In Addition to Cohen, How Many Trump Lawyers Have Helped Him Commit Crimes?


The idiot trump is claiming his other attorneys are afraid their offices and homes will be raided by law enforcement agencies.

Is this another lie by the idiot trump to infuriate his mindless minions? Or, have other members of his defense team also provided him advice prior to criminal acts, thus changing their status from legal adviser(s) to accomplice(s)?

If one, two, or more of the idiot trump’s attorneys do, indeed, fear a raid like that on Monday by the FBI on Michael Cohen’s office, residence, and hotel room, they must realize they have acted as co-conspirators in past crimes or current criminal activities being committed by the idiot trump, a member, or members of his criminal organization.

The idiot trump's twitter rant concerning all lawyers feelings of being “deflated" by the FBI raids on Michael Cohen was addressed by former US Attorney Preet Bharara during an interview on CNN. Bharara dismissed the idiot trump's claim that all lawyers are “deflated”, adding “ ‘he was was not deflated' ". He also said, " ‘I don't think that Donald Trump has a decent understanding of what the attorney-client privilege is and how it can be pierced.' "

Obviously, Bharara was being kind to the idiot trump during the CNN piece. He knows after the many years of the idiot trump’s shady business dealings, the idiot trump understands all of the ins and outs of attorney/client privilege. Given those decades of crooked practices, it’s more than likely the idiot trump understands the limits of privilege better than most lawyers.

As much as the idiot trump and his mindless minions want to believe the FBI’s raid was illegal due to attorney/client privilege, the Supreme Court defined the parameters necessary to guarantee or void that privilege 85 years ago. “ ‘A client who consults an attorney for advice that will serve him in the commission of a fraud will have no help from the law,’ Justice Benjamin Cardozo wrote for the Supreme Court in 1933.”

Certainly, any attorney worth retainers paid to the idiot trump’s lawyers are fully aware of this USSC ruling, and also understand the 1933 decision is not limited to acts of fraud alone.

Of course, if the idiot trump’s attorneys believe as he does, that they too are above the law, their own arrogance, coupled with that of the idiot trump’s, have made the attorney/client privilege issue irrelevant.

It is expected that conservatives' responses to this OP will use alternative facts to dispute or deny the 1933 Supreme Court ruling, or will blather on with other right wing nonsense.

Trump Says His Other Lawyers Now Concerned About Raids

Trump says his own lawyers 'probably wondering when their home will be raided'

Attorney-client privilege is not 'dead' — and not absolute


All of them. If Ethics was their main goal they would not work for Trump.
Do any of you douchbags ever post anything even remotely honest or accurate?
What part of citizen Trump using his own money, over a private deal with a consensual relationship with Stormy Daniels, is criminal? What specific law did Trump break?

Turn on theTV to anything but fox. For some reason fox isn't explaining it.
What part of citizen Trump using his own money, over a private deal with a consensual relationship with Stormy Daniels, is criminal? What specific law did Trump break?

Turn on theTV to anything but fox. For some reason fox isn't explaining it.
Obviously no one else is either because you can't explain it.
I've found that it's silly to try explaining anything to a RWNJ. Why bother typing out an explanation when you know they will stupidly ask the same question again in their next post? The information is easy to find if you really want to know.
"Other lawyers may have helped Cohen"? Is the left going completely nuts? This is gestapo stuff.
What part of citizen Trump using his own money, over a private deal with a consensual relationship with Stormy Daniels, is criminal? What specific law did Trump break?

Turn on theTV to anything but fox. For some reason fox isn't explaining it.
Obviously no one else is either because you can't explain it.
I've found that it's silly to try explaining anything to a RWNJ. Why bother typing out an explanation when you know they will stupidly ask the same question again in their next post? The information is easy to find if you really want to know.
Why do you bother posting in this forum?
What part of citizen Trump using his own money, over a private deal with a consensual relationship with Stormy Daniels, is criminal? What specific law did Trump break?

Turn on theTV to anything but fox. For some reason fox isn't explaining it.
Obviously no one else is either because you can't explain it.
I've found that it's silly to try explaining anything to a RWNJ. Why bother typing out an explanation when you know they will stupidly ask the same question again in their next post? The information is easy to find if you really want to know.
Why do you bother posting in this forum?

Would you believe anything I might say, or would you go with the answer Hannity gave you? I'm sure he said I have some nefarious reason to be here.

The idiot trump is claiming his other attorneys are afraid their offices and homes will be raided by law enforcement agencies.

Is this another lie by the idiot trump to infuriate his mindless minions? Or, have other members of his defense team also provided him advice prior to criminal acts, thus changing their status from legal adviser(s) to accomplice(s)?

If one, two, or more of the idiot trump’s attorneys do, indeed, fear a raid like that on Monday by the FBI on Michael Cohen’s office, residence, and hotel room, they must realize they have acted as co-conspirators in past crimes or current criminal activities being committed by the idiot trump, a member, or members of his criminal organization.

The idiot trump's twitter rant concerning all lawyers feelings of being “deflated" by the FBI raids on Michael Cohen was addressed by former US Attorney Preet Bharara during an interview on CNN. Bharara dismissed the idiot trump's claim that all lawyers are “deflated”, adding “ ‘he was was not deflated' ". He also said, " ‘I don't think that Donald Trump has a decent understanding of what the attorney-client privilege is and how it can be pierced.' "

Obviously, Bharara was being kind to the idiot trump during the CNN piece. He knows after the many years of the idiot trump’s shady business dealings, the idiot trump understands all of the ins and outs of attorney/client privilege. Given those decades of crooked practices, it’s more than likely the idiot trump understands the limits of privilege better than most lawyers.

As much as the idiot trump and his mindless minions want to believe the FBI’s raid was illegal due to attorney/client privilege, the Supreme Court defined the parameters necessary to guarantee or void that privilege 85 years ago. “ ‘A client who consults an attorney for advice that will serve him in the commission of a fraud will have no help from the law,’ Justice Benjamin Cardozo wrote for the Supreme Court in 1933.”

Certainly, any attorney worth retainers paid to the idiot trump’s lawyers are fully aware of this USSC ruling, and also understand the 1933 decision is not limited to acts of fraud alone.

Of course, if the idiot trump’s attorneys believe as he does, that they too are above the law, their own arrogance, coupled with that of the idiot trump’s, have made the attorney/client privilege issue irrelevant.

It is expected that conservatives' responses to this OP will use alternative facts to dispute or deny the 1933 Supreme Court ruling, or will blather on with other right wing nonsense.

Trump Says His Other Lawyers Now Concerned About Raids

Trump says his own lawyers 'probably wondering when their home will be raided'

Attorney-client privilege is not 'dead' — and not absolute


All of them. If Ethics was their main goal they would not work for Trump.
Do any of you douchbags ever post anything even remotely honest or accurate?

Do you? Nope.

The idiot trump is claiming his other attorneys are afraid their offices and homes will be raided by law enforcement agencies.

Is this another lie by the idiot trump to infuriate his mindless minions? Or, have other members of his defense team also provided him advice prior to criminal acts, thus changing their status from legal adviser(s) to accomplice(s)?

If one, two, or more of the idiot trump’s attorneys do, indeed, fear a raid like that on Monday by the FBI on Michael Cohen’s office, residence, and hotel room, they must realize they have acted as co-conspirators in past crimes or current criminal activities being committed by the idiot trump, a member, or members of his criminal organization.

The idiot trump's twitter rant concerning all lawyers feelings of being “deflated" by the FBI raids on Michael Cohen was addressed by former US Attorney Preet Bharara during an interview on CNN. Bharara dismissed the idiot trump's claim that all lawyers are “deflated”, adding “ ‘he was was not deflated' ". He also said, " ‘I don't think that Donald Trump has a decent understanding of what the attorney-client privilege is and how it can be pierced.' "

Obviously, Bharara was being kind to the idiot trump during the CNN piece. He knows after the many years of the idiot trump’s shady business dealings, the idiot trump understands all of the ins and outs of attorney/client privilege. Given those decades of crooked practices, it’s more than likely the idiot trump understands the limits of privilege better than most lawyers.

As much as the idiot trump and his mindless minions want to believe the FBI’s raid was illegal due to attorney/client privilege, the Supreme Court defined the parameters necessary to guarantee or void that privilege 85 years ago. “ ‘A client who consults an attorney for advice that will serve him in the commission of a fraud will have no help from the law,’ Justice Benjamin Cardozo wrote for the Supreme Court in 1933.”

Certainly, any attorney worth retainers paid to the idiot trump’s lawyers are fully aware of this USSC ruling, and also understand the 1933 decision is not limited to acts of fraud alone.

Of course, if the idiot trump’s attorneys believe as he does, that they too are above the law, their own arrogance, coupled with that of the idiot trump’s, have made the attorney/client privilege issue irrelevant.

It is expected that conservatives' responses to this OP will use alternative facts to dispute or deny the 1933 Supreme Court ruling, or will blather on with other right wing nonsense.

Trump Says His Other Lawyers Now Concerned About Raids

Trump says his own lawyers 'probably wondering when their home will be raided'

Attorney-client privilege is not 'dead' — and not absolute


All of them. If Ethics was their main goal they would not work for Trump.
Do any of you douchbags ever post anything even remotely honest or accurate?

Do you? Nope.

Every post is honest, although on occasion one of my posts has an error. I'm not superman.
Lol so we should just assume Trump didn’t participate in any crime with Cohen? It’s fairly obvious Cohen committed crimes. The FBI seized all of his shit.

The idiot trump's mindless minions DO expect everyone to believe their sexual predator hero is innocent of ALL allegations.

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Lol this such a pathetic deflection. Is Clinton a pervert? Yes, but he’s a irrelevant so don’t be a child and say “but, but, but CLINTON!”

Soooo, your word for a rapist, sexual predator, sexual assaulter and child molester is just "pervert."

Trump at worst had some adult consenting affairs. You know, just like JFK and Teddy Kennedy.
Lol oh so the women who have claimed Trump raped them are lying but Clinton is for some reason a real rapist. Trump openly admits to grabbing pussy without consent but Clinton is a verified child molester based on nothing at all. Got it.

Rape? Who claims Trump RAPED them? Name the names. With Clinton we have many witnesses and and actual physical evidence. We have Hillary ruining many of their lives. We have women who in some cases committed suicide out of the grief of it all. We have the state police who used to bring Bill and brother Roger underage girls in Arkansas for coke and sex parties. Trump admitted to nothing in that old video other than when you run a beauty contest, some of the beauty contestants will throw themselves at you and let you do anything--- WITH THEIR CONSENT, hoping to gain favor. That is a constant issue that anyone in the beauty pageant industry can attest to as being widespread. Don't even try to conflate the two as being remotely similar with the Clintons, Bill the purveyor of sexual predation and abuse, couldn't even keep his pants on in the Oval Office, and Hillary, the destroyer of women's lives. Together, the Clintons are the single greatest threat to and destroyer of women all across Arkansas, Washington and everywhere else.

The idiot trump is claiming his other attorneys are afraid their offices and homes will be raided by law enforcement agencies.

Is this another lie by the idiot trump to infuriate his mindless minions? Or, have other members of his defense team also provided him advice prior to criminal acts, thus changing their status from legal adviser(s) to accomplice(s)?

If one, two, or more of the idiot trump’s attorneys do, indeed, fear a raid like that on Monday by the FBI on Michael Cohen’s office, residence, and hotel room, they must realize they have acted as co-conspirators in past crimes or current criminal activities being committed by the idiot trump, a member, or members of his criminal organization.

The idiot trump's twitter rant concerning all lawyers feelings of being “deflated" by the FBI raids on Michael Cohen was addressed by former US Attorney Preet Bharara during an interview on CNN. Bharara dismissed the idiot trump's claim that all lawyers are “deflated”, adding “ ‘he was was not deflated' ". He also said, " ‘I don't think that Donald Trump has a decent understanding of what the attorney-client privilege is and how it can be pierced.' "

Obviously, Bharara was being kind to the idiot trump during the CNN piece. He knows after the many years of the idiot trump’s shady business dealings, the idiot trump understands all of the ins and outs of attorney/client privilege. Given those decades of crooked practices, it’s more than likely the idiot trump understands the limits of privilege better than most lawyers.

As much as the idiot trump and his mindless minions want to believe the FBI’s raid was illegal due to attorney/client privilege, the Supreme Court defined the parameters necessary to guarantee or void that privilege 85 years ago. “ ‘A client who consults an attorney for advice that will serve him in the commission of a fraud will have no help from the law,’ Justice Benjamin Cardozo wrote for the Supreme Court in 1933.”

Certainly, any attorney worth retainers paid to the idiot trump’s lawyers are fully aware of this USSC ruling, and also understand the 1933 decision is not limited to acts of fraud alone.

Of course, if the idiot trump’s attorneys believe as he does, that they too are above the law, their own arrogance, coupled with that of the idiot trump’s, have made the attorney/client privilege issue irrelevant.

It is expected that conservatives' responses to this OP will use alternative facts to dispute or deny the 1933 Supreme Court ruling, or will blather on with other right wing nonsense.

Trump Says His Other Lawyers Now Concerned About Raids

Trump says his own lawyers 'probably wondering when their home will be raided'

Attorney-client privilege is not 'dead' — and not absolute

huh, what is it you're trying to say? you know more than congress? hahahaahahhaahahahahahahaa

The idiot trump is claiming his other attorneys are afraid their offices and homes will be raided by law enforcement agencies.

Is this another lie by the idiot trump to infuriate his mindless minions? Or, have other members of his defense team also provided him advice prior to criminal acts, thus changing their status from legal adviser(s) to accomplice(s)?

If one, two, or more of the idiot trump’s attorneys do, indeed, fear a raid like that on Monday by the FBI on Michael Cohen’s office, residence, and hotel room, they must realize they have acted as co-conspirators in past crimes or current criminal activities being committed by the idiot trump, a member, or members of his criminal organization.

The idiot trump's twitter rant concerning all lawyers feelings of being “deflated" by the FBI raids on Michael Cohen was addressed by former US Attorney Preet Bharara during an interview on CNN. Bharara dismissed the idiot trump's claim that all lawyers are “deflated”, adding “ ‘he was was not deflated' ". He also said, " ‘I don't think that Donald Trump has a decent understanding of what the attorney-client privilege is and how it can be pierced.' "

Obviously, Bharara was being kind to the idiot trump during the CNN piece. He knows after the many years of the idiot trump’s shady business dealings, the idiot trump understands all of the ins and outs of attorney/client privilege. Given those decades of crooked practices, it’s more than likely the idiot trump understands the limits of privilege better than most lawyers.

As much as the idiot trump and his mindless minions want to believe the FBI’s raid was illegal due to attorney/client privilege, the Supreme Court defined the parameters necessary to guarantee or void that privilege 85 years ago. “ ‘A client who consults an attorney for advice that will serve him in the commission of a fraud will have no help from the law,’ Justice Benjamin Cardozo wrote for the Supreme Court in 1933.”

Certainly, any attorney worth retainers paid to the idiot trump’s lawyers are fully aware of this USSC ruling, and also understand the 1933 decision is not limited to acts of fraud alone.

Of course, if the idiot trump’s attorneys believe as he does, that they too are above the law, their own arrogance, coupled with that of the idiot trump’s, have made the attorney/client privilege issue irrelevant.

It is expected that conservatives' responses to this OP will use alternative facts to dispute or deny the 1933 Supreme Court ruling, or will blather on with other right wing nonsense.

Trump Says His Other Lawyers Now Concerned About Raids

Trump says his own lawyers 'probably wondering when their home will be raided'

Attorney-client privilege is not 'dead' — and not absolute


I'd be happy if you could prove that Trump has been part of or committed even ONE crime? What is it? Where's the crime? Got anything other than your bullshit?

yeah lookie.another troll who has never once talked about all the crimes of the other previous administrations from reagan on that all should have been put behind bars for their crimes against humanity.
Lol so we should just assume Trump didn’t participate in any crime with Cohen? It’s fairly obvious Cohen committed crimes. The FBI seized all of his shit.

The idiot trump's mindless minions DO expect everyone to believe their sexual predator hero is innocent of ALL allegations.

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a prime example of what proves my last post to be true.LOL

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