In 1948, Arabs threatened Palestinians with violence if they didn't leave Israel before the attack

Let's hear what the mufti himself said:

Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops.

No, let's see what the "Tell the Children the Truth" website SAYS the Mufti is supposed to have said,

"Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire[xxx] Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops[xxxi]"

Amin Al Husseini Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

Click on the links [xxx] and [xxxi] and lo and behold, you get to the "Sebianna" website that Roudy's been peddling for years created and written by Carl Savich, who was disowned by his own university for "poor scholarship", otherwise known as "making things up".
Let's hear what the mufti himself said:

Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops.

No, let's see what the "Tell the Children the Truth" website SAYS the Mufti is supposed to have said,

"Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire[xxx] Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops[xxxi]"

Amin Al Husseini Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

Click on the links [xxx] and [xxxi] and lo and behold, you get to the "Sebianna" website that Roudy's been peddling for years created and written by Carl Savich, who was disowned by his own university for "poor scholarship", otherwise known as "making things up".

Anything Roufti posts is made up by him or some Zionist fairy tale author.
He hated Jews, he hated Christians, and he worked to kill both of them and he succeeded. While serving in the Ottoman army, he watched the Ottoman Muslims commit genocide on the Armenian Christians and wanted the same for the Jews and Christians of the Middle East. He had whole divisions of Muslim Nazis who ended up slaughtering tens of thousands of Christians and burning churches. He made personal visits to Arab nations and convinced they do to the Jews what the Nazis were doing to them in Europe. You are pathetic with no morals or ethics. Just a mentally ill Jew hater.

He had nothing to do with the Armenian genocide. As your own link states, he heard about. He led no divisions of Muslims in Europe. The Muslim, mostly Bosnians, were undr German command and attacked when the Germans said to attack. And they certainly did not attack the Germans, Croats, Hungarians and others that were Christians.

You do not seem to be able to get it through your thick skull that the Mufti knew what the Zionists and the British were planning to do with the Palestinians. Do you think he should have sat by and done nothing? Of course he would try to gather as much support to try to regain the land taken from his people. As a neutral, it is easy to see the dynamic, you are so partisan for one side you can't think straight. Combine that with your limited intelligence and you appear to be a complete maniac.
Of course he did, he organized and led the Muslim Nazis who went around killing Christians and burning churches. Get your head out of your Mohammad, MonkeyNazi:

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers

To assist the practical slaughter of Jews and Christians, al-Husseini built an army of Muslim volunteer units for the Waffen-SS (the combat units of the dread SS) to operate for the Nazi cause in the Balkans. While the appeal for volunteers from among Muslims always struggled to meet the demands for new recruits, al-Husseini was able to organize three divisions of Bosnian Muslims who were then trained as elements of the Waffen-SS. The largest radical Muslim unit was the 13th Waffen-SS Handzar ("Dagger") division that boasted over 21,000 men. They were joined by the Bosnian 23rd Waffen-SS Kama Division and the Albanian Skanderbeg 21st Waffen-SS Division. The Muslim Waffen-SSforces fought across the Balkans against Communist partisans and then assisted in the genocide of Yugoslavian Jews and in the persecution and slaughter of Gypsies and Christian Serbs in 1944 and 1945. The brutality extended to Catholics as well, for the Muslim Waffen-SS cut a path of destruction across the Balkans that encompassed a large number of Catholic parishes, churches, and shrines and resulted in the deaths of thousands of Catholics. By the end of the war, al-Husseini’s fanatical soldiers had killed over 90 percent of the Jews in Bosnia.

Back to Catholic Answers then, *sigh*. OK factual errors in the Catholic Answers article:

13th SS Mountain Infantry Division "Handschar" was also known as "1st Croatian" It was not a "Muslim" Division because it contained a large proportion of Catholic Croats and German "volksdeutsche". According to records it reached a paper strength of 21,065 men in 1943 it never attained an operational strength of more than 17,000 men in action in 1944-45. It was the only SS division to mutiny against the Nazi regime and was prone to high rates of desertion from its Muslim soldiers.

The 23rd SS Mountain Division (2nd Croatian) was known as "Kama" although it never reached more than an operational Brigade strength of 2,199 men and was raised from Serbo-Croat Hungarians and forced Bosnian conscripts, most of whom deserted at the first opportunity. The 23rd ended up composed mainly of of Croats, Germans and Hungarian "volksdeutsche". Ultimately it was in such a poor shape it was disbanded to be replaced by the 23rd SS Division called "Nederland"; composed mainly of Dutch Fascist volunteers.

The 21st SS Mountain Division "Skanderbeg" was the only unit known to have taken part in anti-Jewish operations. Another patheticaly small Brigade sizred unit it was composed mainly from Albanians from the Kosovo region. From it's inception the unit was more interested in settling old scores with the local Serbs than fighting a war. An Army Group E report rated the unit's performance as having "absolutely no military value."

There is absolutely no evidence that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem played any part in leading or organising these units other than making propaganda speeches to encourage recruitment, largely a failed effort.

As regards the fate of the Jewish population of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the overwhelming majority were murdered or deported by the Ustase, a Croatian Catholic/Fascist organisation, before any of these three SS units were created.

Oh the Catholic Answers article is based on these sources:
  • Dalin, David and John Rothmann, Icon of Evil: Hitler’s Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam (Random House, 2008)
  • Elpeleg, Zvi, The Grand Mufti: Haj Amin Al-Hussaini, Founder of the Palestinian National Movement (Frank Cass, 1993)
  • Morse, Chuck, The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism: Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin al-Husseini (iUniverse, 2003)
  • Perlman, Moshe, Mufti of Jerusalem (Pavilion Press, 2006)
  • Dalin, David, The Myth of Hitler’s Pope (Regnery, 2005)
Dalin and Rothman, and Morse and Perlemanare not historians, Epeleg tries his best, I'll give him credit, but still fails to produce an objective biography, free of Zionist taint. Perlman, was the first IDF "spokesman" so his work should be treated with caution.

Achmed Challenger: "13th SS Mountain Infantry Division "Handschar" was also known as "1st Croatian" It was not a "Muslim" Division.... Blah blah blah..."

Wow, damn, really? You're even fucking dumber than MonkeyNazi. Did you guys both attend the same Islamic madrasah school perhaps?


The 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar was a Muslim combat formation created by the Germans to restore order in Yugoslavia. It was given the title Handschar after a local fighting knife or sword carried by Turkish policemen during the centuries that the region was part of the Ottoman Empire. It was the first non-Germanic Waffen-SS division, and its formation marked the expansion of the Waffen-SS into a multi-ethnic military force. The division was composed mostly of Bosnian Muslims (ethnic Bosniaks).

13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar 1st Croatian - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I explained why it was not a "Muslim" division as I'd previously stated, roughly 40% of the manpower was not Muslim, this fact is even borne out in your link. The impression your Catholic Answers article gives is one of "ravening Muslim hordes decimating the poor Christian a Jewish population of the Balkans" this is a gross misrepresentation of the facts and totally ignores the fact that Tito's Partizans were committing similar atrocities against Bosniaks and Croats, it also totally ignores the fact that most of the Bosniak Muslims were forceably conscripted, deserted at the first opportunity and were the only SS troops ever to mutiny against the Nazis.

Did they comit atrocities? Yes, but so did everyone else in the Balkans between 1941-1945 on all sides, including Jewish Partizans. German Antiguerrilla Operations in the Balkans 1941-1944
the war in the Balkans was as nasty in the 1941-45 period as it was in 1991 onwards when Yugoslavia disintegrated.

The Green Howards where at best 50% Howardian with the rest coming from further afield, does this make them any less Green Howards. Or the many Northern members of the Chelsea Pensioners.
Let's hear what the mufti himself said:

Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops.

No, let's see what the "Tell the Children the Truth" website SAYS the Mufti is supposed to have said,

"Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire[xxx] Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops[xxxi]"

Amin Al Husseini Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

Click on the links [xxx] and [xxxi] and lo and behold, you get to the "Sebianna" website that Roudy's been peddling for years created and written by Carl Savich, who was disowned by his own university for "poor scholarship", otherwise known as "making things up".

Anything Roufti posts is made up by him or some Zionist fairy tale author.

True. Although to his credit he's pointing out all the Wikipedia articles that have been "doctored" by the Zionists. Very useful.
Let's hear what the mufti himself said:

Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops.

No, let's see what the "Tell the Children the Truth" website SAYS the Mufti is supposed to have said,

"Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire[xxx] Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops[xxxi]"

Amin Al Husseini Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

Click on the links [xxx] and [xxxi] and lo and behold, you get to the "Sebianna" website that Roudy's been peddling for years created and written by Carl Savich, who was disowned by his own university for "poor scholarship", otherwise known as "making things up".

First of all, that website isn't a "Zionist" website, it simply confirms what the Catholic website and historians have confirmed about the Mufti. Second, the Mufti WAS a Nazi who did call the soldiers "the cream of Islam". All this squirming and false accusations will not change the historical fact of who the Mufti was.

  • Unholy Terror - Page 35
    Google Books1616739649
    John R. Schindler - Preview - ‎More editions
    The exiled Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, a gifted propagandist , was on Berlin's payroll and was a ... He took an interest in Bosnia, seeing the possibility of a genuine Nazi-Muslim alliance there, stating in March 1943 that, ... of the photo opportunities and lauding the local Muslims as "the cream of Islam" in a sermon at Sarajevo's largest mosque. ... the Bosnian Muslims, and the response of the more radical element was rapturous.46 Response to the call for recruits for ...


  • upload_2015-7-10_8-28-28.jpg
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  • upload_2015-7-10_8-28-28.jpg
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Let's hear what the mufti himself said:

Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops.

No, let's see what the "Tell the Children the Truth" website SAYS the Mufti is supposed to have said,

"Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire[xxx] Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops[xxxi]"

Amin Al Husseini Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

Click on the links [xxx] and [xxxi] and lo and behold, you get to the "Sebianna" website that Roudy's been peddling for years created and written by Carl Savich, who was disowned by his own university for "poor scholarship", otherwise known as "making things up".

Anything Roufti posts is made up by him or some Zionist fairy tale author.

True. Although to his credit he's pointing out all the Wikipedia articles that have been "doctored" by the Zionists. Very useful.

Yeah, all those facts that seem to bother you terrorist ass kissing antisemites are "doctored". However you're perfectly fine when Wikipedia says something you agree with. Then, it's not doctored. Ha ha ha.
Let's hear what the mufti himself said:

Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops.

No, let's see what the "Tell the Children the Truth" website SAYS the Mufti is supposed to have said,

"Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire[xxx] Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops[xxxi]"

Amin Al Husseini Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

Click on the links [xxx] and [xxxi] and lo and behold, you get to the "Sebianna" website that Roudy's been peddling for years created and written by Carl Savich, who was disowned by his own university for "poor scholarship", otherwise known as "making things up".

Anything Roufti posts is made up by him or some Zionist fairy tale author.

Just pointing out facts, troll. Stop whining and go jump off the minaret.
He hated Jews, he hated Christians, and he worked to kill both of them and he succeeded. While serving in the Ottoman army, he watched the Ottoman Muslims commit genocide on the Armenian Christians and wanted the same for the Jews and Christians of the Middle East. He had whole divisions of Muslim Nazis who ended up slaughtering tens of thousands of Christians and burning churches. He made personal visits to Arab nations and convinced they do to the Jews what the Nazis were doing to them in Europe. You are pathetic with no morals or ethics. Just a mentally ill Jew hater.

He had nothing to do with the Armenian genocide. As your own link states, he heard about. He led no divisions of Muslims in Europe. The Muslim, mostly Bosnians, were undr German command and attacked when the Germans said to attack. And they certainly did not attack the Germans, Croats, Hungarians and others that were Christians.

You do not seem to be able to get it through your thick skull that the Mufti knew what the Zionists and the British were planning to do with the Palestinians. Do you think he should have sat by and done nothing? Of course he would try to gather as much support to try to regain the land taken from his people. As a neutral, it is easy to see the dynamic, you are so partisan for one side you can't think straight. Combine that with your limited intelligence and you appear to be a complete maniac.
Of course he did, he organized and led the Muslim Nazis who went around killing Christians and burning churches. Get your head out of your Mohammad, MonkeyNazi:

Hitler s Mufti Catholic Answers

To assist the practical slaughter of Jews and Christians, al-Husseini built an army of Muslim volunteer units for the Waffen-SS (the combat units of the dread SS) to operate for the Nazi cause in the Balkans. While the appeal for volunteers from among Muslims always struggled to meet the demands for new recruits, al-Husseini was able to organize three divisions of Bosnian Muslims who were then trained as elements of the Waffen-SS. The largest radical Muslim unit was the 13th Waffen-SS Handzar ("Dagger") division that boasted over 21,000 men. They were joined by the Bosnian 23rd Waffen-SS Kama Division and the Albanian Skanderbeg 21st Waffen-SS Division. The Muslim Waffen-SSforces fought across the Balkans against Communist partisans and then assisted in the genocide of Yugoslavian Jews and in the persecution and slaughter of Gypsies and Christian Serbs in 1944 and 1945. The brutality extended to Catholics as well, for the Muslim Waffen-SS cut a path of destruction across the Balkans that encompassed a large number of Catholic parishes, churches, and shrines and resulted in the deaths of thousands of Catholics. By the end of the war, al-Husseini’s fanatical soldiers had killed over 90 percent of the Jews in Bosnia.

Back to Catholic Answers then, *sigh*. OK factual errors in the Catholic Answers article:

13th SS Mountain Infantry Division "Handschar" was also known as "1st Croatian" It was not a "Muslim" Division because it contained a large proportion of Catholic Croats and German "volksdeutsche". According to records it reached a paper strength of 21,065 men in 1943 it never attained an operational strength of more than 17,000 men in action in 1944-45. It was the only SS division to mutiny against the Nazi regime and was prone to high rates of desertion from its Muslim soldiers.

The 23rd SS Mountain Division (2nd Croatian) was known as "Kama" although it never reached more than an operational Brigade strength of 2,199 men and was raised from Serbo-Croat Hungarians and forced Bosnian conscripts, most of whom deserted at the first opportunity. The 23rd ended up composed mainly of of Croats, Germans and Hungarian "volksdeutsche". Ultimately it was in such a poor shape it was disbanded to be replaced by the 23rd SS Division called "Nederland"; composed mainly of Dutch Fascist volunteers.

The 21st SS Mountain Division "Skanderbeg" was the only unit known to have taken part in anti-Jewish operations. Another patheticaly small Brigade sizred unit it was composed mainly from Albanians from the Kosovo region. From it's inception the unit was more interested in settling old scores with the local Serbs than fighting a war. An Army Group E report rated the unit's performance as having "absolutely no military value."

There is absolutely no evidence that the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem played any part in leading or organising these units other than making propaganda speeches to encourage recruitment, largely a failed effort.

As regards the fate of the Jewish population of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the overwhelming majority were murdered or deported by the Ustase, a Croatian Catholic/Fascist organisation, before any of these three SS units were created.

Oh the Catholic Answers article is based on these sources:
  • Dalin, David and John Rothmann, Icon of Evil: Hitler’s Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam (Random House, 2008)
  • Elpeleg, Zvi, The Grand Mufti: Haj Amin Al-Hussaini, Founder of the Palestinian National Movement (Frank Cass, 1993)
  • Morse, Chuck, The Nazi Connection to Islamic Terrorism: Adolf Hitler and Haj Amin al-Husseini (iUniverse, 2003)
  • Perlman, Moshe, Mufti of Jerusalem (Pavilion Press, 2006)
  • Dalin, David, The Myth of Hitler’s Pope (Regnery, 2005)
Dalin and Rothman, and Morse and Perlemanare not historians, Epeleg tries his best, I'll give him credit, but still fails to produce an objective biography, free of Zionist taint. Perlman, was the first IDF "spokesman" so his work should be treated with caution.

Achmed Challenger: "13th SS Mountain Infantry Division "Handschar" was also known as "1st Croatian" It was not a "Muslim" Division.... Blah blah blah..."

Wow, damn, really? You're even fucking dumber than MonkeyNazi. Did you guys both attend the same Islamic madrasah school perhaps?


The 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar was a Muslim combat formation created by the Germans to restore order in Yugoslavia. It was given the title Handschar after a local fighting knife or sword carried by Turkish policemen during the centuries that the region was part of the Ottoman Empire. It was the first non-Germanic Waffen-SS division, and its formation marked the expansion of the Waffen-SS into a multi-ethnic military force. The division was composed mostly of Bosnian Muslims (ethnic Bosniaks).

13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar 1st Croatian - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

I explained why it was not a "Muslim" division as I'd previously stated, roughly 40% of the manpower was not Muslim, this fact is even borne out in your link. The impression your Catholic Answers article gives is one of "ravening Muslim hordes decimating the poor Christian a Jewish population of the Balkans" this is a gross misrepresentation of the facts and totally ignores the fact that Tito's Partizans were committing similar atrocities against Bosniaks and Croats, it also totally ignores the fact that most of the Bosniak Muslims were forceably conscripted, deserted at the first opportunity and were the only SS troops ever to mutiny against the Nazis.

Did they comit atrocities? Yes, but so did everyone else in the Balkans between 1941-1945 on all sides, including Jewish Partizans. German Antiguerrilla Operations in the Balkans 1941-1944
the war in the Balkans was as nasty in the 1941-45 period as it was in 1991 onwards when Yugoslavia disintegrated.
Who gives a shit what you said! It was a majority Muslim force. That's a well known fact.
Let's hear what the mufti himself said:

Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops.

No, let's see what the "Tell the Children the Truth" website SAYS the Mufti is supposed to have said,

"Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire[xxx] Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops[xxxi]"

Amin Al Husseini Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

Click on the links [xxx] and [xxxi] and lo and behold, you get to the "Sebianna" website that Roudy's been peddling for years created and written by Carl Savich, who was disowned by his own university for "poor scholarship", otherwise known as "making things up".

Anything Roufti posts is made up by him or some Zionist fairy tale author.

True. Although to his credit he's pointing out all the Wikipedia articles that have been "doctored" by the Zionists. Very useful.

And where is the proof of this that would see Israel brought to its knees and made a pariah by the whole world. I bet if I looked I would find mainly islamonazi manipulations trying to change history. Do you know how to check on who has edited a wiki article ?
Let's hear what the mufti himself said:

Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops.

No, let's see what the "Tell the Children the Truth" website SAYS the Mufti is supposed to have said,

"Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire[xxx] Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops[xxxi]"

Amin Al Husseini Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

Click on the links [xxx] and [xxxi] and lo and behold, you get to the "Sebianna" website that Roudy's been peddling for years created and written by Carl Savich, who was disowned by his own university for "poor scholarship", otherwise known as "making things up".

Anything Roufti posts is made up by him or some Zionist fairy tale author.

True. Although to his credit he's pointing out all the Wikipedia articles that have been "doctored" by the Zionists. Very useful.

Yeah, all those facts that seem to bother you terrorist ass kissing antisemites are "doctored". However you're perfectly fine when Wikipedia says something you agree with. Then, it's not doctored. Ha ha ha.

I will P.M. you with the method to use to find who has edited the wiki articles and when. It makes for interesting reading sometimes when you see the same name's crop up posting from the same IP address.
Let's hear what the mufti himself said:

Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops.

No, let's see what the "Tell the Children the Truth" website SAYS the Mufti is supposed to have said,

"Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire[xxx] Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops[xxxi]"

Amin Al Husseini Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

Click on the links [xxx] and [xxxi] and lo and behold, you get to the "Sebianna" website that Roudy's been peddling for years created and written by Carl Savich, who was disowned by his own university for "poor scholarship", otherwise known as "making things up".

Anything Roufti posts is made up by him or some Zionist fairy tale author.

True. Although to his credit he's pointing out all the Wikipedia articles that have been "doctored" by the Zionists. Very useful.

Yeah, all those facts that seem to bother you terrorist ass kissing antisemites are "doctored". However you're perfectly fine when Wikipedia says something you agree with. Then, it's not doctored. Ha ha ha.

I will P.M. you with the method to use to find who has edited the wiki articles and when. It makes for interesting reading sometimes when you see the same name's crop up posting from the same IP address.

Oh ya one of the trolls from the team operating out of MonkeyNazi has proudly told everyone that he's an editor. What a fucking looser bum, the guy has absolutely no life. Ha ha ha.
Let's hear what the mufti himself said:

Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops.

No, let's see what the "Tell the Children the Truth" website SAYS the Mufti is supposed to have said,

"Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire[xxx] Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops[xxxi]"

Amin Al Husseini Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

Click on the links [xxx] and [xxxi] and lo and behold, you get to the "Sebianna" website that Roudy's been peddling for years created and written by Carl Savich, who was disowned by his own university for "poor scholarship", otherwise known as "making things up".

Anything Roufti posts is made up by him or some Zionist fairy tale author.

Just pointing out facts, troll. Stop whining and go jump off the minaret.

You haven't posted a fact regarding the Israel/Palestine issue since you've been posting. Your sources are all Zionist.
No, let's see what the "Tell the Children the Truth" website SAYS the Mufti is supposed to have said,

"Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire[xxx] Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops[xxxi]"

Amin Al Husseini Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

Click on the links [xxx] and [xxxi] and lo and behold, you get to the "Sebianna" website that Roudy's been peddling for years created and written by Carl Savich, who was disowned by his own university for "poor scholarship", otherwise known as "making things up".

Anything Roufti posts is made up by him or some Zionist fairy tale author.

True. Although to his credit he's pointing out all the Wikipedia articles that have been "doctored" by the Zionists. Very useful.

Yeah, all those facts that seem to bother you terrorist ass kissing antisemites are "doctored". However you're perfectly fine when Wikipedia says something you agree with. Then, it's not doctored. Ha ha ha.

I will P.M. you with the method to use to find who has edited the wiki articles and when. It makes for interesting reading sometimes when you see the same name's crop up posting from the same IP address.

Oh ya one of the trolls from the team operating out of MonkeyNazi has proudly told everyone that he's an editor. What a fucking looser bum, the guy has absolutely no life. Ha ha ha.

You can't spell "loser" yet you call others losers. Do you not understand that your lack of education (and intelligence) is there for all to see in nearly every post you submit. You don't know how to write in English as an educated adult. You think you insult others by calling them names like "baboon" or "monkey", but it only demonstrates that you have the mind of a 9 year old.
MonkeyNazi #2 having a mental breakdown. When does the next shift begin?
Let's hear what the mufti himself said:

Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops.

No, let's see what the "Tell the Children the Truth" website SAYS the Mufti is supposed to have said,

"Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire[xxx] Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops[xxxi]"

Amin Al Husseini Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

Click on the links [xxx] and [xxxi] and lo and behold, you get to the "Sebianna" website that Roudy's been peddling for years created and written by Carl Savich, who was disowned by his own university for "poor scholarship", otherwise known as "making things up".

Anything Roufti posts is made up by him or some Zionist fairy tale author.

Just pointing out facts, troll. Stop whining and go jump off the minaret.

You haven't posted a fact regarding the Israel/Palestine issue since you've been posting. Your sources are all Zionist.

Some are, and some aren't. In the case of the quotes pertaining to this thread, most of them aren't. But calling them Zionist or Hasbara is not going to change the inconveniennt truth that they are factual.

How many hours posting today, troll? 12, 14? I can't believe it's only one person. If so then you must be a supertroll. Ha ha ha.
Let's hear what the mufti himself said:

Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops.

No, let's see what the "Tell the Children the Truth" website SAYS the Mufti is supposed to have said,

"Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire[xxx] Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops[xxxi]"

Amin Al Husseini Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

Click on the links [xxx] and [xxxi] and lo and behold, you get to the "Sebianna" website that Roudy's been peddling for years created and written by Carl Savich, who was disowned by his own university for "poor scholarship", otherwise known as "making things up".

Anything Roufti posts is made up by him or some Zionist fairy tale author.

Just pointing out facts, troll. Stop whining and go jump off the minaret.

You haven't posted a fact regarding the Israel/Palestine issue since you've been posting. Your sources are all Zionist.

Some are, and some aren't. In the case of the quotes pertaining to this thread, most of them aren't. But calling them Zionist or Hasbara is not going to change the inconveniennt truth that they are factual.

How many hours posting today, troll? 12, 14? I can't believe it's only one person. If so then you must be a supertroll. Ha ha ha.

You link exclusively to Jewish/Zionist sources.
No, let's see what the "Tell the Children the Truth" website SAYS the Mufti is supposed to have said,

"Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire[xxx] Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops[xxxi]"

Amin Al Husseini Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

Click on the links [xxx] and [xxxi] and lo and behold, you get to the "Sebianna" website that Roudy's been peddling for years created and written by Carl Savich, who was disowned by his own university for "poor scholarship", otherwise known as "making things up".

Anything Roufti posts is made up by him or some Zionist fairy tale author.

Just pointing out facts, troll. Stop whining and go jump off the minaret.

You haven't posted a fact regarding the Israel/Palestine issue since you've been posting. Your sources are all Zionist.

Some are, and some aren't. In the case of the quotes pertaining to this thread, most of them aren't. But calling them Zionist or Hasbara is not going to change the inconveniennt truth that they are factual.

How many hours posting today, troll? 12, 14? I can't believe it's only one person. If so then you must be a supertroll. Ha ha ha.

You link exclusively to Jewish/Zionist sources.
Stop whining, troll.
Let's hear what the mufti himself said:

Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops.

No, let's see what the "Tell the Children the Truth" website SAYS the Mufti is supposed to have said,

"Amin Al Husseini creates the Hanzar Division of Nazi Muslim Soldiers in Bosnia, which he calls ‘the cream of Islam’. It becomes the largest division of the Third Reich Army (26,000 men) and participates actively in the genocide of Serbian and Jewish populations. ‘Hanzar’ was the name given to the dagger worn by officers under the Turkish Ottoman Empire[xxx] Muslim soldiers pledge allegiance to Nazi regime in official statement prepared by Heinrich Himmler, head of SS Nazi troops[xxxi]"

Amin Al Husseini Father of Jihad Al Qaeda Arafat Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood

Click on the links [xxx] and [xxxi] and lo and behold, you get to the "Sebianna" website that Roudy's been peddling for years created and written by Carl Savich, who was disowned by his own university for "poor scholarship", otherwise known as "making things up".

First of all, that website isn't a "Zionist" website, it simply confirms what the Catholic website and historians have confirmed about the Mufti. Second, the Mufti WAS a Nazi who did call the soldiers "the cream of Islam". All this squirming and false accusations will not change the historical fact of who the Mufti was.

  • Unholy Terror - Page 35
    View attachment 44261
    Google Books1616739649
    John R. Schindler - Preview - ‎More editions
    The exiled Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, a gifted propagandist , was on Berlin's payroll and was a ... He took an interest in Bosnia, seeing the possibility of a genuine Nazi-Muslim alliance there, stating in March 1943 that, ... of the photo opportunities and lauding the local Muslims as "the cream of Islam" in a sermon at Sarajevo's largest mosque. ... the Bosnian Muslims, and the response of the more radical element was rapturous.46 Response to the call for recruits for ...
What historical facts have you presented? Have you read the books you cite?

Lepre's book is the diffinitive English language source for the history of the 13th SS Mountain Division, which is where I got my information from, thanks for citing it, saves me the trouble.

Herf's book is useful, if repetative, as it highlights the serious problems the Nazis had trying to spread their ideological propaganda to the Turks, Iranians and Arabs throughout the Middle East and North Africa during WW2; a propaganda campaign that was a failure, since there never was a great Muslim uprising against Britain and France, which was the objective. Unfortunately Herf doesn't speak or read Arabic

Where Herf's thesis begins to fall apart is when he tries to prove a link between Nazi propaganda and the rise of fundamental Islamism after the war in the last chapter. When he mentions Sayyid Qutb, author of radical Islamist treatises, he states, "It is plausible that Qutb listened to Nazi broadcasts". No shit, Sherlock; he probably did. Unfortunately it is a matter of public record and his own admission that what turned him into a fundamentalist was his trip to America in 1949-50 where he saw what he came to percieve as moral decay there, as well as encountering anti-Arab prejudice.

Herf also posulates that Nazi propaganda influenced the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, although again, he fails to provide any evidence to support his assertion. This however contradicts what we know of Hassan al-Banna, the founder of the brotherhood, who was heavily influenced by the writing of Rashid Rida, coupled with his disgust at the ineptitude of the way the Arab regimes conducted themselves in 1948.

I've not read "Unholy Terror", so I can't comment.

Haj Amin Al-Husseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, was first and foremost a Palestinian Nationalist and an implacable enemy of Zionism and it's attempt to colonise Palestine. There is no credible evidence he was either a Nazi himself or that he had any significant influence over the Nazis' genocidal policies. What evidence there is, points to him being a useful propaganda figurehead for the Nazi regime's propaganda machine aimed at the Muslim world mostly ruled at the time by Germany's two main rivals; Britain and France.

As a politician and leader of his people he was less than stellar; he made several poor decisions and managed to alienate the Arab regimes he needed support from if he was to be able to resist the Zionist colonisation of his country. Ultimately he failed and was marginalised from mainstream Palestinian politics, but this hasn't stopped a mountain of Zionist propaganda demonising him in every way they can. Successive Zionist regimes have needed a "bogey man" in order to demonise the Palestinians; the Grand Mufti seems to be the ideal choice.

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