :dunno:

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