
The real point here... are the Democrats this stupid?
The transcripts are being released tomorrow, and if indeed they show what the President said.... then once again it is yet another frothing at the mouth IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT call over what turns out to be anything but.

At the same time, at what point will the American people wake up and realize, all the Democrats have done is froze the Federal government into a permanent political gridlock where nothing but spending is accomplished.
I have no doubt they will show what the *president* claims he said. They've had plenty of time to fix up some good fakies.
They won’t even put up a vote to make it official.
They who?
pelosi is the only one who can, and she didn’t call a vote. It’s just noise.
First you have an investigation duh and making it official makes the Congressional subpoenas more powerful. This is getting out of hand and it should if he actually did what he said he did. And there are several more scandals to come according to the whistleblower. But of course you don't hear that kind of thing on the GOP propaganda machine, super duper.
no problem for Trump. The Russians turn their KGB deflection team loose, send copies of lies to Trump, he repeats them 50-100 times a day ...

in less than a month Pelosi is an evil, criminal, socialist on her way to prison for communists, and child molesters -

aka - Trump Cartel business as usual.
TDS induced paranoid delusions.
The real point here... are the Democrats this stupid?
The transcripts are being released tomorrow, and if indeed they show what the President said.... then once again it is yet another frothing at the mouth IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT call over what turns out to be anything but.

At the same time, at what point will the American people wake up and realize, all the Democrats have done is froze the Federal government into a permanent political gridlock where nothing but spending is accomplished.
I have no doubt they will show what the *president* claims he said. They've had plenty of time to fix up some good fakies.
They won’t even put up a vote to make it official.
They who?
pelosi is the only one who can, and she didn’t call a vote. It’s just noise.
First you have an investigation duh and making it official makes the Congressional subpoenas more powerful. This is getting out of hand and it should if he actually did what he said he did. And there are several more scandals to come according to the whistleblower. But of course you don't hear that kind of thing on the GOP propaganda machine, super duper.
Thanks for admitting Pelosi is just making you shut up.

Now we get 14 months of any day now.
Maybe they can toss Trump in a lake to see if he floats.

I have no doubt they will show what the *president* claims he said. They've had plenty of time to fix up some good fakies.
They won’t even put up a vote to make it official.
They who?
pelosi is the only one who can, and she didn’t call a vote. It’s just noise.
First you have an investigation duh and making it official makes the Congressional subpoenas more powerful. This is getting out of hand and it should if he actually did what he said he did. And there are several more scandals to come according to the whistleblower. But of course you don't hear that kind of thing on the GOP propaganda machine, super duper.
Thanks for admitting Pelosi is just making you shut up.

Now we get 14 months of any day now.

All Nance did was to say that the House is going to continue the inquiry in which it has been engaged since Trump's inauguration. An inquiry is neither a hearing nor a trial. It's just more bloviating from the prog blowhards.
The game clock is now 00:00. Trumps game is over.

For whom the bell tolls? At 4pm today they started tolling for Trump.

The impeachment inquiry is now real. Trump can no longer obstruct or delay.

The day has now come for Donald John Trump.
Dear god do we really need multiple threads on the same shit?
The game clock is now 00:00. Trumps game is over.

For whom the bell tolls? At 4pm today they started tolling for Trump.

The impeachment inquiry is now real. Trump can no longer obstruct or delay.

The day has now come for Donald John Trump.

The game clock is now 00:00. Trumps game is over.

For whom the bell tolls? At 4pm today they started tolling for Trump.

The impeachment inquiry is now real. Trump can no longer obstruct or delay.

The day has now come for Donald John Trump.
Pelosi's announcement was a step backwards. Six weeks ago Fat Jerry Nads announced "formal impeachment proceedings."

This was another Dem nothing burger intended to enrage already unhinged not-too-brights. Looks like they hooked you again.

IM2 is so gullible that he doesn't understand that it's just a dog and pony show.

Wow... Ya got some?

you align yourself with people who wage war on pot?

Actually I have a Medicinal Marijuana Card in my pocket as I hunt and peck on this keyboard… Not much of a war going on here... After the first of the year I will be able to tote around at least 4 grams in my pocket... Buy a newspaper, the world is changing...

you vote for people who would put you in jail?

I have never been arrested in 50 years for marijuana procession... And who I vote for is my business...'re real smart.....

Thank you... My blessed mother would appreciate your kind words...

With that being said... :fu: What I do in the privacy of my home is my business so go piss up a rope...
Democrats must realize the next time they win the White House impeachment inquiries will start almost immediately.
If you a gun owner you would be stupid to vote for a democrat or even third party.
Unless you think there should be background checks and that 17 million AR-15s is already enough.... But that would be sane and not brainwashed, super duper.
Dumb ass we already have background checks and it's more like 25 million
The Proggies are going to be sorely disappointed.

But Trump is a good sport and wanted to warn the Democrats about what they're going to do: "If you impeach me now, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine," he said in an open address to his political foes.

Trump: 'If You Impeach Me Now, I Shall Become More Powerful Than You Can Possibly Imagine'
Did you notice this is from satire site Babylon Bee.

As Snopes now fact checks BB, it has replaced NYTimes as the paper of record.
I have no doubt they will show what the *president* claims he said. They've had plenty of time to fix up some good fakies.
They won’t even put up a vote to make it official.
They who?
pelosi is the only one who can, and she didn’t call a vote. It’s just noise.
First you have an investigation duh and making it official makes the Congressional subpoenas more powerful. This is getting out of hand and it should if he actually did what he said he did. And there are several more scandals to come according to the whistleblower. But of course you don't hear that kind of thing on the GOP propaganda machine, super duper.
Thanks for admitting Pelosi is just making you shut up.

Now we get 14 months of any day now.

Let me preface this post by saying this, I don't like Trump. I've made no secret of this. It's a toss up, however as to who I dislike more: Trump or the vast majority of Democrats...

Here's the way I see it...

Nothing will come of this, and if something does it won't be to force Trump from office. Why? Three words: President Mike Pence. Pence is a true conservative, unlike Trump, and they don't want Pence in the big chair for any amount of time. No, regardless of whether or not they have enough to impeach Trump (and I find it difficult to believe they would be unable to find something... anything), this whole thing, to my mind, is more about smearing his name (like he hasn't done that enough himself), staining it in voters' minds before the next election. Not his base, but those who may be thinking about voting for him (though I find it difficult to believe that anyone who is waffling would think voting Trump is a good idea... lesser of two evils... the devil you know...). This is also an effort to hamstring Trump, make it difficult for him to get anything done between now and the next election. They are convinced they are going to win. Again.

That's just my opinion.

Oh, and we're all fucked...
The impeachment hearings will galvanize the Trump Resistance.

Trump is so stupid he is likely to be provoked into more acts that will accelerate his downfall.

Donald Trump and his entire family will become pariahs.
The real point here... are the Democrats this stupid?
The transcripts are being released tomorrow, and if indeed they show what the President said.... then once again it is yet another frothing at the mouth IMPEACHMENT IMPEACHMENT call over what turns out to be anything but.

At the same time, at what point will the American people wake up and realize, all the Democrats have done is froze the Federal government into a permanent political gridlock where nothing but spending is accomplished.
They just spent the last 2 plus yrs excusing worse than this that Obamas minions engaged in. Dont we need to know if ol Joe is colluding

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