IN HIS OWN WORDS: 20 Quotes by Barack Obama on Islam

It's funny to me that the right is finally learning what it's like to be upset about religious nutjobs.
It's funny to me that you have a selective memory. We've talked about this shit since 6 months before his first election. Dunno why you tards have to lie & distort the truth.
You nutters have been upset about religious nutjobs for a little over 10 years. The left has had to put up with religious nutjobs for decades. And in their very own country too.
A lot of Christians beheading people in your neighborhood eh?
I'd move but I know that might be over thinking it.
It's funny to me that the right is finally learning what it's like to be upset about religious nutjobs.
It's funny to me that you have a selective memory. We've talked about this shit since 6 months before his first election. Dunno why you tards have to lie & distort the truth.
You nutters have been upset about religious nutjobs for a little over 10 years. The left has had to put up with religious nutjobs for decades. And in their very own country too.
A lot of Christians beheading people in your neighborhood eh?
I'd move but I know that might be over thinking it.
Luckily there have always been liberals in this country to prevent religious nutjobs from passing laws that would eventually escalate to beheadings. If instead of the population of the U.S. being 1/3 evangelical christian, it were 100%, there would be plenty of beheadings here.
It's funny to me that the right is finally learning what it's like to be upset about religious nutjobs.
It's funny to me that you have a selective memory. We've talked about this shit since 6 months before his first election. Dunno why you tards have to lie & distort the truth.
You nutters have been upset about religious nutjobs for a little over 10 years. The left has had to put up with religious nutjobs for decades. And in their very own country too.
A lot of Christians beheading people in your neighborhood eh?
I'd move but I know that might be over thinking it.
Luckily there have always been liberals in this country to prevent religious nutjobs from passing laws that would eventually escalate to beheadings. If instead of the population of the U.S. being 1/3 evangelical christian, it were 100%, there would be plenty of beheadings here.
I'd have no problem with an eye for an eye punishment laws.
Molest a child=junk cut off
Murder=execution (public beheading)
Shoot someone=cut off your hand
Rape a woman=junk cut off

A lot of crimes would mysteriously disappear
It's funny to me that the right is finally learning what it's like to be upset about religious nutjobs.
It's funny to me that you have a selective memory. We've talked about this shit since 6 months before his first election. Dunno why you tards have to lie & distort the truth.
You nutters have been upset about religious nutjobs for a little over 10 years. The left has had to put up with religious nutjobs for decades. And in their very own country too.
A lot of Christians beheading people in your neighborhood eh?
I'd move but I know that might be over thinking it.
Luckily there have always been liberals in this country to prevent religious nutjobs from passing laws that would eventually escalate to beheadings. If instead of the population of the U.S. being 1/3 evangelical christian, it were 100%, there would be plenty of beheadings here.

Pretty much. The only thing preventing this nation from becoming a theocracy is the fact that we have a large population of educated liberals.

Here is what a leading contender for the GOP nomination said regarding his birthday:

Ben Carson’s Birthday Wish is Going CRAZY Viral. Will it Win Him the Nomination?! [VIDEO]

It's funny to me that the right is finally learning what it's like to be upset about religious nutjobs.
It's funny to me that you have a selective memory. We've talked about this shit since 6 months before his first election. Dunno why you tards have to lie & distort the truth.
You nutters have been upset about religious nutjobs for a little over 10 years. The left has had to put up with religious nutjobs for decades. And in their very own country too.
A lot of Christians beheading people in your neighborhood eh?
I'd move but I know that might be over thinking it.
Luckily there have always been liberals in this country to prevent religious nutjobs from passing laws that would eventually escalate to beheadings. If instead of the population of the U.S. being 1/3 evangelical christian, it were 100%, there would be plenty of beheadings here.
I'd have no problem with an eye for an eye punishment laws.
Molest a child=junk cut off
Murder=execution (public beheading)
Shoot someone=cut off your hand
Rape a woman=junk cut off

A lot of crimes would mysteriously disappear


You'd have lost both hands.
Why do some people get all worked up over beheadings and such?? ...... :dunno:
Why do you ignore that your culture is comprised of a bunch of fucking neanderthals?
During my lifetime America used to fry people in electric chairs for various crimes.

Beheading would be like day in the park compared to that sick form of barbarity. ..... :cool:
Capital punishment for murder is slightly different than beheading others because they don't believe in your stupid child molesting Prophet
It is interesting that so many people do not know the law.

First of all you do not have to be born in the U.S. to be a natural born U.S. citizen. You are a natural born U.S. citizen as long as one of your parents is the U.S. citizen at the time of your birth.

Second of all, just because someone is born in the U.S. does not make him/her a natural born U.S. citizen unless one of the parents were subject of the U.S. jurisdiction. This is why some legal experts argue that children born to illegal aliens are not natural born U.S. citizens.

Let me give you an example: Let us say an all American couple travels to India and gives birth to a child on Indian soil. Will that child be a natural born U.S. citizen? The answer is yes. The child will be just as American as apple pie.

Now, let us take a look at Obama's situation. His mother was a U.S. citizen at the time of his birth. That makes President Obama a natural born U.S. citizen regardless of where he was born. The fact that he was born in Hawaii would have been an issue of importance only if neither of his parents were U.S. citizen but that is not the case.

So frankly speaking, only an illiterate of supreme order would think Obama is anything but American.
It is interesting that so many people do not know the law.

First of all you do not have to be born in the U.S. to be a natural born U.S. citizen. You are a natural born U.S. citizen as long as one of your parents is the U.S. citizen at the time of your birth.

Second of all, just because someone is born in the U.S. does not make him/her a natural born U.S. citizen unless one of the parents were subject of the U.S. jurisdiction. This is why some legal experts argue that children born to illegal aliens are not natural born U.S. citizens.

Let me give you an example: Let us say an all American couple travels to India and gives birth to a child on Indian soil. Will that child be a natural born U.S. citizen? The answer is yes. The child will be just as American as apple pie.

Now, let us take a look at Obama's situation. His mother was a U.S. citizen at the time of his birth. That makes President Obama a natural born U.S. citizen regardless of where he was born. The fact that he was born in Hawaii would have been an issue of importance only if neither of his parents were U.S. citizen but that is not the case.

So frankly speaking, only an illiterate of supreme order would think Obama is anything but American.
Birfers don't care about common sense.
Why do conservatives think they can win the war on terror by declaring war on Islam?
That'll just create more terrorists..
We can't beat the terrorists without the support of the Islamic world. We need them to lead the fight...we can't do it with bombs and rhetoric

Set the U.S. as an enemy of Islam and they will all align themselves against us
Most so called terrorists are just people wanting the invading western armies out of their land.

Withdraw from the ME and a lot of the fighting would end. ..... :cool:
He forgot this one..



The Religion of piece, they want all non-believers in two or more!! Islam is Piece and love!! BlululOOOOLOOLOOO!!!!
Trump didn't denounce a nutjob at a press conference!! How dare he!! WE HATE HIM!!

Muslims never denounce: honor killings, female circumcision, stoning of gays- Doncha just Love 'em!! Chick-a-boom!!


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