In All Of The Middle East

Sure didn't take the Palestinians long to level the synagogues in Gaza while Israel protects their mosques.
Seriously Pbel, isn't it sad that only king Husseins Black September ever established a lasting peace from Palestinians? Guess it's all just a matter of COMMUNICATING with the Palestinians in the only language they understand & respect. Don't you agree?

Here is my peace offering. Israel should invite, encourage & welcome all leaders of Hamas & the P.A. to Tel Aviv for peace talks. Wine them & dine them in Israel's finest living accommodations with food & beverage the evening before the talks.

Next morning when representatives of Israel & the Palestinians are seated, Israel should make the following announcement to open the peace negotiations: From now on, each time you kill an Israeli, Israel will retaliate by killing 10,000 Palestinians. Is there anything else you would like to discuss for peace?
sounds like you would make Hitler blush.
The King of Jordan (who I predict will be overthrown) is half Palestinian to appease them...Black September or all the Israeli persecution will never snuff out their quest for freedom...

The only way to conquer the Palestinians is through their stomachs by peace and trade to make them prosper then they will defend Israel to the death.
That has already been done & failed drastically. Make peace offerings to Palestinians & you get jihads & intifadas as your reward. Build a security fence so they can remain where they are & they call it an apartheid wall. Grant them their request for a Jew free Gaza & you get rocket missiles for a thank you.

Face it Pbel. Only king Hussein's Black September communication with the Palestinians ever resulted in a lasting peace from Palestinians.
In all of the Middle East, only in Israel are all houses of worship of all faiths protected by the government. If this were not true, the Al Asqa Mosque would have long been removed off the holy site of Solomon's Temple.

Gosh I wonder how many churches & synagogues are protected by the governments of Arab countries? Or do they have none to protect in these non apartheid countries?
You are so right, MJ...If it were not for the IDF, the Jews of Israel would tear up in joyous hate Al Asqua Mosque and re-build the Temple. The second in command of the PA said if the Palestinians had a nuke they would have used it "this morning."

Sixty five years of hate and counting.
And people like Phillip would help the Arabs in their quest to destroy Israel if he had he chance. Meanwhile, Phillip, is going to tell us why he never discussed any other Arab countries when he was on another forum. Did he then have to just focus on Israel because of his hatred and gave everything else a pass, even though plenty was happening in other Middle East countries, just like they are happening now? Phillip also seems to have no problem with what has gone on since the inception of Islam. What does he care that many of these Middle East countries were the homes of the original Christians, and now they can't practice their religion in peace. Evidently Phillip has not a care in the world about Christians being killed and churches burned down. I guess Phillip never intends to visit the Baha'i Garden in Israel.
Dear Hosshiite, don't you ever take a break from your OutHouse Pulpit about how much you hate Muslims? You really are a boring dumb W. Virgini Hick.
Seriously Pbel, isn't it sad that only king Husseins Black September ever established a lasting peace from Palestinians? Guess it's all just a matter of COMMUNICATING with the Palestinians in the only language they understand & respect. Don't you agree?

sounds like you would make Hitler blush.
The King of Jordan (who I predict will be overthrown) is half Palestinian to appease them...Black September or all the Israeli persecution will never snuff out their quest for freedom...

The only way to conquer the Palestinians is through their stomachs by peace and trade to make them prosper then they will defend Israel to the death.
It appears that the present King's mother was an Englishwoman who was given an Arabic name. However, we do know that the King is married to a Palestinian woman. Gee, Phillip, we see many Muslim terrorists who seem to eat OK like the two doctors who planned to bomb the Glasgow Airport so I think you had better come up with a different solution since it appears that underneath it all they actually want not only the territories but Israel proper itself, and they make no bones about it. Maybe you can tell us why Israel is never included on their maps? Haven't you been reading Tinnie's posts where he constantly says that the Jews are occupying all of Palestine?
You are so right, MJ...If it were not for the IDF, the Jews of Israel would tear up in joyous hate Al Asqua Mosque and re-build the Temple. The second in command of the PA said if the Palestinians had a nuke they would have used it "this morning."

Sixty five years of hate and counting.
And people like Phillip would help the Arabs in their quest to destroy Israel if he had he chance. Meanwhile, Phillip, is going to tell us why he never discussed any other Arab countries when he was on another forum. Did he then have to just focus on Israel because of his hatred and gave everything else a pass, even though plenty was happening in other Middle East countries, just like they are happening now? Phillip also seems to have no problem with what has gone on since the inception of Islam. What does he care that many of these Middle East countries were the homes of the original Christians, and now they can't practice their religion in peace. Evidently Phillip has not a care in the world about Christians being killed and churches burned down. I guess Phillip never intends to visit the Baha'i Garden in Israel.
Dear Hosshiite, don't you ever take a break from your OutHouse Pulpit about how much you hate Muslims? You really are a boring dumb W. Virgini Hick.
You know, Phillip, you have an awful obsession with Shiite. Perhaps when you go to pick up your head at your proctologist's office, you tell him about it. Maybe you are constipated. As for being dumb. Phillip, I suggest you pin that medal on yourself. You deserve it for being so dumb.
And people like Phillip would help the Arabs in their quest to destroy Israel if he had he chance. Meanwhile, Phillip, is going to tell us why he never discussed any other Arab countries when he was on another forum. Did he then have to just focus on Israel because of his hatred and gave everything else a pass, even though plenty was happening in other Middle East countries, just like they are happening now? Phillip also seems to have no problem with what has gone on since the inception of Islam. What does he care that many of these Middle East countries were the homes of the original Christians, and now they can't practice their religion in peace. Evidently Phillip has not a care in the world about Christians being killed and churches burned down. I guess Phillip never intends to visit the Baha'i Garden in Israel.
Dear Hosshiite, don't you ever take a break from your OutHouse Pulpit about how much you hate Muslims? You really are a boring dumb W. Virgini Hick.
You know, Phillip, you have an awful obsession with Shiite. Perhaps when you go to pick up your head at your proctologist's office, you tell him about it. Maybe you are constipated. As for being dumb. Phillip, I suggest you pin that medal on yourself. You deserve it for being so dumb.
Gee, I thought that Hosshiite better fits your OutHouse persona, its so apropos!
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Dear Hosshiite, don't you ever take a break from your OutHouse Pulpit about how much you hate Muslims? You really are a boring dumb W. Virgini Hick.
You know, Phillip, you have an awful obsession with Shiite. Perhaps when you go to pick up your head at your proctologist's office, you tell him about it. Maybe you are constipated. As for being dumb. Phillip, I suggest you pin that medal on yourself. You deserve it for being so dumb.
Gee, I thought that Hosshiite better fits your OutHouse persona, its so apropos!
I realize you get off when you call me Hosshiite, but also throwing in "Outhouse" shows all the viewers how obsessed you are with a certain substance. I hope you use some soft toilet paper, Phillip, because it appears you spend a lot of time on the toilet. Now don't forget to flush.
You know, Phillip, you have an awful obsession with Shiite. Perhaps when you go to pick up your head at your proctologist's office, you tell him about it. Maybe you are constipated. As for being dumb. Phillip, I suggest you pin that medal on yourself. You deserve it for being so dumb.
Gee, I thought that Hosshiite better fits your OutHouse persona, its so apropos!
I realize you get off when you call me Hosshiite, but also throwing in "Outhouse" shows all the viewers how obsessed you are with a certain substance. I hope you use some soft toilet paper, Phillip, because it appears you spend a lot of time on the toilet. Now don't forget to flush.
In all of the Middle East, only in Israel are all houses of worship of all faiths protected by the government. If this were not true, the Al Asqa Mosque would have long been removed off the holy site of Solomon's Temple.

Gosh I wonder how many churches & synagogues are protected by the governments of Arab countries? Or do they have none to protect in these non apartheid countries?
You are so right, MJ...If it were not for the IDF, the Jews of Israel would tear up in joyous hate Al Asqua Mosque and re-build the Temple.


You're so reaching its hilarious!
In all of the Middle East, only in Israel are all houses of worship of all faiths protected by the government. If this were not true, the Al Asqa Mosque would have long been removed off the holy site of Solomon's Temple.

Gosh I wonder how many churches & synagogues are protected by the governments of Arab countries? Or do they have none to protect in these non apartheid countries?
You are so right, MJ...If it were not for the IDF, the Jews of Israel would tear up in joyous hate Al Asqua Mosque and re-build the Temple.


You're so reaching its hilarious!
So far the BDSholes were blaming the IDF. Now it's the people.

They can't make up their minds.
Poor Pbel. What a loser. All that is left for him is to call the adversary derogatory names. Oh well, sure is fun watching him shoot himself down in flames.

You know, Phillip, you have an awful obsession with Shiite. Perhaps when you go to pick up your head at your proctologist's office, you tell him about it. Maybe you are constipated. As for being dumb. Phillip, I suggest you pin that medal on yourself. You deserve it for being so dumb.
Gee, I thought that Hosshiite better fits your OutHouse persona, its so apropos!
I realize you get off when you call me Hosshiite, but also throwing in "Outhouse" shows all the viewers how obsessed you are with a certain substance. I hope you use some soft toilet paper, Phillip, because it appears you spend a lot of time on the toilet. Now don't forget to flush.

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