In Addition to Cohen, How Many Trump Lawyers Have Helped Him Commit Crimes?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

The idiot trump is claiming his other attorneys are afraid their offices and homes will be raided by law enforcement agencies.

Is this another lie by the idiot trump to infuriate his mindless minions? Or, have other members of his defense team also provided him advice prior to criminal acts, thus changing their status from legal adviser(s) to accomplice(s)?

If one, two, or more of the idiot trump’s attorneys do, indeed, fear a raid like that on Monday by the FBI on Michael Cohen’s office, residence, and hotel room, they must realize they have acted as co-conspirators in past crimes or current criminal activities being committed by the idiot trump, a member, or members of his criminal organization.

The idiot trump's twitter rant concerning all lawyers feelings of being “deflated" by the FBI raids on Michael Cohen was addressed by former US Attorney Preet Bharara during an interview on CNN. Bharara dismissed the idiot trump's claim that all lawyers are “deflated”, adding “ ‘he was was not deflated' ". He also said, " ‘I don't think that Donald Trump has a decent understanding of what the attorney-client privilege is and how it can be pierced.' "

Obviously, Bharara was being kind to the idiot trump during the CNN piece. He knows after the many years of the idiot trump’s shady business dealings, the idiot trump understands all of the ins and outs of attorney/client privilege. Given those decades of crooked practices, it’s more than likely the idiot trump understands the limits of privilege better than most lawyers.

As much as the idiot trump and his mindless minions want to believe the FBI’s raid was illegal due to attorney/client privilege, the Supreme Court defined the parameters necessary to guarantee or void that privilege 85 years ago. “ ‘A client who consults an attorney for advice that will serve him in the commission of a fraud will have no help from the law,’ Justice Benjamin Cardozo wrote for the Supreme Court in 1933.”

Certainly, any attorney worth retainers paid to the idiot trump’s lawyers are fully aware of this USSC ruling, and also understand the 1933 decision is not limited to acts of fraud alone.

Of course, if the idiot trump’s attorneys believe as he does, that they too are above the law, their own arrogance, coupled with that of the idiot trump’s, have made the attorney/client privilege issue irrelevant.

It is expected that conservatives' responses to this OP will use alternative facts to dispute or deny the 1933 Supreme Court ruling, or will blather on with other right wing nonsense.

Trump Says His Other Lawyers Now Concerned About Raids

Trump says his own lawyers 'probably wondering when their home will be raided'

Attorney-client privilege is not 'dead' — and not absolute


The idiot trump is claiming his other attorneys are afraid their offices and homes will be raided by law enforcement agencies.

Is this another lie by the idiot trump to infuriate his mindless minions? Or, have other members of his defense team also provided him advice prior to criminal acts, thus changing their status from legal adviser(s) to accomplice(s)?

If one, two, or more of the idiot trump’s attorneys do, indeed, fear a raid like that on Monday by the FBI on Michael Cohen’s office, residence, and hotel room, they must realize they have acted as co-conspirators in past crimes or current criminal activities being committed by the idiot trump, a member, or members of his criminal organization.

The idiot trump's twitter rant concerning all lawyers feelings of being “deflated" by the FBI raids on Michael Cohen was addressed by former US Attorney Preet Bharara during an interview on CNN. Bharara dismissed the idiot trump's claim that all lawyers are “deflated”, adding “ ‘he was was not deflated' ". He also said, " ‘I don't think that Donald Trump has a decent understanding of what the attorney-client privilege is and how it can be pierced.' "

Obviously, Bharara was being kind to the idiot trump during the CNN piece. He knows after the many years of the idiot trump’s shady business dealings, the idiot trump understands all of the ins and outs of attorney/client privilege. Given those decades of crooked practices, it’s more than likely the idiot trump understands the limits of privilege better than most lawyers.

As much as the idiot trump and his mindless minions want to believe the FBI’s raid was illegal due to attorney/client privilege, the Supreme Court defined the parameters necessary to guarantee or void that privilege 85 years ago. “ ‘A client who consults an attorney for advice that will serve him in the commission of a fraud will have no help from the law,’ Justice Benjamin Cardozo wrote for the Supreme Court in 1933.”

Certainly, any attorney worth retainers paid to the idiot trump’s lawyers are fully aware of this USSC ruling, and also understand the 1933 decision is not limited to acts of fraud alone.

Of course, if the idiot trump’s attorneys believe as he does, that they too are above the law, their own arrogance, coupled with that of the idiot trump’s, have made the attorney/client privilege issue irrelevant.

It is expected that conservatives' responses to this OP will use alternative facts to dispute or deny the 1933 Supreme Court ruling, or will blather on with other right wing nonsense.

Trump Says His Other Lawyers Now Concerned About Raids

Trump says his own lawyers 'probably wondering when their home will be raided'

Attorney-client privilege is not 'dead' — and not absolute


I'd be happy if you could prove that Trump has been part of or committed even ONE crime? What is it? Where's the crime? Got anything other than your bullshit?
Mueller's going to drain Donnies swamp. You can bet there's a lot of people shitting theyselves right now.

The idiot trump is claiming his other attorneys are afraid their offices and homes will be raided by law enforcement agencies.

Is this another lie by the idiot trump to infuriate his mindless minions? Or, have other members of his defense team also provided him advice prior to criminal acts, thus changing their status from legal adviser(s) to accomplice(s)?

If one, two, or more of the idiot trump’s attorneys do, indeed, fear a raid like that on Monday by the FBI on Michael Cohen’s office, residence, and hotel room, they must realize they have acted as co-conspirators in past crimes or current criminal activities being committed by the idiot trump, a member, or members of his criminal organization.

The idiot trump's twitter rant concerning all lawyers feelings of being “deflated" by the FBI raids on Michael Cohen was addressed by former US Attorney Preet Bharara during an interview on CNN. Bharara dismissed the idiot trump's claim that all lawyers are “deflated”, adding “ ‘he was was not deflated' ". He also said, " ‘I don't think that Donald Trump has a decent understanding of what the attorney-client privilege is and how it can be pierced.' "

Obviously, Bharara was being kind to the idiot trump during the CNN piece. He knows after the many years of the idiot trump’s shady business dealings, the idiot trump understands all of the ins and outs of attorney/client privilege. Given those decades of crooked practices, it’s more than likely the idiot trump understands the limits of privilege better than most lawyers.

As much as the idiot trump and his mindless minions want to believe the FBI’s raid was illegal due to attorney/client privilege, the Supreme Court defined the parameters necessary to guarantee or void that privilege 85 years ago. “ ‘A client who consults an attorney for advice that will serve him in the commission of a fraud will have no help from the law,’ Justice Benjamin Cardozo wrote for the Supreme Court in 1933.”

Certainly, any attorney worth retainers paid to the idiot trump’s lawyers are fully aware of this USSC ruling, and also understand the 1933 decision is not limited to acts of fraud alone.

Of course, if the idiot trump’s attorneys believe as he does, that they too are above the law, their own arrogance, coupled with that of the idiot trump’s, have made the attorney/client privilege issue irrelevant.

It is expected that conservatives' responses to this OP will use alternative facts to dispute or deny the 1933 Supreme Court ruling, or will blather on with other right wing nonsense.

Trump Says His Other Lawyers Now Concerned About Raids

Trump says his own lawyers 'probably wondering when their home will be raided'

Attorney-client privilege is not 'dead' — and not absolute

I guarantee you the right wing response to this will be the claim he did nothing illegal with any of his lawyers. We’re just supposed to believe he is innocent. Republicans can do no wrong!
Probably several.

Mueller, if the Republicans permit him, will end the idiot trump's criminal enterprise.

Sadly, the idiot trump's mindless minions will never accept truth over the alternative facts and fairy tales they've been spoon fed by the idiot trump, FOX Noise, and all the other sources of conservative propaganda they hold dear.


The idiot trump is claiming his other attorneys are afraid their offices and homes will be raided by law enforcement agencies.

Is this another lie by the idiot trump to infuriate his mindless minions? Or, have other members of his defense team also provided him advice prior to criminal acts, thus changing their status from legal adviser(s) to accomplice(s)?

If one, two, or more of the idiot trump’s attorneys do, indeed, fear a raid like that on Monday by the FBI on Michael Cohen’s office, residence, and hotel room, they must realize they have acted as co-conspirators in past crimes or current criminal activities being committed by the idiot trump, a member, or members of his criminal organization.

The idiot trump's twitter rant concerning all lawyers feelings of being “deflated" by the FBI raids on Michael Cohen was addressed by former US Attorney Preet Bharara during an interview on CNN. Bharara dismissed the idiot trump's claim that all lawyers are “deflated”, adding “ ‘he was was not deflated' ". He also said, " ‘I don't think that Donald Trump has a decent understanding of what the attorney-client privilege is and how it can be pierced.' "

Obviously, Bharara was being kind to the idiot trump during the CNN piece. He knows after the many years of the idiot trump’s shady business dealings, the idiot trump understands all of the ins and outs of attorney/client privilege. Given those decades of crooked practices, it’s more than likely the idiot trump understands the limits of privilege better than most lawyers.

As much as the idiot trump and his mindless minions want to believe the FBI’s raid was illegal due to attorney/client privilege, the Supreme Court defined the parameters necessary to guarantee or void that privilege 85 years ago. “ ‘A client who consults an attorney for advice that will serve him in the commission of a fraud will have no help from the law,’ Justice Benjamin Cardozo wrote for the Supreme Court in 1933.”

Certainly, any attorney worth retainers paid to the idiot trump’s lawyers are fully aware of this USSC ruling, and also understand the 1933 decision is not limited to acts of fraud alone.

Of course, if the idiot trump’s attorneys believe as he does, that they too are above the law, their own arrogance, coupled with that of the idiot trump’s, have made the attorney/client privilege issue irrelevant.

It is expected that conservatives' responses to this OP will use alternative facts to dispute or deny the 1933 Supreme Court ruling, or will blather on with other right wing nonsense.

Trump Says His Other Lawyers Now Concerned About Raids

Trump says his own lawyers 'probably wondering when their home will be raided'

Attorney-client privilege is not 'dead' — and not absolute


I'd be happy if you could prove that Trump has been part of or committed even ONE crime? What is it? Where's the crime? Got anything other than your bullshit?
Lol so we should just assume Trump didn’t participate in any crime with Cohen? It’s fairly obvious Cohen committed crimes. The FBI seized all of his shit.

The idiot trump is claiming his other attorneys are afraid their offices and homes will be raided by law enforcement agencies.

Is this another lie by the idiot trump to infuriate his mindless minions? Or, have other members of his defense team also provided him advice prior to criminal acts, thus changing their status from legal adviser(s) to accomplice(s)?

If one, two, or more of the idiot trump’s attorneys do, indeed, fear a raid like that on Monday by the FBI on Michael Cohen’s office, residence, and hotel room, they must realize they have acted as co-conspirators in past crimes or current criminal activities being committed by the idiot trump, a member, or members of his criminal organization.

The idiot trump's twitter rant concerning all lawyers feelings of being “deflated" by the FBI raids on Michael Cohen was addressed by former US Attorney Preet Bharara during an interview on CNN. Bharara dismissed the idiot trump's claim that all lawyers are “deflated”, adding “ ‘he was was not deflated' ". He also said, " ‘I don't think that Donald Trump has a decent understanding of what the attorney-client privilege is and how it can be pierced.' "

Obviously, Bharara was being kind to the idiot trump during the CNN piece. He knows after the many years of the idiot trump’s shady business dealings, the idiot trump understands all of the ins and outs of attorney/client privilege. Given those decades of crooked practices, it’s more than likely the idiot trump understands the limits of privilege better than most lawyers.

As much as the idiot trump and his mindless minions want to believe the FBI’s raid was illegal due to attorney/client privilege, the Supreme Court defined the parameters necessary to guarantee or void that privilege 85 years ago. “ ‘A client who consults an attorney for advice that will serve him in the commission of a fraud will have no help from the law,’ Justice Benjamin Cardozo wrote for the Supreme Court in 1933.”

Certainly, any attorney worth retainers paid to the idiot trump’s lawyers are fully aware of this USSC ruling, and also understand the 1933 decision is not limited to acts of fraud alone.

Of course, if the idiot trump’s attorneys believe as he does, that they too are above the law, their own arrogance, coupled with that of the idiot trump’s, have made the attorney/client privilege issue irrelevant.

It is expected that conservatives' responses to this OP will use alternative facts to dispute or deny the 1933 Supreme Court ruling, or will blather on with other right wing nonsense.

Trump Says His Other Lawyers Now Concerned About Raids

Trump says his own lawyers 'probably wondering when their home will be raided'

Attorney-client privilege is not 'dead' — and not absolute


I'd be happy if you could prove that Trump has been part of or committed even ONE crime? What is it? Where's the crime? Got anything other than your bullshit?
Lol so we should just assume Trump didn’t participate in any crime with Cohen? It’s fairly obvious Cohen committed crimes. The FBI seized all of his shit.

Soooo, in YOUR America, you run on an assumption of GUILT until proven innocent? And the FBI has never broken into or seized any property of Innocent people? Good, then I'm STILL waiting for any proof of the innocence of Hillary and Obama for the many crimes we all know they committed, of which, this is all just a smokescreen to cover up and try to keep Trump from pursuing.
Lol so we should just assume Trump didn’t participate in any crime with Cohen? It’s fairly obvious Cohen committed crimes. The FBI seized all of his shit.

The idiot trump's mindless minions DO expect everyone to believe their sexual predator hero is innocent of ALL allegations. Even those he has admitted to and boasted of.

It is impossible for them to understand that rational Americans refuse to be gullible and fooled by the idiot trump's lies.

Lol so we should just assume Trump didn’t participate in any crime with Cohen? It’s fairly obvious Cohen committed crimes. The FBI seized all of his shit.

The idiot trump's mindless minions DO expect everyone to believe their sexual predator hero is innocent of ALL allegations.


The idiot trump is claiming his other attorneys are afraid their offices and homes will be raided by law enforcement agencies.

Is this another lie by the idiot trump to infuriate his mindless minions? Or, have other members of his defense team also provided him advice prior to criminal acts, thus changing their status from legal adviser(s) to accomplice(s)?

If one, two, or more of the idiot trump’s attorneys do, indeed, fear a raid like that on Monday by the FBI on Michael Cohen’s office, residence, and hotel room, they must realize they have acted as co-conspirators in past crimes or current criminal activities being committed by the idiot trump, a member, or members of his criminal organization.

The idiot trump's twitter rant concerning all lawyers feelings of being “deflated" by the FBI raids on Michael Cohen was addressed by former US Attorney Preet Bharara during an interview on CNN. Bharara dismissed the idiot trump's claim that all lawyers are “deflated”, adding “ ‘he was was not deflated' ". He also said, " ‘I don't think that Donald Trump has a decent understanding of what the attorney-client privilege is and how it can be pierced.' "

Obviously, Bharara was being kind to the idiot trump during the CNN piece. He knows after the many years of the idiot trump’s shady business dealings, the idiot trump understands all of the ins and outs of attorney/client privilege. Given those decades of crooked practices, it’s more than likely the idiot trump understands the limits of privilege better than most lawyers.

As much as the idiot trump and his mindless minions want to believe the FBI’s raid was illegal due to attorney/client privilege, the Supreme Court defined the parameters necessary to guarantee or void that privilege 85 years ago. “ ‘A client who consults an attorney for advice that will serve him in the commission of a fraud will have no help from the law,’ Justice Benjamin Cardozo wrote for the Supreme Court in 1933.”

Certainly, any attorney worth retainers paid to the idiot trump’s lawyers are fully aware of this USSC ruling, and also understand the 1933 decision is not limited to acts of fraud alone.

Of course, if the idiot trump’s attorneys believe as he does, that they too are above the law, their own arrogance, coupled with that of the idiot trump’s, have made the attorney/client privilege issue irrelevant.

It is expected that conservatives' responses to this OP will use alternative facts to dispute or deny the 1933 Supreme Court ruling, or will blather on with other right wing nonsense.

Trump Says His Other Lawyers Now Concerned About Raids

Trump says his own lawyers 'probably wondering when their home will be raided'

Attorney-client privilege is not 'dead' — and not absolute


I'd be happy if you could prove that Trump has been part of or committed even ONE crime? What is it? Where's the crime? Got anything other than your bullshit?
Let me ask you this: why would any member on this board

The idiot trump is claiming his other attorneys are afraid their offices and homes will be raided by law enforcement agencies.

Is this another lie by the idiot trump to infuriate his mindless minions? Or, have other members of his defense team also provided him advice prior to criminal acts, thus changing their status from legal adviser(s) to accomplice(s)?

If one, two, or more of the idiot trump’s attorneys do, indeed, fear a raid like that on Monday by the FBI on Michael Cohen’s office, residence, and hotel room, they must realize they have acted as co-conspirators in past crimes or current criminal activities being committed by the idiot trump, a member, or members of his criminal organization.

The idiot trump's twitter rant concerning all lawyers feelings of being “deflated" by the FBI raids on Michael Cohen was addressed by former US Attorney Preet Bharara during an interview on CNN. Bharara dismissed the idiot trump's claim that all lawyers are “deflated”, adding “ ‘he was was not deflated' ". He also said, " ‘I don't think that Donald Trump has a decent understanding of what the attorney-client privilege is and how it can be pierced.' "

Obviously, Bharara was being kind to the idiot trump during the CNN piece. He knows after the many years of the idiot trump’s shady business dealings, the idiot trump understands all of the ins and outs of attorney/client privilege. Given those decades of crooked practices, it’s more than likely the idiot trump understands the limits of privilege better than most lawyers.

As much as the idiot trump and his mindless minions want to believe the FBI’s raid was illegal due to attorney/client privilege, the Supreme Court defined the parameters necessary to guarantee or void that privilege 85 years ago. “ ‘A client who consults an attorney for advice that will serve him in the commission of a fraud will have no help from the law,’ Justice Benjamin Cardozo wrote for the Supreme Court in 1933.”

Certainly, any attorney worth retainers paid to the idiot trump’s lawyers are fully aware of this USSC ruling, and also understand the 1933 decision is not limited to acts of fraud alone.

Of course, if the idiot trump’s attorneys believe as he does, that they too are above the law, their own arrogance, coupled with that of the idiot trump’s, have made the attorney/client privilege issue irrelevant.

It is expected that conservatives' responses to this OP will use alternative facts to dispute or deny the 1933 Supreme Court ruling, or will blather on with other right wing nonsense.

Trump Says His Other Lawyers Now Concerned About Raids

Trump says his own lawyers 'probably wondering when their home will be raided'

Attorney-client privilege is not 'dead' — and not absolute


I'd be happy if you could prove that Trump has been part of or committed even ONE crime? What is it? Where's the crime? Got anything other than your bullshit?
Lol so we should just assume Trump didn’t participate in any crime with Cohen? It’s fairly obvious Cohen committed crimes. The FBI seized all of his shit.

Soooo, in YOUR America, you run on an assumption of GUILT until proven innocent? And the FBI has never broken into or seized any property of Innocent people? Good, then I'm STILL waiting for any proof of the innocence of Hillary and Obama for the many crimes we all know they committed, of which, this is all just a smokescreen to cover up and try to keep Trump from pursuing.
Lol so you KNOW Obama and Hillary committed crimes but you like to pretend Trump didn’t? Hillary’s information was seized - she handed it over. Also, what crime did Obama commit? I’m dying to know. I guess all our law enforcement agencies need to be in the know too.
Lol so we should just assume Trump didn’t participate in any crime with Cohen? It’s fairly obvious Cohen committed crimes. The FBI seized all of his shit.

The idiot trump's mindless minions DO expect everyone to believe their sexual predator hero is innocent of ALL allegations.

View attachment 188312 View attachment 188313 View attachment 188314 View attachment 188315
Lol this such a pathetic deflection. Is Clinton a pervert? Yes, but he’s a irrelevant so don’t be a child and say “but, but, but CLINTON!”
Lol so we should just assume Trump didn’t participate in any crime with Cohen? It’s fairly obvious Cohen committed crimes. The FBI seized all of his shit.

The idiot trump's mindless minions DO expect everyone to believe their sexual predator hero is innocent of ALL allegations.

View attachment 188312 View attachment 188313 View attachment 188314 View attachment 188315

You got something from this century?
Lol so we should just assume Trump didn’t participate in any crime with Cohen? It’s fairly obvious Cohen committed crimes. The FBI seized all of his shit.

The idiot trump's mindless minions DO expect everyone to believe their sexual predator hero is innocent of ALL allegations.

View attachment 188312 View attachment 188313 View attachment 188314 View attachment 188315
Lol this such a pathetic deflection. Is Clinton a pervert? Yes, but he’s a irrelevant so don’t be a child and say “but, but, but CLINTON!”

Soooo, your word for a rapist, sexual predator, sexual assaulter and child molester is just "pervert."

Trump at worst had some adult consenting affairs. You know, just like JFK and Teddy Kennedy.
Lol so we should just assume Trump didn’t participate in any crime with Cohen? It’s fairly obvious Cohen committed crimes. The FBI seized all of his shit.

The idiot trump's mindless minions DO expect everyone to believe their sexual predator hero is innocent of ALL allegations.

View attachment 188312 View attachment 188313 View attachment 188314 View attachment 188315

You got something from this century?

Time does not change the crime. Just ask Harvey Weinstein.
Lol so we should just assume Trump didn’t participate in any crime with Cohen? It’s fairly obvious Cohen committed crimes. The FBI seized all of his shit.

The idiot trump's mindless minions DO expect everyone to believe their sexual predator hero is innocent of ALL allegations.

View attachment 188312 View attachment 188313 View attachment 188314 View attachment 188315
Lol this such a pathetic deflection. Is Clinton a pervert? Yes, but he’s a irrelevant so don’t be a child and say “but, but, but CLINTON!”

Soooo, your word for a rapist, sexual predator, sexual assaulter and child molester is just "pervert."

Trump at worst had some adult consenting affairs. You know, just like JFK and Teddy Kennedy.
Lol oh so the women who have claimed Trump raped them are lying but Clinton is for some reason a real rapist. Trump openly admits to grabbing pussy without consent but Clinton is a verified child molester based on nothing at all. Got it.
Lol so we should just assume Trump didn’t participate in any crime with Cohen? It’s fairly obvious Cohen committed crimes. The FBI seized all of his shit.

The idiot trump's mindless minions DO expect everyone to believe their sexual predator hero is innocent of ALL allegations.

View attachment 188312 View attachment 188313 View attachment 188314 View attachment 188315

You got something from this century?

Time does not change the crime. Just ask Harvey Weinstein.

Time does change the relevance to today's political landscape though. I guess if that's all you got, you gotta go with it though. You really do need some new material.
Lol so we should just assume Trump didn’t participate in any crime with Cohen? It’s fairly obvious Cohen committed crimes. The FBI seized all of his shit.

The idiot trump's mindless minions DO expect everyone to believe their sexual predator hero is innocent of ALL allegations.

View attachment 188312 View attachment 188313 View attachment 188314 View attachment 188315
Lol this such a pathetic deflection. Is Clinton a pervert? Yes, but he’s a irrelevant so don’t be a child and say “but, but, but CLINTON!”

Conservatives voted for the idiot trump AFTER he admitted and bragged about his sexual assaults. (And conservatives in Alabama loved Roy Moore AND his romance with a fourteen-year-old girl.)

Clinton was impeached by the Republican controlled House after Ken Starr spent $40 million proving Clinton lied to congress about his sexual exploits. However, the Republican majority in the upper chamber was unable to get all of their senators to vote Clinton guilty. (Had Clinton been impeached for sexually assaulting a small child or a teen, far fewer senate Republican would have voted him guilty. But all of the senate Democrats and a few Republicans would have seen to it Al Gore took his place.)

The Republicans have proven again and again, they tend towards criminal sexual deviance, on a grand scale, where as Democrats prefer heterosexual encounters with adult partners. (Except Anthony Weiner)

Republicans, the party of family values? Not really.


The idiot trump is claiming his other attorneys are afraid their offices and homes will be raided by law enforcement agencies.

Is this another lie by the idiot trump to infuriate his mindless minions? Or, have other members of his defense team also provided him advice prior to criminal acts, thus changing their status from legal adviser(s) to accomplice(s)?

If one, two, or more of the idiot trump’s attorneys do, indeed, fear a raid like that on Monday by the FBI on Michael Cohen’s office, residence, and hotel room, they must realize they have acted as co-conspirators in past crimes or current criminal activities being committed by the idiot trump, a member, or members of his criminal organization.

The idiot trump's twitter rant concerning all lawyers feelings of being “deflated" by the FBI raids on Michael Cohen was addressed by former US Attorney Preet Bharara during an interview on CNN. Bharara dismissed the idiot trump's claim that all lawyers are “deflated”, adding “ ‘he was was not deflated' ". He also said, " ‘I don't think that Donald Trump has a decent understanding of what the attorney-client privilege is and how it can be pierced.' "

Obviously, Bharara was being kind to the idiot trump during the CNN piece. He knows after the many years of the idiot trump’s shady business dealings, the idiot trump understands all of the ins and outs of attorney/client privilege. Given those decades of crooked practices, it’s more than likely the idiot trump understands the limits of privilege better than most lawyers.

As much as the idiot trump and his mindless minions want to believe the FBI’s raid was illegal due to attorney/client privilege, the Supreme Court defined the parameters necessary to guarantee or void that privilege 85 years ago. “ ‘A client who consults an attorney for advice that will serve him in the commission of a fraud will have no help from the law,’ Justice Benjamin Cardozo wrote for the Supreme Court in 1933.”

Certainly, any attorney worth retainers paid to the idiot trump’s lawyers are fully aware of this USSC ruling, and also understand the 1933 decision is not limited to acts of fraud alone.

Of course, if the idiot trump’s attorneys believe as he does, that they too are above the law, their own arrogance, coupled with that of the idiot trump’s, have made the attorney/client privilege issue irrelevant.

It is expected that conservatives' responses to this OP will use alternative facts to dispute or deny the 1933 Supreme Court ruling, or will blather on with other right wing nonsense.

Trump Says His Other Lawyers Now Concerned About Raids

Trump says his own lawyers 'probably wondering when their home will be raided'

Attorney-client privilege is not 'dead' — and not absolute


All of them. If Ethics was their main goal they would not work for Trump.
What part of citizen Trump using his own money, over a private deal with a consensual relationship with Stormy Daniels, is criminal? What specific law did Trump break?

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