In Jerusalem, Israel now.




And you base your 'belief' based on one word "worker"...

Nazi Germany was a fascist totalitarian state... NOT COMMUNIST!

Nazism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

Link 1 states this

The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of "socialism", as an alternative to both internationalist Marxist socialism and free market capitalism. The Nazis sought to achieve this by a "people's community" (Volksgemeinschaft) with the aim of uniting all Germans as national comrades, whilst excluding those deemed either to be community aliens or of a foreign race (Fremdvölkische). It rejected the Marxist concept of class struggle, opposed ideas of class equality and international solidarity, and sought to defend private property and businesses.

All communist philosophies

Link 2 A complete adulteration of the facts trying to claim a left wing political group was turned into a right wing group by just changing its name.

Link 3 I destroyed the first time it was posted as they authors like you don't want NASDAP to be linked to communism because it highlights the failings of communism.

For the record I was a socialist and a Unionist until I saw the way that neo Marxism was heading and came to my senses. At the time ( late 1970's early 1980's ) I attended many "socialist" training camps and was told all about the evil done by the Nazis in the name of socialism that the Marxists and Stalinists wanted to wipe from the pages of history. Why do you think the neo Marxists hate the Jews so much, because they know the truth and will not hesitate to use what they know to alter the way history is viewed.

National Socialism is the antithesis to communism/socialism. Not one German industry or business was taken over, unless it was owned by Jews or Slavs. And then the assets were transferred to "Aryan" owned companies. How could you have had Oskar Schindler of Schindler's list, who acquired a Polish enamel ware and munitions company in this way.

You were never a "socialist" you have always been a disgusting fascist little Englander that votes UKIP, your type are a dime a dozen in the UK.

Who do you think supported and financed Hitler (and Mussolini) in order to mitigate the power of the socialists and communist unions? It was the industrialists you fool. And who did the Nazis send to the concentration camps before they sent the Jews? The communists and the socialists you nitwit.

You are a lunatic Phoney.

Look up the history of the V W beetle Abdul..............................

Did that years ago.... Your point being?

If you need to ask then you are ignorant of what it was intended for.


And you base your 'belief' based on one word "worker"...

Nazi Germany was a fascist totalitarian state... NOT COMMUNIST!

Nazism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

Link 1 states this

The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of "socialism", as an alternative to both internationalist Marxist socialism and free market capitalism. The Nazis sought to achieve this by a "people's community" (Volksgemeinschaft) with the aim of uniting all Germans as national comrades, whilst excluding those deemed either to be community aliens or of a foreign race (Fremdvölkische). It rejected the Marxist concept of class struggle, opposed ideas of class equality and international solidarity, and sought to defend private property and businesses.

All communist philosophies

Link 2 A complete adulteration of the facts trying to claim a left wing political group was turned into a right wing group by just changing its name.

Link 3 I destroyed the first time it was posted as they authors like you don't want NASDAP to be linked to communism because it highlights the failings of communism.

For the record I was a socialist and a Unionist until I saw the way that neo Marxism was heading and came to my senses. At the time ( late 1970's early 1980's ) I attended many "socialist" training camps and was told all about the evil done by the Nazis in the name of socialism that the Marxists and Stalinists wanted to wipe from the pages of history. Why do you think the neo Marxists hate the Jews so much, because they know the truth and will not hesitate to use what they know to alter the way history is viewed.

National Socialism is the antithesis to communism/socialism. Not one German industry or business was taken over, unless it was owned by Jews or Slavs. And then the assets were transferred to "Aryan" owned companies. How could you have had Oskar Schindler of Schindler's list, who acquired a Polish enamel ware and munitions company in this way.

You were never a "socialist" you have always been a disgusting fascist little Englander that votes UKIP, your type are a dime a dozen in the UK.

Who do you think supported and financed Hitler (and Mussolini) in order to mitigate the power of the socialists and communist unions? It was the industrialists you fool. And who did the Nazis send to the concentration camps before they sent the Jews? The communists and the socialists you nitwit.

You are a lunatic Phoney.

Look up the history of the V W beetle Abdul..............................

Did that years ago.... Your point being?

If you need to ask then you are ignorant of what it was intended for.

I am guessing it was intended as yet another comment that is worthless and utterly pointless....

However, humor me....

You were going for the "People's Car" and it clearly being a sign of Hitler being a Communist... Right?


You get an E for effort, but a big fat Phoney Phail A... AGAIN!
Yes, we know you are a Nazi supporter. And for that reason, you have zero credibility on the subject of Jews/Israel

Why does any discussion about the crimes of Zionist and the suffering of Palestininas always end with the Nazis and the suffering of Jews?
What has the violation of the international laws by the Zionists that happens TODAY to do with something that happened many, many years ago?

You're with all of what... 98 posts here? Why do you get involved in our arguments with Penelope? keep your nose in your face, please. If you don't know the history of some posters, don't pretend to understand much about it, will you? Penelope earned every harsh treatment with long days of hard work, so no need for you do go all defensive.
Thriving at the expense of the expense of the gentiles ? Where do come up with this crap ?

Here is an interesting opinion of an Israeli woman:

Sarcastic logic that seems to ramble disjointedly.... she is what eighty plus years old?

It is a way some people speak. If you are used to hearing this it makes sense. When a stranger says it, it sounds odd and at times contradictory.

Hitler and his lot painted the jews as people that don't work but have lots of money.

In Israel you see how jews work hard to make money. How they built a nation from sand and marsh.

Silly little minds would not understand the grandmother or those of her generation that know what antisemitism is.

The wording also has to do with people who did not speak english as first language growing up, or american english. When you translate not every word is in exact order that is clear to americans.

A long with every other nation. Why do you think no one wanted them. Ruined Henry Fords reputation, and everyone who said a word about them, even the American General fighting WWII were anti Semitic and the US army according to them. What a thankless bunch of leaches.

Care to provide links for these claims ?
Read it and weep - The Power of Prejudice
right from the horses mouths.

Where in the article does it prove any of your bullshit ??
What is there to read, that the US was anti semitic from 1900 to the 1950's. We already knew that, and it looks like it is allowing it to rise again as it imports islamonazi terrorist sleepers

The term "Anti-Semitism" is a misnomer.

Ashkenazi Jews are not Semites, they are descendants of Khazars and Slavs, and these guys initiated the Zionist movement.

On the other hand, Palestinians are the real Semites, and Zionists hate these native Semites of Palestine.

So who are the real Semite-Haters, speak Anti-Semites?
We are getting a good idea here from the forum's anti-Semites of what Merkel was speaking about . I guess Art doesn't realize that it was a fellow German, Wilhelm Marr, who coined the word anti-Semitism in 1879 and that he was referring to the Jews.
70 Years Later Germany s President is Worried - Israel Video Network
There was no David and according to the OT, he was a first degree murderer and adulterer, and possibly a homosexual. Their hero was short lived and nothing to be proud of .

On one hand you claim there was no David and on the other you claim there was. David existed, it has been proven.

And David did the same as any other politician except he also publicly admitted his faults (sins). And that is why he was a man after God's own heart.
Well Ted is home, too bad he didn't see the Ethiopians protesting today. He is a Christian Zionist.

Yes I am. And I saw a protest roll up Ben Yehuda street Friday afternoon. I also saw on the news mayday protests in Seattle. So effing what! People in free countries are allowed to have protests.
He was indeed.....He Murdered King of the Jews Saul

Wrong. Saul died in battle, actually he fell upon his own sword. David clipped some of Saul's clothing while he slept and then showed it to Saul when he woke, to prove that he could have; but didn't murder him.
My question to you is, what does my post have to do with Palestinians at all ?

Well, this thread is about Palestinians, about Jerusalem.
What has the discussion about Palestine to do with "them Nazis"?

This thread is about Ted's nice trip to Israel, YOU pro-Palestinians decided to hijack it, for some reason. Go figure.

Well Ted is home, too bad he didn't see the Ethiopians protesting today. He is a Christian Zionist.

He shouldn't have seen that, anyway. It was no protest, but a riot. If he's so into that, he can drive all the way to Baltimore.

Or Seattle.
Link 1 states this

The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of "socialism", as an alternative to both internationalist Marxist socialism and free market capitalism. The Nazis sought to achieve this by a "people's community" (Volksgemeinschaft) with the aim of uniting all Germans as national comrades, whilst excluding those deemed either to be community aliens or of a foreign race (Fremdvölkische). It rejected the Marxist concept of class struggle, opposed ideas of class equality and international solidarity, and sought to defend private property and businesses.

All communist philosophies

Link 2 A complete adulteration of the facts trying to claim a left wing political group was turned into a right wing group by just changing its name.

Link 3 I destroyed the first time it was posted as they authors like you don't want NASDAP to be linked to communism because it highlights the failings of communism.

For the record I was a socialist and a Unionist until I saw the way that neo Marxism was heading and came to my senses. At the time ( late 1970's early 1980's ) I attended many "socialist" training camps and was told all about the evil done by the Nazis in the name of socialism that the Marxists and Stalinists wanted to wipe from the pages of history. Why do you think the neo Marxists hate the Jews so much, because they know the truth and will not hesitate to use what they know to alter the way history is viewed.

National Socialism is the antithesis to communism/socialism. Not one German industry or business was taken over, unless it was owned by Jews or Slavs. And then the assets were transferred to "Aryan" owned companies. How could you have had Oskar Schindler of Schindler's list, who acquired a Polish enamel ware and munitions company in this way.

You were never a "socialist" you have always been a disgusting fascist little Englander that votes UKIP, your type are a dime a dozen in the UK.

Who do you think supported and financed Hitler (and Mussolini) in order to mitigate the power of the socialists and communist unions? It was the industrialists you fool. And who did the Nazis send to the concentration camps before they sent the Jews? The communists and the socialists you nitwit.

You are a lunatic Phoney.

Look up the history of the V W beetle Abdul..............................

Did that years ago.... Your point being?

If you need to ask then you are ignorant of what it was intended for.

I am guessing it was intended as yet another comment that is worthless and utterly pointless....

However, humor me....

You were going for the "People's Car" and it clearly being a sign of Hitler being a Communist... Right?


You get an E for effort, but a big fat Phoney Phail A... AGAIN!

Then you don't know the history of the peoples car do you, and how in usual communist fashion the workers were ajoled into giving the state their hard earned wages so they could help build their own cars. The money never went to the VW factory but into the war machine, and very few people ever saw their cars. Those that complained were dealt with again in usual communist fashion, they were disappeared.
He was indeed.....He Murdered King of the Jews Saul

Wrong. Saul died in battle, actually he fell upon his own sword. David clipped some of Saul's clothing while he slept and then showed it to Saul when he woke, to prove that he could have; but didn't murder him.
No Teddy he was Murdered by David(you are reading the Sanitized Songsheet
What is there to read, that the US was anti semitic from 1900 to the 1950's. We already knew that, and it looks like it is allowing it to rise again as it imports islamonazi terrorist sleepers

The term "Anti-Semitism" is a misnomer.

Ashkenazi Jews are not Semites, they are descendants of Khazars and Slavs, and these guys initiated the Zionist movement.

On the other hand, Palestinians are the real Semites, and Zionists hate these native Semites of Palestine.

So who are the real Semite-Haters, speak Anti-Semites?
YES..Most Jews are ANTI SEMITIC.......I Have been telling the Jewish Lobby on here for sometime.....but they are bloody THICK
What is there to read, that the US was anti semitic from 1900 to the 1950's. We already knew that, and it looks like it is allowing it to rise again as it imports islamonazi terrorist sleepers

The term "Anti-Semitism" is a misnomer.

Ashkenazi Jews are not Semites, they are descendants of Khazars and Slavs, and these guys initiated the Zionist movement.

On the other hand, Palestinians are the real Semites, and Zionists hate these native Semites of Palestine.

So who are the real Semite-Haters, speak Anti-Semites?
YES..Most Jews are ANTI SEMITIC.......I Have been telling the Jewish Lobby on here for sometime.....but they are bloody THICK

Not as thick as you who sees the islamomoron definition of Semitic as the real one. No doubt you also see the islamonazi version of UN res 242 as the real one even though the real one does not say that Israel has to relinquish all territories occupied yesterday.
There was no David and according to the OT, he was a first degree murderer and adulterer, and possibly a homosexual. Their hero was short lived and nothing to be proud of .

On one hand you claim there was no David and on the other you claim there was. David existed, it has been proven.

And David did the same as any other politician except he also publicly admitted his faults (sins). And that is why he was a man after God's own heart.

Only in the Bible. So their make believe man was no one to be proud of.
He was indeed.....He Murdered King of the Jews Saul

Wrong. Saul died in battle, actually he fell upon his own sword. David clipped some of Saul's clothing while he slept and then showed it to Saul when he woke, to prove that he could have; but didn't murder him.

this is the murder I was referring to

14 In the morning David wrote a to Joab and sent it with Uriah. 15 In it he wrote, “Put Uriah out in front where the fighting is fiercest. Then withdraw from him so he will be struck

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