Implosion! Biden Plummets to THIRD PLACE in National Poll

The Gaffe-master has fallen to the level of Fake Woo Woo Warren & the Social Tales From The Crypt Keeper....

It was only a matter of time before the inevitable! Looks like it might be Trump versus the Faux Squaw after all.

Biden, Once the Clear Favorite, Plummets to THIRD PLACE in National Poll
I look forward to seeing Warren whip Trump’s lying ass!

Yep, I'm sure you also look forward to paying more taxes, paying for Medicare for all, paying for healthcare for all....and a recession, dumbass.
I look forward to paying my fair share of taxes, and seeing the rich pay a lot more than they do
I look forward to reducing the equality gap, and being respectful to ALL citizens for their hard labor, regardless of their parent’s wealth, or not.

Wow, you have been drinking the Kool-Aid.
It was only a matter of time before the inevitable! Looks like it might be Trump versus the Faux Squaw after all.

Biden, Once the Clear Favorite, Plummets to THIRD PLACE in National Poll

The polls will move again. Nothing is certain until the convention.

True, it is way to early to tell who will even be there. Howard Dean was the front runner in 2004 and Kerry was the nominee, Jeb Bush was the favorite in 2016 and Hillary was the favorite going into 2008.

Maybe on of the Democrats will catch on, like Steve Bullock.
I can't see Democrats voting for an old establishment racist out of touch white guy like Joe Biden. But then again it wouldn't surprise me.
It was only a matter of time before the inevitable! Looks like it might be Trump versus the Faux Squaw after all.

Biden, Once the Clear Favorite, Plummets to THIRD PLACE in National Poll
I've been saying all along, he's too old. So's Bernie. Both likable guys, but c'mon. Their time has come and gone.

I would prefer someone younger but if the DNC excludes Gabbard my pickings become slim.

I like Gabbard and Bullock, either one would be a good choice. Bullock over Gabbard in my opinion.
I can't see Democrats voting for an old establishment racist out of touch white guy like Joe Biden. But then again it wouldn't surprise me.

Hell, they voted for Hillary, can’t get much older, much whiter or more out of touch than her.
It was only a matter of time before the inevitable! Looks like it might be Trump versus the Faux Squaw after all.

Biden, Once the Clear Favorite, Plummets to THIRD PLACE in National Poll
I've been saying all along, he's too old. So's Bernie. Both likable guys, but c'mon. Their time has come and gone.
Bernie is mean and angry.

He is also funny, not in a Biden way, more like an Archie Bunker way.
Not even close to the Dems best shot. He is basically just Trump less about a 100 pounds.
Delusional. How is telling The American People you want to tax them $100 Trillion Dollars for Free Shit and Cow Farts for Lazy assed Democrats like yourself going to win an election? You better tear down The Wall and import more fake voters.
The end is nigh:

Poll: Majority of Americans say they would not vote for a 'socialist'
In a new Hill.TV/HarrisX American Barometer poll released Tuesday, an overwhelming majority of respondents, 76 percent, said they would not vote for a “socialist” political candidate, while only 24 percent of those polled said they would vote for a socialist candidate.
It was only a matter of time before the inevitable! Looks like it might be Trump versus the Faux Squaw after all.

Biden, Once the Clear Favorite, Plummets to THIRD PLACE in National Poll

good news for the country. I hope you Trumpians keep up your attacks on him

We will. He was your best candidate. Your only shot. You can kiss that one goodbye now!

Not even close to the Dems best shot.

He is basically just Trump less about a 100 pounds.

How is telling The American People you want to tax them $100 Trillion Dollars for Free Shit and Cow Farts for Lazy assed Democrats like yourself going to win an election?

You better tear down The Wall and import more fake voters.

Poll: Majority of Americans say they would not vote for a 'socialist' socialist
In a new Hill.TV/HarrisX American Barometer poll released Tuesday, an overwhelming majority of respondents, 76 percent, said they would not vote for a “socialist” political candidate, while only 24 percent of those polled said they would vote for a socialist candidate.

That would mean that most of the Democratic Party candidates would not be elected. Some are very deceptive though.
So far, what I've heard of Warren sounds a bit farther left than I'd like, but I'm not really up to date on that. She's experienced and she doesn't take any shit, that's for sure. Certainly no matter what she stands for she's got more brains than Trump. Anyone does.
More brains than Trump isn't a high enough bar.
LOL. Democrats nominated and voted for Shrillary Clinton less than 3 years ago so you guys might wanna keep the "stupid" talk down to a low whisper lest you yourselves be deemed stupid.

Oh, wait ... too late.
So far, what I've heard of Warren sounds a bit farther left than I'd like, but I'm not really up to date on that. She's experienced and she doesn't take any shit, that's for sure. Certainly no matter what she stands for she's got more brains than Trump. Anyone does.
More brains than Trump isn't a high enough bar.
LOL. Democrats nominated and voted for Shrillary Clinton less than 3 years ago so you guys might wanna keep the "stupid" talk down to a low whisper lest you yourselves be deemed stupid.

Oh, wait ... too late.

No idea who "you guys" are. I never supported Hillary.
Bernie is mean and angry.

But when he lost to Hillary, he ceased being a leader, being mean and angry, and became one of the most pathetic brown nose shills in the history of American politics.

THAT is why he can't get more than 20% in the Dem polls now. Dem voters who wanted Hillary "reigned in" a bit were disgusted with groveling spineless post primary Bernie....

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