In Jerusalem, Israel now.

Yes, we know you are a Nazi supporter. And for that reason, you have zero credibility on the subject of Jews/Israel

Why does any discussion about the crimes of Zionist and the suffering of Palestininas always end with the Nazis and the suffering of Jews?
What has the violation of the international laws by the Zionists that happens TODAY to do with something that happened many, many years ago?

What recorded and actioned violations of International laws are these then ?
Two very 'informative' links Phoney...

Neither of which make any mention of Hitler being a communist!

Another big "Phat Phoney Phail"... :asshole:

WRONG as it shows that the Nazi party was left wing along the lines of communism, both links show this very clearly.

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

What a load on rubbish, cant you do any better than one persons views to substantiate the LIES

The fact they claim national socialism is nothing more than fascist nazism shows they are clueless as Nazism is a slang terms for National socialism .

And you base your 'belief' based on one word "worker"...

Nazi Germany was a fascist totalitarian state... NOT COMMUNIST!

Nazism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

Only because you don't want 1930's Germany to be seen as being allied to you neo Marxists.


Unlike you I am simply stating historical fact and providing links to prove that...

You, on the other hand, try and make up your own 'history' and then look like a complete prick when you have NOTHING to back it it!

Now Phoney, toddle off and get your meds :cuckoo::cuckoo:
WRONG as it shows that the Nazi party was left wing along the lines of communism, both links show this very clearly.

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

What a load on rubbish, cant you do any better than one persons views to substantiate the LIES

The fact they claim national socialism is nothing more than fascist nazism shows they are clueless as Nazism is a slang terms for National socialism .

And you base your 'belief' based on one word "worker"...

Nazi Germany was a fascist totalitarian state... NOT COMMUNIST!

Nazism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

Only because you don't want 1930's Germany to be seen as being allied to you neo Marxists.


Unlike you I am simply stating historical fact and providing links to prove that...

You, on the other hand, try and make up your own 'history' and then look like a complete prick when you have NOTHING to back it it!

Now Phoney, toddle off and get your meds :cuckoo::cuckoo:


What a load on rubbish, cant you do any better than one persons views to substantiate the LIES

The fact they claim national socialism is nothing more than fascist nazism shows they are clueless as Nazism is a slang terms for National socialism .

And you base your 'belief' based on one word "worker"...

Nazi Germany was a fascist totalitarian state... NOT COMMUNIST!

Nazism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

Only because you don't want 1930's Germany to be seen as being allied to you neo Marxists.


Unlike you I am simply stating historical fact and providing links to prove that...

You, on the other hand, try and make up your own 'history' and then look like a complete prick when you have NOTHING to back it it!

Now Phoney, toddle off and get your meds :cuckoo::cuckoo:




And you base your 'belief' based on one word "worker"...

Nazi Germany was a fascist totalitarian state... NOT COMMUNIST!

Nazism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth
What a load on rubbish, cant you do any better than one persons views to substantiate the LIES

The fact they claim national socialism is nothing more than fascist nazism shows they are clueless as Nazism is a slang terms for National socialism .

And you base your 'belief' based on one word "worker"...

Nazi Germany was a fascist totalitarian state... NOT COMMUNIST!

Nazism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

Only because you don't want 1930's Germany to be seen as being allied to you neo Marxists.


Unlike you I am simply stating historical fact and providing links to prove that...

You, on the other hand, try and make up your own 'history' and then look like a complete prick when you have NOTHING to back it it!

Now Phoney, toddle off and get your meds :cuckoo::cuckoo:




And you base your 'belief' based on one word "worker"...

Nazi Germany was a fascist totalitarian state... NOT COMMUNIST!

Nazism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

Link 1 states this

The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of "socialism", as an alternative to both internationalist Marxist socialism and free market capitalism. The Nazis sought to achieve this by a "people's community" (Volksgemeinschaft) with the aim of uniting all Germans as national comrades, whilst excluding those deemed either to be community aliens or of a foreign race (Fremdvölkische). It rejected the Marxist concept of class struggle, opposed ideas of class equality and international solidarity, and sought to defend private property and businesses.

All communist philosophies

Link 2 A complete adulteration of the facts trying to claim a left wing political group was turned into a right wing group by just changing its name.

Link 3 I destroyed the first time it was posted as they authors like you don't want NASDAP to be linked to communism because it highlights the failings of communism.

For the record I was a socialist and a Unionist until I saw the way that neo Marxism was heading and came to my senses. At the time ( late 1970's early 1980's ) I attended many "socialist" training camps and was told all about the evil done by the Nazis in the name of socialism that the Marxists and Stalinists wanted to wipe from the pages of history. Why do you think the neo Marxists hate the Jews so much, because they know the truth and will not hesitate to use what they know to alter the way history is viewed.
Well this is day three for me here. I am waiting for the 8:00 siren for the beginning of independence day while here at my apartment on king George st.

Today while driving through the Jordan valley the siren sounded and the car behind me and I pulled over and got out of our vehicles. Many cars with green plates kept driving, one truck with green plates got very close to me making me feel like I had to scrunch up against my car. But I have a big gut. Then four other cars with yellow plates came from the other direction and stopped as well. Wee all stood, both looking at each other and looking down.

Awesome moment for me, I was glad to be a part if it.

Another thing I posted for is I have seen plenty of black people here and none of them seemed to be being discriminated against at all. In fact I saw a very happy black Israeli couple hiking down to the Meshushim pool the other day.

I'll let you know if I find some unhappy Arabs as well. The Arab owners of my hotel in Tiberius seem to be just fine.

Gotta love the propaganda, especially when you can visit and see for oneself the lies they contain.

Enjoy your stay. I would HIGHLY advise going to the Wall it's amazing. Goto East Jerusalem also, but get a Arab guide just in case. I would HIGHLY recommend taking a trip to Mazada.
Yes the wall of demolished civilizations are so amazing. Lol. Weep jews for the evil you all have done in Yahweh's name for he will soon punish you all again for it. As usual.
Take a look a the current situation, and how it's been going on for the last 7 decades. Looks to me like it's the Palestinians who are being punished, while Israel thrives every day. Hahaha :lol:

What goes around, comes around...

Yep the Jews were knocked down for a while and now they are one of the most successful countries in the world. What goes around comes around!
Yes, we know you are a Nazi supporter. And for that reason, you have zero credibility on the subject of Jews/Israel

Why does any discussion about the crimes of Zionist and the suffering of Palestininas always end with the Nazis and the suffering of Jews?
What has the violation of the international laws by the Zionists that happens TODAY to do with something that happened many, many years ago?

You're with all of what... 98 posts here? Why do you get involved in our arguments with Penelope? keep your nose in your face, please. If you don't know the history of some posters, don't pretend to understand much about it, will you? Penelope earned every harsh treatment with long days of hard work, so no need for you do go all defensive.
Thriving at the expense of the expense of the gentiles ? Where do come up with this crap ?

Here is an interesting opinion of an Israeli woman:

Sarcastic logic that seems to ramble disjointedly.... she is what eighty plus years old?

It is a way some people speak. If you are used to hearing this it makes sense. When a stranger says it, it sounds odd and at times contradictory.

Hitler and his lot painted the jews as people that don't work but have lots of money.

In Israel you see how jews work hard to make money. How they built a nation from sand and marsh.

Silly little minds would not understand the grandmother or those of her generation that know what antisemitism is.

The wording also has to do with people who did not speak english as first language growing up, or american english. When you translate not every word is in exact order that is clear to americans.

A long with every other nation. Why do you think no one wanted them. Ruined Henry Fords reputation, and everyone who said a word about them, even the American General fighting WWII were anti Semitic and the US army according to them. What a thankless bunch of leaches.

Care to provide links for these claims ?
Read it and weep - The Power of Prejudice
right from the horses mouths.
And you base your 'belief' based on one word "worker"...

Nazi Germany was a fascist totalitarian state... NOT COMMUNIST!

Nazism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

Only because you don't want 1930's Germany to be seen as being allied to you neo Marxists.


Unlike you I am simply stating historical fact and providing links to prove that...

You, on the other hand, try and make up your own 'history' and then look like a complete prick when you have NOTHING to back it it!

Now Phoney, toddle off and get your meds :cuckoo::cuckoo:




And you base your 'belief' based on one word "worker"...

Nazi Germany was a fascist totalitarian state... NOT COMMUNIST!

Nazism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

Link 1 states this

The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of "socialism", as an alternative to both internationalist Marxist socialism and free market capitalism. The Nazis sought to achieve this by a "people's community" (Volksgemeinschaft) with the aim of uniting all Germans as national comrades, whilst excluding those deemed either to be community aliens or of a foreign race (Fremdvölkische). It rejected the Marxist concept of class struggle, opposed ideas of class equality and international solidarity, and sought to defend private property and businesses.

All communist philosophies

Link 2 A complete adulteration of the facts trying to claim a left wing political group was turned into a right wing group by just changing its name.

Link 3 I destroyed the first time it was posted as they authors like you don't want NASDAP to be linked to communism because it highlights the failings of communism.

For the record I was a socialist and a Unionist until I saw the way that neo Marxism was heading and came to my senses. At the time ( late 1970's early 1980's ) I attended many "socialist" training camps and was told all about the evil done by the Nazis in the name of socialism that the Marxists and Stalinists wanted to wipe from the pages of history. Why do you think the neo Marxists hate the Jews so much, because they know the truth and will not hesitate to use what they know to alter the way history is viewed.

National Socialism is the antithesis to communism/socialism. Not one German industry or business was taken over, unless it was owned by Jews or Slavs. And then the assets were transferred to "Aryan" owned companies. How could you have had Oskar Schindler of Schindler's list, who acquired a Polish enamel ware and munitions company in this way.

You were never a "socialist" you have always been a disgusting fascist little Englander that votes UKIP, your type are a dime a dozen in the UK.

Who do you think supported and financed Hitler (and Mussolini) in order to mitigate the power of the socialists and communist unions? It was the industrialists you fool. And who did the Nazis send to the concentration camps before they sent the Jews? The communists and the socialists you nitwit.

You are a lunatic Phoney.
He is a Christian Zionist.

The term "Christian Zionism" is an oxymoron.

How can a Christian support the Zionist crimes against Palestinian Christians?

About 30% of Palestinians were Christians, and the Palestinian Christians were overrepresented in the PLO and other resistance groups of Palestinians.

Zionists burn Bibles in Israel, they are spitting at Christians in Israel, how can a Christian support Israel and Zionism?

Christians in Jerusalem want Jews to stop spitting on them
Orthodox Jewish youths burn New Testaments in Or Yehuda

Orthodox Jewish youths burn New Testaments in Or Yehuda - Israel News Haaretz
I agree and yet they send millions via the Hagee's evangelical organization to Israel.
And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD.
Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty,7...342999,00.html

Yep, and Naftaly Frenkel looks like Hitler:

Naftaly Frenkel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He was responsible for the murder of mullions of Christians in the GULAG. They used a prisoner 3 month, and then he was not needed any more.

BTW, they never translated the last works of Solzhenitsyn into English, and the German translation now costs more than 100 Euro, because it is not reprinted.

Guess who prohibits the printing and re-printing of Solzhenitsyn's works?

Zweihundert Jahre zusammen. Die Juden in der Sowjetunion von Solschenizyn. Alexander 2003 Gebundene Ausgabe B cher
Yes, we know you are a Nazi supporter. And for that reason, you have zero credibility on the subject of Jews/Israel

Why does any discussion about the crimes of Zionist and the suffering of Palestininas always end with the Nazis and the suffering of Jews?
What has the violation of the international laws by the Zionists that happens TODAY to do with something that happened many, many years ago?

You're with all of what... 98 posts here? Why do you get involved in our arguments with Penelope? keep your nose in your face, please. If you don't know the history of some posters, don't pretend to understand much about it, will you? Penelope earned every harsh treatment with long days of hard work, so no need for you do go all defensive.
Thriving at the expense of the expense of the gentiles ? Where do come up with this crap ?

Here is an interesting opinion of an Israeli woman:

Sarcastic logic that seems to ramble disjointedly.... she is what eighty plus years old?

It is a way some people speak. If you are used to hearing this it makes sense. When a stranger says it, it sounds odd and at times contradictory.

Hitler and his lot painted the jews as people that don't work but have lots of money.

In Israel you see how jews work hard to make money. How they built a nation from sand and marsh.

Silly little minds would not understand the grandmother or those of her generation that know what antisemitism is.

The wording also has to do with people who did not speak english as first language growing up, or american english. When you translate not every word is in exact order that is clear to americans.

A long with every other nation. Why do you think no one wanted them. Ruined Henry Fords reputation, and everyone who said a word about them, even the American General fighting WWII were anti Semitic and the US army according to them. What a thankless bunch of leaches.

Care to provide links for these claims ?
Read it and weep - The Power of Prejudice
right from the horses mouths.

What is there to read, that the US was anti semitic from 1900 to the 1950's. We already knew that, and it looks like it is allowing it to rise again as it imports islamonazi terrorist sleepers
Only because you don't want 1930's Germany to be seen as being allied to you neo Marxists.


Unlike you I am simply stating historical fact and providing links to prove that...

You, on the other hand, try and make up your own 'history' and then look like a complete prick when you have NOTHING to back it it!

Now Phoney, toddle off and get your meds :cuckoo::cuckoo:




And you base your 'belief' based on one word "worker"...

Nazi Germany was a fascist totalitarian state... NOT COMMUNIST!

Nazism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

Link 1 states this

The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of "socialism", as an alternative to both internationalist Marxist socialism and free market capitalism. The Nazis sought to achieve this by a "people's community" (Volksgemeinschaft) with the aim of uniting all Germans as national comrades, whilst excluding those deemed either to be community aliens or of a foreign race (Fremdvölkische). It rejected the Marxist concept of class struggle, opposed ideas of class equality and international solidarity, and sought to defend private property and businesses.

All communist philosophies

Link 2 A complete adulteration of the facts trying to claim a left wing political group was turned into a right wing group by just changing its name.

Link 3 I destroyed the first time it was posted as they authors like you don't want NASDAP to be linked to communism because it highlights the failings of communism.

For the record I was a socialist and a Unionist until I saw the way that neo Marxism was heading and came to my senses. At the time ( late 1970's early 1980's ) I attended many "socialist" training camps and was told all about the evil done by the Nazis in the name of socialism that the Marxists and Stalinists wanted to wipe from the pages of history. Why do you think the neo Marxists hate the Jews so much, because they know the truth and will not hesitate to use what they know to alter the way history is viewed.

National Socialism is the antithesis to communism/socialism. Not one German industry or business was taken over, unless it was owned by Jews or Slavs. And then the assets were transferred to "Aryan" owned companies. How could you have had Oskar Schindler of Schindler's list, who acquired a Polish enamel ware and munitions company in this way.

You were never a "socialist" you have always been a disgusting fascist little Englander that votes UKIP, your type are a dime a dozen in the UK.

Who do you think supported and financed Hitler (and Mussolini) in order to mitigate the power of the socialists and communist unions? It was the industrialists you fool. And who did the Nazis send to the concentration camps before they sent the Jews? The communists and the socialists you nitwit.

You are a lunatic Phoney.

Look up the history of the V W beetle Abdul..............................
Well this is day three for me here. I am waiting for the 8:00 siren for the beginning of independence day while here at my apartment on king George st.

Today while driving through the Jordan valley the siren sounded and the car behind me and I pulled over and got out of our vehicles. Many cars with green plates kept driving, one truck with green plates got very close to me making me feel like I had to scrunch up against my car. But I have a big gut. Then four other cars with yellow plates came from the other direction and stopped as well. Wee all stood, both looking at each other and looking down.

Awesome moment for me, I was glad to be a part if it.

Another thing I posted for is I have seen plenty of black people here and none of them seemed to be being discriminated against at all. In fact I saw a very happy black Israeli couple hiking down to the Meshushim pool the other day.

I'll let you know if I find some unhappy Arabs as well. The Arab owners of my hotel in Tiberius seem to be just fine.

Gotta love the propaganda, especially when you can visit and see for oneself the lies they contain.

Enjoy your stay. I would HIGHLY advise going to the Wall it's amazing. Goto East Jerusalem also, but get a Arab guide just in case. I would HIGHLY recommend taking a trip to Mazada.
Yes the wall of demolished civilizations are so amazing. Lol. Weep jews for the evil you all have done in Yahweh's name for he will soon punish you all again for it. As usual.
Take a look a the current situation, and how it's been going on for the last 7 decades. Looks to me like it's the Palestinians who are being punished, while Israel thrives every day. Hahaha :lol:

What goes around, comes around...

Yep the Jews were knocked down for a while and now they are one of the most successful countries in the world. What goes around comes around!

Oh dear, they are the global government , its their love of money. Rothschild shorted the British Stock Market and made lots of money. They took over Londons Barring Brothers, (bailed them out, but we do not know what happened there really) , which caused the 1890 depression in the US and led to JP Morgan needing bailing which started the Federal Reserve. The land of Israel is a rogue state, it has nothing to do with anything except the jews global control, of which of course they want a new massive jewish temple. (Please leave God out of this) He probably never envisioned a communist world, with a one world government.
What is there to read, that the US was anti semitic from 1900 to the 1950's. We already knew that, and it looks like it is allowing it to rise again as it imports islamonazi terrorist sleepers

The term "Anti-Semitism" is a misnomer.

Ashkenazi Jews are not Semites, they are descendants of Khazars and Slavs, and these guys initiated the Zionist movement.

On the other hand, Palestinians are the real Semites, and Zionists hate these native Semites of Palestine.

So who are the real Semite-Haters, speak Anti-Semites?
And you base your 'belief' based on one word "worker"...

Nazi Germany was a fascist totalitarian state... NOT COMMUNIST!

Nazism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

Only because you don't want 1930's Germany to be seen as being allied to you neo Marxists.


Unlike you I am simply stating historical fact and providing links to prove that...

You, on the other hand, try and make up your own 'history' and then look like a complete prick when you have NOTHING to back it it!

Now Phoney, toddle off and get your meds :cuckoo::cuckoo:




And you base your 'belief' based on one word "worker"...

Nazi Germany was a fascist totalitarian state... NOT COMMUNIST!

Nazism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

Link 1 states this

The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of "socialism", as an alternative to both internationalist Marxist socialism and free market capitalism. The Nazis sought to achieve this by a "people's community" (Volksgemeinschaft) with the aim of uniting all Germans as national comrades, whilst excluding those deemed either to be community aliens or of a foreign race (Fremdvölkische). It rejected the Marxist concept of class struggle, opposed ideas of class equality and international solidarity, and sought to defend private property and businesses.

All communist philosophies

Link 2 A complete adulteration of the facts trying to claim a left wing political group was turned into a right wing group by just changing its name.

Link 3 I destroyed the first time it was posted as they authors like you don't want NASDAP to be linked to communism because it highlights the failings of communism.

For the record I was a socialist and a Unionist until I saw the way that neo Marxism was heading and came to my senses. At the time ( late 1970's early 1980's ) I attended many "socialist" training camps and was told all about the evil done by the Nazis in the name of socialism that the Marxists and Stalinists wanted to wipe from the pages of history. Why do you think the neo Marxists hate the Jews so much, because they know the truth and will not hesitate to use what they know to alter the way history is viewed.

I guess you missed this particular piece in the article Phoney....

Historians Ian Kershaw and Joachim Fest argue that in post-World War I Germany, the Nazis were one of many nationalist and fascist political parties contending for the leadership of Germany's anti-communist movement. The Nazis claimed that communism was dangerous to the well-being of nations because of its intention to dissolve private property, its support of class conflict, its aggression against the middle class, its hostility towards small businessmen, and its atheism.[191] Nazism rejected class conflict-based socialism and economic egalitarianism, favouring instead a stratified economy with social classes based on merit and talent, retaining private property, and the creation of national solidarity that transcends class distinction.[192]

During the 1920s, Hitler urged disparate Nazi factions to unite in opposition to "Jewish Marxism".[193] Hitler asserted that the "three vices" of "Jewish Marxism" were democracy, pacifism and internationalism.[194]

In 1930, Hitler said: "Our adopted term 'Socialist' has nothing to do with Marxist Socialism. Marxism is anti-property; true Socialism is not."[195] In 1942, Hitler privately said: "I absolutely insist on protecting private property ... we must encourage private initiative".[196]

During the late 1930s and the 1940s, anti-communist regimes and groups that supported Nazism included the Falange in Spain; the Vichy regime and the 33rd Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Charlemagne (1st French) in France; and in Britain the Cliveden Set, Lord Halifax, the British Union of Fascists under Sir Oswald Mosley, and associates of Neville Chamberlain.[197]

To be honest Phoney your lame attempts at word play are futile against historical evidence!

Let's see....

I have a failed socialist and unionist who insists, against ALL others, that Nazism is Communism... Cannot provide a single link to support his madness...

Or I can read what highly respected historians and authors, Sir Ian Kershaw and Joachim Fest, who have dedicated their lives to research Nazism, Nazi Germany and Adolph Hitler.... Oh and neither describe Nazism, Nazi Germany and Adolph Hitler as Communist... Quite the opposite!

Go read some history Phoney and ignore those silly voices in your head... They keep making you look like an idiot!

Unlike you I am simply stating historical fact and providing links to prove that...

You, on the other hand, try and make up your own 'history' and then look like a complete prick when you have NOTHING to back it it!

Now Phoney, toddle off and get your meds :cuckoo::cuckoo:




And you base your 'belief' based on one word "worker"...

Nazi Germany was a fascist totalitarian state... NOT COMMUNIST!

Nazism - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Nazi Germany - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Was Adolf Hitler a Socialist Debunking a Historical Myth

Link 1 states this

The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of "socialism", as an alternative to both internationalist Marxist socialism and free market capitalism. The Nazis sought to achieve this by a "people's community" (Volksgemeinschaft) with the aim of uniting all Germans as national comrades, whilst excluding those deemed either to be community aliens or of a foreign race (Fremdvölkische). It rejected the Marxist concept of class struggle, opposed ideas of class equality and international solidarity, and sought to defend private property and businesses.

All communist philosophies

Link 2 A complete adulteration of the facts trying to claim a left wing political group was turned into a right wing group by just changing its name.

Link 3 I destroyed the first time it was posted as they authors like you don't want NASDAP to be linked to communism because it highlights the failings of communism.

For the record I was a socialist and a Unionist until I saw the way that neo Marxism was heading and came to my senses. At the time ( late 1970's early 1980's ) I attended many "socialist" training camps and was told all about the evil done by the Nazis in the name of socialism that the Marxists and Stalinists wanted to wipe from the pages of history. Why do you think the neo Marxists hate the Jews so much, because they know the truth and will not hesitate to use what they know to alter the way history is viewed.

National Socialism is the antithesis to communism/socialism. Not one German industry or business was taken over, unless it was owned by Jews or Slavs. And then the assets were transferred to "Aryan" owned companies. How could you have had Oskar Schindler of Schindler's list, who acquired a Polish enamel ware and munitions company in this way.

You were never a "socialist" you have always been a disgusting fascist little Englander that votes UKIP, your type are a dime a dozen in the UK.

Who do you think supported and financed Hitler (and Mussolini) in order to mitigate the power of the socialists and communist unions? It was the industrialists you fool. And who did the Nazis send to the concentration camps before they sent the Jews? The communists and the socialists you nitwit.

You are a lunatic Phoney.

Look up the history of the V W beetle Abdul..............................

Did that years ago.... Your point being?
And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD.
Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty,7...342999,00.html

Yep, and Naftaly Frenkel looks like Hitler:

Naftaly Frenkel - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

He was responsible for the murder of mullions of Christians in the GULAG. They used a prisoner 3 month, and then he was not needed any more.

BTW, they never translated the last works of Solzhenitsyn into English, and the German translation now costs more than 100 Euro, because it is not reprinted.

Guess who prohibits the printing and re-printing of Solzhenitsyn's works?

Zweihundert Jahre zusammen. Die Juden in der Sowjetunion von Solschenizyn. Alexander 2003 Gebundene Ausgabe B cher

He sounds worst than Yagoda, if that is possible. I am sure the Zionist do, they seem to slowly be changing history, making themselves look like the good guys. Its so hard to believe anything you read, they also say they are anti the Jewish Defense League, but I'm sure they support it.
My question to you is, what does my post have to do with Palestinians at all ?

Well, this thread is about Palestinians, about Jerusalem.
What has the discussion about Palestine to do with "them Nazis"?

This thread is about Ted's nice trip to Israel, YOU pro-Palestinians decided to hijack it, for some reason. Go figure.

Well Ted is home, too bad he didn't see the Ethiopians protesting today. He is a Christian Zionist.

He shouldn't have seen that, anyway. It was no protest, but a riot. If he's so into that, he can drive all the way to Baltimore.

Of course the Pals are terrorists and the Ethiopians are rioters. This is not about the US.

Your lack of simple knowledge is tiring, and I really start to think you're either a small child, or just rarely stupid.

Yesterday dozens were injured, shops were robbed, Tel Aviv was blocked. 42 Israelis were injured, many of them innocent civilians. This is something any normal man or woman won't support. And I love the Ethiopians.

So cut the bullshit. Legal protest is legal protest. harming innocent is just aimless rioting. Get it into your thick skull.

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