In a STUNNER of a Vote - GOP Votes Against Lowering Gas Prices/Price Gouging

Post #2 and Mac's already on the record as not understanding or believing in capitalism.

So Vladimir. Simple question. What happens when market participants overcharge. Any idea? You don't know, do you? OK, I'll make it easier.

You find two items for sale. One is $8 and the other is $9. What do you do if they both fit your needs equally? Oops, still don't know, huh? OK, let's try again.

You're the maker of the product that costs $9. No one is buying your product. Why? What do you do? STILL don't know?

What if you're the maker of product A? The maker of Product B drops their price to $7. Why did people stop buying your product? What do you do?

LOL, what a commie douche. What keeps prices in check in capitalism? Why can't companies charge whatever they want? Seriously, how do you not know that?
His answer is for the government to tell him he is selling product A for $8 and he will have to drop his price to $6 which means he is now selling his product at a loss but Mac is happy to help the government out, even though he will be out of business soon.
the marxist word for profit is surplus.
There is surplus in marxism, but the workers decide what to do with the surplus.
There is no such thing as surplus profit. It's called net income from production and it is NOT 'surplus.' It is the very reason to produce valued products and services in the first place. Let that sink in.

Now, imagine the workers in the collective all vote to split that net income equally among themselves. What is the incentive to make their collective competitive? Will the workers seek to excel? Why should one worker decide to work harder than everyone else when that worker will not see more net income than the lazy worker?
Obviously they wouldn’t sell at a price people wouldn’t be willing to pay. They aren’t idiots. They figure out the max people are willing to pay out of obvious necessity and then sell it for that.
So you lied when you said they control how much they sell it for. Either that, or you're just plain stupid.
There is no such thing as surplus profit. It's called net income from production and it is NOT 'surplus.' It is the very reason to produce valued products and services in the first place. Let that sink in.

Now, imagine the workers in the collective all vote to split that net income equally among themselves. What is the incentive to make their collective competitive? Will the workers seek to excel? Why should one worker decide to work harder than everyone else when that worker will not see more net income than the lazy worker?
Its the concept of surplus value of labor in marxism.

According to Marx's theory, surplus value is equal to the new value created by workers in excess of their own labor-cost, which is appropriated by the capitalist as profit when products are sold.

Now, if you decide the equally distribute the surplus among workers, then there are consequencies just as your describe. If workers make the decision, they need to weigh all the pros and cons just as always.
Post #2 and Mac's already on the record as not understanding or believing in capitalism.
I'm a 21+-year Financial Advisor/CFP/7/63/65. A better capitalist than you could ever dream of being.

By comical contrast, you are just another arrogant, ignorant Trumpster and student of the Hannity/Carlson/Fox School of Ersatz Economics.

Child. <flick>
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Who actually believes we have lost energy independence, are emptying our gas and diesel emergency reserves, are buying gas from our enemies - Putin, Maduro, etc..., and are paying over $4 agallon for gas BECAUSE OF F*ING PRICE GOUGERS?

I just want to see how many truly ignorant sheep are on this board.

Here's a hint: If you don't know this was just another Democrat political theatrical SHOW VOTE that accomplishes NOTHING, then you are a truly ignorant sheep.
That is just your automatic, knee jerk assessment because republicans voted against it. You can’t think for yourself I guess.
Why do we need government regulating pricing like this? There is supposedly pork in the bill as well, why do we let them do this crap? Where is the accountability to us, their constituents?
I'm a 21+-year Financial Advisor/CFP/7/63/65. A better capitalist than you could ever dream of being.

Right, you're a salesman. That you have no grasp of what you are selling is proven by your post where you literally didn't know what keeps prices in check under capitalism. You said under capitalism that they can charge whatever they want because you're a fucking idiot
By comical contrast, you are just another arrogant, ignorant Trumpster and student of the Hannity/Carlson/Fox School of Ersatz Economics.

Child. <flick>

Mac is back to her obsession with how I feel. Pass, you care more about how I feel than I do, faggot
Its the concept of surplus value of labor in marxism.

According to Marx's theory, surplus value is equal to the new value created by workers in excess of their own labor-cost, which is appropriated by the capitalist as profit when products are sold.

Now, if you decide the equally distribute the surplus among workers, then there are consequencies just as your describe. If workers make the decision, they need to weigh all the pros and cons just as always.
Only imbeciles swallow Marx's theory of surplus value.
I'm a 21+-year Financial Advisor/CFP/7/63/65. A better capitalist than you could ever dream of being.

By comical contrast, you are just another arrogant, ignorant Trumpster and student of the Hannity/Carlson/Fox School of Ersatz Economics.

Child. <flick>
You're deliberately conflating two separate definition of "capitalist."

#1. One who believes in the market economy.
#2. Someone who runs a business

Only those who are trying to confuse their audience do this.

They are liars. The are scumbags.

What theory of economics do you subscribe to if not Marxism?
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You're deliberately conflating two separate definition of "capitalist."

#1. One who believes in the market economy.
#2. Someone who runs a business

Only those who are trying to confuse their audience does this.

They are liars. The are scumbags.

What theory of economics do you subscribe to if not Marxism?
Holy crap, another student of the Hannity/Carlson/Fox School of Ersatz Economics.

I'm a 21+-year Financial Advisor/CFP/7/63/65. A better capitalist than you could ever dream of being.

By comical contrast, you are just another arrogant, ignorant Trumpster and student of the Hannity/Carlson/Fox School of Ersatz Economics.

Child. <flick>
You voted for Biden. That alone disqualifies you from being considered intelligent, particularly if you are in finance. Seriously, that is deranged and the proof is our current situation.

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