In 2010 We Had 460,000 illegals In Arizona

And there's a lot of truth in that statement.
How do you get the American people to give a shit?
Most dont even take the time to vote let alone learn the issues and what they mean to this country and it's future.
The only way these people wake up is for something to happen that effects them immediately.
Unfortunately politicians know this and screw us incrementally and by the time the American people realize they're being screwed it's to late.
Personally I dont have much hope.

I think we can get it right....I've been writing about how for years and don't find it hard to get agreement. First and foremost we need a guy like Perot or Romney or Trump who has so much money they aren't interested in making more. ONE TERM....use every single executive action that Obozo has used to reverse everything he's done.....that'd chafe the Dims' asses.

First order of business, SHUT THE BORDER. Nobody comes north until further notice. FINISH THE FENCE and mine it with drone surveillance. Pull out of NAFTA and quit the WTO. Tell the Fortune 500 to either return their production to plants they shuttered within 180 days or face crippling tariffs and seizure of their current inventories as contraband. I'm just gettin warmed up.

Close DHS, Dept.of Education, EPA, and Dept.of Commerce. Tell the IRS they have 30 days to get their house in order or face massive layoffs. Institute the deductions. Cut corporate tax rates to ZERO. Tell the defense contractors either their projects come in ON BUDGET or face criminal penalties. When we agree on a price that price will be met and the check will clear.

BALANCE THE BUDGET in real numbers not smoke and mirrors. Everybody gets a 15% haircut. Build the Keystone XL with the provision none of that oil leaves Louisiana for foreign ports....let's see if that still interests the Canucks. Then clean up the oil leasing fiasco......grant the leases with a 3 window to explore and either drill or not. No activity, the lease is rescinded. I don't care for off-shore oil drilling but if the drillers can absolutely assure the president they can extract oil without danger to the sea, then fine. Open ANWR 1001...there's a sea of oil up there. And then offer outstanding rewards for new energy ideas that can be tested on a small scale. Oh, and reopen the coal industry with the stipulation that they can get tax-credits for effective chimney-scrubbers.

There. I have just created 10-15M new jobs, reopened hundreds of closed manufacturing facilities that puts the small businesses around them back in the black. I have not only made us energy-independent, but I've made OPEC and the Ivans start asking us for loans instead of messing with us. My plan will pay off the debt within 10 years and the country will be booming and prosperous again.

Impractical nonsense is kid's stuff, and not to be taken seriously.
That's BS, and you know it. Who forces you to vote for any of them? Does someone hold a gun to your head at the voting booths? Do you have the right to write-in a candidate of your choice? Does someone force you to vote for either political party? Pleeeeeeeeease ........ think about what you're saying here.

Bullshit. A third party has zero chance of getting elected.
thats only because of the people who have this "if it aint a Democrat or a Republican,it has no business being in the election" attitude....some people are just lost without their precious party telling them what is what....

Agreed,but I see no way of changing that.
The media wont give a third party the time of day.
it has to be up to the people in this country.....i have been here since dec 08....and its the same old bitching and moaning by many of the same posters....but yet they always back the same old pieces of shit........and when questioned,what do i hear?....."hey a third party person has zero chance to get elected so why waste your vote?".....yea im wasting my much is getting done with all those non-wasted ones....

And there's a lot of truth in that statement.
How do you get the American people to give a shit?
Most dont even take the time to vote let alone learn the issues and what they mean to this country and it's future.
The only way these people wake up is for something to happen that effects them immediately.
Unfortunately politicians know this and screw us incrementally and by the time the American people realize they're being screwed it's to late.
Personally I dont have much hope.
i hear ya.....but you cant give up....
Moderation Message:

Is it getting hot in here? (No response neccessary).
Deleted a juicy 4 post flame exchange.
Thread is still on track.. Try not to make it personal..

Think about that in a state with about 5M people...So we passed SB1070. Barry and Holder came after us claiming the Feds are the border lords. They told us we had no right to defend a border they refused to defend. Or throw out the criminals (they're all criminals) when we caught up with them. We handed them over to ICE and ICE let them go. The Feds owe us almost half a BILLION dollars for the warehousing of their future voters...they won't pay us a red cent of it. Fast forward to 2014:

PHOENIX -- Nearly 5,000 Arizona immigrant detainees with criminal records were released from custody, a federal agency has acknowledged.

Of those, 121 later committed fatal crimes.

The National Review reported that the Department of Homeland Security said that the detainees charged with murder had been jailed and let out from 2010 to 2014.

A letter from the director of Immigrations and Customs, Sarah Saldana, to U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) and Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley was recently made public.

The senators asked asked for details surrounding the release of Valley resident Apolinar Altamirano, who was charged with the shooting death of a Mesa convenience store clerk in January. Altamirano was awaiting a deportation hearing.


Immigrations and Customs Enforcement had taken Altamirano into custody in January 2013 after he was convicted on burglary charges.

He was later determined eligible for bail.

According to an ICE report, in 2014 the agency said "63,159 of the convicted criminal removals were Level 1 offenders."

Priority 1 offenders are determined to be threats to national security, border security and public safety.

The department has been under fire since a 2013 revelation that it had let over 2,000 immigrants out of jail.

Feds 5K immigrant detainees in Arizona have criminal records

Let's start here:

"""In 2010 We Had 460,000 illegals In Arizona""

You sort of left that hanging out there....Why don't you corroborate that first?

And your silly governor looks like a Vegas dealer working the night shift at cheap, flea-infested downtown casino. So maybe you ought to own this instead of whining.
Think about that in a state with about 5M people...So we passed SB1070. Barry and Holder came after us claiming the Feds are the border lords. They told us we had no right to defend a border they refused to defend. Or throw out the criminals (they're all criminals) when we caught up with them. We handed them over to ICE and ICE let them go. The Feds owe us almost half a BILLION dollars for the warehousing of their future voters...they won't pay us a red cent of it. Fast forward to 2014:

PHOENIX -- Nearly 5,000 Arizona immigrant detainees with criminal records were released from custody, a federal agency has acknowledged.

Of those, 121 later committed fatal crimes.

The National Review reported that the Department of Homeland Security said that the detainees charged with murder had been jailed and let out from 2010 to 2014.

A letter from the director of Immigrations and Customs, Sarah Saldana, to U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) and Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley was recently made public.

The senators asked asked for details surrounding the release of Valley resident Apolinar Altamirano, who was charged with the shooting death of a Mesa convenience store clerk in January. Altamirano was awaiting a deportation hearing.


Immigrations and Customs Enforcement had taken Altamirano into custody in January 2013 after he was convicted on burglary charges.

He was later determined eligible for bail.

According to an ICE report, in 2014 the agency said "63,159 of the convicted criminal removals were Level 1 offenders."

Priority 1 offenders are determined to be threats to national security, border security and public safety.

The department has been under fire since a 2013 revelation that it had let over 2,000 immigrants out of jail.

Feds 5K immigrant detainees in Arizona have criminal records

By the year 2050, hispanics, mostly illegals will be the majority in this country and until small business owners, corporations and the wealthy stop exploiting thier labor, there is nothing we can do about. I live in a small southern town and illegals are everywhere......and city and local officials don't give a damn. The buy houses, hold down jobs and we all know they're here illegally cause they don't speaka english
Think about that in a state with about 5M people...So we passed SB1070. Barry and Holder came after us claiming the Feds are the border lords. They told us we had no right to defend a border they refused to defend. Or throw out the criminals (they're all criminals) when we caught up with them. We handed them over to ICE and ICE let them go. The Feds owe us almost half a BILLION dollars for the warehousing of their future voters...they won't pay us a red cent of it. Fast forward to 2014:

PHOENIX -- Nearly 5,000 Arizona immigrant detainees with criminal records were released from custody, a federal agency has acknowledged.

Of those, 121 later committed fatal crimes.

The National Review reported that the Department of Homeland Security said that the detainees charged with murder had been jailed and let out from 2010 to 2014.

A letter from the director of Immigrations and Customs, Sarah Saldana, to U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) and Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley was recently made public.

The senators asked asked for details surrounding the release of Valley resident Apolinar Altamirano, who was charged with the shooting death of a Mesa convenience store clerk in January. Altamirano was awaiting a deportation hearing.


Immigrations and Customs Enforcement had taken Altamirano into custody in January 2013 after he was convicted on burglary charges.

He was later determined eligible for bail.

According to an ICE report, in 2014 the agency said "63,159 of the convicted criminal removals were Level 1 offenders."

Priority 1 offenders are determined to be threats to national security, border security and public safety.

The department has been under fire since a 2013 revelation that it had let over 2,000 immigrants out of jail.

Feds 5K immigrant detainees in Arizona have criminal records

Let's start here:

"""In 2010 We Had 460,000 illegals In Arizona""

You sort of left that hanging out there....Why don't you corroborate that first?

And your silly governor looks like a Vegas dealer working the night shift at cheap, flea-infested downtown casino. So maybe you ought to own this instead of whining.

We have about 1.5 million in Texas.
Interactive Demographics of Texas Undocumented Population The Texas Tribune
Think about that in a state with about 5M people...So we passed SB1070. Barry and Holder came after us claiming the Feds are the border lords. They told us we had no right to defend a border they refused to defend. Or throw out the criminals (they're all criminals) when we caught up with them. We handed them over to ICE and ICE let them go. The Feds owe us almost half a BILLION dollars for the warehousing of their future voters...they won't pay us a red cent of it. Fast forward to 2014:

PHOENIX -- Nearly 5,000 Arizona immigrant detainees with criminal records were released from custody, a federal agency has acknowledged.

Of those, 121 later committed fatal crimes.

The National Review reported that the Department of Homeland Security said that the detainees charged with murder had been jailed and let out from 2010 to 2014.

A letter from the director of Immigrations and Customs, Sarah Saldana, to U.S. Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) and Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley was recently made public.

The senators asked asked for details surrounding the release of Valley resident Apolinar Altamirano, who was charged with the shooting death of a Mesa convenience store clerk in January. Altamirano was awaiting a deportation hearing.


Immigrations and Customs Enforcement had taken Altamirano into custody in January 2013 after he was convicted on burglary charges.

He was later determined eligible for bail.

According to an ICE report, in 2014 the agency said "63,159 of the convicted criminal removals were Level 1 offenders."

Priority 1 offenders are determined to be threats to national security, border security and public safety.

The department has been under fire since a 2013 revelation that it had let over 2,000 immigrants out of jail.

Feds 5K immigrant detainees in Arizona have criminal records

By the year 2050, hispanics, mostly illegals will be the majority in this country and until small business owners, corporations and the wealthy stop exploiting thier labor, there is nothing we can do about. I live in a small southern town and illegals are everywhere......and city and local officials don't give a damn. The buy houses, hold down jobs and we all know they're here illegally cause they don't speaka english

There's plenty we can do about it.
Unfortunately our government has no interest in curbing the numbers..either side.
mostly illegals will be the majority in this country...


Minorities expected to be majority in 2050
  • Census: By 2050, 54 percent will be other than non-Hispanic, single-race whites
  • Number of U.S, residents older than 65 expected to more than double
  • Hispanic population projected to make the largest gains
  • Census official says the timelines are not written in stone
  • Next Article in U.S. »
mostly illegals will be the majority in this country...


Minorities expected to be majority in 2050
  • Census: By 2050, 54 percent will be other than non-Hispanic, single-race whites
  • Number of U.S, residents older than 65 expected to more than double
  • Hispanic population projected to make the largest gains
  • Census official says the timelines are not written in stone
  • Next Article in U.S. »

So you think things are going to get better by flooding the country with more of the people who are causing the problems?
You stupid cvnt!! A country is made up of the people who created it!!
Not the people who invaded it!!!
Blacks will be worse off when mexicans outnumber them. No damn wonder you people fail at life,you dont understand the basic premise of success.
Have fun you moron,because I'll be long dead.
mostly illegals will be the majority in this country...


Minorities expected to be majority in 2050
  • Census: By 2050, 54 percent will be other than non-Hispanic, single-race whites
  • Number of U.S, residents older than 65 expected to more than double
  • Hispanic population projected to make the largest gains
  • Census official says the timelines are not written in stone
  • Next Article in U.S. »

Where is the "mostly illegals" part?
mostly illegals will be the majority in this country...


Minorities expected to be majority in 2050
  • Census: By 2050, 54 percent will be other than non-Hispanic, single-race whites
  • Number of U.S, residents older than 65 expected to more than double
  • Hispanic population projected to make the largest gains
  • Census official says the timelines are not written in stone
  • Next Article in U.S. »

So you think things are going to get better ... I'll be long dead.

Don't procrastinate.
FYI -- Voters have a choice, and have always had a choice. No one holds a gun to anyone's head and forces them to vote for anyone, period. So, how do you figure voters have no choice? Do voters have the right to write-in a candidate of their choice? Are voters forced to vote for the ones that the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential have placed on the ballots? Are voters forced to vote for a political party? Please explain to me why voters have no choice when it comes to voting. Thanks

P.S. - And please don't tell me that voters are forced to vote for the lesser of two evils. That BS line has gotten worn out and abused already. Oh, and also spare me the, "I'm not going to waste my vote" BS. Thanks.

Ok, dipshit - why don't you elaborate to us which of the two parties is totally, 100% and completely against illegal aliens entering the country en masse? Which party has proffered serious and substantive ideas to immediately stop the inflow, inform those who want to come that there are no "permisos" and never will be, to mass deport all illegals currently in the US, eliminate the 14th amendment's total mis-reading with an amendment to repair it, and to imprison business owners who hire illegals? Tell us which party and which candidate, because not fucking one in the last 50 years has come close to offering to implement ANY of those.
It's pretty obvious third parties aren't the answer. All they do is dilute the vote. The current two parties lie to get elected and ignore the wishes of the people. I see no way to overcome this problem.

I disagree, a centrist 3rd party that is socially liberal, fiscally conservative - and totally anti-illegal (and most legal) immigration would own the polls for decades to come.
FYI -- Voters have a choice, and have always had a choice. No one holds a gun to anyone's head and forces them to vote for anyone, period. So, how do you figure voters have no choice? Do voters have the right to write-in a candidate of their choice? Are voters forced to vote for the ones that the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential have placed on the ballots? Are voters forced to vote for a political party? Please explain to me why voters have no choice when it comes to voting. Thanks

P.S. - And please don't tell me that voters are forced to vote for the lesser of two evils. That BS line has gotten worn out and abused already. Oh, and also spare me the, "I'm not going to waste my vote" BS. Thanks.

Ok, dipshit - why don't you elaborate to us which of the two parties is totally, 100% and completely against illegal aliens entering the country en masse? Which party has proffered serious and substantive ideas to immediately stop the inflow, inform those who want to come that there are no "permisos" and never will be, to mass deport all illegals currently in the US, eliminate the 14th amendment's total mis-reading with an amendment to repair it, and to imprison business owners who hire illegals? Tell us which party and which candidate, because not fucking one in the last 50 years has come close to offering to implement ANY of those.
Neither party has. And, calling me a dipshit is very silly, immature, and totally uncalled for. Your age? Why are you engaging in name calling and personal attacks? Is that your way of having a civil and adult conversation?

Both parties have damaged this once great nation. Neither party gives a damn about this once great nation.
It's pretty obvious third parties aren't the answer. All they do is dilute the vote. The current two parties lie to get elected and ignore the wishes of the people. I see no way to overcome this problem.

I disagree, a centrist 3rd party that is socially liberal, fiscally conservative - and totally anti-illegal (and most legal) immigration would own the polls for decades to come.

You'll have to show me this party because I havent seen hide nor hair of it.
The more I see of the current parties in power the more I see no other solution than insurrection.
FYI -- Voters have a choice, and have always had a choice. No one holds a gun to anyone's head and forces them to vote for anyone, period. So, how do you figure voters have no choice? Do voters have the right to write-in a candidate of their choice? Are voters forced to vote for the ones that the wealthy, the powerful, and the influential have placed on the ballots? Are voters forced to vote for a political party? Please explain to me why voters have no choice when it comes to voting. Thanks

P.S. - And please don't tell me that voters are forced to vote for the lesser of two evils. That BS line has gotten worn out and abused already. Oh, and also spare me the, "I'm not going to waste my vote" BS. Thanks.

For one thing, we were boycotted, trashed in the media, and forced to watch Sheriff Joe almost being indicted for enforcing the immigration laws. We were the butt of the late night shows' jokes and can't get reimbursed for the care and feeding of the illegals. They all have EBT cards...their kids are all in our schools and they've overwhelmed our hospital ERs for free medical care. So tell me what our votes count for? We voted for SB1070 and the Surpremes will only let us enforce a tiny piece of it. No, this isn't a voter issue...this is a national defense issue and we can't do shit about a traitor in the WH as long as his party can block impeachment.

I hear ya. We're overrun with em in Florida as well. They suck our social services dry, have kids who are American when a simple change to that amendment would get rid of the free ride.

Those clowns in DC are all after the Hispanic vote which is why they will not build the fence or put the guard on the border.

Shoot a few of those assholes and the rest would get the fucking message. Try to come across the border and we will kill your ass.
will you be the one shooting a family coming across?....or will you just hold someones coat while they do it?...just askin.....

Why, you don't have the balls to?? Or think its okay for them to be here illegally?? Just askin.

You damned right I would.

These people are breaking our laws, sucking our social services dry, committing crimes and our Govt does nothing about it.

You bet I'd shoot em as they came across our border illegally.
if you can shoot a little kid i would have no problems putting a bullet in your head.....does that answer your question about what i would do?...
You'll have to show me this party because I havent seen hide nor hair of it.
The more I see of the current parties in power the more I see no other solution than insurrection.

THAT is my point, that that party does not exist right now - but if a third party with those positions were ever created, it would obliterate the dems and repubs in every race. I am sure others have tried but the scumbag fuck whore members of the dems and repubs have done everything humanly possible to prevent a 3rd party that had some or all of those positions from being on the ballot in many states/locations.

The 2 parties have worked to divvy up the voters into 2 large blocks, and any 3rd party that comes along that can destroy that status quo of gridlock which enables the 2 current parties to collect campaign finance dollars forever as they avoid resolving any issues, will get targeted by both parties. They end up using every legal trick in the book to keep them off ballots in every state possible, for instance.

It would take a strenuous effort for us genuine citizens to initiate and sustain a true 3rd party that can counter and seriously challenge the two entrenched cancers, but it is becoming clear that to save this country from collapsing, it will be the ONLY option.
You'll have to show me this party because I havent seen hide nor hair of it.
The more I see of the current parties in power the more I see no other solution than insurrection.

THAT is my point, that that party does not exist right now - but if a third party with those positions were ever created, it would obliterate the dems and repubs in every race. ....


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