In Between Trials

The Purple Pen Judge better speed this up, or he'll be buying the Italian dinner before deliberations start.
Blah, blah, blah,... acts,... blah, blah, blah,... second degree,... blah, blah, blah... firearm...

Get on with it, Judge!!!!
This is a loooooong list for the judge to read. I think they left out convicting him of peeing in a toilet.
Judge gonna order dindin for the jury.

I say they come back tomorrow with a verdict.
Yep, and those 3 don't get free dinner for sitting there all day either.
Oh, oh. Trouble.

Earphones says there were witnesses he wanted called that weren't called.

Too late. The fly on the wall that witnessed all the hoodlum bonding won't count.
He should have spoke sooner than after the jury was sent to deliberate. lol Did he just wake up and realize he was in a courtroom?
This verdict is a "guilty" shoo-in and all counts, I bet.

As much disgust I feel at the circumstances, I think I'm moving to the Joshua Young trial tomorrow. That one could be a mystery deciding whether or not this kid really did kill his stepbrother, or if is it was all the stepfather's doing. I'm going to a coupla articles on it tonight.

Court is over for today but HLN has it. They're so behind with all the commercials tho.

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