In Jerusalem, Israel now.

Both Montreal AND Anaheim advanced to the second round

Could you imagine they meet in the finals ?

Lets make a bet. If they do play in the finals together, then the winner has to choose an avatar for the other to be used for a month . Deal ?
Apparently PM Bibi does not want peace, no way no how. If you think they should kiss your feet, I think they still have some pride left.

Neither Bibi, nor other Likundniks (who are the ideological followers of terrorists, like Menachem Begin, whom Einstein called fascists) want peace. They want Eretz Israel, from Nile and Euphrates.

But they understand that they have to sell their land robbery to the gullible people around the world, because Zionists need a positive world opinion and the support of Western governments.

So Zionists use a simple tactic.

They infiltrate and support radical elements among the desperate Palestinians, they provoke small controlled terrorist acts, and then they use these small terrorist acts (that are initiated by some radicals) as pretexts, and after that they kill and destroy 100 more Palestinians and their homes.

Zionists call these overkills "retaliations", and the controlled western media and politicians repeat this nonsense.

There is a big difference between the terrorism of desperate Palestinian radicals and the terrorism of Israel.

The terrorism of Palestinians is not supported by the official representatives of Palestinians, these terrorist acts are usually initiated by desperate Palestinian individuals, who lost their families or properties.
These desperate Palestinians usually kill themselves (because they do no want to live any more, their children or entire families were killed, the property destroyed), and they usually kill a couple of Israelis.

Official representatives of Palestinians always condemn these acts.

But the "retaliations" of Israel are officially supported by the Jewish state, and they are de facto state terrorism.

BTW, the Palestinians, who kill themselves and a couple of Israelis, are usually called "cowards".

But the Israelis, who drop bombs or kill Palestinian children, hiding in armoured vehicles or planes, there is no risk to their own lives, are usually called "heroes" in the controlled Western media.

As I have been saying too,ZIONISTS are the scum of the Earth.....but other Jews and secular Jews fine
Apparently PM Bibi does not want peace, no way no how. If you think they should kiss your feet, I think they still have some pride left.

Neither Bibi, nor other Likundniks (who are the ideological followers of terrorists, like Menachem Begin, whom Einstein called fascists) want peace. They want Eretz Israel, from Nile and Euphrates.

But they understand that they have to sell their land robbery to the gullible people around the world, because Zionists need a positive world opinion and the support of Western governments.

So Zionists use a simple tactic.

They infiltrate and support radical elements among the desperate Palestinians, they provoke small controlled terrorist acts, and then they use these small terrorist acts (that are initiated by some radicals) as pretexts, and after that they kill and destroy 100 more Palestinians and their homes.

Zionists call these overkills "retaliations", and the controlled western media and politicians repeat this nonsense.

There is a big difference between the terrorism of desperate Palestinian radicals and the terrorism of Israel.

The terrorism of Palestinians is not supported by the official representatives of Palestinians, these terrorist acts are usually initiated by desperate Palestinian individuals, who lost their families or properties.
These desperate Palestinians usually kill themselves (because they do no want to live any more, their children or entire families were killed, the property destroyed), and they usually kill a couple of Israelis.

Official representatives of Palestinians always condemn these acts.

But the "retaliations" of Israel are officially supported by the Jewish state, and they are de facto state terrorism.

BTW, the Palestinians, who kill themselves and a couple of Israelis, are usually called "cowards".

But the Israelis, who drop bombs or kill Palestinian children, hiding in armoured vehicles or planes, there is no risk to their own lives, are usually called "heroes" in the controlled Western media.

As I have been saying too,ZIONISTS are the scum of the Earth.....but other Jews and secular Jews fine
:haha: :poop: :poke:
National Socialist is a contradiction in terms. There is no such thing. Socialism (and communism) regard nationalism as an evil.

Communism and socialism are different terms.

Communism is just an utopia that was used to promote the agenda of globalists, it is connected with internationalism and globalism, the idea of world domination.

Do not forget that American banksters supported Bolshevism, an ideology that presumably was against these banksters, which does not make any sense and proves that Communism was just a fake.

What to socialism, it supposes social justice, the re-distribution of wealth, but socialism is not necessarily a threat to private property and private business.

I would call Henry Ford an American socialist. He supported the workers, he rejected the idea that there is no need to bother about the well being of the people and that the accumulation of capital is the only purpose of an economy. Henry Ford demonstrated with his business that there is no contradictions between private business and the well-being of workers, and that there is no need to kill the capitalists, which was the agenda of Communists and Bolsheviks, who were supported by American banksters.

True socialism just rejects the monopoly of international banksters.

The so-called "Soviet Communism" was just a silly misnomer, invented by stupid western journalists. They had state capitalism in the Soviet Union, there was a monopoly of the state, and communism just started as an agenda of globalists.

The Soviets never abolished the banking system, in fact, the western banks earned a lot of money, supporting the Soviet regime with credits.

And yes, socialism can be limited to one nation and care about the workers of one nation.

International socialism is just another utopian lie that was used by globalist banksters to promote their international agenda of world domination.

After globalists realised that they lost the grip on Russia, they stopped supporting Communism.

What to the terms "left" and "right" - these terms can have different meanings.

The term "left" is usually associated with an ideology that supports the redistribution of wealth, and "right" means "conservatives" or "aristocrats".

You can bend the terms "left" and "right" according to the agenda of the ruling elite.

There are many varieties of socialism and there is no single definition encapsulating all of them.[6] They differ in the type of social ownership they advocate, the degree to which they rely onmarkets or planning, how management is to be organised within productive institutions, and the role of the state in constructing socialism.[7]

A socialist economy is based on the principle of production for use, to directly satisfy economic demand and human needs, and objects are valued by their use-value, as opposed to the principle of production for profit and accumulation of capital.[8]

Socialism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
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Neither Bibi, nor other Likundniks (who are the ideological followers of terrorists, like Menachem Begin, whom Einstein called fascists) want peace. They want Eretz Israel, from Nile and Euphrates.

If they want Eretz Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates, then why did they give back the Sinai, offer to give back the Golan following the 6 day war, AND make several offers to return virtually the entire West Bank to the 'Palestinians'? The answer is because you are full of shit.

But they understand that they have to sell their land robbery to the gullible people around the world, because Zionists need a positive world opinion and the support of Western governments.

So Zionists use a simple tactic.

They infiltrate and support radical elements among the desperate Palestinians, they provoke small controlled terrorist acts, and then they use these small terrorist acts (that are initiated by some radicals) as pretexts, and after that they kill and destroy 100 more Palou can'estinians and their homes.

Israel provokes terrorist attacks?? Geez, what kind of propaganda have you been fed? I would love to see you back that up, but something tells me you can;t.

Zionists call these overkills "retaliations", and the controlled western media and politicians repeat this nonsense.

There is a big difference between the terrorism of desperate Palestinian radicals and the terrorism of Israel.

The terrorism of Palestinians is not supported by the official representatives of Palestinians, these terrorist acts are usually initiated by desperate Palestinian individuals, who lost their families or properties.

Another lie. Countless times we have seen Palestinian representatives call for attacks on Israelis. That includes PLO representatives ass well.

These desperate Palestinians usually kill themselves (because they do no want to live any more, their children or entire families were killed, the property destroyed), and they usually kill a couple of Israelis.

Nah they kill themselves and Israelis because they believe it will get them into paradise. They are sent by their own government on these suicide missions.

Official representatives of Palestinians always condemn these acts.

Who are these official representatives? The PLO ? What they say to the public and what they say among themselves are two different things. Of course they condemn terrorist acts to the public, otherwise they would not have support from the West. How stupid do you have to be to believe them?

But the "retaliations" of Israel are officially supported by the Jewish state, and they are de facto state terrorism.

What's wrong with trying to disable a terrorist organization who continues to attack your country?

BTW, the Palestinians, who kill themselves and a couple of Israelis, are usually called "cowards".

That's because they are cowards. Instead of going after military targets, they purposely chose people eating in restaurants, cafes etc...

But the Israelis, who drop bombs or kill Palestinian children, hiding in armoured vehicles or planes, there is no risk to their own lives, are usually called "heroes" in the controlled Western media.

Oh boy, again with the 'dropping bombs to kill Palestinian children' comment? It's getting kind of old now. Israel has no reason to purposely kill any civilians. It serves no purpose for them whatsoever. Like you said, Israel needs supports from Western Governments.
It's simple, if you poke the bear enough times, the bear will eventually attack you. Lesson ? DON'T POKE THE BEAR !
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Neither Bibi, nor other Likundniks (who are the ideological followers of terrorists, like Menachem Begin, whom Einstein called fascists) want peace. They want Eretz Israel, from Nile and Euphrates.:D
As I have been saying too,ZIONISTS are the scum of the Earth.....but other Jews and secular Jews fine

Of course 90% of Jews are Zionists which - as I've been saying - pretty much makes you an anti-Semitic scumbag.
Why are you an apologist for those who get it so wrong and corrupt the faith?

If you're going to criticise a religion, at least do it the courtesy of learning about it first, that way you look less like a bigoted idiot when you do criticise it.
I can't believe you said that. Aris was born and raised in the middle of that religion and is an expert on Islam.

I didn't know I had to publish a resume of studies, work, writings or other interests. Where does it say only experts are allowed to criticism or post? A MSc in Religious Anthropology (OK it was a lifetime ago) is that 'expert' enough to be permitted by squirrel to speak on religion?
What qualifies squirrel to tell anyone if they can or not criticize or post on any subject? Kasparov he is not.

You don't. I don't care what qualifications or expertise you claim to have; it's a fallacy called an agrument or appeal to authority. In an internet forum, everyone can claim to be an emeritus professor in whatever subject they like. I'll be more than satisfied with a well thought out argument backed with sources, something extremely rare on this forum.

Ever thought that that is just how we see you, and why you never put up any well thought out arguments. And you never post sources
It't really all about a religion based on and perpetuated by the promise of those 72 virgins. The only thing that keeps Islam going.

Says the man who knows nothing about Islam, outside of what's written in right-wing hate sites and Fox News.
Take away the promise of virgins and Islam will shrivel and die.

There is no "promise of virgins" in Islam. :rolleyes:

Correct the real promise was for 72 Raisins , but the scribe writing it down squashed a fly that marked the paper.

Houri Define Houri at
Houri - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Houri The Islamic Sex Slave In Paradise EuropeNews
What does houri mean definition and meaning Free English Language Dictionary
Houri - New World Encyclopedia

THIS is supposed to demonstrate your "expertise" in Islam? Two western dictionary mistranslations, a Wikipedia article along with a re-hash of the same Wikipedia article and a blog written by a neo-Nazi on a website created by Muslim apostates in order to encourage other Muslims to leave their faith. Have you even read the Wikipedia article?
Says the man who knows nothing about Islam, outside of what's written in right-wing hate sites and Fox News.
Take away the promise of virgins and Islam will shrivel and die.

There is no "promise of virgins" in Islam. :rolleyes:

Correct the real promise was for 72 Raisins , but the scribe writing it down squashed a fly that marked the paper.

Houri Define Houri at
Houri - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Houri The Islamic Sex Slave In Paradise EuropeNews
What does houri mean definition and meaning Free English Language Dictionary
Houri - New World Encyclopedia

THIS is supposed to demonstrate your "expertise" in Islam? Two western dictionary mistranslations, a Wikipedia article along with a re-hash of the same Wu should ikipedia article and a blog written by a neo-Nazi on a website created by Muslim apostates in order to encourage other Muslims to leave their faith. Have you even read the Wikipedia article?

You said there is no promise of virgins in Islam. He posted links that say otherwise. It's not very hard to comprehend.

You should change your name to mentally Challenged :lol:
Says the man who knows nothing about Islam, outside of what's written in right-wing hate sites and Fox News.
Take away the promise of virgins and Islam will shrivel and die.

There is no "promise of virgins" in Islam. :rolleyes:

Correct the real promise was for 72 Raisins , but the scribe writing it down squashed a fly that marked the paper.

Houri Define Houri at
Houri - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Houri The Islamic Sex Slave In Paradise EuropeNews
What does houri mean definition and meaning Free English Language Dictionary
Houri - New World Encyclopedia

THIS is supposed to demonstrate your "expertise" in Islam? Two western dictionary mistranslations, a Wikipedia article along with a re-hash of the same Wikipedia article and a blog written by a neo-Nazi on a website created by Muslim apostates in order to encourage other Muslims to leave their faith. Have you even read the Wikipedia article?

Raisins don't have breasts

By any definition, except for one Christian Lebanese translator, Christoph Luxenberg, more than ten years ago who was using an Aramaic quran, Houri refers to a sexual play thing for men, not a plump piece of fruit. Houri might be sweet and juicy but it is not talking of raisins in all the quotations from the quran or hadith.

Now do you really want to argue his qualifications to translate the quran's real meaning of the word? Or where his name originated?

You really want to stick with the raisin theory? How long have you read arabic or the korish dialect? I seriously doubt you are fluent in aramaic either.

You really should not get your 'facts' from rense.
Take away the promise of virgins and Islam will shrivel and die.

There is no "promise of virgins" in Islam. :rolleyes:

Correct the real promise was for 72 Raisins , but the scribe writing it down squashed a fly that marked the paper.

Houri Define Houri at
Houri - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Houri The Islamic Sex Slave In Paradise EuropeNews
What does houri mean definition and meaning Free English Language Dictionary
Houri - New World Encyclopedia

THIS is supposed to demonstrate your "expertise" in Islam? Two western dictionary mistranslations, a Wikipedia article along with a re-hash of the same Wikipedia article and a blog written by a neo-Nazi on a website created by Muslim apostates in order to encourage other Muslims to leave their faith. Have you even read the Wikipedia article?

Raisins don't have breasts

By any definition, except for one Christian Lebanese translator, Christoph Luxenberg, more than ten years ago who was using an Aramaic quran, Houri refers to a sexual play thing for men, not a plump piece of fruit. Houri might be sweet and juicy but it is not talking of raisins in all the quotations from the quran or hadith.

Now do you really want to argue his qualifications to translate the quran's real meaning of the word? Or where his name originated?

You really want to stick with the raisin theory? How long have you read arabic or the korish dialect? I seriously doubt you are fluent in aramaic either.

You really should not get your 'facts' from rense.

Don't tell me, tell Phoney, HE was the one who came up with the raisins theory. Reading comprehension issues seem to be widespread amongst the Zionuts.
Neither Bibi, nor other Likundniks (who are the ideological followers of terrorists, like Menachem Begin, whom Einstein called fascists) want peace. They want Eretz Israel, from Nile and Euphrates.:D
As I have been saying too,ZIONISTS are the scum of the Earth.....but other Jews and secular Jews fine

Of course 90% of Jews are Zionists which - as I've been saying - pretty much makes you an anti-Semitic scumbag.

Glad you realize 90% of Jews are not Jews but Zionists, ha ha. One is a religion , the other a political ideology. Even Jesus knew the difference.
A pity then that Hitler was a communist isn't it, look at the name of the Nazi party for the clue. They were the National Socialist workers party of Germany, and they made pacts with the Russian communists.

You really are brainwashed with the islamomoron propaganda aren't you
Your History is rather SKEWIFFED Phoney,the Nazis were NOT Communists at all they were NATIONALISTS........they murdered 10's of thousands of Communists.................This must be the MOST EMBARRASSING POST YOU HAVE EVER MADE............The Nazis for you information.......were as FAR RIGHT AS YOU COULD POSSIBLY GO,so much for your exposea.......steve

Try reading the history of the Nazi party and see just how far away from the truth you are. The communists in Russia murdered millions of other communists because they were a different sect. A bit like muslims in that respect who mass murder other muslim sects for the hell of it.

Another screwed up view of history from Phoney...

Which history books do you read?


They aint Islamic or neo Marxist that's for sure

How about a link for your comment....

"Hitler was a communist"...

Really looking forward to THAT one Phoney!!!

IF you can find one that is!

The German Workers Party

Nazi Party political party Germany Encyclopedia Britannica
"Hitler was a communist"...

He was a leftists, speak a socialist, a national-socialist.

Yep, and, oddly enough, thats what history tells us...

Oddly enough our Phoney 'friend' seems to think different... Yet another 'Phoney History Lesson'...

So, when Phoney can provide a link that actually supports his comment, hell WILL freeze over!

So I say he was left wing and allied to communism to which you reply he was ultra right wing.
now you agree he was a left wing socialist. Then again claim I was wrong when I said he was left wing.

Whats wrong cant you make your mind up, or has it finally snapped.

You do know the difference between a left wing Marxist and a right wing capitalist don't you. As in Milliband the Marxist and Blair the capitalist
"Hitler was a communist"...

He was a leftists, speak a socialist, a national-socialist.

National Socialist is a contradiction in terms. There is no such thing. Socialism (and communism) regard nationalism as an evil. Hitler named his party National Socialism in the hope of getting some socialist votes. Hitler adopted Fascism and added a turbo to it. Hitler was as right-wing as you can get.

You don't know what you are rambling on about. Most communists are really nationalists as they put their national pride above all else. Just as Russia had athletics breeding farms and other sports academies so they would always be better than the capitalists of America.
Neither Bibi, nor other Likundniks (who are the ideological followers of terrorists, like Menachem Begin, whom Einstein called fascists) want peace. They want Eretz Israel, from Nile and Euphrates.:D
As I have been saying too,ZIONISTS are the scum of the Earth.....but other Jews and secular Jews fine

Of course 90% of Jews are Zionists which - as I've been saying - pretty much makes you an anti-Semitic scumbag.

Glad you realize 90% of Jews are not Jews but Zionists, ha ha. One is a religion , the other a political ideology. Even Jesus knew the difference.

Is that why he preached Zionism as a religious concept ?
Apparently PM Bibi does not want peace, no way no how. If you think they should kiss your feet, I think they still have some pride left.

Neither Bibi, nor other Likundniks (who are the ideological followers of terrorists, like Menachem Begin, whom Einstein called fascists) want peace. They want Eretz Israel, from Nile and Euphrates.

But they understand that they have to sell their land robbery to the gullible people around the world, because Zionists need a positive world opinion and the support of Western governments.

So Zionists use a simple tactic.

They infiltrate and support radical elements among the desperate Palestinians, they provoke small controlled terrorist acts, and then they use these small terrorist acts (that are initiated by some radicals) as pretexts, and after that they kill and destroy 100 more Palestinians and their homes.

Zionists call these overkills "retaliations", and the controlled western media and politicians repeat this nonsense.

There is a big difference between the terrorism of desperate Palestinian radicals and the terrorism of Israel.

The terrorism of Palestinians is not supported by the official representatives of Palestinians, these terrorist acts are usually initiated by desperate Palestinian individuals, who lost their families or properties.
These desperate Palestinians usually kill themselves (because they do no want to live any more, their children or entire families were killed, the property destroyed), and they usually kill a couple of Israelis.

Official representatives of Palestinians always condemn these acts.

But the "retaliations" of Israel are officially supported by the Jewish state, and they are de facto state terrorism.

BTW, the Palestinians, who kill themselves and a couple of Israelis, are usually called "cowards".

But the Israelis, who drop bombs or kill Palestinian children, hiding in armoured vehicles or planes, there is no risk to their own lives, are usually called "heroes" in the controlled Western media.

As I have been saying too,ZIONISTS are the scum of the Earth.....but other Jews and secular Jews fine

You cant be a Jew without being a Zionist. it is like saying you can be a Shi'ite without being a muslim.
You cant be a Jew without being a Zionist. it is like saying you can be a Shi'ite without being a muslim.

I disagree. Jews are not monolithic robots and are free to form their own opinions. A Zionist (of any faith) is simply one who supports the creation and existence of Israel as the Jewish Homeland and about 10% of Jews do not. They are still Jews.
Glad you realize 90% of Jews are not Jews but Zionists, ha ha. One is a religion , the other a political ideology. Even Jesus knew the difference.

Being a Zionist (of any faith) does not negate ones religious beliefs or affiliation. Christian Zionists are still Christians just as Jewish Zionists are still Jewish but thanks for once again exhibiting your drooling hatred.

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