
The real point here... are the Democrats this stupid?
The transcripts are being released tomorrow, and if indeed they show what the President said.... then once again it is yet another frothing at the mouth IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT call over what turns out to be anything but.

At the same time, at what point will the American people wake up and realize, all the Democrats have done is froze the Federal government into a permanent political gridlock where nothing but spending is accomplished.
I have no doubt they will show what the *president* claims he said. They've had plenty of time to fix up some good fakies.
Pelosi to announce formal impeachment inquiry of Trump


Pelosi to announce formal impeachment inquiry of Trump

And it is still pretty obvious there was collusion with the Russians in 20 15 + 16. They met over a hundred times and did not take any notes. But this is looking bad. it's a bit scary that 30% of the country is well armed and believes a lot of crap as You dupes do... You voted for this idiot. I certainly hope he's not evil.
He's an idiot because he watches Fox News and listens to Rush Limbaugh I suppose and believes it like you idiots. In this case he thinks he can get away with anything and is a know nothing about the Constitution. Is he a Putin or not? The GOP is the swamp. And always has been except under Eisenhower maybe, an independent.
Your an idiot if you listen to mainstream media the voice of the democrat party.
it's called journalism and all journalists around the world agree you are brainwashed functional morons. Only the GOP voter is brainwashed enough to believe there is no global warming or that the rich pay too much in taxes or that a wall will do a damn thing for that socialism today is communism and Nazism at the same time! Lol. Absolute idiocy.
Mainstream media has nothing to do with journalism. tHE MAINSTREAM MEDIA IS THE VOICE OF THE DEMOCRAT PARTY.
Chimes in the most sincere and honorable Mr. Yoo, of torture-justification-memo fame, warning of the dire consequences of impeaching the so-called president, for fear of violating the privacy of private conversations with foreign heads of state:

A president, even one who is possibly engaging in wrongdoing, must have confidence in the confidentiality of his communications or he will be unable to perform his constitutional duties and our international relations will fall victim to government by committee.​

I'd say, particularly a president "engaging in wrongdoing" must have confidence in the confidentiality of his criminality, and yet he is also the one whose confidentiality is not protected in any way, shape or form while he perpetrates his crimes.

Had the Trump administration followed the law, and handed over the whistleblower complaint to the Gang of Eight, we would never have heard about it, in case the complaint is without merit, as Trump asserts. It is Trump, his disregard for the rule of law, for democracy, for Congress, which brought the whole thing crashing down on his own head.

And yet Mr. Yoo wastes no time breaking a lance for the mob boss and his right to keep his crimes secret. Why this intellectual vandal is not in prison for life, I will not understand for the rest of my life. Why the venerable NYT provides him space to disseminate his vandalism, I will also not understand. Mr. Yoo and a Republic governed by laws are perfectly incompatible - he is the closest you get to a "Fuehrer's lawyer", in favor of a state in which the Fuehrer's will displaces the law, all in the stilted legalese of a carefully crafted facade in terms of "the functioning of the presidency". Because, a mob boss sort of "functions" as a president - and Mr. Yoo has no objections, except to those who would strive to stop the crimes.

The real point here... are the Democrats this stupid?
The transcripts are being released tomorrow, and if indeed they show what the President said.... then once again it is yet another frothing at the mouth IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT call over what turns out to be anything but.

At the same time, at what point will the American people wake up and realize, all the Democrats have done is froze the Federal government into a permanent political gridlock where nothing but spending is accomplished.
I have no doubt they will show what the *president* claims he said. They've had plenty of time to fix up some good fakies.
They won’t even put up a vote to make it official.
there is no global warming or that the rich pay too much in taxes or that a wall will do a damn thing for that socialism today is communism and Nazism at the same time!

You have never made so many true statements.
It's America first until time for Trump to get elected.

Then globalism is fine.
Pelosi to announce formal impeachment inquiry of Trump


Pelosi to announce formal impeachment inquiry of Trump

And it is still pretty obvious there was collusion with the Russians in 20 15 + 16. They met over a hundred times and did not take any notes. But this is looking bad. it's a bit scary that 30% of the country is well armed and believes a lot of crap as You dupes do... You voted for this idiot. I certainly hope he's not evil.
He's an idiot because he watches Fox News and listens to Rush Limbaugh I suppose and believes it like you idiots. In this case he thinks he can get away with anything and is a know nothing about the Constitution. Is he a Putin or not? The GOP is the swamp. And always has been except under Eisenhower maybe, an independent.
Your an idiot if you listen to mainstream media the voice of the democrat party.
it's called journalism and all journalists around the world agree you are brainwashed functional morons. Only the GOP voter is brainwashed enough to believe there is no global warming or that the rich pay too much in taxes or that a wall will do a damn thing for that socialism today is communism and Nazism at the same time! Lol. Absolute idiocy.
Call us when you find a journalist.
Pelosi to announce formal impeachment inquiry of Trump


Pelosi to announce formal impeachment inquiry of Trump
What exactly are they supposed to do in an impeachment inquiry? It sounds suspiciously like just another demodummie circle jerk to me.

Witnesses will be called, sometimes they will show, other times they won't. Once before the House, they may or may not answer the questions. Those who do testify the most will be those who know the least. Some who knows of someone who once cleaned the teeth of the Ukrainian President's barber will be treated as an expert and asked to speculate all over the place.

And they will.
When your party has propagandized hundreds of phony scandals against the clintons and Democrats and the FBI etc etc, you don't have a leg to stand on.this is based on the director of National intelligence saying there has been some unconstitutional hanky panky. It is not one of your propaganda driven pieces of s*** scandals -this is real.
Pelosi to announce formal impeachment inquiry of Trump


Pelosi to announce formal impeachment inquiry of Trump
I guess they haven't wasted enough of America's time, money and oxygen yet. Good God they are a pathetic bunch.
Seems there are several more of these crimes to be revealed. Trump himself has admitted enough to be impeached for. Maybe not convicted but he should definitely be unelected. The whole Republican swamp should be tossed -you people are idiots too believe anything else. oops I mean brainwashed functional idiots...
You mean like all those "crimes" that the Collusion Illusion was going to uncover. How'd that work out for you? Oh but now, there was a (Cue the dramatic music) dunh dunh DUNH
a PHONE CALL!!!!! :aargh::aargh:
The game clock is now 00:00. Trumps game is over.

For whom the bell tolls? At 4pm today they started tolling for Trump.

The impeachment inquiry is now real. Trump can no longer obstruct or delay.

The day has now come for Donald John Trump.

You do realize you can't impeach an elected President because you're butt-hurt, right?
You can for constitutional violations and breaking laws.
The real point here... are the Democrats this stupid?
The transcripts are being released tomorrow, and if indeed they show what the President said.... then once again it is yet another frothing at the mouth IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT call over what turns out to be anything but.

At the same time, at what point will the American people wake up and realize, all the Democrats have done is froze the Federal government into a permanent political gridlock where nothing but spending is accomplished.
I have no doubt they will show what the *president* claims he said. They've had plenty of time to fix up some good fakies.
They won’t even put up a vote to make it official.
They who?
The game clock is now 00:00. Trumps game is over.

For whom the bell tolls? At 4pm today they started tolling for Trump.

The impeachment inquiry is now real. Trump can no longer obstruct or delay.

The day has now come for Donald John Trump.

Will you kill yourself if nothing comes of it?
The real point here... are the Democrats this stupid?
The transcripts are being released tomorrow, and if indeed they show what the President said.... then once again it is yet another frothing at the mouth IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT call over what turns out to be anything but.

At the same time, at what point will the American people wake up and realize, all the Democrats have done is froze the Federal government into a permanent political gridlock where nothing but spending is accomplished.
I have no doubt they will show what the *president* claims he said. They've had plenty of time to fix up some good fakies.
They won’t even put up a vote to make it official.
They who?
pelosi is the only one who can, and she didn’t call a vote. It’s just noise.
Democrats must realize the next time they win the White House impeachment inquiries will start almost immediately.
If you a gun owner you would be stupid to vote for a democrat or even third party.
Unless you think there should be background checks and that 17 million AR-15s is already enough.... But that would be sane and not brainwashed, super duper.

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