Implosion! Biden Plummets to THIRD PLACE in National Poll

She's experienced and she doesn't take any shit

Thanks, OL. Your description covers Adolf Hitler and Kim Jong Un as well.

Meantime, I thought our presidents were government by a set of LAWS, not whether they "took shit" or not.
No need for that, toob. It was just a comment. Has she got you worried or something? Experience matters, as our current President proves every day. And not taking shit is something any candidate running against Trump will require.

Experience? Warren? Only experience she has is in talking BS.
She's experienced and she doesn't take any shit

Thanks, OL. Your description covers Adolf Hitler and Kim Jong Un as well.

Meantime, I thought our presidents were government by a set of LAWS, not whether they "took shit" or not.
No need for that, toob. It was just a comment. Has she got you worried or something? Experience matters, as our current President proves every day. And not taking shit is something any candidate running against Trump will require.

Experience? Warren? Only experience she has is in talking BS.

Guess you've never listened to her speak then, have you? She gets on the stage with Trump and does to him what she did to the CEO of Wells Fargo, which ended in his resignation, Trump will be worse than toast. She'll serve him his fat ass on a platter.

Trading in memes because you can't post real stuff? Sad.

Try reading the news for a change.

"On Sunday, Warren stood on the biggest stage of her presidential campaign for a rally here that drew an estimated 15,000 people — eclipsing an estimated 12,000-person event she held in Minnesota earlier in the week, according to her campaign."

‘The rock star’ vs. ‘The rock’: Warren and Biden hurtle toward collision
I really think Pocahontas has a ceiling in the polls of about 25% of Dems. Faking being Native American while "guilty" of being white is fatal in today's Dem Party.

I think Biden, Pocahontas, Hate Hoax Harris, The Bern, and the UnCloseted One are all toast.
She's experienced and she doesn't take any shit

Thanks, OL. Your description covers Adolf Hitler and Kim Jong Un as well.

Meantime, I thought our presidents were government by a set of LAWS, not whether they "took shit" or not.
No need for that, toob. It was just a comment. Has she got you worried or something? Experience matters, as our current President proves every day. And not taking shit is something any candidate running against Trump will require.

Experience? Warren? Only experience she has is in talking BS.

Guess you've never listened to her speak then, have you? She gets on the stage with Trump and does to him what she did to the CEO of Wells Fargo, which ended in his resignation, Trump will be worse than toast. She'll serve him his fat ass on a platter.


Sure....or she'll dance.

The dishonest media always seems to show close-in shots of these morons, in order to reveal just how few people are showing up at their rallies...



She's in a school gym, no doubt in a small town without a bigger hall to rent. Good for her for visiting small town USA.

It was in Seattle, WA. Not exactly small town America and they have places that hold a lot more like Safeco or Qwest Field, that can hold 80,000 like when Sanders was there in 2016.
She's experienced and she doesn't take any shit

Thanks, OL. Your description covers Adolf Hitler and Kim Jong Un as well.

Meantime, I thought our presidents were government by a set of LAWS, not whether they "took shit" or not.
No need for that, toob. It was just a comment. Has she got you worried or something? Experience matters, as our current President proves every day. And not taking shit is something any candidate running against Trump will require.

Experience? Warren? Only experience she has is in talking BS.

Guess you've never listened to her speak then, have you? She gets on the stage with Trump and does to him what she did to the CEO of Wells Fargo, which ended in his resignation, Trump will be worse than toast. She'll serve him his fat ass on a platter.

Not very likely. But I can understand the left's attraction to Warren: She assuages their collective butthurtedness over losing in 2016, in that she is a surrogate for Hillary Clinton.

Without all the baggage, of course.

Never mind that she's so full of white privilege that she could start her own exclusive "whites only" country. Even though it was proven that she has next to zilch amount of Native American blood, most Democrats feel that she is a geniune "minority" because...well basically, she has a vagina.
She's experienced and she doesn't take any shit

Thanks, OL. Your description covers Adolf Hitler and Kim Jong Un as well.

Meantime, I thought our presidents were government by a set of LAWS, not whether they "took shit" or not.
No need for that, toob. It was just a comment. Has she got you worried or something? Experience matters, as our current President proves every day. And not taking shit is something any candidate running against Trump will require.

Well, unlike that clabber-brained Pocahontas, President Trump actually has real experience, years of it, running the country and solving its many problems. But that is OK: I've heard the Dems talk; a few of them even have a good idea or two. But it never takes very long for them to say something so stupid that you have to wonder that if the stuff they're willing to say is that bad, how bad is the stuff they AREN'T willing to publicly tell you?!
She's experienced and she doesn't take any shit

Thanks, OL. Your description covers Adolf Hitler and Kim Jong Un as well.

Meantime, I thought our presidents were government by a set of LAWS, not whether they "took shit" or not.
No need for that, toob. It was just a comment. Has she got you worried or something? Experience matters, as our current President proves every day. And not taking shit is something any candidate running against Trump will require.

Experience? Warren? Only experience she has is in talking BS.

Guess you've never listened to her speak then, have you? She gets on the stage with Trump and does to him what she did to the CEO of Wells Fargo, which ended in his resignation, Trump will be worse than toast. She'll serve him his fat ass on a platter.

Then I guess, Plain Tweeter, she must be about 1,000 fucking percent smarter than Hillary Clinton! :auiqs.jpg:
She assuages their collective butthurtedness over losing in 2016, in that she is a surrogate for Hillary Clinton. Without all the baggage, of course.

Yep. Dizzy Lizzy doesn't have Hillary's baggage. She's also about 90 IQ points below Hillary in shrewdness. If Trump toyed with her like a cat with a mouse, it's going to be murder when Trump gets in there with Pokey.
It was only a matter of time before the inevitable! Looks like it might be Trump versus the Faux Squaw after all.

Biden, Once the Clear Favorite, Plummets to THIRD PLACE in National Poll
I look forward to seeing Warren whip Trump’s lying ass!
Not going to happen plus Warren is the certified liar if you haven't noticed since she came on the political scene.
What verified lies?
It was only a matter of time before the inevitable! Looks like it might be Trump versus the Faux Squaw after all.

Biden, Once the Clear Favorite, Plummets to THIRD PLACE in National Poll
I look forward to seeing Warren whip Trump’s lying ass!

Yep, I'm sure you also look forward to paying more taxes, paying for Medicare for all, paying for healthcare for all....and a recession, dumbass.
I look forward to paying my fair share of taxes, and seeing the rich pay a lot more than they do
I look forward to reducing the equality gap, and being respectful to ALL citizens for their hard labor, regardless of their parent’s wealth, or not.
It was only a matter of time before the inevitable! Looks like it might be Trump versus the Faux Squaw after all.

Biden, Once the Clear Favorite, Plummets to THIRD PLACE in National Poll
I look forward to seeing Warren whip Trump’s lying ass!

Yep, I'm sure you also look forward to paying more taxes, paying for Medicare for all, paying for healthcare for all....and a recession, dumbass.
I look forward to paying my fair share of taxes, and seeing the rich pay a lot more than they do
I look forward to reducing the equality gap, and being respectful to ALL citizens for their hard labor, regardless of their parent’s wealth, or not.

I look forward to your stay in Venezuela.

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