In a recent speech, Putin gave a new reason for this "Special Operation".


Aug 23, 2021
In a recent conference, he cited the closure of water to the Crimea by Ukraine as the reason. To be honest, I am sometimes amazed at the bullshit this man says. He talks about bio-laboratories that create a virus that only kills Russians, then he says that Ukraine will infect their country with Western values and that Russia will only have number 1 and number 2 parents and then starts threatening with nuclear weapons. Just inadequate.
Yes, that's one, but not all of the legitimate reasons Putin was forced to send the Russian army on a humanitarian incursion into Ukraine and liberate the ethnic Russian people living in the eastern Donbas region. ... :thup:
An objective reason that could not be resolved diplomatically. The funniest thing here is that they attacked Kiev from the side of Belarus and also occupied part of the Kherson and Zaporozhye regions, probably looking for a faucet with blocked water.
ethnic Russian people living:thup:
There are still Ethnic Ukrainians living there, and if you're wondering there are no men left on the Dombas they've all been mobilized, or maybe killed. That's the kind of Russian world Vladimir Vladimirovich brought, that he set up a genocide of the native Russian people who came to save them.
In a recent conference, he cited the closure of water to the Crimea by Ukraine as the reason. To be honest, I am sometimes amazed at the bullshit this man says. He talks about bio-laboratories that create a virus that only kills Russians, then he says that Ukraine will infect their country with Western values and that Russia will only have number 1 and number 2 parents and then starts threatening with nuclear weapons. Just inadequate.
You are not educated enough to mouth off about Russian-specific diseases. On Skye's thread, Dilyana Gaytandzhieva has already exposed the Tbilisi lab that links to phlebotomine sandflies which vector Leishmania, and Russians are indeed more susceptible than others to certain forms. The water problem has already been posted there too:

Posts #36- #37

The Tbilisi lab is named after the person who accompanied Obama's visit to Russia.
You are not educated enough to mouth off about Russian-specific diseases. On Skye's thread, Dilyana Gaytandzhieva has already exposed the Tbilisi lab that links to phlebotomine sandflies which vector Leishmania, and Russians are indeed more susceptible than others to certain forms. The water problem has already been posted there too:
The Tbilisi lab is named after the person who accompanied Obama's visit to Russia.
You must be joking, because it's really funny. If you're writing seriously, it's even funnier, and also not surprising, given that leftist liberals these days may also rely on some documents and data from liberals like them, and then prove that a person has 80 genders))) :cool:
I generally like it when people who never knew before the war, about the existence of Ukraine, suddenly became experts in domestic politics of Ukraine and relations between the CIS countries, as well as about sociological data and the census of the population in the regions of Ukraine.

Even if there are more Russians than other nationalities in Dombas, they still had a better life under Ukraine than when Girkin Strelkov ( colonel of the FSB) came to Dombas together with the Nazis such as Alexey Milchakov from the Rusich battalion and staged a military coup. In case anyone did not know, these people were responsible for shooting down a civilian plane with 298 people on board.
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The Russians will destroy Kherson on the way out, and probably blow the Kakhovka dam. Kherson will feel the "humanitarian embrace" of Russia just like Mariupol and Bucha and Izium did.

As long as Russia holds Crimea, Ukraine's Azov and Black Sea coastline is under threat, and the adjacent coastlines of NATO countries as well.

Russia has to be expelled from all of Ukraine including Crimea, and Ukraine needs to be in NATO, to contain Russia's imperial ambitions and secure NATO's Black Sea interests.
Russia has to be expelled from all of Ukraine including Crimea, and Ukraine needs to be in NATO, to contain Russia's imperial ambitions and secure NATO's Black Sea interests.
Just a U.S. / NATO deep state neocon fantasy story..... :cuckoo: :laugh::laugh:
Just a U.S. / NATO deep state neocon fantasy story..... :cuckoo: :laugh::laugh:
No, it's geography.


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