
There's a process to follow before a vote. It makes sense to do an actual investigation with all relevant information and facts before writing the article(s) of impeachment. You need a reason for the vote.

The Impeachment Process, Explained
Most knew in Jan 2017 that democrats were going to impeach Trump Al Greene got the ball rolling

Yes, we've been hearing about impeachment since Trump took office. That's part of the problem. People have been desensitized to the fact or they never cared as is evident by how some voted. The democrats are weak because they don't act quickly and decisively.

The bottom line is we are a country built on rules and laws. We've survived because we've always accepted this framework.

The process needs to be followed......whether we like it or not.....whether it benefits our preferred party or not. That is what has always made us stronger as a country. Now our leaders have put cracks in that foundation for partisan reasons. And sadly their followers are echoing their call to ignore those laws and our constitution.
and leftist are trying their damndest to destroy this country. This impeachment will be the death of the democrat party
The game clock is now 00:00. Trumps game is over.

For whom the bell tolls? At 4pm today they started tolling for Trump.

The impeachment inquiry is now real. Trump can no longer obstruct or delay.

The day has now come for Donald John Trump.

You do realize you can't impeach an elected President because you're butt-hurt, right?
You can for constitutional violations and breaking laws.

That's the whole point in a nutshell, dumbass, Trump has done nothing wrong while your demodumbshits have broken all kinds of laws trying to put something on Trump. You people really are clueless and have pure shit for brains. If I were as stupid as you are, I'd probably want to put myself out of my misery and shoot myself.
I was against the death penalty DICK before I read your posts ,,,No more
There's a process to follow before a vote. It makes sense to do an actual investigation with all relevant information and facts before writing the article(s) of impeachment. You need a reason for the vote.

The Impeachment Process, Explained
Most knew in Jan 2017 that democrats were going to impeach Trump Al Greene got the ball rolling

Yes, we've been hearing about impeachment since Trump took office. That's part of the problem. People have been desensitized to the fact or they never cared as is evident by how some voted. The democrats are weak because they don't act quickly and decisively.

The bottom line is we are a country built on rules and laws. We've survived because we've always accepted this framework.

The process needs to be followed......whether we like it or not.....whether it benefits our preferred party or not. That is what has always made us stronger as a country. Now our leaders have put cracks in that foundation for partisan reasons. And sadly their followers are echoing their call to ignore those laws and our constitution.
and leftist are trying their damndest to destroy this country. This impeachment will be the death of the democrat party
We can only hope.
There's a process to follow before a vote. It makes sense to do an actual investigation with all relevant information and facts before writing the article(s) of impeachment. You need a reason for the vote.

The Impeachment Process, Explained
Most knew in Jan 2017 that democrats were going to impeach Trump Al Greene got the ball rolling

Yes, we've been hearing about impeachment since Trump took office. That's part of the problem. People have been desensitized to the fact or they never cared as is evident by how some voted. The democrats are weak because they don't act quickly and decisively.

The bottom line is we are a country built on rules and laws. We've survived because we've always accepted this framework.

The process needs to be followed......whether we like it or not.....whether it benefits our preferred party or not. That is what has always made us stronger as a country. Now our leaders have put cracks in that foundation for partisan reasons. And sadly their followers are echoing their call to ignore those laws and our constitution.
and leftist are trying their damndest to destroy this country. This impeachment will be the death of the democrat party

The idiom - It takes two to tango, is very relevant in this situation.

What ever happens going forward, there have been too many precedence allowed by this Administration and it's supporters. It will most certainly get worse before it gets better.
There's a process to follow before a vote. It makes sense to do an actual investigation with all relevant information and facts before writing the article(s) of impeachment. You need a reason for the vote.

The Impeachment Process, Explained
Most knew in Jan 2017 that democrats were going to impeach Trump Al Greene got the ball rolling

Yes, we've been hearing about impeachment since Trump took office. That's part of the problem. People have been desensitized to the fact or they never cared as is evident by how some voted. The democrats are weak because they don't act quickly and decisively.

The bottom line is we are a country built on rules and laws. We've survived because we've always accepted this framework.

The process needs to be followed......whether we like it or not.....whether it benefits our preferred party or not. That is what has always made us stronger as a country. Now our leaders have put cracks in that foundation for partisan reasons. And sadly their followers are echoing their call to ignore those laws and our constitution.
and leftist are trying their damndest to destroy this country. This impeachment will be the death of the democrat party
I have but one life to give to my country ,,and if it means the downfall of the cowardly republican traitors I give it gladly
There's a process to follow before a vote. It makes sense to do an actual investigation with all relevant information and facts before writing the article(s) of impeachment. You need a reason for the vote.

The Impeachment Process, Explained
Most knew in Jan 2017 that democrats were going to impeach Trump Al Greene got the ball rolling

Yes, we've been hearing about impeachment since Trump took office. That's part of the problem. People have been desensitized to the fact or they never cared as is evident by how some voted. The democrats are weak because they don't act quickly and decisively.

The bottom line is we are a country built on rules and laws. We've survived because we've always accepted this framework.

The process needs to be followed......whether we like it or not.....whether it benefits our preferred party or not. That is what has always made us stronger as a country. Now our leaders have put cracks in that foundation for partisan reasons. And sadly their followers are echoing their call to ignore those laws and our constitution.
and leftist are trying their damndest to destroy this country. This impeachment will be the death of the democrat party

The idiom - It takes two to tango, is very relevant in this situation.

What ever happens going forward, there have been too many precedence allowed by this Administration and it's supporters. It will most certainly get worse before it gets better.
It's one party trying to impeach for no reason other than they didn't like the outcome of the 2016 election.
There's a process to follow before a vote. It makes sense to do an actual investigation with all relevant information and facts before writing the article(s) of impeachment. You need a reason for the vote.

The Impeachment Process, Explained
Most knew in Jan 2017 that democrats were going to impeach Trump Al Greene got the ball rolling

Yes, we've been hearing about impeachment since Trump took office. That's part of the problem. People have been desensitized to the fact or they never cared as is evident by how some voted. The democrats are weak because they don't act quickly and decisively.

The bottom line is we are a country built on rules and laws. We've survived because we've always accepted this framework.

The process needs to be followed......whether we like it or not.....whether it benefits our preferred party or not. That is what has always made us stronger as a country. Now our leaders have put cracks in that foundation for partisan reasons. And sadly their followers are echoing their call to ignore those laws and our constitution.
and leftist are trying their damndest to destroy this country. This impeachment will be the death of the democrat party
I have but one life to give to my country ,,and if it means the downfall of the cowardly republican traitors I give it gladly
Any day now!
There's a process to follow before a vote. It makes sense to do an actual investigation with all relevant information and facts before writing the article(s) of impeachment. You need a reason for the vote.

The Impeachment Process, Explained
Most knew in Jan 2017 that democrats were going to impeach Trump Al Greene got the ball rolling

Yes, we've been hearing about impeachment since Trump took office. That's part of the problem. People have been desensitized to the fact or they never cared as is evident by how some voted. The democrats are weak because they don't act quickly and decisively.

The bottom line is we are a country built on rules and laws. We've survived because we've always accepted this framework.

The process needs to be followed......whether we like it or not.....whether it benefits our preferred party or not. That is what has always made us stronger as a country. Now our leaders have put cracks in that foundation for partisan reasons. And sadly their followers are echoing their call to ignore those laws and our constitution.
and leftist are trying their damndest to destroy this country. This impeachment will be the death of the democrat party
I have but one life to give to my country ,,and if it means the downfall of the cowardly republican traitors I give it gladly
saying it while under his parents bed in the basement
What Impeachment Inquiry REALLY means is that the Democrats have no plan for America, and they know they can't beat Donald Trump with their cast of buffoons. This is all they got. How sad for a once proud party that stood for real working Americans.
Tax the rich healthcare for all great infrastructure living wage cheap college and training great vacations etc etc is not a plan? Of course on your propaganda machine they tell you nothing except phony scandals and total misinformation.
Taking the oath to uphold the constitution of the united states remains one of the most important moments of my life. I have that oath hanging in my office and find that my eyes seek it out more often these days. It's what keeps me going.
There's a process to follow before a vote. It makes sense to do an actual investigation with all relevant information and facts before writing the article(s) of impeachment. You need a reason for the vote.

The Impeachment Process, Explained
Most knew in Jan 2017 that democrats were going to impeach Trump Al Greene got the ball rolling

Yes, we've been hearing about impeachment since Trump took office. That's part of the problem. People have been desensitized to the fact or they never cared as is evident by how some voted. The democrats are weak because they don't act quickly and decisively.

The bottom line is we are a country built on rules and laws. We've survived because we've always accepted this framework.

The process needs to be followed......whether we like it or not.....whether it benefits our preferred party or not. That is what has always made us stronger as a country. Now our leaders have put cracks in that foundation for partisan reasons. And sadly their followers are echoing their call to ignore those laws and our constitution.
and leftist are trying their damndest to destroy this country. This impeachment will be the death of the democrat party
I have but one life to give to my country ,,and if it means the downfall of the cowardly republican traitors I give it gladly
saying it while under his parents bed in the basement

I imagine you are right, some are cheering for impeachment. I am not cheering for it. I find the whole thing troubling and to be honest, sad. But I believe in the rules and the constitution and we should follow the process established for these situations.
There's a process to follow before a vote. It makes sense to do an actual investigation with all relevant information and facts before writing the article(s) of impeachment. You need a reason for the vote.

The Impeachment Process, Explained
Most knew in Jan 2017 that democrats were going to impeach Trump Al Greene got the ball rolling

Yes, we've been hearing about impeachment since Trump took office. That's part of the problem. People have been desensitized to the fact or they never cared as is evident by how some voted. The democrats are weak because they don't act quickly and decisively.

The bottom line is we are a country built on rules and laws. We've survived because we've always accepted this framework.

The process needs to be followed......whether we like it or not.....whether it benefits our preferred party or not. That is what has always made us stronger as a country. Now our leaders have put cracks in that foundation for partisan reasons. And sadly their followers are echoing their call to ignore those laws and our constitution.
and leftist are trying their damndest to destroy this country. This impeachment will be the death of the democrat party

The idiom - It takes two to tango, is very relevant in this situation.

What ever happens going forward, there have been too many precedence allowed by this Administration and it's supporters. It will most certainly get worse before it gets better.
It's one party trying to impeach for no reason other than they didn't like the outcome of the 2016 election.

The Democrats are going to have to pick up the pace on this impeachmentary process. Otherwise they won't finish it by November 2020, and they'll be forced to vote to reelect Trump in order to keep their impeachment dreams alive
Most knew in Jan 2017 that democrats were going to impeach Trump Al Greene got the ball rolling

Yes, we've been hearing about impeachment since Trump took office. That's part of the problem. People have been desensitized to the fact or they never cared as is evident by how some voted. The democrats are weak because they don't act quickly and decisively.

The bottom line is we are a country built on rules and laws. We've survived because we've always accepted this framework.

The process needs to be followed......whether we like it or not.....whether it benefits our preferred party or not. That is what has always made us stronger as a country. Now our leaders have put cracks in that foundation for partisan reasons. And sadly their followers are echoing their call to ignore those laws and our constitution.
and leftist are trying their damndest to destroy this country. This impeachment will be the death of the democrat party
I have but one life to give to my country ,,and if it means the downfall of the cowardly republican traitors I give it gladly
saying it while under his parents bed in the basement

I imagine you are right, some are cheering for impeachment. I am not cheering for it. I find the whole thing troubling and to be honest, sad. But I believe in the rules and the constitution and we should follow the process established for these situations.
Not liking the results of an election is not grounds for impeachment.
Got to love the crazy left. We got him now. We got him now.
Mueller is going to get him.
His taxes will get him.
He said this, it will get him.

I know this is a novel idea but how about just put up an electable candidate and then you would have him. Unfortunately that did not occur to the left last time or this so it looks like that isn't going to happen.
An NBC / WSJ poll shows that Trump is the most disliked in recent history, so it appears the Trump is unelectable.

Trump doesnt like Fox news polling either.
Yeah wasn't it 95% Hillary would win?

Polls only show what you want.
Words. Meaningless, inconsequential words spoken by people with an obvious mental imbalance.
How I see following constitutionally mandated actions a sign of mental imbalance?
There is no constitutional mandate to change the election because you don't like the winner and you think impeachment is the path to overturn that election.
You can drop that theme right here right now.

Trump is breaking the law. He is violatingmthe oath he took to "preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States". The only people who can't get passed the 2016 election are the Trumpians who desperately need some hook to hold on to their loyalty to this utterly corrupt person.

When you see the Dox News talking heads lay out the evidence on him, will you abandon your fidelity to the nation to champion a lawbreaker?
2019: RUSS--
No Russia?
Wuh happen to Muh Russia?
Obstruction... ?
The real point here... are the Democrats this stupid?
The transcripts are being released tomorrow, and if indeed they show what the President said.... then once again it is yet another frothing at the mouth IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT call over what turns out to be anything but.

At the same time, at what point will the American people wake up and realize, all the Democrats have done is froze the Federal government into a permanent political gridlock where nothing but spending is accomplished.
It just shows how messed up this country has become, and exactly how it is that Trump is a super small and minor part of the overall equation or problem, but the left wants Trump to be tared and feathered with it all. Good luck with that.
Words. Meaningless, inconsequential words spoken by people with an obvious mental imbalance.
How I see following constitutionally mandated actions a sign of mental imbalance?

You liberals really need to accept the things you cannot change, like Trump as our President, if you want to have serenity now.
And you Trumpians must search your conscience and decide which is more precious to you; Donald Trump, or the constitution of the United States?

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