In honor of Black History month

Arthur G. Gaston

Black Titan: A. G. Gaston and the Making of a Black Millionaire: The Independent Review: The Independent Institute

By the 1960s, Arthur G. Gaston was probably the richest black man in America. He was the leading employer of blacks in Alabama and directly and indirectly gave substantial aid and comfort to the civil rights movement.

No. I'm saying that if you think Blacks are better physiologically then you are admitting they are your superior all the way around. Along with that physiological advantage comes the ability to react, learn, and think faster. Luckily for you your ancestors were Black so you get to be equal. In your case maybe your genes mutated to the point you and a chimp are competing for second place.
Blacks are better at some sports that are related to their ancestry, like running after food. I never said that they were all-around superior. Like not many blacks are good at hockey, because ice is relatively new to that race.

If you notice Blacks are better at the sports they practice just like whites are better at the sports they practice. I don't know too many Black people who like cold sports let alone practice it enough to become good enough at it to dominate. I know thousands of Black people that love football and basketball.

You didnt have to specify that Blacks were all around better. Physiological advantage has nothing to do with the sport you play. If your claim is that we have a physiological advantage then you by default have included everything. it must hurt being as stupid as you seem to be. :lol:

Lol is right Asclepias. Some who are obviously ignorant beyond description as well as misinformed do not seem to realize that the dominance of black athletes in American contact sports like football, basketball, baseball and boxing only dates back to the early to mid 20th century due to the belief that they were not capable of doing so, due to lack of the recquired mental acuity as well as segregated social barriers which prevented black athletes from competing.

What is even more interesting is how sports like professional football and basketball were at one time, when they were white dominated, considered to be sports which required a more cerebral set of skills than "most blacks" possessed, just as boxing was considered a sport that required strength, bravery and guile which is why competing for World Boxing titles in America was off limits fo so long to black boxers, especially the Heavyweight title, which was considered to be a symbol of strength and nobility.

Now that black athletes have transitioned effectively as competitors into those sports, those same sports are now frequently marginalized as sports that require nothing but "brute power", when the truth is that football offenses and defenses and basketball strategies have become much more complex over time.

It's amusing how time changes convieniently social attitudes to fit the demoralized psyche of the bigoted.
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Blacks are better at some sports that are related to their ancestry, like running after food. I never said that they were all-around superior. Like not many blacks are good at hockey, because ice is relatively new to that race.

If you notice Blacks are better at the sports they practice just like whites are better at the sports they practice. I don't know too many Black people who like cold sports let alone practice it enough to become good enough at it to dominate. I know thousands of Black people that love football and basketball.

You didnt have to specify that Blacks were all around better. Physiological advantage has nothing to do with the sport you play. If your claim is that we have a physiological advantage then you by default have included everything. it must hurt being as stupid as you seem to be. :lol:

Lol is right Asclepias. Some who are obviously ignorant beyond description as well as misinformed do not seem to realize that the dominance of black athletes in American contact sports like football, basketball, baseball and boxing only dates back to the early to mid 20th century due to the belief that they were not capable of doing so, due to lack of the recquired mental acuity as well as segregated social barriers which prevented black athletes from competing.

What is even more interesting is how sports like professional football and basketball were at one time, when they were white dominated, considered to be sports which required a more cerebral set of skills than "most blacks" possessed, just as boxing was considered a sport that required strength, bravery and guile which is why competing for World Boxing titles in America was off limits fo so long to black boxers, especially the Heavyweight title, which was considered to be a symbol of strength and nobility.

Now that black athletes have transitioned effectively as competitors into those sports, those same sports are now frequently marginalized as sports that require nothing but "brute power", when the truth is that football offenses and defenses and basketball strategies have become much more complex over time.

It's amusing how time changes convieniently social attitudes to fit the demoralized psyche of the bigoted.

Its a curious phenomenon in that it is fascinating to watch racist white people move the goal posts. I especially love when Don Haskins started an all Black lineup against kentucky and defeated Adolph Rupp in 1966 for the NCAA championship. "Sour grapes" seems to prevail throughout the history of white reaction to the beat down of long held myths. You would think that (being as smart as they claim to be) they would realize that those myths were handed to them in order to justify slavery. To me its like how many times do you need to be proven wrong? The other option is that it is an intentional thing meant to maintain superiority by keeping Black people in a position of constantly proving themselves.

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I finally switched out the Boop in honor of BHM.

It wasn't near as painful as I feared it would be. :)

good on you. and you have inspired me to get an avatar.

Avatars are very important. Why, I am practically incognito at this point in time. ;)

i chose a pic of one of my favorite fighters by one of my favorite artists, jean-michel basquiat.

i used to watch these old films of sugar ray and as much as i like ali, sugar ray, well, they were both so quick and were great at slipping a punch.
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good on you. and you have inspired me to get an avatar.

Avatars are very important. Why, I am practically incognito at this point in time. ;)

i chose a pic of one of my favorite fighters by one of my favorite artists, jean-michel basquiat.

i used to watch these old films of sugar ray and as much as i like ali, sugar ray, well, they were both so quick and were great at slipping a punch.

Somebody here recently mentioned the Great White Hope. I snuck out to see that movie when I lived at my Grandma's, 1970-71 or thereabouts. Don't remember anything about it, but that it was very intense. I should do some research.

My dad was a huge boxing fan, but that's all I know. No specifics of who he looked up to or wanted to see win. I remember hearing the name Ali a lot.
Avatars are very important. Why, I am practically incognito at this point in time. ;)

i chose a pic of one of my favorite fighters by one of my favorite artists, jean-michel basquiat.

i used to watch these old films of sugar ray and as much as i like ali, sugar ray, well, they were both so quick and were great at slipping a punch.

Somebody here recently mentioned the Great White Hope. I snuck out to see that movie when I lived at my Grandma's, 1970-71 or thereabouts. Don't remember anything about it, but that it was very intense. I should do some research.

My dad was a huge boxing fan, but that's all I know. No specifics of who he looked up to or wanted to see win. I remember hearing the name Ali a lot.

lol...the trouble with "great white hopes" is blood shows up more on white skin than on black. it affects the judges decisions.

ali is a man of principle as well as a great boxer.
If you notice Blacks are better at the sports they practice just like whites are better at the sports they practice. I don't know too many Black people who like cold sports let alone practice it enough to become good enough at it to dominate. I know thousands of Black people that love football and basketball.

You didnt have to specify that Blacks were all around better. Physiological advantage has nothing to do with the sport you play. If your claim is that we have a physiological advantage then you by default have included everything. it must hurt being as stupid as you seem to be. :lol:

Lol is right Asclepias. Some who are obviously ignorant beyond description as well as misinformed do not seem to realize that the dominance of black athletes in American contact sports like football, basketball, baseball and boxing only dates back to the early to mid 20th century due to the belief that they were not capable of doing so, due to lack of the recquired mental acuity as well as segregated social barriers which prevented black athletes from competing.

What is even more interesting is how sports like professional football and basketball were at one time, when they were white dominated, considered to be sports which required a more cerebral set of skills than "most blacks" possessed, just as boxing was considered a sport that required strength, bravery and guile which is why competing for World Boxing titles in America was off limits fo so long to black boxers, especially the Heavyweight title, which was considered to be a symbol of strength and nobility.

Now that black athletes have transitioned effectively as competitors into those sports, those same sports are now frequently marginalized as sports that require nothing but "brute power", when the truth is that football offenses and defenses and basketball strategies have become much more complex over time.

It's amusing how time changes convieniently social attitudes to fit the demoralized psyche of the bigoted.

Its a curious phenomenon in that it is fascinating to watch racist white people move the goal posts. I especially love when Don Haskins started an all Black lineup against kentucky and defeated Adolph Rupp in 1966 for the NCAA championship. "Sour grapes" seems to prevail throughout the history of white reaction to the beat down of long held myths. You would think that (being as smart as they claim to be) they would realize that those myths were handed to them in order to justify slavery. To me its like how many times do you need to be proven wrong? The other option is that it is an intentional thing meant to maintain superiority by keeping Black people in a position of constantly proving themselves.


Also keep in mind hockey is very expensive to play as a youth, I think it costs $1000 for the gear alone, which is why the sport is played primarily by well off white youth.
Just curious...not going to change mine because "black history month" is silly...

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