In Canada...


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
In Canada, opposition to homosexuality is a hate crime that will land you in prison.

In Canada, speaking against Islam is a hate crime that will land you in prison.

So, if you were to oppose Muslims cutting the heads off of homosexuals, would the be a "double hate crime?"

Can one of you of the anti-liberty left who support hate crime laws explain how this works?
Canada suffers from a "Bigger Brother" syndrome. Knowing its is completely protected by the U.S. from most of the world's vicissitudes, it can afford to adopt idiotic positions on just about anything. Kind of like the younger sister who decides to be a vegetarian in order to display her individuality.
Does Canada's constitution guarantee the right to free speech?
In Canada, opposition to homosexuality is a hate crime that will land you in prison.

In Canada, speaking against Islam is a hate crime that will land you in prison.

So, if you were to oppose Muslims cutting the heads off of homosexuals, would the be a "double hate crime?"

Can one of you of the anti-liberty left who support hate crime laws explain how this works?

There is no law in Canada that would punish you for being opposed to Muslims committing crimes.

It's only Monday A.M., and already we have 3 strong contenders for dumbest rightwing thread of the week.
In Canada, opposition to homosexuality is a hate crime that will land you in prison.

In Canada, speaking against Islam is a hate crime that will land you in prison.

So, if you were to oppose Muslims cutting the heads off of homosexuals, would the be a "double hate crime?"

Can one of you of the anti-liberty left who support hate crime laws explain how this works?

Care to cite the specific laws you are talking about? Or is this another one of those, "My cousin's, sister's, friend's uncle told me" situations?
Does Canada's constitution guarantee the right to free speech?

What does that have to do with anything.

The question is, if you condemn a protected Muslim for killing protected homosexuals, will you still face prison?
Care to cite the specific laws you are talking about? Or is this another one of those, "My cousin's, sister's, friend's uncle told me" situations?

Are you Rip Van Winkle?

{The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that the nation’s laws against hate speech do, in fact, restrict anti-gay rhetoric, regardless of whether it reflects religious beliefs or not.}

Canadian Supreme Court Upholds Hate Speech Laws Against Anti-Gay Activist | ThinkProgress

{Under Canadian law, there is a serious argument that the article contained hate speech and that its publisher, Maclean's magazine, the nation's leading newsweekly, should be forbidden from saying similar things, forced to publish a rebuttal and made to compensate Muslims for injuring their "dignity, feelings and self respect."}
Care to cite the specific laws you are talking about? Or is this another one of those, "My cousin's, sister's, friend's uncle told me" situations?

Are you Rip Van Winkle?

{The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that the nation’s laws against hate speech do, in fact, restrict anti-gay rhetoric, regardless of whether it reflects religious beliefs or not.}

Canadian Supreme Court Upholds Hate Speech Laws Against Anti-Gay Activist | ThinkProgress

{Under Canadian law, there is a serious argument that the article contained hate speech and that its publisher, Maclean's magazine, the nation's leading newsweekly, should be forbidden from saying similar things, forced to publish a rebuttal and made to compensate Muslims for injuring their "dignity, feelings and self respect."}

I hope you don't think this responds to my question. Would you care to cite the law. You know, the one where you go to prison if you oppose homosexuality. I'll wait.
I hope you don't think this responds to my question. Would you care to cite the law. You know, the one where you go to prison if you oppose homosexuality. I'll wait.

Do you grasp what the term "Supreme Court" signifies, and the impact that rulings have on the law?
I don't know. Perhaps the hates cancel each other out in this case.

What would the "conservative" solution be? Give the Muslim a medal for killing the homosexual or give the Muslim the death penalty for murder?
I don't know. Perhaps the hates cancel each other out in this case.

What would the "conservative" solution be? Give the Muslim a medal for killing the homosexual or give the Muslim the death penalty for murder?

So, none of the anti-liberty left want to deal with the hypocrisy and stupidity of the anti-speech laws?
I think the more interesting question is, "If you PRAISE a Muslim for beheading a homosexual because of his perversion, is THAT a hate crime?" You have not criticized the Muslim, nor have you slandered the dead fag.
In Canada, opposition to homosexuality is a hate crime that will land you in prison.

In Canada, speaking against Islam is a hate crime that will land you in prison.

So, if you were to oppose Muslims cutting the heads off of homosexuals, would the be a "double hate crime?"

Can one of you of the anti-liberty left who support hate crime laws explain how this works?

Please post a link to the law you are referring to where mere opposition to a group is a crime.
Please post a link to the law you are referring to where mere opposition to a group is a crime.

I get this feeling that the hate sites that program you drones censor a lot of issues...

{"We are very pleased that the Supreme Court of Canada affirmed the validity of our human rights legislation, recognizing it strikes the proper balance between freedom of expression and freedom from the fear that comes with hate-filled speech," said Arnot.
"We hope that our legislation serves as a model of best practice for other provinces to follow suit."

According to Saskatchewan HRC, prosecutions of cases similar to the Whatcott complaint are seldom pursued.

"The SHRC has prosecuted only five cases relating to the dissemination of hate in the last 32 years and considers prosecution a tool to be used sparingly and judiciously and only in the most extreme cases," Saskatchewan HRC said Wednesday.

As to the long-term effects of the Whatcott case, Hutchinson of EFC told CP that he believed the decision would influence the codes of Canadian provinces other than Saskatchewan.

"I expect to see those Canadian provinces and territories that don't currently have a hate speech provision in their human rights legislation add one that mirrors the wording approved by the Supreme Court in this decision," said Hutchinson.}

Canadian Supreme Court Upholds 'Hate Speech' Laws, Amends Process

I wonder what you would be like if you were capable of independent cognition?
I don't know. Perhaps the hates cancel each other out in this case.

What would the "conservative" solution be? Give the Muslim a medal for killing the homosexual or give the Muslim the death penalty for murder?

So, none of the anti-liberty left want to deal with the hypocrisy and stupidity of the anti-speech laws?

You know I'm a dual citizen I hope; so please take my stance as straddling both sides of the border.

Libs put in place the "hate speech" laws. Now of course it's gone crazy. Way over the top as every piece of "feel good legislation" does.

To give the Conservatives credit though, they have only been in the majority for a couple of years and they are working day and night to undo much of the damage the libs did for several decades.

The Human Rights Commission if I have anything to do with it will be abolished. One step at a time. We're trying to move as quickly as possible.

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