In 2010 We Had 460,000 illegals In Arizona


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2013
Think about that in a state with about 5M people...So we passed SB1070. Barry and Holder came after us claiming the Feds are the border lords. They told us we had no right to defend a border they refused to defend. Or throw out the criminals (they're all criminals) when we caught up with them. We handed them over to ICE and ICE let them go. The Feds owe us almost half a BILLION dollars for the warehousing of their future voters...they won't pay us a red cent of it. Fast forward to 2014:

PHOENIX -- Nearly 5,000 Arizona immigrant detainees with criminal records were released from custody, a federal agency has acknowledged.

Of those, 121 later committed fatal crimes.

The National Review reported that the Department of Homeland Security said that the detainees charged with murder had been jailed and let out from 2010 to 2014.

A letter from the director of Immigrations and Customs, Sarah Saldana, to U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) and Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley was recently made public.

The senators asked asked for details surrounding the release of Valley resident Apolinar Altamirano, who was charged with the shooting death of a Mesa convenience store clerk in January. Altamirano was awaiting a deportation hearing.


Immigrations and Customs Enforcement had taken Altamirano into custody in January 2013 after he was convicted on burglary charges.

He was later determined eligible for bail.

According to an ICE report, in 2014 the agency said "63,159 of the convicted criminal removals were Level 1 offenders."

Priority 1 offenders are determined to be threats to national security, border security and public safety.

The department has been under fire since a 2013 revelation that it had let over 2,000 immigrants out of jail.

Feds 5K immigrant detainees in Arizona have criminal records
Think about that in a state with about 5M people...So we passed SB1070. Barry and Holder came after us claiming the Feds are the border lords. They told us we had no right to defend a border they refused to defend. Or throw out the criminals (they're all criminals) when we caught up with them. We handed them over to ICE and ICE let them go. The Feds owe us almost half a BILLION dollars for the warehousing of their future voters...they won't pay us a red cent of it. Fast forward to 2014:

PHOENIX -- Nearly 5,000 Arizona immigrant detainees with criminal records were released from custody, a federal agency has acknowledged.

Of those, 121 later committed fatal crimes.

The National Review reported that the Department of Homeland Security said that the detainees charged with murder had been jailed and let out from 2010 to 2014.

A letter from the director of Immigrations and Customs, Sarah Saldana, to U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) and Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley was recently made public.

The senators asked asked for details surrounding the release of Valley resident Apolinar Altamirano, who was charged with the shooting death of a Mesa convenience store clerk in January. Altamirano was awaiting a deportation hearing.


Immigrations and Customs Enforcement had taken Altamirano into custody in January 2013 after he was convicted on burglary charges.

He was later determined eligible for bail.

According to an ICE report, in 2014 the agency said "63,159 of the convicted criminal removals were Level 1 offenders."

Priority 1 offenders are determined to be threats to national security, border security and public safety.

The department has been under fire since a 2013 revelation that it had let over 2,000 immigrants out of jail.

Feds 5K immigrant detainees in Arizona have criminal records
Blame the stupid damn voters that continue to elect and to re-elect these people to serve in government. Illegals have a good thing going, why should they leave on their own? Our problems with illegal immigrants falls squarely on the shoulders of every single voter that has voted to elect or to re-elect a professional politician to serve in government. Blaming Obama, or anyone else in government, is a cop-out, and an attempt to throw the blame away from where it belongs. Start blaming the guilty voters so that you'll be correct when speaking of the illegal immigrant issue.
Blame the stupid damn voters that continue to elect and to re-elect these people to serve in government. Illegals have a good thing going, why should they leave on their own? Our problems with illegal immigrants falls squarely on the shoulders of every single voter that has voted to elect or to re-elect a professional politician to serve in government. Blaming Obama, or anyone else in government, is a cop-out, and an attempt to throw the blame away from where it belongs. Start blaming the guilty voters so that you'll be correct when speaking of the illegal immigrant issue.

I don't blame the voters for their votes since both parties want as many illegals as possible, so there was no real choice.

I do blame the general public for not rising up and threatening a mass civil war if the illegals were not forced out/deported within a short time frame of say, 10 days. It might still happen; we are just one major economic collapse away from it.
Blame the stupid damn voters that continue to elect and to re-elect these people to serve in government. Illegals have a good thing going, why should they leave on their own? Our problems with illegal immigrants falls squarely on the shoulders of every single voter that has voted to elect or to re-elect a professional politician to serve in government. Blaming Obama, or anyone else in government, is a cop-out, and an attempt to throw the blame away from where it belongs. Start blaming the guilty voters so that you'll be correct when speaking of the illegal immigrant issue.

Huh? Who knew the piece of crap in the WH wouldn't follow the laws on the books? Even moron democrats had no idea what they were voting for. Who ever envisioned letting in millions of illegals to drain our resources while being registered to vote? Bush left the border open to keep American companies in enough cheap labor that they wouldn't outsource to China. Barry's agenda is not only vile in it's goals, but completely unconstitutional.
I don't blame the voters for their votes since both parties want as many illegals as possible, so there was no real choice.

I do blame the general public for not rising up and threatening a mass civil war if the illegals were not forced out/deported within a short time frame of say, 10 days. It might still happen; we are just one major economic collapse away from it.

I don't either...who knew what Barry was up to until it was too late. They call us "racists" and "nativists" to make us sound like soulless rednecks while this human livestock rapes and murders our residents. When the DOJ won't enforce the law what recourse do we have but to wait 4 years for the next election. And then the piece of shit gets's not just Arizona but us and Texas are the major's unimaginable what they've done to our beautiful Sonoran Desert.
Blame the stupid damn voters that continue to elect and to re-elect these people to serve in government. Illegals have a good thing going, why should they leave on their own? Our problems with illegal immigrants falls squarely on the shoulders of every single voter that has voted to elect or to re-elect a professional politician to serve in government. Blaming Obama, or anyone else in government, is a cop-out, and an attempt to throw the blame away from where it belongs. Start blaming the guilty voters so that you'll be correct when speaking of the illegal immigrant issue.

I don't blame the voters for their votes since both parties want as many illegals as possible, so there was no real choice.

I do blame the general public for not rising up and threatening a mass civil war if the illegals were not forced out/deported within a short time frame of say, 10 days. It might still happen; we are just one major economic collapse away from it.
FYI -- Voters have a choice, and have always had a choice. No one holds a gun to anyone's head and forces them to vote for anyone, period. So, how do you figure voters have no choice? Do voters have the right to write-in a candidate of their choice? Are voters forced to vote for the ones that the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential have placed on the ballots? Are voters forced to vote for a political party? Please explain to me why voters have no choice when it comes to voting. Thanks

P.S. - And please don't tell me that voters are forced to vote for the lesser of two evils. That BS line has gotten worn out and abused already. Oh, and also spare me the, "I'm not going to waste my vote" BS. Thanks.
Blame the stupid damn voters that continue to elect and to re-elect these people to serve in government. Illegals have a good thing going, why should they leave on their own? Our problems with illegal immigrants falls squarely on the shoulders of every single voter that has voted to elect or to re-elect a professional politician to serve in government. Blaming Obama, or anyone else in government, is a cop-out, and an attempt to throw the blame away from where it belongs. Start blaming the guilty voters so that you'll be correct when speaking of the illegal immigrant issue.

I don't blame the voters for their votes since both parties want as many illegals as possible, so there was no real choice.

I do blame the general public for not rising up and threatening a mass civil war if the illegals were not forced out/deported within a short time frame of say, 10 days. It might still happen; we are just one major economic collapse away from it.
FYI -- Voters have a choice, and have always had a choice. No one holds a gun to anyone's head and forces them to vote for anyone, period. So, how do you figure voters have no choice? Do voters have the right to write-in a candidate of their choice? Are voters forced to vote for the ones that the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential have placed on the ballots? Are voters forced to vote for a political party? Please explain to me why voters have no choice when it comes to voting. Thanks

P.S. - And please don't tell me that voters are forced to vote for the lesser of two evils. That BS line has gotten worn out and abused already. Oh, and also spare me the, "I'm not going to waste my vote" BS. Thanks.

When both sides are throwing us under the bus and a third party is a none starter what are you supposed to do?
When both sides are out to screw us it doesnt matter who you elect.
That's BS, and you know it. Who forces you to vote for any of them? Does someone hold a gun to your head at the voting booths? Do you have the right to write-in a candidate of your choice? Does someone force you to vote for either political party? Pleeeeeeeeease ........ think about what you're saying here.
When both sides are out to screw us it doesnt matter who you elect.
That's BS, and you know it. Who forces you to vote for any of them? Does someone hold a gun to your head at the voting booths? Do you have the right to write-in a candidate of your choice? Does someone force you to vote for either political party? Pleeeeeeeeease ........ think about what you're saying here.

Bullshit. A third party has zero chance of getting elected.
Blame the stupid damn voters that continue to elect and to re-elect these people to serve in government. Illegals have a good thing going, why should they leave on their own? Our problems with illegal immigrants falls squarely on the shoulders of every single voter that has voted to elect or to re-elect a professional politician to serve in government. Blaming Obama, or anyone else in government, is a cop-out, and an attempt to throw the blame away from where it belongs. Start blaming the guilty voters so that you'll be correct when speaking of the illegal immigrant issue.

Huh? Who knew the piece of crap in the WH wouldn't follow the laws on the books? Even moron democrats had no idea what they were voting for. Who ever envisioned letting in millions of illegals to drain our resources while being registered to vote? Bush left the border open to keep American companies in enough cheap labor that they wouldn't outsource to China. Barry's agenda is not only vile in it's goals, but completely unconstitutional.
So, why aren't you out organizing protest marches and encouraging the public to camp out on the steps of the Capitol? Are you content to pass blame to Obama, Bush, and others, yet wash your hands of the matter? Did you ever in your life vote to elect or to re-elect a professional politicians to serve in government? If you answer "yes", then you have no one to blame except yourself. Politicians do not just waltz into Washington and take a seat. Voters elect them. So, how can voters not accept responsibility for the sad shameful mess this country is in?
When both sides are out to screw us it doesnt matter who you elect.
That's BS, and you know it. Who forces you to vote for any of them? Does someone hold a gun to your head at the voting booths? Do you have the right to write-in a candidate of your choice? Does someone force you to vote for either political party? Pleeeeeeeeease ........ think about what you're saying here.

Bullshit. A third party has zero chance of getting elected.
I never said anything about a third party. Party politics is what's wrong with this country now. No one forces you to vote for a party, whether it's Republican, Democrat, third party, or any other party. And, what damn difference does it make whether someone has a chance or not? The ones voters have given a chance to has sent this country down the abyss of ruin.
Blame the stupid damn voters that continue to elect and to re-elect these people to serve in government. Illegals have a good thing going, why should they leave on their own? Our problems with illegal immigrants falls squarely on the shoulders of every single voter that has voted to elect or to re-elect a professional politician to serve in government. Blaming Obama, or anyone else in government, is a cop-out, and an attempt to throw the blame away from where it belongs. Start blaming the guilty voters so that you'll be correct when speaking of the illegal immigrant issue.

Huh? Who knew the piece of crap in the WH wouldn't follow the laws on the books? Even moron democrats had no idea what they were voting for. Who ever envisioned letting in millions of illegals to drain our resources while being registered to vote? Bush left the border open to keep American companies in enough cheap labor that they wouldn't outsource to China. Barry's agenda is not only vile in it's goals, but completely unconstitutional.
So, why aren't you out organizing protest marches and encouraging the public to camp out on the steps of the Capitol? Are you content to pass blame to Obama, Bush, and others, yet wash your hands of the matter? Did you ever in your life vote to elect or to re-elect a professional politicians to serve in government? If you answer "yes", then you have no one to blame except yourself. Politicians do not just waltz into Washington and take a seat. Voters elect them. So, how can voters not accept responsibility for the sad shameful mess this country is in?

The two party system is too entrenched and anyone trying to start a third is going too get shutdown.
Just ask Ross Perot.
FYI -- Voters have a choice, and have always had a choice. No one holds a gun to anyone's head and forces them to vote for anyone, period. So, how do you figure voters have no choice? Do voters have the right to write-in a candidate of their choice? Are voters forced to vote for the ones that the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential have placed on the ballots? Are voters forced to vote for a political party? Please explain to me why voters have no choice when it comes to voting. Thanks

P.S. - And please don't tell me that voters are forced to vote for the lesser of two evils. That BS line has gotten worn out and abused already. Oh, and also spare me the, "I'm not going to waste my vote" BS. Thanks.

For one thing, we were boycotted, trashed in the media, and forced to watch Sheriff Joe almost being indicted for enforcing the immigration laws. We were the butt of the late night shows' jokes and can't get reimbursed for the care and feeding of the illegals. They all have EBT cards...their kids are all in our schools and they've overwhelmed our hospital ERs for free medical care. So tell me what our votes count for? We voted for SB1070 and the Surpremes will only let us enforce a tiny piece of it. No, this isn't a voter issue...this is a national defense issue and we can't do shit about a traitor in the WH as long as his party can block impeachment.
Blame the stupid damn voters that continue to elect and to re-elect these people to serve in government. Illegals have a good thing going, why should they leave on their own? Our problems with illegal immigrants falls squarely on the shoulders of every single voter that has voted to elect or to re-elect a professional politician to serve in government. Blaming Obama, or anyone else in government, is a cop-out, and an attempt to throw the blame away from where it belongs. Start blaming the guilty voters so that you'll be correct when speaking of the illegal immigrant issue.

I don't blame the voters for their votes since both parties want as many illegals as possible, so there was no real choice.

I do blame the general public for not rising up and threatening a mass civil war if the illegals were not forced out/deported within a short time frame of say, 10 days. It might still happen; we are just one major economic collapse away from it.
FYI -- Voters have a choice, and have always had a choice. No one holds a gun to anyone's head and forces them to vote for anyone, period. So, how do you figure voters have no choice? Do voters have the right to write-in a candidate of their choice? Are voters forced to vote for the ones that the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential have placed on the ballots? Are voters forced to vote for a political party? Please explain to me why voters have no choice when it comes to voting. Thanks

P.S. - And please don't tell me that voters are forced to vote for the lesser of two evils. That BS line has gotten worn out and abused already. Oh, and also spare me the, "I'm not going to waste my vote" BS. Thanks.

When both sides are throwing us under the bus and a third party is a none starter what are you supposed to do?
Write-in a candidate and thereby send a very strong message to Washington that you're no longer playing their game. Write-in a candidate so that you won't be guilty of aiding and abetting the damn crooks that are hell-bent on the further destruction of this once great nation.
When both sides are out to screw us it doesnt matter who you elect.
That's BS, and you know it. Who forces you to vote for any of them? Does someone hold a gun to your head at the voting booths? Do you have the right to write-in a candidate of your choice? Does someone force you to vote for either political party? Pleeeeeeeeease ........ think about what you're saying here.

Bullshit. A third party has zero chance of getting elected.
I never said anything about a third party. Party politics is what's wrong with this country now. No one forces you to vote for a party, whether it's Republican, Democrat, third party, or any other party. And, what damn difference does it make whether someone has a chance or not? The ones voters have given a chance to has sent this country down the abyss of ruin.

Dude...look at what happened with the mid terms.
Republicans get elected at historic rates and than they turn around and ignore the people who got them elected.
How do you win when that happens?
Blame the stupid damn voters that continue to elect and to re-elect these people to serve in government. Illegals have a good thing going, why should they leave on their own? Our problems with illegal immigrants falls squarely on the shoulders of every single voter that has voted to elect or to re-elect a professional politician to serve in government. Blaming Obama, or anyone else in government, is a cop-out, and an attempt to throw the blame away from where it belongs. Start blaming the guilty voters so that you'll be correct when speaking of the illegal immigrant issue.

Huh? Who knew the piece of crap in the WH wouldn't follow the laws on the books? Even moron democrats had no idea what they were voting for. Who ever envisioned letting in millions of illegals to drain our resources while being registered to vote? Bush left the border open to keep American companies in enough cheap labor that they wouldn't outsource to China. Barry's agenda is not only vile in it's goals, but completely unconstitutional.
So, why aren't you out organizing protest marches and encouraging the public to camp out on the steps of the Capitol? Are you content to pass blame to Obama, Bush, and others, yet wash your hands of the matter? Did you ever in your life vote to elect or to re-elect a professional politicians to serve in government? If you answer "yes", then you have no one to blame except yourself. Politicians do not just waltz into Washington and take a seat. Voters elect them. So, how can voters not accept responsibility for the sad shameful mess this country is in?

The two party system is too entrenched and anyone trying to start a third is going too get shutdown.
Just ask Ross Perot.
Why a third party? Who said anything about a third party? Why even have a damn party? Party politics is what has ruin this nation. Division has caused our collapse. As long as we're divided, they win, we lose. The worst fear of a professional politician is a united citizenry. They love it when we take sides, blame one side or the other, and continue to play their game and elect them to office. It's not rocket science.
Just ask Ross Perot.

I voted for Perot. His ideas were the "contract with America" that Newt took credit for. He warned us NAFTA would cripple the mehican economy and force them norte. He told us we'd export jobs and import cocaine and illegals and that's exactly what's happened. He financed his own campaign and made a difference until Bush41 went after him and the media laughed at his size and his Texas accent. No independent can ever do any better than Perot did and he never came close to winning.
Blame the stupid damn voters that continue to elect and to re-elect these people to serve in government. Illegals have a good thing going, why should they leave on their own? Our problems with illegal immigrants falls squarely on the shoulders of every single voter that has voted to elect or to re-elect a professional politician to serve in government. Blaming Obama, or anyone else in government, is a cop-out, and an attempt to throw the blame away from where it belongs. Start blaming the guilty voters so that you'll be correct when speaking of the illegal immigrant issue.

Huh? Who knew the piece of crap in the WH wouldn't follow the laws on the books? Even moron democrats had no idea what they were voting for. Who ever envisioned letting in millions of illegals to drain our resources while being registered to vote? Bush left the border open to keep American companies in enough cheap labor that they wouldn't outsource to China. Barry's agenda is not only vile in it's goals, but completely unconstitutional.
So, why aren't you out organizing protest marches and encouraging the public to camp out on the steps of the Capitol? Are you content to pass blame to Obama, Bush, and others, yet wash your hands of the matter? Did you ever in your life vote to elect or to re-elect a professional politicians to serve in government? If you answer "yes", then you have no one to blame except yourself. Politicians do not just waltz into Washington and take a seat. Voters elect them. So, how can voters not accept responsibility for the sad shameful mess this country is in?

The two party system is too entrenched and anyone trying to start a third is going too get shutdown.
Just ask Ross Perot.
Why a third party? Who said anything about a third party? Why even have a damn party? Party politics is what has ruin this nation. Division has caused our collapse. As long as we're divided, they win, we lose. The worst fear of a professional politician is a united citizenry. They love it when we take sides, blame one side or the other, and continue to play their game and elect them to office. It's not rocket science.

You ignored the post above.
When both sides are out to screw us it doesnt matter who you elect.
That's BS, and you know it. Who forces you to vote for any of them? Does someone hold a gun to your head at the voting booths? Do you have the right to write-in a candidate of your choice? Does someone force you to vote for either political party? Pleeeeeeeeease ........ think about what you're saying here.

Bullshit. A third party has zero chance of getting elected.
I never said anything about a third party. Party politics is what's wrong with this country now. No one forces you to vote for a party, whether it's Republican, Democrat, third party, or any other party. And, what damn difference does it make whether someone has a chance or not? The ones voters have given a chance to has sent this country down the abyss of ruin.

Dude...look at what happened with the mid terms.
Republicans get elected at historic rates and than they turn around and ignore the people who got them elected.
How do you win when that happens?
Again, they won because stupid damn voters elected them to office. They didn't just waltz into Washington and take a seat. Once elected to office, they exert their will, and not the will of the people. To professional politicians, the general public is only important for votes and tax revenue, period. Other than those two things, we mean absolutely nothing.

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