
Pelosi: "We have to open an impeachment inquiry to find out what's in the impeachment inquiry."
damn straight. All the stuff you'll never find out on Fox noise and Rush otherwise. And even then you won't find it out. LOL aaarrrgghhhhhh.....

Says the history professor who didn't know the first colony in America was socialist which they quickly abandoned to capitalism.

They won’t even put up a vote to make it official.
They who?
pelosi is the only one who can, and she didn’t call a vote. It’s just noise.
First you have an investigation duh and making it official makes the Congressional subpoenas more powerful. This is getting out of hand and it should if he actually did what he said he did. And there are several more scandals to come according to the whistleblower. But of course you don't hear that kind of thing on the GOP propaganda machine, super duper.
Thanks for admitting Pelosi is just making you shut up.

Now we get 14 months of any day now.

Let me preface this post by saying this, I don't like Trump. I've made no secret of this. It's a toss up, however as to who I dislike more: Trump or the vast majority of Democrats...

Here's the way I see it...

Nothing will come of this, and if something does it won't be to force Trump from office. Why? Three words: President Mike Pence. Pence is a true conservative, unlike Trump, and they don't want Pence in the big chair for any amount of time. No, regardless of whether or not they have enough to impeach Trump (and I find it difficult to believe they would be unable to find something... anything), this whole thing, to my mind, is more about smearing his name (like he hasn't done that enough himself), staining it in voters' minds before the next election. Not his base, but those who may be thinking about voting for him (though I find it difficult to believe that anyone who is waffling would think voting Trump is a good idea... lesser of two evils... the devil you know...). This is also an effort to hamstring Trump, make it difficult for him to get anything done between now and the next election. They are convinced they are going to win. Again.

That's just my opinion.

Oh, and we're all fucked...
One of two reasons I have been against it.
The game clock is now 00:00. Trumps game is over.

For whom the bell tolls? At 4pm today they started tolling for Trump.

The impeachment inquiry is now real. Trump can no longer obstruct or delay.

The day has now come for Donald John Trump.

You do realize you can't impeach an elected President because you're butt-hurt, right?
You can for constitutional violations and breaking laws.

That's the whole point in a nutshell, dumbass, Trump has done nothing wrong while your demodumbshits have broken all kinds of laws trying to put something on Trump. You people really are clueless and have pure shit for brains. If I were as stupid as you are, I'd probably want to put myself out of my misery and shoot myself.
There's a process to follow before a vote. It makes sense to do an actual investigation with all relevant information and facts before writing the article(s) of impeachment. You need a reason for the vote.

The Impeachment Process, Explained
Most knew in Jan 2017 that democrats were going to impeach Trump Al Greene got the ball rolling

Yes, we've been hearing about impeachment since Trump took office. That's part of the problem. People have been desensitized to the fact or they never cared as is evident by how some voted. The democrats are weak because they don't act quickly and decisively.

The bottom line is we are a country built on rules and laws. We've survived because we've always accepted this framework.

The process needs to be followed......whether we like it or not.....whether it benefits our preferred party or not. That is what has always made us stronger as a country. Now our leaders have put cracks in that foundation for partisan reasons. And sadly their followers are echoing their call to ignore those laws and our constitution.
The game clock is now 00:00. Trumps game is over.

For whom the bell tolls? At 4pm today they started tolling for Trump.

The impeachment inquiry is now real. Trump can no longer obstruct or delay.

The day has now come for Donald John Trump.

You do realize you can't impeach an elected President because you're butt-hurt, right?
You can for constitutional violations and breaking laws.

That's the whole point in a nutshell, dumbass, Trump has done nothing wrong while your demodumbshits have broken all kinds of laws trying to put something on Trump. You people really are clueless and have pure shit for brains. If I were as stupid as you are, I'd probably want to put myself out of my misery and shoot myself.

RNC Calls On Biden To Release Transcripts Of Discussions He Had With Ukraine While Vice President
The game clock is now 00:00. Trumps game is over.

For whom the bell tolls? At 4pm today they started tolling for Trump.

The impeachment inquiry is now real. Trump can no longer obstruct or delay.

The day has now come for Donald John Trump.

You do realize you can't impeach an elected President because you're butt-hurt, right?
You can for constitutional violations and breaking laws.

That's the whole point in a nutshell, dumbass, Trump has done nothing wrong while your demodumbshits have broken all kinds of laws trying to put something on Trump. You people really are clueless and have pure shit for brains. If I were as stupid as you are, I'd probably want to put myself out of my misery and shoot myself.

RNC Calls On Biden To Release Transcripts Of Discussions He Had With Ukraine While Vice President
Somehow I don't think he cares what the RNC says or asks for just as Trump doesn't give a crap what the DNC wants.
There's a process to follow before a vote. It makes sense to do an actual investigation with all relevant information and facts before writing the article(s) of impeachment. You need a reason for the vote.

The Impeachment Process, Explained
Most knew in Jan 2017 that democrats were going to impeach Trump Al Greene got the ball rolling

Yes, we've been hearing about impeachment since Trump took office. That's part of the problem. People have been desensitized to the fact or they never cared as is evident by how some voted. The democrats are weak because they don't act quickly and decisively.

The bottom line is we are a country built on rules and laws. We've survived because we've always accepted this framework.

The process needs to be followed......whether we like it or not.....whether it benefits our preferred party or not. That is what has always made us stronger as a country. Now our leaders have put cracks in that foundation for partisan reasons. And sadly their followers are echoing their call to ignore those laws and our constitution.

For what? What do we follow a process for? Impeachment for what? So when RBG dies Trump can't appoint a replacement? This "impeachment inquiry" is a made up thing, nothing more. Either do it or hush. Anything I between is nothing more then TV for dumb sheep.
Make people in favor of this tell you what crime Trump committed...this is going to be the mother of all backfires....
The game clock is now 00:00. Trumps game is over.

For whom the bell tolls? At 4pm today they started tolling for Trump.

The impeachment inquiry is now real. Trump can no longer obstruct or delay.

The day has now come for Donald John Trump.

You do realize you can't impeach an elected President because you're butt-hurt, right?
You can for constitutional violations and breaking laws.

That's the whole point in a nutshell, dumbass, Trump has done nothing wrong while your demodumbshits have broken all kinds of laws trying to put something on Trump. You people really are clueless and have pure shit for brains. If I were as stupid as you are, I'd probably want to put myself out of my misery and shoot myself.

RNC Calls On Biden To Release Transcripts Of Discussions He Had With Ukraine While Vice President
The idiot Joe said it on the air at the time...someone has the video of it...he was bragging like a mafia don......
The game clock is now 00:00. Trumps game is over.

For whom the bell tolls? At 4pm today they started tolling for Trump.

The impeachment inquiry is now real. Trump can no longer obstruct or delay.

The day has now come for Donald John Trump.
The game clock is now 00:00. Trumps game is over.

For whom the bell tolls? At 4pm today they started tolling for Trump.

The impeachment inquiry is now real. Trump can no longer obstruct or delay.

The day has now come for Donald John Trump.
yes yes yes !! impeach impeach impeach !! bwaaa haaaa haaa ! they just gave Trump the White house in 20/20 ! it will all start falling apart tomorrow for the left ! Trump is releasing the Transcripts tomorrow on the same day he will be meeting with and taking press questions with the ...wait for it ..........the president of the Ukraine !! the only person happier than you about impeachment is Trump himself !! the Don has Trumped the left again !bwaaa haaaa haaaa all the left has done is prove Trump right about the witch hunt ! and besides the senate will not impeach Trump ! 2020 is looking very good indeed !
First they will investigate for 3 or 4 months. The Senate konvicts. The House of Representatives impeaches first. the Senate will convict only if something important comes up more than this I suppose. On the other hand CBS reports there are several more scandals coming from The whistleblower. It wasn't just one.
What Impeachment Inquiry REALLY means is that the Democrats have no plan for America, and they know they can't beat Donald Trump with their cast of buffoons. This is all they got. How sad for a once proud party that stood for real working Americans.
The game clock is now 00:00. Trumps game is over.

For whom the bell tolls? At 4pm today they started tolling for Trump.

The impeachment inquiry is now real. Trump can no longer obstruct or delay.

The day has now come for Donald John Trump.

You do realize you can't impeach an elected President because you're butt-hurt, right?
You can for constitutional violations and breaking laws.

That's the whole point in a nutshell, dumbass, Trump has done nothing wrong while your demodumbshits have broken all kinds of laws trying to put something on Trump. You people really are clueless and have pure shit for brains. If I were as stupid as you are, I'd probably want to put myself out of my misery and shoot myself.
I was against the death penalty DICK before I read your posts ,,,No more
The game clock is now 00:00. Trumps game is over.

For whom the bell tolls? At 4pm today they started tolling for Trump.

The impeachment inquiry is now real. Trump can no longer obstruct or delay.

The day has now come for Donald John Trump.

You do realize you can't impeach an elected President because you're butt-hurt, right?
You can for constitutional violations and breaking laws.

That's the whole point in a nutshell, dumbass, Trump has done nothing wrong while your demodumbshits have broken all kinds of laws trying to put something on Trump. You people really are clueless and have pure shit for brains. If I were as stupid as you are, I'd probably want to put myself out of my misery and shoot myself.

RNC Calls On Biden To Release Transcripts Of Discussions He Had With Ukraine While Vice President
The idiot Joe said it on the air at the time...someone has the video of it...he was bragging like a mafia don......
Bologna, super duper. He got the prosecutor squasht because he was a Putin thug.
There's a process to follow before a vote. It makes sense to do an actual investigation with all relevant information and facts before writing the article(s) of impeachment. You need a reason for the vote.

The Impeachment Process, Explained
Most knew in Jan 2017 that democrats were going to impeach Trump Al Greene got the ball rolling

Yes, we've been hearing about impeachment since Trump took office. That's part of the problem. People have been desensitized to the fact or they never cared as is evident by how some voted. The democrats are weak because they don't act quickly and decisively.

The bottom line is we are a country built on rules and laws. We've survived because we've always accepted this framework.

The process needs to be followed......whether we like it or not.....whether it benefits our preferred party or not. That is what has always made us stronger as a country. Now our leaders have put cracks in that foundation for partisan reasons. And sadly their followers are echoing their call to ignore those laws and our constitution.

For what? What do we follow a process for? Impeachment for what? So when RBG dies Trump can't appoint a replacement? This "impeachment inquiry" is a made up thing, nothing more. Either do it or hush. Anything I between is nothing more then TV for dumb sheep.

God this country really needs to invest in our education system.
The game clock is now 00:00. Trumps game is over.

For whom the bell tolls? At 4pm today they started tolling for Trump.

The impeachment inquiry is now real. Trump can no longer obstruct or delay.

The day has now come for Donald John Trump.
The game clock is now 00:00. Trumps game is over.

For whom the bell tolls? At 4pm today they started tolling for Trump.

The impeachment inquiry is now real. Trump can no longer obstruct or delay.

The day has now come for Donald John Trump.
yes yes yes !! impeach impeach impeach !! bwaaa haaaa haaa ! they just gave Trump the White house in 20/20 ! it will all start falling apart tomorrow for the left ! Trump is releasing the Transcripts tomorrow on the same day he will be meeting with and taking press questions with the ...wait for it ..........the president of the Ukraine !! the only person happier than you about impeachment is Trump himself !! the Don has Trumped the left again !bwaaa haaaa haaaa all the left has done is prove Trump right about the witch hunt ! and besides the senate will not impeach Trump ! 2020 is looking very good indeed !
First they will investigate for 3 or 4 months. The Senate konvicts. The House of Representatives impeaches first. the Senate will convict only if something important comes up more than this I suppose. On the other hand CBS reports there are several more scandals coming from The whistleblower. It wasn't just one.
I heard Mueller is looking for work.

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