In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens

Obama's daddy was a polygamous communist and a drunk. His mother was a skank. So what?
Obama is noner of those things, so what?
Was Trump arrested at a KKK rally? Lord you're stupid.
I'm stupid? You can't even make an intelligible statement. What the fuck does polygamous communist and skank have to do with an arrest at a KKK rally, dumbass? Besides, Obama's dad was a Muslim. Muslims aren't generally associated with communism. Polygamy, yes, but it is not a crime where they come from. Learn to at least form coherent sentences before calling anyone frigging racist pig!
Pubic, you're stupid even for your demographic.
Obama's daddy was a polygamous communist and a drunk. His mother was a skank. So what?
Obama is noner of those things, so what?
Was Trump arrested at a KKK rally? Lord you're stupid.
I'm stupid? You can't even make an intelligible statement. What the fuck does polygamous communist and skank have to do with an arrest at a KKK rally, dumbass? Besides, Obama's dad was a Muslim. Muslims aren't generally associated with communism. Polygamy, yes, but it is not a crime where they come from. Learn to at least form coherent sentences before calling anyone frigging racist pig!
Pubic, you're stupid even for your demographic.
Coming from you, I guess I must be doing some thing right....but forgive me for not deferring to your inferior intelligence!
Coming from you, I guess I must be doing some thing right....but forgive me for not deferring to your inferior intelligence!
For you to address people with inferior intelligence, you'd have much more success on a black chat site, or your fellow hood rats/thugs. Good luck!
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

On Memorial Day 1927, brawls erupted in New York led by sympathizers of the Italian fascist movement and the Ku Klux Klan. In the fascist brawl, which took place in the Bronx, two Italian men were killed by anti-fascists. In Queens, 1,000 white-robed Klansmen marched through the Jamaica neighborhood, eventually spurring an all-out brawl in which seven men were arrested.

One of those arrested was Fred Trump of 175-24 Devonshire Rd. in Jamaica.

In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens

What say you about your Boy?

VIDEO: Obama giving a eulogy for KKK grand wizard Robert Byrd - Skips SCOTUS funeral
hey old chief cracka wanna be , Byrd denounced the klan and appologized and supported Obama
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

On Memorial Day 1927, brawls erupted in New York led by sympathizers of the Italian fascist movement and the Ku Klux Klan. In the fascist brawl, which took place in the Bronx, two Italian men were killed by anti-fascists. In Queens, 1,000 white-robed Klansmen marched through the Jamaica neighborhood, eventually spurring an all-out brawl in which seven men were arrested.

One of those arrested was Fred Trump of 175-24 Devonshire Rd. in Jamaica.

In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens

So Trumps father hung out with democrats....
David Duke denies ever endorsing Trump. That was liberal democrats dressed in white sheets - that you saw. As for Fred Trump? Trump said his father was never arrested. You've got the wrong man. The story is false. I'm encouraged to see all the desperation the liberal media is showing over Trump. Very encouraged.
Liberals don't dress in white sheets, conservatives do. David Puke is proof of that. CanI get an AMEN?

Liberals are way more subtle these days....they run for office.
They don't have to impress YOU, they have to inform!

Millions of American Liberals fought in that war while millions of conservatives stayed home to play politics or were given cushy jobs making propaganda films like Ronald Reagan did. Bernie Sanders is a Jew. The Nazi Democratic Socialists were composed of Christian elements who hated Communists. Now that is a surprise, isn't it? According to you, socialists are supposed to be nearly the same as Communists. And the Nazis didn't behave like socialists OR communists. Their technological savvy and industrial complex was the envy of the world, including the USA!
What a crock of shit!!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:


Are you implying that Liberalism and Socialism are NOT mutually exclusive? Were the Nazi socialists liberals? I don't think so. Those were Conservatives. Genocide against the jews was even more of a Social Conservative extreme than the KKK exhibited. And The German people weren't enslaved by the Nazism,the Nazis were their enablers to do what they wanted to do all along: Kill the Jews.

The Nazis were small government Conservatives?...LMAO
When your ass falls off pick it up and drag it outta here. Are you asking me a question or answering one that just popped into your empty head? There are many facets to conservatism.... are you trying to turn one facet into something important?

There is no facet of Conservatism that is pro-authoritarian, nor big government.

My ass, is intact.
Coming from you, I guess I must be doing some thing right....but forgive me for not deferring to your inferior intelligence!
For you to address people with inferior intelligence, you'd have much more success on a black chat site, or your fellow hood rats/thugs. Good luck!
Oh,I am having plenty of luck right here.You are living proof of that. I love it when you fire up that other brain cell and actually construct a coherent sentence.
The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

On Memorial Day 1927, brawls erupted in New York led by sympathizers of the Italian fascist movement and the Ku Klux Klan. In the fascist brawl, which took place in the Bronx, two Italian men were killed by anti-fascists. In Queens, 1,000 white-robed Klansmen marched through the Jamaica neighborhood, eventually spurring an all-out brawl in which seven men were arrested.

One of those arrested was Fred Trump of 175-24 Devonshire Rd. in Jamaica.

In 1927, Donald Trump’s father was arrested after a Klan riot in Queens

So Trumps father hung out with democrats....
Yep, He hung out with the conservative factions of his day!
David Duke denies ever endorsing Trump. That was liberal democrats dressed in white sheets - that you saw. As for Fred Trump? Trump said his father was never arrested. You've got the wrong man. The story is false. I'm encouraged to see all the desperation the liberal media is showing over Trump. Very encouraged.
Liberals don't dress in white sheets, conservatives do. David Puke is proof of that. CanI get an AMEN?

Liberals are way more subtle these days....they run for office.
Of course they do. To keep those racist conservatives in check regardless of party affiliation!
Millions of American Liberals fought in that war while millions of conservatives stayed home to play politics or were given cushy jobs making propaganda films like Ronald Reagan did. Bernie Sanders is a Jew. The Nazi Democratic Socialists were composed of Christian elements who hated Communists. Now that is a surprise, isn't it? According to you, socialists are supposed to be nearly the same as Communists. And the Nazis didn't behave like socialists OR communists. Their technological savvy and industrial complex was the envy of the world, including the USA!
What a crock of shit!!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:


Are you implying that Liberalism and Socialism are NOT mutually exclusive? Were the Nazi socialists liberals? I don't think so. Those were Conservatives. Genocide against the jews was even more of a Social Conservative extreme than the KKK exhibited. And The German people weren't enslaved by the Nazism,the Nazis were their enablers to do what they wanted to do all along: Kill the Jews.

The Nazis were small government Conservatives?...LMAO
When your ass falls off pick it up and drag it outta here. Are you asking me a question or answering one that just popped into your empty head? There are many facets to conservatism.... are you trying to turn one facet into something important?

There is no facet of Conservatism that is pro-authoritarian, nor big government.

My ass, is intact.
Then stop trying to tell women what to do with their own bodies. Stop the prison population explosion that makes this country the biggest prison complex in the world. Stop spending my tax dollars trying to police the entire planet and spend that money making the lives of our citizens better.

Big government mens big employment for millions of Americans. Why would you want to restrict that?.Except for cutting waste and abuse, remember a working American pays taxes no matter if he/she is a bureaucrat or not.
Coming from you, I guess I must be doing some thing right....but forgive me for not deferring to your inferior intelligence!
For you to address people with inferior intelligence, you'd have much more success on a black chat site, or your fellow hood rats/thugs. Good luck!
Oh,I am having plenty of luck right here.You are living proof of that. I love it when you fire up that other brain cell and actually construct a coherent sentence.
You do do realize that your insipid commentary renders you a ding bat, right? There are posts to silly to warrant a response anymore than I've already dignified. more than I should.
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On Memorial Day 1927, brawls erupted in New York led by sympathizers of the Italian fascist movement and the Ku Klux Klan.

I'm sure that Fred would be proud that Donny brought these two factions together ;)
Coming from you, I guess I must be doing some thing right....but forgive me for not deferring to your inferior intelligence!
For you to address people with inferior intelligence, you'd have much more success on a black chat site, or your fellow hood rats/thugs. Good luck!
Oh,I am having plenty of luck right here.You are living proof of that. I love it when you fire up that other brain cell and actually construct a coherent sentence.
You do do realize that your insipid commentary renders you a ding bat, right? There are posts to silly to warrant a response anymore than I've already dignified. more than I should.
I'll help you with your addiction of responding to my posts. Since you don't have the will power to resist, I will not reply to any more of your silly ad hominem one liners. Agreed? Thanks in advance. BYE
What a crock of shit!!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::cuckoo:


Are you implying that Liberalism and Socialism are NOT mutually exclusive? Were the Nazi socialists liberals? I don't think so. Those were Conservatives. Genocide against the jews was even more of a Social Conservative extreme than the KKK exhibited. And The German people weren't enslaved by the Nazism,the Nazis were their enablers to do what they wanted to do all along: Kill the Jews.

The Nazis were small government Conservatives?...LMAO
When your ass falls off pick it up and drag it outta here. Are you asking me a question or answering one that just popped into your empty head? There are many facets to conservatism.... are you trying to turn one facet into something important?

There is no facet of Conservatism that is pro-authoritarian, nor big government.

My ass, is intact.
Then stop trying to tell women what to do with their own bodies. Stop the prison population explosion that makes this country the biggest prison complex in the world. Stop spending my tax dollars trying to police the entire planet and spend that money making the lives of our citizens better.

Big government mens big employment for millions of Americans. Why would you want to restrict that?.Except for cutting waste and abuse, remember a working American pays taxes no matter if he/she is a bureaucrat or not.
People should stop breaking the law. If we secured the border, that would help too.

Big government doesn't mean millions of jobs for anyone. It only means less money in my pocket. The Soviets tried the whole government job thing. And it flopped, big time.

Government employees don't create new tax revenue. That's a fact.
Are you implying that Liberalism and Socialism are NOT mutually exclusive? Were the Nazi socialists liberals? I don't think so. Those were Conservatives. Genocide against the jews was even more of a Social Conservative extreme than the KKK exhibited. And The German people weren't enslaved by the Nazism,the Nazis were their enablers to do what they wanted to do all along: Kill the Jews.

The Nazis were small government Conservatives?...LMAO
When your ass falls off pick it up and drag it outta here. Are you asking me a question or answering one that just popped into your empty head? There are many facets to conservatism.... are you trying to turn one facet into something important?

There is no facet of Conservatism that is pro-authoritarian, nor big government.

My ass, is intact.
Then stop trying to tell women what to do with their own bodies. Stop the prison population explosion that makes this country the biggest prison complex in the world. Stop spending my tax dollars trying to police the entire planet and spend that money making the lives of our citizens better.

Big government mens big employment for millions of Americans. Why would you want to restrict that?.Except for cutting waste and abuse, remember a working American pays taxes no matter if he/she is a bureaucrat or not.
People should stop breaking the law. If we secured the border, that would help too.

Big government doesn't mean millions of jobs for anyone. It only means less money in my pocket. The Soviets tried the whole government job thing. And it flopped, big time.

Government employees don't create new tax revenue. That's a fact.
So you don't see anything wrong with having more people locked up than any country in the world, including Cuba and China? And many of those inmates are nonviolent offenders posing no real threat to society.

The size of government is already limited by human resources departments of respective agencies that analyze manpower and labor needs continuously.

Government employees pay taxes on their income so I don't know what you mean by "they don't create new tax revenue. The US Postal Service operates without taking ANY tax payer funding, yet every employee of that large federal agency pays taxes. Checkmate!

Lastly, less money in your pocket to serve the needs of the many rather than the needs of a few is always admirable in my book. Jesus would be proud of you!

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