
Pelosi to announce formal impeachment inquiry of Trump


Pelosi to announce formal impeachment inquiry of Trump
What exactly are they supposed to do in an impeachment inquiry? It sounds suspiciously like just another demodummie circle jerk to me.

Witnesses will be called, sometimes they will show, other times they won't. Once before the House, they may or may not answer the questions. Those who do testify the most will be those who know the least. Some who knows of someone who once cleaned the teeth of the Ukrainian President's barber will be treated as an expert and asked to speculate all over the place.

And they will.
Trump has already admitted enough to be impeached. Maybe not convicted... But definitely unelected...
You Leftards aren’t bright enough to walk around those rakes I see.
Words. Meaningless, inconsequential words spoken by people with an obvious mental imbalance.
How I see following constitutionally mandated actions a sign of mental imbalance?
Speaking of the Constitution, until the full House votes to authorize an inquiry, nobody is conducting a formal inquiry.

IF they ever put it to a vote watch 2/3 of Democrats vote no.

And we are going to laugh at you sooooo much.
Where in the constitution, chapter and verse, does it say such a vote must take place?
Once you are casually brushed by the veneer of law, your faith in Donald Trump will melt away. Two years from now, you will be denouncing him as the criminal he is.
Words. Meaningless, inconsequential words spoken by people with an obvious mental imbalance.
How I see following constitutionally mandated actions a sign of mental imbalance?

You liberals really need to accept the things you cannot change, like Trump as our President, if you want to have serenity now.
And you Trumpians must search your conscience and decide which is more precious to you; Donald Trump, or the constitution of the United States?
Words. Meaningless, inconsequential words spoken by people with an obvious mental imbalance.
How I see following constitutionally mandated actions a sign of mental imbalance?
Speaking of the Constitution, until the full House votes to authorize an inquiry, nobody is conducting a formal inquiry.

IF they ever put it to a vote watch 2/3 of Democrats vote no.

And we are going to laugh at you sooooo much.
Where in the constitution, chapter and verse, does it say such a vote must take place?
Once you are casually brushed by the veneer of law, your faith in Donald Trump will melt away. Two years from now, you will be denouncing him as the criminal he is.
Just remain stupid, you’re beyond hope.
Pelosi to announce formal impeachment inquiry of Trump


Pelosi to announce formal impeachment inquiry of Trump

Incredibly stupid move by Pelosi. One wonders what was moving behind the scenes that forced her hand on this.

Anyway…dumb move and it will make the democrats look even more pathetic than usual.

Trump is the architect of this whole whistleblowergate "scandal" this week. He knew the way the D's on the campaign trail would respond and how it would force octogenarian Nancy's hand. Watch, and you'll find out that the "whistleblower" is Steve Bannon's godson or someone who is a secret Trump ally.
I'm morally, ethically and patriotically opposed towards the criminal Trump.

Why are you so against the rule of law?[/QUOTE]
Morals, ethics and patriotism have nothing to do with what you're feeling,
Pelosi to announce formal impeachment inquiry of Trump


Pelosi to announce formal impeachment inquiry of Trump

Incredibly stupid move by Pelosi. One wonders what was moving behind the scenes that forced her hand on this.

Anyway…dumb move and it will make the democrats look even more pathetic than usual.

Trump is the architect of this whole whistleblowergate "scandal" this week. He knew the way the D's on the campaign trail would respond and how it would force octogenarian Nancy's hand. Watch, and you'll find out that the "whistleblower" is Steve Bannon's godson or someone who is a secret Trump ally.
Trap tripped.
There's a process to follow before a vote. It makes sense to do an actual investigation with all relevant information and facts before writing the article(s) of impeachment. You need a reason for the vote.

The Impeachment Process, Explained
Most knew in Jan 2017 that democrats were going to impeach Trump Al Greene got the ball rolling

Yes, we've been hearing about impeachment since Trump took office. That's part of the problem. People have been desensitized to the fact or they never cared as is evident by how some voted. The democrats are weak because they don't act quickly and decisively.

The bottom line is we are a country built on rules and laws. We've survived because we've always accepted this framework.

The process needs to be followed......whether we like it or not.....whether it benefits our preferred party or not. That is what has always made us stronger as a country. Now our leaders have put cracks in that foundation for partisan reasons. And sadly their followers are echoing their call to ignore those laws and our constitution.
and leftist are trying their damndest to destroy this country. This impeachment will be the death of the democrat party
I have but one life to give to my country ,,and if it means the downfall of the cowardly republican traitors I give it gladly
No one is surprised that you're willing to die to take down Trump, whether it's for your country or not. That's just the kind of fanatical jihadist douchebag you are.
The game clock is now 00:00. Trumps game is over.

For whom the bell tolls? At 4pm today they started tolling for Trump.

The impeachment inquiry is now real. Trump can no longer obstruct or delay.

The day has now come for Donald John Trump.

You do realize you can't impeach an elected President because you're butt-hurt, right?
You can for constitutional violations and breaking laws.
True, but that didn't happen so what else you got?
There's a process to follow before a vote. It makes sense to do an actual investigation with all relevant information and facts before writing the article(s) of impeachment. You need a reason for the vote.

The Impeachment Process, Explained
Most knew in Jan 2017 that democrats were going to impeach Trump Al Greene got the ball rolling

Yes, we've been hearing about impeachment since Trump took office. That's part of the problem. People have been desensitized to the fact or they never cared as is evident by how some voted. The democrats are weak because they don't act quickly and decisively.

The bottom line is we are a country built on rules and laws. We've survived because we've always accepted this framework.

The process needs to be followed......whether we like it or not.....whether it benefits our preferred party or not. That is what has always made us stronger as a country. Now our leaders have put cracks in that foundation for partisan reasons. And sadly their followers are echoing their call to ignore those laws and our constitution.

For what? What do we follow a process for? Impeachment for what? So when RBG dies Trump can't appoint a replacement? This "impeachment inquiry" is a made up thing, nothing more. Either do it or hush. Anything I between is nothing more then TV for dumb sheep.

God this country really needs to invest in our education system.

Yes. You really need it.
The game clock is now 00:00. Trumps game is over.

For whom the bell tolls? At 4pm today they started tolling for Trump.

The impeachment inquiry is now real. Trump can no longer obstruct or delay.

The day has now come for Donald John Trump.
The game clock is now 00:00. Trumps game is over.

For whom the bell tolls? At 4pm today they started tolling for Trump.

The impeachment inquiry is now real. Trump can no longer obstruct or delay.

The day has now come for Donald John Trump.
yes yes yes !! impeach impeach impeach !! bwaaa haaaa haaa ! they just gave Trump the White house in 20/20 ! it will all start falling apart tomorrow for the left ! Trump is releasing the Transcripts tomorrow on the same day he will be meeting with and taking press questions with the ...wait for it ..........the president of the Ukraine !! the only person happier than you about impeachment is Trump himself !! the Don has Trumped the left again !bwaaa haaaa haaaa all the left has done is prove Trump right about the witch hunt ! and besides the senate will not impeach Trump ! 2020 is looking very good indeed !
First they will investigate for 3 or 4 months. The Senate konvicts. The House of Representatives impeaches first. the Senate will convict only if something important comes up more than this I suppose. On the other hand CBS reports there are several more scandals coming from The whistleblower. It wasn't just one.
I heard Mueller is looking for work.

No he isn't. He is sitting infront of a big picture window eating tapioca and watching wheel.
Trump is a fine example of the content of Republican character. I hear his character traits are going to be something that the youth of this nation strive for. Will he be impeached? Could turn out like Bill Clinton impeached and stayed in office.
Pelosi has prompted me to write a check to the trump chest to defeat democrats. She opened up this can of worms.
Everybody knew the fat orange retard would face impeachment eventually. 1 of probably hundreds of impeachable offenses committed by Trump finally had a whistleblower. Wouldn't be surprised to see countless more emerge now.
Trump is a fine example of the content of Republican character. I hear his character traits are going to be something that the youth of this nation strive for. Will he be impeached? Could turn out like Bill Clinton impeached and stayed in office.
Clinton was made much more popular, I don't see that happening here. The GOP is the swamp
Words. Meaningless, inconsequential words spoken by people with an obvious mental imbalance.
How I see following constitutionally mandated actions a sign of mental imbalance?
There is no constitutional mandate to change the election because you don't like the winner and you think impeachment is the path to overturn that election.
You can drop that theme right here right now.

Trump is breaking the law. He is violatingmthe oath he took to "preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States". The only people who can't get passed the 2016 election are the Trumpians who desperately need some hook to hold on to their loyalty to this utterly corrupt person.

When you see the Dox News talking heads lay out the evidence on him, will you abandon your fidelity to the nation to champion a lawbreaker?
OH he's violated the law? like he colluded with Russia? Obstructed for a crime that never happened? yes that democrat media sure told you a bunch of lies and like a sheep ate it all up. and now you asking for the same old shit. leftist are retarded
Everybody knew the fat orange retard would face impeachment eventually. 1 of probably hundreds of impeachable offenses committed by Trump finally had a whistleblower. Wouldn't be surprised to see countless more emerge now.
ok retard name those offenses? like collusion with Russia? obstruction for a crime that never happened? you leftist retards will believe any damn lie the democrat media tells you.

noun, plural in·quir·ies.
a seeking or request for truth, information, or knowledge.
an investigation, as into an incident: a Congressional inquiry into the bribery charges.
the act of inquiring or of seeking information by questioning; interrogation.
a question; query.


In the minds of the Left, this constitutes the formal beginning of impeachment. They have no doubt soiled their shorts with glee.
Their glee may turn to glue.

Pelosi to Announce Impeachment Inquiry;
"Whistleblower" Being Represented by.... Former Schumer Staffer and Hillary Clinton Campaign Operative

Trump: I'm Releasing the Transcript of My Call with the President of Ukraine
Obama Official Jon Favreau: No! Don't Read the Transcript! It's a Trap!!!

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