In farewell House speech, Kinzinger compares Republicans & Democrats to extremists he fought in the Iraq & Afghanistan wars

Packing the court. Getting rid of the filibuster. Get rid of the EC. Voting in new states that ate Prog lovable. Voting tens of trillions of dollars with huge payoffs to people Progs owed with only a little going to what is needed. Wasting resources on Green energy deal while making a good percentage of the population suffer with most of it enriching a small percentage of people. Sending hundreds of billions of dollars overseas it seems ever several months as tribute to the world government people. Just a start. The voters who have kept doing this will receive their karma.
Against progress but for conspiracies. Got it.
"Had I known that standing up for the truth would cost me my job, friendships, and even my personal security, I would without hesitation, do it all over again. "
That's not a choice that little grandstanding nutsack made. The Dims gerrymandered him out of a job... without the slightest regard for whatever that little shit thought he represented. It was just an R to them.

Might as well go out with a big lie. I wish the little guy good luck at Home Depot as a plumbing specialist on Aisle 14. The 45 minutes of training will be grueling, but it's not a bad first job.
Still no concrete evidence of your allegations about the Democratic Party.

But, Hey......It keeps you from wasting your time as there is none. i said you cant see it because you are one of the die hard fuckers manipulate it just as bad as the other assholes do..... i said you cant see it because you are one of the die hard fuckers manipulate it just as bad as the other assholes do.....
Still gaslighting. LOL

" I have proof !!! It is in my pocket !!!!
Oh, wait !!!! What happened to my pocket!!!
Who stole my pocket, it was full of fosforus !!!! ,
I was going to use it !!!!
Nobody move!!!! Nobody light a match near me !!!"

Plenty of Republicans have been seeing it, as I have, since 2016. And each one of them has been walking away from the Republican Party's embrace of Trump and his endless trampling on the Constitution and the Rule of Law.

NOT counting all the Republicans who have died because they believed Trump's word about not using masks and keeping businesses open at ANY cost.

Which is exactly why Trump lost in 2020, and the midterm showed more Republicans voting to put Democrats in their seats.

Go on gaslighting. You are visible a thousand miles away.
Hey Adam don't the door hit you on the way out. BTW the Ill dems gerrymandered his seat.

An important item of note on this. The Democrats in the Illinois legislature chose him out of the whole Illinois congressional delegation to gerrymander out of a job.

Shows the amount of respect the libs have for him.
Still gaslighting. LOL

" I have proof !!! It is in my pocket !!!!
Oh, wait !!!! What happened to my pocket!!!
Who stole my pocket, it was full of fosforus !!!! ,
I was going to use it !!!!
Nobody move!!!! Nobody light a match near me !!!"

Plenty of Republicans have been seeing it, as I have, since 2016. And each one of them has been walking away from the Republican Party's embrace of Trump and his endless trampling on the Constitution and the Rule of Law.

NOT counting all the Republicans who have died because they believed Trump's word about not using masks and keeping businesses open at ANY cost.

Which is exactly why Trump lost in 2020, and the midterm showed more Republicans voting to put Democrats in their seats.

Go on gaslighting. You are visible a thousand miles away.
geezus you people talk about trump every chance you get....not everything is about trump....get him out of your are a good little democrat die hard...i get that...are you able to talk about something without mentioning that asshole?...
geezus you people talk about trump every chance you get....not everything is about trump....get him out of your are a good little democrat die hard...i get that...are you able to talk about something without mentioning that asshole?...
I am talking on what became of the Republican Party since 2016 and how many Republicans have left the Party. AND why the Republicans have lost so many elections and will continue to lose seats, Trump or no Trump.

Got it?

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