In Britain, man afraid of retaliation can't use gun to stay safe...all he did was defend himself....

Wrong about what, dumbass? My question has been about homicides/violent crime for a while.

Guy, you claimed that Switzerland has less gun violence with shitloads of guns...

They don't. they have more on a per capita basis and almost as much on a raw number basis. and that was AFTER they cracked down on gun owners and started regulating them.

When even by some of the more liberal estimates, mass shootings in the US kill fewer than 500 people yearly!!!

Which is still too many..
Wrong about what, dumbass? My question has been about homicides/violent crime for a while.

Guy, you claimed that Switzerland has less gun violence with shitloads of guns...
Is English your second language? You were responding to this, you stupid clown!

Can you give me a straight answer why more guns happens to correlate with fewer homicides in the case of Switzerland and the UK (both Central/Western European countries) when you're telling us the opposite should be true?
Do you still not understand the difference between homicides and gun violence, you stupid fucking bozo?!
They don't. they have more on a per capita basis and almost as much on a raw number basis. and that was AFTER they cracked down on gun owners and started regulating them.

When even by some of the more liberal estimates, mass shootings in the US kill fewer than 500 people yearly!!!

Which is still too many..
500 is still less than the number of homicides in the UK (and even less per capita given the US's much larger population), which you say is statistically insignificant

653 Homicides out of 65,000,000. Rate - 1/100,000.

Switzerland (why you keep calling it SUI is weird, but never mind.)

57 homicides out of 8,000,000 - 1/140,350

Wow... that's statistically insignificant.


You're full of shit, you fucking clown! You've been exposed as a stupid fucking liberal robot who doesn't care about homicide. You're just anti-gun.
You're full of shit, you fucking clown! You've been exposed as a stupid fucking liberal robot who doesn't care about homicide. You're just anti-gun.

Oh, I admit i'm anti-gun.

Guns cause 33,000 deaths, 70,000 injuries, 400,000 crimes and 270 BILLION in economic losses every year.

It's why we have to all live in a security police state, because you never can tell when some nut might shoot up a school or a waffle house.
You're full of shit, you fucking clown! You've been exposed as a stupid fucking liberal robot who doesn't care about homicide. You're just anti-gun.

Oh, I admit i'm anti-gun.
Yes, you're an irrational, dishonest, agenda-driven, anti-gun turd.
Guns cause
As I've demonstrated, guns don't "cause" much of anything like that. You take away guns, and people commit murder with other tools (or their bare hands), as I've demonstrated with Switzerland, etc...
As I've demonstrated, guns don't "cause" much of anything like that. You take away guns, and people commit murder with other tools (or their bare hands), as I've demonstrated with Switzerland, etc...

All you really demonstrated is that when guns are banned or regulated, you have less gun violence.
Yes, if they're effectively banned, people will start using knives, bats, etc... to commit violence. Your point? Is it better if this:

Guns cause 33,000 deaths, 70,000 injuries, 400,000 crimes and 270 BILLION in economic losses every year.

turns to this?

Knives cause 33,000 deaths, 70,000 injuries, 400,000 crimes and 270 BILLION in economic losses every year.
Yes, if they're effectively banned, people will start using knives, bats, etc... to commit violence. Your point? Is it better if this:

Guns cause 33,000 deaths, 70,000 injuries, 400,000 crimes and 270 BILLION in economic losses every year.

turns to this?

Knives cause 33,000 deaths, 70,000 injuries, 400,000 crimes and 270 BILLION in economic losses every year.

Except nowhere that has banned or regulated guns has this level of knife deaths.
Yes, if they're effectively banned, people will start using knives, bats, etc... to commit violence. Your point? Is it better if this:

Guns cause 33,000 deaths, 70,000 injuries, 400,000 crimes and 270 BILLION in economic losses every year.

turns to this?

Knives cause 33,000 deaths, 70,000 injuries, 400,000 crimes and 270 BILLION in economic losses every year.

Except nowhere that has banned or regulated guns has this level of knife deaths.
I don't know what they're using in El Salvador given that they have even fewer guns per 100 people than even the UK, but it must be something that earned them the #1 spot (by a lot) on the homicide rate chart.

Anyway, we've talked about this before. You're going in circles, you stupid clown! Aren't you tired of having your ass handed to you daily?

Your problem is you're cherry-picking 2 countries (UK and USA) that fit your agenda and ignoring all the evidence found among the other 100+ countries.
Anyway, we've talked about this before. You're going in circles, you stupid clown! Aren't you tired of having your ass handed to you daily?

Your problem is you're cherry-picking 2 countries (UK and USA) that fit your agenda and ignoring all the evidence found among the other 100+ countries.

Yes, I picked TWO COUNTRIES that are nearly identical in culture, language, economic development, etc.

The only real major difference between the two countries, besides the fact they still have a ceremonial monarchy, is that they don't let their citizens own guns.

I could pick other similar countries - Germany, Japan, Canada - and prove the same thing.

You have to go with countries that are either not what you claim (Switzerland) or ones where basic government broke down a long time ago (El Salvador), because you can't stand the thought of living without a gun to compensate for your "shortcomings".
Anyway, we've talked about this before. You're going in circles, you stupid clown! Aren't you tired of having your ass handed to you daily?

Your problem is you're cherry-picking 2 countries (UK and USA) that fit your agenda and ignoring all the evidence found among the other 100+ countries.

Yes, I picked TWO COUNTRIES that are nearly identical in culture, language, economic development, etc.
...except the violent culture of negroes is anything but "nearly identical" to the culture of whites in either Europe or the USA. Given that negroes are a much bigger portion of the US population than they are of the UK population, the cultures most certainly are NOT nearly identical.
The only real major difference between the two countries, besides the fact they still have a ceremonial monarchy, is that they don't let their citizens own guns.

I could pick other similar countries - Germany, Japan, Canada - and prove the same thing.
Japan is now similar to Germany and Canada?! It's the language, right?!

You have to go with countries that are either not what you claim (Switzerland) or ones where basic government broke down a long time ago (El Salvador), because you can't stand the thought of living without a gun to compensate for your "shortcomings".
Switzerland has much more gun ownership (as a rate) than the UK. So do various other European countries with lower homicide rates. Yes, you can cherry pick a handful of countries here and there and you'll see correlation between guns and homicides, but overall, there is very little correlation, suggesting a lack of causation.
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...except the violent culture of negroes is anything but "nearly identical" to the culture of whites in either Europe or the USA.

Yup, keeping bringing up the Racism... (Um, they've got Darkies in the UK, too.)
Yes, only 3% vs our 13%. Hence the difference in violent crime. Switzerland has even fewer and even less homicide.

Funny how you ignore that far stronger correlation.
Yes, only 3% vs our 13%. Hence the difference in violent crime.

Not signifigant...
Our negro rate is 4.33 times the UK negro rate. Our homicide rate is 5.30 times the UK rate, but of course we also unlike Britain have violent latinos/MS13 (whose members came from principally where? Oh right, El Salvador! That safe place with very few guns!) to make up the difference.

On the other hand, our guns per person rate is more than 16 times the rate of Britain.

But even if you don't buy the hispanics argument, the 5.30 homicide rate comparison is closer to what, 16 (gun rate comparison) or 4.33 (negro rate comparison)?

Face it, you idiot! Either way you slice it, the correlation between race and violent crime is far stronger than that between gun ownership and violent crime.
Face it, you idiot! Either way you slice it, the correlation between race and violent crime is far stronger than that between gun ownership and violent crime.

Um, no, while I'm sure you wet yourself whenever you see a Darkie, being a darkie by itself doesn't kill anyone.

People with guns, however, do kill people....

This isn't fucking complicated.
Interesting discussion, albeit a bit off track. Guns are a contentious issue in many countries, I agree. Before the post-Dunblane legislation, I used to own handguns, I’d shoot at a local club for recreation and found the concentration involved shooting at targets helped clear my mind, all in all, a relaxing hobby.

Occasionally I’d hire our club guns so I’ve experience in shooting just about everything from .22 to 44 Magnum (popularised in the “Dirty Harry” films of the time) and 10mm pistols.

I’d like to think I was a responsible gun user, as opposed to a “gun nut”, but I’m a firm believer that guns should not be widely or easily made available to the general public for “self-protection”.

Most “civilians” are unable to cope with the stresses involved in making life and death decisions involving fire arms, and that includes me. I was a good shot in my time, but it’s one thing shooting at targets on a range and completely another shooting in stressful situations.

The club I was a member of once organised a “bodyguard” course which included a simulator which ran you through 10 scenarios of dealing with the possibility of armed attack in a “real life situation”, first however, the instructors ran the participants ragged doing what is now trendily called high intensity training, while constantly screaming in our ears. When we were sufficiently out of breath and disorientated, we had to field strip our pistols, reassemble them load and cock the weapons, then deal with whatever series of “crises” we were presented with. To cut a long story short, in the 10 scenarios, I managed to “kill” 8 innocent bystanders, 1 hostage and 4 bad guys; and I ended up 3rd best in the group!

That experience taught me “gun-fighting” is best left to professionals.

Yes, without guns, people will turn to knives, clubs, rocks, etc. but it’s far more difficult to stab someone than it is to shoot them; you must get up close and personal with a knife or a rock, and if your opponent is similarly armed, that could be a disincentive to do so.

Interestingly the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania carried out a study of gunshot/stabbing trauma victims in 2014 and found that 33% of gunshot victims died, compared to only 7.7% of stabbing victims.

Personally, I’m happy, and feel much safer, living in a society where guns are tightly regulated, just my point of view, thank you for reading.
Face it, you idiot! Either way you slice it, the correlation between race and violent crime is far stronger than that between gun ownership and violent crime.

Um, no,
"Um, no" is your argument against my statistics? You're a typical dumbass liberal.
while I'm sure you wet yourself whenever you see a Darkie, being a darkie by itself doesn't kill anyone.
And owning a gun by itself does? You fucking idiot!
People with guns, however, do kill people....
So do darkies with guns.
This isn't fucking complicated.
No, but you have to know how to read and comprehend even the simple things in order to understand them, so I suspect this is your problem: your inability to read and comprehend English.
Interesting discussion, albeit a bit off track. Guns are a contentious issue in many countries, I agree. Before the post-Dunblane legislation, I used to own handguns, I’d shoot at a local club for recreation and found the concentration involved shooting at targets helped clear my mind, all in all, a relaxing hobby.

Occasionally I’d hire our club guns so I’ve experience in shooting just about everything from .22 to 44 Magnum (popularised in the “Dirty Harry” films of the time) and 10mm pistols.

I’d like to think I was a responsible gun user, as opposed to a “gun nut”, but I’m a firm believer that guns should not be widely or easily made available to the general public for “self-protection”.

Most “civilians” are unable to cope with the stresses involved in making life and death decisions involving fire arms,
And that's based on...what?
and that includes me. I was a good shot in my time, but it’s one thing shooting at targets on a range and completely another shooting in stressful situations.

The club I was a member of once organised a “bodyguard” course which included a simulator which ran you through 10 scenarios of dealing with the possibility of armed attack in a “real life situation”, first however, the instructors ran the participants ragged
Nice course! So the instructor intentionally introduced unrealistic parameters into the course in order to get you to fail. Sounds very political.
doing what is now trendily called high intensity training, while constantly screaming in our ears. When we were sufficiently out of breath and disorientated,
He should have given you ecstasy and made you wear watermelons on your feet, too.
we had to field strip our pistols, reassemble them load and cock the weapons, then deal with whatever series of “crises” we were presented with. To cut a long story short, in the 10 scenarios, I managed to “kill” 8 innocent bystanders, 1 hostage and 4 bad guys; and I ended up 3rd best in the group!

That experience taught me “gun-fighting” is best left to professionals.
That's because you're a dumbass. Intelligent people understand the deck was unrealistically and needlessly stacked against you to make you make those errors. They must raise you Brits to be stupid, loyal subjects.
Yes, without guns, people will turn to knives, clubs, rocks, etc. but it’s far more difficult to stab someone than it is to shoot them; you must get up close and personal with a knife or a rock, and if your opponent is similarly armed, that could be a disincentive to do so.
It stacks the deck in favor of a violent criminal, who has more experience with it.
Interestingly the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania carried out a study of gunshot/stabbing trauma victims in 2014 and found that 33% of gunshot victims died, compared to only 7.7% of stabbing victims.

Personally, I’m happy, and feel much safer, living in a society where guns are tightly regulated, just my point of view, thank you for reading.
Can;t believe they arrested him. Should have given him a medal and a gun permit. Just more bullshit from the criminal-loving pieces of shit in power.
There is a good chance you will be arrested here in that situation. This is why we have the saying "I would rather be judged by twelve than carried by six" Any time you deal with the courts or cops it has the potential to cost you a great deal of time and money. I believe this is the case no matter where you go on the planet! I would imagine there are several missing persons in the United States that home owners killed in this type of situation that said the hell with calling the cops and hid the bodies. Most people with a brain like to avoid cops and courts!
Can;t believe they arrested him. Should have given him a medal and a gun permit. Just more bullshit from the criminal-loving pieces of shit in power.
There is a good chance you will be arrested here in that situation. This is why we have the saying "I would rather be judged by twelve than carried by six" Any time you deal with the courts or cops it has the potential to cost you a great deal of time and money. I believe this is the case no matter where you go on the planet! I would imagine there are several missing persons in the United States that home owners killed in this type of situation that said the hell with calling the cops and hid the bodies. Most people with a brain like to avoid cops and courts!
Sure, but with modern electronics, it's pretty hard to hide something like that. They could just check the last location of the man's cellphone and zero in on you.

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