In attendance at the Russian Anti-Trump Rallies

that were designed to get Trump in office, btw - we've had some interesting developments and attendees.

Michael Moore was at one.
Kremlin Tool: Michael Moore Participated In Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Rally

and CNN and other news outlets were there in force saying how hot and heavy the people are against trump - at this Russian sponsored Anti-Trump Rally designed to get him in office.

so it's funny as hell to me the liberals are insistent that Russia was working with Trump to get him in office while the Russians run both anti-Trump memes online and sponsor rallys against him.

You will notice all of the anti-Trump rallies and FB stuff came after the election intended to further divide the country, not stop Trump from taking office

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so the goal here would be to keep us at each others throats, correct? and this is what i've said the goal seems to be since what, 2012, or 2013 when the trollfarm started?

to me dividing us up has been their goal in as much as getting trump elected. however trump getting elected sure has divided us up in a manner we've never seen before. you don't do that this quickly. we've had years of divisive behavior among us and we're far too willing to dive right in and slam each other. myself included at times. (working on it)

so we have anti-trump rallies *after* the election. anti-trump memes *after* the election. pre-election was minimal traffic that i've seen and limited budgets to do so.

i understand and appreciate your point that a bulk of these came *after* the election but what was done beforehand that would actually sway peoples opinions the other way in a time most are getting MORE hard core about how they already felt?

i'm trying to trace a bigger picture and not do it to prove a point but to see a bigger picture. i'm not out to prove russia was trying to help trump, trump was involved, clinton bought illegal info, obama spied - i'm trying to look at actions and the goals common among such actions and having us at each others throats is very common in *everything* where "get trump elected" is common in "some".
What did they do beforehand that would actually sway people's opinions? The DNC/Podesta hacks and selling them to Wikileaks for publication.
I don't like either side jumping down each other's throats for the pure joy of slamming the other side. These threads tend to be more about leftie bashing or right bashing than anything else, and it's boring besides stupid. But when people are so divided that they can no longer listen and compromise on change, the country is immobilized. That is where we are. No the Russians didn't start it in 2014. It has been coming a long time, thanks in part to social media, imo, and the slackening of civility laws in this country. But whatever caused it, the Russians are merrily doing their best to make it worse.
I think they would have backed the damned Devil himself in order to slam Hillary. Putin has a personal vendetta against her.
that were designed to get Trump in office, btw - we've had some interesting developments and attendees.

Michael Moore was at one.
Kremlin Tool: Michael Moore Participated In Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Rally

and CNN and other news outlets were there in force saying how hot and heavy the people are against trump - at this Russian sponsored Anti-Trump Rally designed to get him in office.

so it's funny as hell to me the liberals are insistent that Russia was working with Trump to get him in office while the Russians run both anti-Trump memes online and sponsor rallys against him.

You will notice all of the anti-Trump rallies and FB stuff came after the election intended to further divide the country, not stop Trump from taking office

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so the goal here would be to keep us at each others throats, correct? and this is what i've said the goal seems to be since what, 2012, or 2013 when the trollfarm started?

to me dividing us up has been their goal in as much as getting trump elected. however trump getting elected sure has divided us up in a manner we've never seen before. you don't do that this quickly. we've had years of divisive behavior among us and we're far too willing to dive right in and slam each other. myself included at times. (working on it)

so we have anti-trump rallies *after* the election. anti-trump memes *after* the election. pre-election was minimal traffic that i've seen and limited budgets to do so.

i understand and appreciate your point that a bulk of these came *after* the election but what was done beforehand that would actually sway peoples opinions the other way in a time most are getting MORE hard core about how they already felt?

i'm trying to trace a bigger picture and not do it to prove a point but to see a bigger picture. i'm not out to prove russia was trying to help trump, trump was involved, clinton bought illegal info, obama spied - i'm trying to look at actions and the goals common among such actions and having us at each others throats is very common in *everything* where "get trump elected" is common in "some".
What did they do beforehand that would actually sway people's opinions? The DNC/Podesta hacks and selling them to Wikileaks for publication.
I don't like either side jumping down each other's throats for the pure joy of slamming the other side. These threads tend to be more about leftie bashing or right bashing than anything else, and it's boring besides stupid. But when people are so divided that they can no longer listen and compromise on change, the country is immobilized. That is where we are. No the Russians didn't start it in 2014. It has been coming a long time, thanks in part to social media, imo, and the slackening of civility laws in this country. But whatever caused it, the Russians are merrily doing their best to make it worse.
I think they would have backed the damned Devil himself in order to slam Hillary. Putin has a personal vendetta against her.
and wiki says the russians didn't have a thing to do with it. the DNC server was never turned over as far as i know to investigate. i'm not saying i believe this, i'm saying i don't think any of us can prove much of anything, we just choose to believe *something*.

we know russia's been jacking with us for awhile now.
we don't know for sure much past that as there's reasonable doubt all around. i think we then fall back to our own comfortzones in what we believe and will look / argue for.

i don't doubt a lot of what you are saying about russia and/or putin. but i do agree we're in a very difficult place for no other reason than we refuse to allow people to express themselves anymore w/o it getting into a degraded discussion where people like eddie will tell me i belong in front of a firing squad with the trumps.

the real key i suppose is was the DNC hack an inside job, or did russia do it and sell to wiki as you say. i don't know and i don't know who would actually know and even if someone came out with the truth, we're so ingrained in our own version of "the truth" we'd call said person a liar.

i agree. we are immobilized. we're doing it to ourselves but hopefully we'll tire of beating the crap out of each other soon enough and work TOGETHER to turn things around. both sides have very valid points and views. they do.

they just won't admit it so we're stuck in limbo til we can admit it again and get back to a baseline of respect for each other despite how we may feel about said people.

the real question comes in with - whether the russians or an inside job, is what the DNC was doing proper? we seem to have lost sight in our own behaviors in a rush to condemn the others.
Mueller triggers Filthy Don's ALt-Right Weak Whyte conglomerate snowflakes every day. EVERY FVCK ING DAY!
that were designed to get Trump in office, btw - we've had some interesting developments and attendees.

Michael Moore was at one.
Kremlin Tool: Michael Moore Participated In Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Rally

and CNN and other news outlets were there in force saying how hot and heavy the people are against trump - at this Russian sponsored Anti-Trump Rally designed to get him in office.

so it's funny as hell to me the liberals are insistent that Russia was working with Trump to get him in office while the Russians run both anti-Trump memes online and sponsor rallys against him.

You will notice all of the anti-Trump rallies and FB stuff came after the election intended to further divide the country, not stop Trump from taking office

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so the goal here would be to keep us at each others throats, correct? and this is what i've said the goal seems to be since what, 2012, or 2013 when the trollfarm started?

to me dividing us up has been their goal in as much as getting trump elected. however trump getting elected sure has divided us up in a manner we've never seen before. you don't do that this quickly. we've had years of divisive behavior among us and we're far too willing to dive right in and slam each other. myself included at times. (working on it)

so we have anti-trump rallies *after* the election. anti-trump memes *after* the election. pre-election was minimal traffic that i've seen and limited budgets to do so.

i understand and appreciate your point that a bulk of these came *after* the election but what was done beforehand that would actually sway peoples opinions the other way in a time most are getting MORE hard core about how they already felt?

i'm trying to trace a bigger picture and not do it to prove a point but to see a bigger picture. i'm not out to prove russia was trying to help trump, trump was involved, clinton bought illegal info, obama spied - i'm trying to look at actions and the goals common among such actions and having us at each others throats is very common in *everything* where "get trump elected" is common in "some".

It is my personal view that while they were supporting Trump it was less about who won and more about division and distrust.

I think they helped Trump to keep the race as close as possible, as the closer the vote the more division afterwards.

I do not think Trump was involved in any collusion, but I do not find it beyond the realm of possibility that that some on his staff found the offer of help too good to turn down

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that were designed to get Trump in office, btw - we've had some interesting developments and attendees.

Michael Moore was at one.
Kremlin Tool: Michael Moore Participated In Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Rally

and CNN and other news outlets were there in force saying how hot and heavy the people are against trump - at this Russian sponsored Anti-Trump Rally designed to get him in office.

so it's funny as hell to me the liberals are insistent that Russia was working with Trump to get him in office while the Russians run both anti-Trump memes online and sponsor rallys against him.

You will notice all of the anti-Trump rallies and FB stuff came after the election intended to further divide the country, not stop Trump from taking office

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so the goal here would be to keep us at each others throats, correct? and this is what i've said the goal seems to be since what, 2012, or 2013 when the trollfarm started?

to me dividing us up has been their goal in as much as getting trump elected. however trump getting elected sure has divided us up in a manner we've never seen before. you don't do that this quickly. we've had years of divisive behavior among us and we're far too willing to dive right in and slam each other. myself included at times. (working on it)

so we have anti-trump rallies *after* the election. anti-trump memes *after* the election. pre-election was minimal traffic that i've seen and limited budgets to do so.

i understand and appreciate your point that a bulk of these came *after* the election but what was done beforehand that would actually sway peoples opinions the other way in a time most are getting MORE hard core about how they already felt?

i'm trying to trace a bigger picture and not do it to prove a point but to see a bigger picture. i'm not out to prove russia was trying to help trump, trump was involved, clinton bought illegal info, obama spied - i'm trying to look at actions and the goals common among such actions and having us at each others throats is very common in *everything* where "get trump elected" is common in "some".

It is my personal view that while they were supporting Trump it was less about who won and more about division and distrust.

I think they helped Trump to keep the race as close as possible, as the closer the vote the more division afterwards.

I do not think Trump was involved in any collusion, but I do not find it beyond the realm of possibility that that some on his staff found the offer of help too good to turn down

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i don't find that unreasonable at all. i don't doubt russia was jacking with us in any manner that got the most "jack for the buck" but i don't see trump going "hey putin, help a trumper out here". if what the staff may or may not have done was wrong then what the DNC did with the dossier was wrong also.

we *all* need to get back to a baseline of right and wrong and not warp it to our views and comforts and use it as a weapon against those we hate.
that were designed to get Trump in office, btw - we've had some interesting developments and attendees.

Michael Moore was at one.
Kremlin Tool: Michael Moore Participated In Russia-Sponsored Anti-Trump Rally

and CNN and other news outlets were there in force saying how hot and heavy the people are against trump - at this Russian sponsored Anti-Trump Rally designed to get him in office.

so it's funny as hell to me the liberals are insistent that Russia was working with Trump to get him in office while the Russians run both anti-Trump memes online and sponsor rallys against him.


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