In Addition to Cohen, How Many Trump Lawyers Have Helped Him Commit Crimes?


The idiot trump is claiming his other attorneys are afraid their offices and homes will be raided by law enforcement agencies.

Is this another lie by the idiot trump to infuriate his mindless minions? Or, have other members of his defense team also provided him advice prior to criminal acts, thus changing their status from legal adviser(s) to accomplice(s)?

If one, two, or more of the idiot trump’s attorneys do, indeed, fear a raid like that on Monday by the FBI on Michael Cohen’s office, residence, and hotel room, they must realize they have acted as co-conspirators in past crimes or current criminal activities being committed by the idiot trump, a member, or members of his criminal organization.

The idiot trump's twitter rant concerning all lawyers feelings of being “deflated" by the FBI raids on Michael Cohen was addressed by former US Attorney Preet Bharara during an interview on CNN. Bharara dismissed the idiot trump's claim that all lawyers are “deflated”, adding “ ‘he was was not deflated' ". He also said, " ‘I don't think that Donald Trump has a decent understanding of what the attorney-client privilege is and how it can be pierced.' "

Obviously, Bharara was being kind to the idiot trump during the CNN piece. He knows after the many years of the idiot trump’s shady business dealings, the idiot trump understands all of the ins and outs of attorney/client privilege. Given those decades of crooked practices, it’s more than likely the idiot trump understands the limits of privilege better than most lawyers.

As much as the idiot trump and his mindless minions want to believe the FBI’s raid was illegal due to attorney/client privilege, the Supreme Court defined the parameters necessary to guarantee or void that privilege 85 years ago. “ ‘A client who consults an attorney for advice that will serve him in the commission of a fraud will have no help from the law,’ Justice Benjamin Cardozo wrote for the Supreme Court in 1933.”

Certainly, any attorney worth retainers paid to the idiot trump’s lawyers are fully aware of this USSC ruling, and also understand the 1933 decision is not limited to acts of fraud alone.

Of course, if the idiot trump’s attorneys believe as he does, that they too are above the law, their own arrogance, coupled with that of the idiot trump’s, have made the attorney/client privilege issue irrelevant.

It is expected that conservatives' responses to this OP will use alternative facts to dispute or deny the 1933 Supreme Court ruling, or will blather on with other right wing nonsense.

Trump Says His Other Lawyers Now Concerned About Raids

Trump says his own lawyers 'probably wondering when their home will be raided'

Attorney-client privilege is not 'dead' — and not absolute


I'd be happy if you could prove that Trump has been part of or committed even ONE crime? What is it? Where's the crime? Got anything other than your bullshit?

Trump University fraud - Trump settled for $25 million

Trump Foundation made illegal campaign contributions to AG’s in two states and paid a fine for doing so.

The Trump Foundation was shut down in New York for illegal fundraising.

In addition Trump has publically admitted to sexual assault - grab ‘em in the pussy, don’t even ask; paying bribes; and bragged about making $40 million from one casino bankruptcy. While not illegal, it shows a complete lack of ethics.
Do you know all the fines for illegal campaign donations that Slick Willy had to pay? And, of course, there are the hundreds of millions in bribes that foreign governments paid to CGI.

Trump lost a lawsuit. He wasn't convicted of fraud.

The Trump foundation was shutdown in NY because it failed to file the necessary paper work.

You're blowing making mountains out of molehills.

Trump lost a lawsuit claiming fraud.
A lawsuit can claim whatever the plaintiff wants. Fraud is a criminal statute. I comes with jail time.

You are beyond ignorant. Did you never take a civics class in your sad and sorry life? Fat, stupid and conservative is no way to go through life.

The lawsuit was a civil case filed by the marks Trump fleeced. He settled the case at which point he’d already been elected President. The Justice Department could have then charged him criminally but Jeff Sessions elected not to do so.

The idiot trump is claiming his other attorneys are afraid their offices and homes will be raided by law enforcement agencies.

Is this another lie by the idiot trump to infuriate his mindless minions? Or, have other members of his defense team also provided him advice prior to criminal acts, thus changing their status from legal adviser(s) to accomplice(s)?

If one, two, or more of the idiot trump’s attorneys do, indeed, fear a raid like that on Monday by the FBI on Michael Cohen’s office, residence, and hotel room, they must realize they have acted as co-conspirators in past crimes or current criminal activities being committed by the idiot trump, a member, or members of his criminal organization.

The idiot trump's twitter rant concerning all lawyers feelings of being “deflated" by the FBI raids on Michael Cohen was addressed by former US Attorney Preet Bharara during an interview on CNN. Bharara dismissed the idiot trump's claim that all lawyers are “deflated”, adding “ ‘he was was not deflated' ". He also said, " ‘I don't think that Donald Trump has a decent understanding of what the attorney-client privilege is and how it can be pierced.' "

Obviously, Bharara was being kind to the idiot trump during the CNN piece. He knows after the many years of the idiot trump’s shady business dealings, the idiot trump understands all of the ins and outs of attorney/client privilege. Given those decades of crooked practices, it’s more than likely the idiot trump understands the limits of privilege better than most lawyers.

As much as the idiot trump and his mindless minions want to believe the FBI’s raid was illegal due to attorney/client privilege, the Supreme Court defined the parameters necessary to guarantee or void that privilege 85 years ago. “ ‘A client who consults an attorney for advice that will serve him in the commission of a fraud will have no help from the law,’ Justice Benjamin Cardozo wrote for the Supreme Court in 1933.”

Certainly, any attorney worth retainers paid to the idiot trump’s lawyers are fully aware of this USSC ruling, and also understand the 1933 decision is not limited to acts of fraud alone.

Of course, if the idiot trump’s attorneys believe as he does, that they too are above the law, their own arrogance, coupled with that of the idiot trump’s, have made the attorney/client privilege issue irrelevant.

It is expected that conservatives' responses to this OP will use alternative facts to dispute or deny the 1933 Supreme Court ruling, or will blather on with other right wing nonsense.

Trump Says His Other Lawyers Now Concerned About Raids

Trump says his own lawyers 'probably wondering when their home will be raided'

Attorney-client privilege is not 'dead' — and not absolute


I'd be happy if you could prove that Trump has been part of or committed even ONE crime? What is it? Where's the crime? Got anything other than your bullshit?

Trump University fraud - Trump settled for $25 million

Trump Foundation made illegal campaign contributions to AG’s in two states and paid a fine for doing so.

The Trump Foundation was shut down in New York for illegal fundraising.

In addition Trump has publically admitted to sexual assault - grab ‘em in the pussy, don’t even ask; paying bribes; and bragged about making $40 million from one casino bankruptcy. While not illegal, it shows a complete lack of ethics.
Do you know all the fines for illegal campaign donations that Slick Willy had to pay? And, of course, there are the hundreds of millions in bribes that foreign governments paid to CGI.

Trump lost a lawsuit. He wasn't convicted of fraud.

The Trump foundation was shutdown in NY because it failed to file the necessary paper work.

You're blowing making mountains out of molehills.

Trump lost a lawsuit claiming fraud.
A lawsuit can claim whatever the plaintiff wants. Fraud is a criminal statute. I comes with jail time.

Jail time is not mandatory for all crimes. He paid 25 million to settle the case.

The idiot trump is claiming his other attorneys are afraid their offices and homes will be raided by law enforcement agencies.

Is this another lie by the idiot trump to infuriate his mindless minions? Or, have other members of his defense team also provided him advice prior to criminal acts, thus changing their status from legal adviser(s) to accomplice(s)?

If one, two, or more of the idiot trump’s attorneys do, indeed, fear a raid like that on Monday by the FBI on Michael Cohen’s office, residence, and hotel room, they must realize they have acted as co-conspirators in past crimes or current criminal activities being committed by the idiot trump, a member, or members of his criminal organization.

The idiot trump's twitter rant concerning all lawyers feelings of being “deflated" by the FBI raids on Michael Cohen was addressed by former US Attorney Preet Bharara during an interview on CNN. Bharara dismissed the idiot trump's claim that all lawyers are “deflated”, adding “ ‘he was was not deflated' ". He also said, " ‘I don't think that Donald Trump has a decent understanding of what the attorney-client privilege is and how it can be pierced.' "

Obviously, Bharara was being kind to the idiot trump during the CNN piece. He knows after the many years of the idiot trump’s shady business dealings, the idiot trump understands all of the ins and outs of attorney/client privilege. Given those decades of crooked practices, it’s more than likely the idiot trump understands the limits of privilege better than most lawyers.

As much as the idiot trump and his mindless minions want to believe the FBI’s raid was illegal due to attorney/client privilege, the Supreme Court defined the parameters necessary to guarantee or void that privilege 85 years ago. “ ‘A client who consults an attorney for advice that will serve him in the commission of a fraud will have no help from the law,’ Justice Benjamin Cardozo wrote for the Supreme Court in 1933.”

Certainly, any attorney worth retainers paid to the idiot trump’s lawyers are fully aware of this USSC ruling, and also understand the 1933 decision is not limited to acts of fraud alone.

Of course, if the idiot trump’s attorneys believe as he does, that they too are above the law, their own arrogance, coupled with that of the idiot trump’s, have made the attorney/client privilege issue irrelevant.

It is expected that conservatives' responses to this OP will use alternative facts to dispute or deny the 1933 Supreme Court ruling, or will blather on with other right wing nonsense.

Trump Says His Other Lawyers Now Concerned About Raids

Trump says his own lawyers 'probably wondering when their home will be raided'

Attorney-client privilege is not 'dead' — and not absolute


I'd be happy if you could prove that Trump has been part of or committed even ONE crime? What is it? Where's the crime? Got anything other than your bullshit?

Trump University fraud - Trump settled for $25 million

Trump Foundation made illegal campaign contributions to AG’s in two states and paid a fine for doing so.

The Trump Foundation was shut down in New York for illegal fundraising.

In addition Trump has publically admitted to sexual assault - grab ‘em in the pussy, don’t even ask; paying bribes; and bragged about making $40 million from one casino bankruptcy. While not illegal, it shows a complete lack of ethics.
Do you know all the fines for illegal campaign donations that Slick Willy had to pay? And, of course, there are the hundreds of millions in bribes that foreign governments paid to CGI.

Trump lost a lawsuit. He wasn't convicted of fraud.

The Trump foundation was shutdown in NY because it failed to file the necessary paper work.

You're blowing making mountains out of molehills.

Trump’s Foundation wasn’t shut down for failing to file paperwork. It was shut down for illegal fundraising and mis-using Foundation donations (sports memorabilia purchases and settling Trumo’s business debts).

State Attorney General Orders Trump Foundation to Cease Raising Money in New York

Trump tried to wind up his Foundation and the state of New York refused the request until it filed the proper paperwork.
I'd be happy if you could prove that Trump has been part of or committed even ONE crime? What is it? Where's the crime? Got anything other than your bullshit?

Trump University fraud - Trump settled for $25 million

Trump Foundation made illegal campaign contributions to AG’s in two states and paid a fine for doing so.

The Trump Foundation was shut down in New York for illegal fundraising.

In addition Trump has publically admitted to sexual assault - grab ‘em in the pussy, don’t even ask; paying bribes; and bragged about making $40 million from one casino bankruptcy. While not illegal, it shows a complete lack of ethics.
Do you know all the fines for illegal campaign donations that Slick Willy had to pay? And, of course, there are the hundreds of millions in bribes that foreign governments paid to CGI.

Trump lost a lawsuit. He wasn't convicted of fraud.

The Trump foundation was shutdown in NY because it failed to file the necessary paper work.

You're blowing making mountains out of molehills.

Trump lost a lawsuit claiming fraud.
A lawsuit can claim whatever the plaintiff wants. Fraud is a criminal statute. I comes with jail time.

You are beyond ignorant. Did you never take a civics class in your sad and sorry life? Fat, stupid and conservative is no way to go through life.

The lawsuit was a civil case filed by the marks Trump fleeced. He settled the case at which point he’d already been elected President. The Justice Department could have then charged him criminally but Jeff Sessions elected not to do so.

You got a lot of nerve calling me dumb. No, they could not have charged him criminally. The case was a simple contract dispute, despite what the plaintifs and shit-for-brains snowflakes like you like to imply.
I'd be happy if you could prove that Trump has been part of or committed even ONE crime? What is it? Where's the crime? Got anything other than your bullshit?

Trump University fraud - Trump settled for $25 million

Trump Foundation made illegal campaign contributions to AG’s in two states and paid a fine for doing so.

The Trump Foundation was shut down in New York for illegal fundraising.

In addition Trump has publically admitted to sexual assault - grab ‘em in the pussy, don’t even ask; paying bribes; and bragged about making $40 million from one casino bankruptcy. While not illegal, it shows a complete lack of ethics.
Do you know all the fines for illegal campaign donations that Slick Willy had to pay? And, of course, there are the hundreds of millions in bribes that foreign governments paid to CGI.

Trump lost a lawsuit. He wasn't convicted of fraud.

The Trump foundation was shutdown in NY because it failed to file the necessary paper work.

You're blowing making mountains out of molehills.

Trump lost a lawsuit claiming fraud.
A lawsuit can claim whatever the plaintiff wants. Fraud is a criminal statute. I comes with jail time.

Jail time is not mandatory for all crimes. He paid 25 million to settle the case.

It was a lawsuit, you fucking dumbass. No crime was committed.

The idiot trump is claiming his other attorneys are afraid their offices and homes will be raided by law enforcement agencies.

Is this another lie by the idiot trump to infuriate his mindless minions? Or, have other members of his defense team also provided him advice prior to criminal acts, thus changing their status from legal adviser(s) to accomplice(s)?

If one, two, or more of the idiot trump’s attorneys do, indeed, fear a raid like that on Monday by the FBI on Michael Cohen’s office, residence, and hotel room, they must realize they have acted as co-conspirators in past crimes or current criminal activities being committed by the idiot trump, a member, or members of his criminal organization.

The idiot trump's twitter rant concerning all lawyers feelings of being “deflated" by the FBI raids on Michael Cohen was addressed by former US Attorney Preet Bharara during an interview on CNN. Bharara dismissed the idiot trump's claim that all lawyers are “deflated”, adding “ ‘he was was not deflated' ". He also said, " ‘I don't think that Donald Trump has a decent understanding of what the attorney-client privilege is and how it can be pierced.' "

Obviously, Bharara was being kind to the idiot trump during the CNN piece. He knows after the many years of the idiot trump’s shady business dealings, the idiot trump understands all of the ins and outs of attorney/client privilege. Given those decades of crooked practices, it’s more than likely the idiot trump understands the limits of privilege better than most lawyers.

As much as the idiot trump and his mindless minions want to believe the FBI’s raid was illegal due to attorney/client privilege, the Supreme Court defined the parameters necessary to guarantee or void that privilege 85 years ago. “ ‘A client who consults an attorney for advice that will serve him in the commission of a fraud will have no help from the law,’ Justice Benjamin Cardozo wrote for the Supreme Court in 1933.”

Certainly, any attorney worth retainers paid to the idiot trump’s lawyers are fully aware of this USSC ruling, and also understand the 1933 decision is not limited to acts of fraud alone.

Of course, if the idiot trump’s attorneys believe as he does, that they too are above the law, their own arrogance, coupled with that of the idiot trump’s, have made the attorney/client privilege issue irrelevant.

It is expected that conservatives' responses to this OP will use alternative facts to dispute or deny the 1933 Supreme Court ruling, or will blather on with other right wing nonsense.

Trump Says His Other Lawyers Now Concerned About Raids

Trump says his own lawyers 'probably wondering when their home will be raided'

Attorney-client privilege is not 'dead' — and not absolute


I'd be happy if you could prove that Trump has been part of or committed even ONE crime? What is it? Where's the crime? Got anything other than your bullshit?

Trump University fraud - Trump settled for $25 million

Trump Foundation made illegal campaign contributions to AG’s in two states and paid a fine for doing so.

The Trump Foundation was shut down in New York for illegal fundraising.

In addition Trump has publically admitted to sexual assault - grab ‘em in the pussy, don’t even ask; paying bribes; and bragged about making $40 million from one casino bankruptcy. While not illegal, it shows a complete lack of ethics.
Do you know all the fines for illegal campaign donations that Slick Willy had to pay? And, of course, there are the hundreds of millions in bribes that foreign governments paid to CGI.

Trump lost a lawsuit. He wasn't convicted of fraud.

The Trump foundation was shutdown in NY because it failed to file the necessary paper work.

You're blowing making mountains out of molehills.

Trump’s Foundation wasn’t shut down for failing to file paperwork. It was shut down for illegal fundraising and mis-using Foundation donations (sports memorabilia purchases and settling Trumo’s business debts).

State Attorney General Orders Trump Foundation to Cease Raising Money in New York

Trump tried to wind up his Foundation and the state of New York refused the request until it filed the proper paperwork.

It actually wasn't even shut down, you braindead twit. It simply was barred from raising money in NY.

Here's what your article says:

The office of the New York attorney general, Eric T. Schneiderman, has issued a “notice of violation” to Donald J. Trump’s foundation, ordering it to immediately stop soliciting charitable donations in the state.

The letter, which was sent on Friday and released on Monday morning by Mr. Schneiderman’s office, said its charities bureau had determined that the Donald J. Trump Foundation had been fund-raising in New York this year when it was not registered to do so under state law.

“The Trump Foundation must immediately cease soliciting contributions or engaging in any other fund-raising activities in New York,” wrote James Sheehan, the chief of the charities bureau.

It says nothing about misusing funds.

You should try reading the articles you cite once in a while if you don't want to look like a dumbass.
What part of citizen Trump using his own money, over a private deal with a consensual relationship with Stormy Daniels, is criminal? What specific law did Trump break?

Turn on theTV to anything but fox. For some reason fox isn't explaining it.
Obviously no one else is either because you can't explain it.
I've found that it's silly to try explaining anything to a RWNJ. Why bother typing out an explanation when you know they will stupidly ask the same question again in their next post? The information is easy to find if you really want to know.

In other words Bulldog doesn’t know. If the progressive segment was so strong, they wouldn’t
see a problem defending it. I mean, CNN was already proven wrong with evidence on collusion. The network grows silent on obstruction, after the discovery of the Rod Rosenstein memo. I mean seriously, do these liberal networks do any journalism research before they open their mouths?

Yet after all this, i’m sure there won’t be a straight up answer to my initial question. Not surprised at all

Yes. We were all amazed at how quick you acknowledged that Obama was born in the US. Nobody had to spend years explaining your mistake over, and over, and over, and over, and over before you caught on.

Ok dumbass. Why don’t you provide a direct quote that I made, on this board, questioning Obama’s Citizenship when he was president. Back up your post or shut up.... plain and simple. I’m call you out on your B.S., and your response will simply tell us everything we need to know.
Turn on theTV to anything but fox. For some reason fox isn't explaining it.
Obviously no one else is either because you can't explain it.
I've found that it's silly to try explaining anything to a RWNJ. Why bother typing out an explanation when you know they will stupidly ask the same question again in their next post? The information is easy to find if you really want to know.

In other words Bulldog doesn’t know. If the progressive segment was so strong, they wouldn’t
see a problem defending it. I mean, CNN was already proven wrong with evidence on collusion. The network grows silent on obstruction, after the discovery of the Rod Rosenstein memo. I mean seriously, do these liberal networks do any journalism research before they open their mouths?

Yet after all this, i’m sure there won’t be a straight up answer to my initial question. Not surprised at all

Yes. We were all amazed at how quick you acknowledged that Obama was born in the US. Nobody had to spend years explaining your mistake over, and over, and over, and over, and over before you caught on.

Ok dumbass. Why don’t you provide a direct quote that I made, on this board, questioning Obama’s Citizenship when he was president. Back up your post or shut up.... plain and simple. I’m call you out on your B.S., and your response will simply tell us everything we need to know.

It was one of the main themes for the RWNJ Collective, and you are definately a member of the RWNJ Collective.
Obviously no one else is either because you can't explain it.
I've found that it's silly to try explaining anything to a RWNJ. Why bother typing out an explanation when you know they will stupidly ask the same question again in their next post? The information is easy to find if you really want to know.

In other words Bulldog doesn’t know. If the progressive segment was so strong, they wouldn’t
see a problem defending it. I mean, CNN was already proven wrong with evidence on collusion. The network grows silent on obstruction, after the discovery of the Rod Rosenstein memo. I mean seriously, do these liberal networks do any journalism research before they open their mouths?

Yet after all this, i’m sure there won’t be a straight up answer to my initial question. Not surprised at all

Yes. We were all amazed at how quick you acknowledged that Obama was born in the US. Nobody had to spend years explaining your mistake over, and over, and over, and over, and over before you caught on.

Ok dumbass. Why don’t you provide a direct quote that I made, on this board, questioning Obama’s Citizenship when he was president. Back up your post or shut up.... plain and simple. I’m call you out on your B.S., and your response will simply tell us everything we need to know.

It was one of the main themes for the RWNJ Collective, and you are definately a member of the RWNJ Collective.

Because I question your inability to produce evidence and back up your argument? If your proof was that weak, why not just admit to it? This is what happens when you rely on the media for all your information and you’re either too lazy or not intelligent enough to conduct your own research. Maybe if you were better informed you could provide an actual supportive argument to your point.

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