In a STUNNER of a Vote - GOP Votes Against Lowering Gas Prices/Price Gouging

Two major refineries being shut down in Texas for work has also had a significant impact on limiting overall refining capacity in the US.

That's a loss of over 400,000BPD in US production of Diesel and Gasoline.
That's a whole lot of drivel to cover up for the fact you can't or don't read.
So, buy a dictionary, if the bigly words confuse you.

The arctic and off shore formations are the richest, most productive and most profitable in the nation and he's cut off new exploration and drilling across the board.

Oil wells are not like your tapwater, they don't continue producing at the same rate forever because just like a balloon or pressure cooker when you release the pressure the flow rate continually dwindles.

After an initial period that varies with each type of formation you also reach a point eventually where production reduces even further as recharge time for the "pool" around the pump drops as well.
No shit.
We have no on shore formations in the CONUS that produce at anything near the rate we get from the North Slope in AK or offshore around the CONUS.


The North slope includes:
  • Prudhoe Bay remains the largest conventional oil field in North America. Four of the nation’s top ten conventional producing oil fields are located on the North Slope. Alaska ranks sixth behind Texas, North Dakota, New Mexico, California, and Oklahoma in daily oil production.
  • There are more than a dozen producing fields on the North Slope. Cumulative oil production from these fields is over 18 billion barrels. Ultimate production from Prudhoe Bay itself is expected to exceed 14 billion barrels. (Alaska Department of Revenue)

May 5 2022
  • Texas is the top crude oil- and natural gas-producing state in the nation. In 2021, Texas accounted for 43% of the nation's crude oil production and 25% of its marketed natural gas production.
  • Texas has the most crude oil refineries and the most refining capacity of any state. The 31 petroleum refineries in Texas can process a combined total of almost 5.9 million barrels of crude oil per calendar day—32% of the nation's refining capacity as of January 2021.
May 20 2022
TYLER, Texas — Friday was another record-breaking day for high gas prices with the statewide average in Texas topping out around $4.29 per gallon of regular unleaded fuel, the highest price average ever recorded for Texas according to a recent report on AAA.
The report also ranked the city of Longview as fifth highest out of the largest state metros with $4.33 per gallon of unleaded gasoline.

So, that must be Biden's fault?

Stop talking out of your ass.
You need to stop talking out of yours.

Teabaggers ignore the oil companies NOT drilling on the 9,000+ permits, they have but refuse to drill.
They want more federal leases, leases that don't have permits, leases that won't be productive for a year or two, maybe more.

Teabaggers ignore the 90% of private, state and tribal leases, NOT controlled by the US government.
Instead, they concentrate on the 10%, they do.
Blaming Biden for what the oil companies AREN'T doing.
We and I in particular said nothing about Russian Refinery output
Post 346
"When you shut off the flow of Russian oil to refineries, guess what"?
, we're discussing Europe's dependence on Russian oil to feed their refineries which as I said are running well below capacity because of the sanctions, particularly the sanctions on Russian oil.
Well, no shit, just like a fire or natural disaster hits refineries here.
Two major refineries being shut down in Texas for work has also had a significant impact on limiting overall refining capacity in the US.

That's a loss of over 400,000BPD in US production of Diesel and Gasoline.
I spoke with one of my son in law's friends Friday night, he said he isn't allowed to fill his 40 gallon tank for work. Chicago area. He gets cut off at 20 gallons by the local station. How the fk can semi trucks ever expect to drive a load somewhere if they aren't allowed to fill their gas tanks?

It isn't about demand, it's totally about supply and lack there of.
The “ legitimate market reasons “ being what?
You're getting all hopped up with your desire to blame Biden, and completely missing the point of my comment. I'm not saying his polices haven't caused the rise in gas prices. Obviously they have. I'm saying that the price hikes are not "gouging". They're simply a legitimate reaction to market conditions. They don't warrant the law in question. Republicans were right to vote against it. It's just more free-shit grandstanding by Dems.
Two major refineries being shut down in Texas for work has also had a significant impact on limiting overall refining capacity in the US.

That's a loss of over 400,000BPD in US production of Diesel and Gasoline.
Big dummies dont have their own power plant. We have one that powers it here. Steam trace and heat trace prevents freezing

Haha, I always laugh, when you guys get to this point.

Being squealing cultists, and naturally, like any human, thinking of yourselves as normal, you think you stick a thumb in my eye to say democrats are going to lose elections.

But you are not normal, and I am not like you. I don't get bothered by that. It objectively is what it is. Fix the problems or get blamed for them by the public. Normal adults come by this realization quite early.

I don't have to scramble and gish gallop and parade like a little peacock to save face, if a political party or pet demagogue is insulted or is said to be about to lose.

You do.

And what have republicans learned after 8 years of great leadership from Clinton? Eventually, the public will grow tired of one party no matter how good they are. And they'll forget how bad the other party was the last time they were in power.

If Republicans win back the House or Senate I hope they ban abortion forever. Stupid women. Women don't appreciate affirmative action, even though they were the biggest beneficiaries of it, and I don't think they appreciate us liberals for protecting their right to choose. So they need to feel the pain. My warnings weren't enough. They voted for Trump and other Republicans. Now they get to deal with conservative justices on the Supreme Court for the rest of their lives. Enjoy.
So far no one that supports this bill has been able to show (using the bill) how this is a good thing.

And for the far left, profits are not price gouging. Sorry to burst your bubble on that one.
I spoke with one of my son in law's friends Friday night, he said he isn't allowed to fill his 40 gallon tank for work. Chicago area. He gets cut off at 20 gallons by the local station. How the fk can semi trucks ever expect to drive a load somewhere if they aren't allowed to fill their gas tanks?

It isn't about demand, it's totally about supply and lack there of.
My third cousin twice removed wife's hairdresser says your full of shit...

IT is a real person, honest...
Is their political interest to make things as shit as possible so they have a shot at the 2022 Midterms?

Or is their political interest to help Americans who voted for them?
That bill won't help anyone. It's a desperate attempt to reverse the horrible energy policies of Biden. If they really wanted to help, they'd impeach Biden.

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