In honor of those who were MURDERED by muslim extremists on 9/11.....

Honor our 9-11 dead today.

Make it your duty to out every truther beginning tomorrow. Their lies can never be allowed to stand.

Sorry, but that's just as unAmerican as they are. Today, their shit is off color and wrong, but we can't stop them from spouting their nonsense or we risk losing our freedoms as well.

Challenging someones lies does not interfere with their right to free speech. You are allowed to say what you want, but the First Amendment does not say there cannot be consequences for what you say.

Honor our 9-11 dead today.

Make it your duty to out every truther beginning tomorrow. Their lies can never be allowed to stand.

Sorry, but that's just as unAmerican as they are. Today, their shit is off color and wrong, but we can't stop them from spouting their nonsense or we risk losing our freedoms as well.
outing them isn't stopping them
just expose them as the fools they are

But we do that everyday as it is anyway. ;)
Ah, the beauty of free speech and the freedom to make fools look like fools.
ignore the loony "truther" threads!
Seriously, those people are friggin nuts, without ANYTHING substantial to base their claims!

you mean people like this ?

Col. George Nelson, MBA, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Former U.S. Air Force aircraft accident investigator and airplane parts authority. Graduate, U.S. Air Force War College. 34-year Air Force career.

Licensed commercial pilot. Licensed airframe and powerplant mechanic.
Essay: "In all my years of direct and indirect participation, I never witnessed nor even heard of an aircraft loss, where the wreckage was accessible, that prevented investigators from finding enough hard evidence to positively identify the make, model, and specific registration number of the aircraft -- and in most cases the precise cause of the accident. ...

The government alleges that four wide-body airliners crashed on the morning of September 11 2001, resulting in the deaths of more than 3,000 human beings, yet not one piece of hard aircraft evidence has been produced in an attempt to positively identify any of the four aircraft. On the contrary, it seems only that all potential evidence was deliberately kept hidden from public view. …

With all the evidence readily available at the Pentagon crash site, any unbiased rational investigator could only conclude that a Boeing 757 did not fly into the Pentagon as alleged. Similarly, with all the evidence available at the Pennsylvania crash site, it was most doubtful that a passenger airliner caused the obvious hole in the ground and certainly not the Boeing 757 as alleged. …

As painful and heartbreaking as was the loss of innocent lives and the lingering health problems of thousands more, a most troublesome and nightmarish probability remains that so many Americans appear to be involved in the most heinous conspiracy in our country's history." Physics911, by Scientific Panel Investigating Nine-Eleven, 9/11/2001

Capt. Eric H. May, U.S. Army (ret) – Former U.S. Army Intelligence Officer. Former inspector and interpreter for the Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty team.

Essay 9/11 and Non-investigation: "As a former Army officer, my tendency immediately after 911 was to rally 'round the colors and defend the country against what I then thought was an insidious, malicious all-Arab entity called Al-Qaida. In fact, in April of 2002, I attempted to reactivate my then-retired commission to return to serve my country in its time of peril. ...

Now I view the 911 event as Professor David Griffin, author of The New Pearl Harbor, views it: as a matter that implies either

A) passive participation by the Bush White House through a deliberate stand-down of proper defense procedures that (if followed) would have led US air assets to a quick identification and confrontation of the passenger aircraft that impacted WTC 1 and WTC 2, or worse ...

B) active execution of a plot by rogue elements of government, starting with the White House itself, in creating a spectacle of destruction that would lead the United States into an invasion of the Middle East ..."
Captain Eric May

Signatory: Petition requesting a reinvestigation of 9/11:
"We want truthful answers to question. … As Americans of conscience, we ask for four things:
An immediate investigation by New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer
Immediate investigation in Congressional Hearings.
Media attention to scrutinize and investigate the evidence.
The formation of a truly independent citizens-based inquiry."

Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report

Yup...ignore shitbags like the ones referenced above.
When I think that we invaded Iraq and 90% of our soldiers and 80% of America believed that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11 I get physically nauseous.

Where did America get this idea? Bush said, "No one in his administration ever said Saddam was connected to 9/11", yet somehow this connection was made. How? If it didn't come from the Bush administration, where did it come from? More likely would have been Saudi Arabia where all but one of the hijackers came from.


Why is Bin Laden still kicking? How can this be?
When I think that we invaded Iraq and 90% of our soldiers and 80% of America believed that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11 I get physically nauseous.

Where did America get this idea? Bush said, "No one in his administration ever said Saddam was connected to 9/11", yet somehow this connection was made. How? If it didn't come from the Bush administration, where did it come from? More likely would have been Saudi Arabia where all but one of the hijackers came from.


Why is Bin Laden still kicking? How can this be?

Prove what you posted above.

You can't because you just posted a flat out lie. 80% of Americans? Are you saying they were "duped"?
90% of our soldiers? My my you're real tough behind that keyboard you fucking loser.

When I think that we invaded Iraq and 90% of our soldiers and 80% of America believed that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11 I get physically nauseous.

Where did America get this idea? Bush said, "No one in his administration ever said Saddam was connected to 9/11", yet somehow this connection was made. How? If it didn't come from the Bush administration, where did it come from? More likely would have been Saudi Arabia where all but one of the hijackers came from.


Why is Bin Laden still kicking? How can this be?

Prove what you posted above.

You can't because you just posted a flat out lie. 80% of Americans? Are you saying they were "duped"?
90% of our soldiers? My my you're real tough behind that keyboard you fucking loser.


You do it with statements like the one above^ so we don't have to. [not that we'd want to anyway]
When I think that we invaded Iraq and 90% of our soldiers and 80% of America believed that Saddam Hussein was behind 9/11 I get physically nauseous.

Where did America get this idea? Bush said, "No one in his administration ever said Saddam was connected to 9/11", yet somehow this connection was made. How? If it didn't come from the Bush administration, where did it come from? More likely would have been Saudi Arabia where all but one of the hijackers came from.


Why is Bin Laden still kicking? How can this be?

Prove what you posted above.

You can't because you just posted a flat out lie. 80% of Americans? Are you saying they were "duped"?
90% of our soldiers? My my you're real tough behind that keyboard you fucking loser.


You do it with statements like the one above^ so we don't have to. [not that we'd want to anyway]

Trust me...when my team mates read my post and your will take 4 rounds to the chest...I will get the handshake.
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Prove what you posted above.

You can't because you just posted a flat out lie. 80% of Americans? Are you saying they were "duped"?
90% of our soldiers? My my you're real tough behind that keyboard you fucking loser.


You do it with statements like the one above^ so we don't have to. [not that we'd want to anyway]

Trust me...when my team mates read my post and your will take 4 to the chest...I will get the handshake.

And the hits keep on coming. You're a real poster boy for the military.........threatening mommies on the interwebs with your drivel.
ah PP Bush and ***** Vader had most of the country convinced or do you have a real bad case of selective memory, and in a couple of short years they managed not only to lose the American people but most of the world
ah PP Bush and ***** Vader had most of the country convinced or do you have a real bad case of selective memory, and in a couple of short years they managed not only to lose the American people but most of the world

Bush said there was no connection between 9/11 and Iraq. the media did the convincing.
You do it with statements like the one above^ so we don't have to. [not that we'd want to anyway]

Trust me...when my team mates read my post and your will take 4 to the chest...I will get the handshake.

And the hits keep on coming. You're a real poster boy for the military.........threatening mommies on the interwebs with your drivel.

If you don't like the comments then....... move on. No one is threatening anyone. I stated a simple result of what your opinion on my statement would cause.
Trust me...when my team mates read my post and your will take 4 to the chest...I will get the handshake.

And the hits keep on coming. You're a real poster boy for the military.........threatening mommies on the interwebs with your drivel.

If you don't like the comments then....... move on. No one is threatening anyone. I stated a simple result of what your opinion on my statement would cause.

Comments? 4 to the chest? That's a threat. It's lame ass intimidation because you are not a respectable individual and do not represent the armed forces in any positive way. I said so. Get over it. You're disgusting.
And the hits keep on coming. You're a real poster boy for the military.........threatening mommies on the interwebs with your drivel.

If you don't like the comments then....... move on. No one is threatening anyone. I stated a simple result of what your opinion on my statement would cause.

Comments? 4 to the chest? That's a threat. It's lame ass intimidation because you are not a respectable individual and do not represent the armed forces in a positive way. I said so. Get over it. You're disgusting.

Incorrect. he said that's what WOULD happen.
yep but he didn't check with Cheney who keep spouting that crap for months and almost up to the end of Bush's term Vader still said we found WMD's and if you believe Jr, he said we didn't LOL

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