In Jerusalem, Israel now.

Thriving at the expense of the expense of the gentiles ? Where do come up with this crap ?

Here is an interesting opinion of an Israeli woman:

Sarcastic logic that seems to ramble disjointedly.... she is what eighty plus years old?

It is a way some people speak. If you are used to hearing this it makes sense. When a stranger says it, it sounds odd and at times contradictory.

Hitler and his lot painted the jews as people that don't work but have lots of money.

In Israel you see how jews work hard to make money. How they built a nation from sand and marsh.

Silly little minds would not understand the grandmother or those of her generation that know what antisemitism is.

The wording also has to do with people who did not speak english as first language growing up, or american english. When you translate not every word is in exact order that is clear to americans.

This woman , although Jewish, is trying to perceive Jews as money lenders. The sad thing is, there are still demented people that believe in that crap.

They will criticize Jewish bankers for charging interest, but will ignore the fact that ALL bankers do so and that most Bankers are not Jewish . You will NEVER hear anyone criticize a non Jewish banker, that's for sure.

Don't read the translation, listen to her and then compare the way she speaks with other 80-90 yr olds.

Think about how other languages are translated, how other people speak in their own tongue.
My question to you is, what does my post have to do with Palestinians at all ?

Well, this thread is about Palestinians, about Jerusalem.
What has the discussion about Palestine to do with "them Nazis"?

This thread is about Ted's nice trip to Israel, YOU pro-Palestinians decided to hijack it, for some reason. Go figure.
Yes, we know you are a Nazi supporter. And for that reason, you have zero credibility on the subject of Jews/Israel

Why does any discussion about the crimes of Zionist and the suffering of Palestininas always end with the Nazis and the suffering of Jews?
What has the violation of the international laws by the Zionists that happens TODAY to do with something that happened many, many years ago?

You have serious reading comprehension issues. You obviously haven't read many of Penelope's posts. She herself/itself brings up Nazis all the time and how she agrees with what they did, and how the Holocaust is fake. I wasn't bringing up the Holocaust out of nowhere.

My question to you is, what does my post have to do with Palestinians at all ?

Oh wait a minute, I never bring up Hitler or the Nazis. I never would do that , as I find it so despicable , after what the German suffered during and after the war due to the Zionist jews or atheists as they were, the Red Terrors was 10X's worst than any German could hope to be, as evidenced by their behavior since invading Palestine like murderous roaches.

So when ever you bring up Nazi's and Hitler like you always do, realize they are better than than the scum Zionist running Israel and controlling the US government. Yet the Jews have the nerve to go to Germany now for the cheaper living and free college. Jews love to live off of gentiles.
My question to you is, what does my post have to do with Palestinians at all ?

Well, this thread is about Palestinians, about Jerusalem.
What has the discussion about Palestine to do with "them Nazis"?

This thread is about Ted's nice trip to Israel, YOU pro-Palestinians decided to hijack it, for some reason. Go figure.

Well Ted is home, too bad he didn't see the Ethiopians protesting today. He is a Christian Zionist.
Thriving at the expense of the expense of the gentiles ? Where do come up with this crap ?

Here is an interesting opinion of an Israeli woman:

Sarcastic logic that seems to ramble disjointedly.... she is what eighty plus years old?

It is a way some people speak. If you are used to hearing this it makes sense. When a stranger says it, it sounds odd and at times contradictory.

Hitler and his lot painted the jews as people that don't work but have lots of money.

In Israel you see how jews work hard to make money. How they built a nation from sand and marsh.

Silly little minds would not understand the grandmother or those of her generation that know what antisemitism is.

The wording also has to do with people who did not speak english as first language growing up, or american english. When you translate not every word is in exact order that is clear to americans.

Those buildings are done by immigration workers and arabs, not Zionist. They even put Druze in the front line for fighting.
Yes, we know you are a Nazi supporter. And for that reason, you have zero credibility on the subject of Jews/Israel

Why does any discussion about the crimes of Zionist and the suffering of Palestininas always end with the Nazis and the suffering of Jews?
What has the violation of the international laws by the Zionists that happens TODAY to do with something that happened many, many years ago?

You have serious reading comprehension issues. You obviously haven't read many of Penelope's posts. She herself/itself brings up Nazis all the time and how she agrees with what they did, and how the Holocaust is fake. I wasn't bringing up the Holocaust out of nowhere.

My question to you is, what does my post have to do with Palestinians at all ?

Oh wait a minute, I never bring up Hitler or the Nazis. I never would do that , as I find it so despicable , after what the German suffered during and after the war due to the Zionist jews or atheists as they were, the Red Terrors was 10X's worst than any German could hope to be, as evidenced by their behavior since invading Palestine like murderous roaches.

So when ever you bring up Nazi's and Hitler like you always do, realize they are better than than the scum Zionist running Israel and controlling the US government. Yet the Jews have the nerve to go to Germany now for the cheaper living and free college. Jews love to live off of gentiles.

LOL I rest my case!
Thriving at the expense of the expense of the gentiles ? Where do come up with this crap ?

Here is an interesting opinion of an Israeli woman:

Sarcastic logic that seems to ramble disjointedly.... she is what eighty plus years old?

It is a way some people speak. If you are used to hearing this it makes sense. When a stranger says it, it sounds odd and at times contradictory.

Hitler and his lot painted the jews as people that don't work but have lots of money.

In Israel you see how jews work hard to make money. How they built a nation from sand and marsh.

Silly little minds would not understand the grandmother or those of her generation that know what antisemitism is.

The wording also has to do with people who did not speak english as first language growing up, or american english. When you translate not every word is in exact order that is clear to americans.

A long with every other nation. Why do you think no one wanted them. Ruined Henry Fords reputation, and everyone who said a word about them, even the American General fighting WWII were anti Semitic and the US army according to them. What a thankless bunch of leaches.
Yes, we know you are a Nazi supporter. And for that reason, you have zero credibility on the subject of Jews/Israel

Why does any discussion about the crimes of Zionist and the suffering of Palestininas always end with the Nazis and the suffering of Jews?
What has the violation of the international laws by the Zionists that happens TODAY to do with something that happened many, many years ago?

You have serious reading comprehension issues. You obviously haven't read many of Penelope's posts. She herself/itself brings up Nazis all the time and how she agrees with what they did, and how the Holocaust is fake. I wasn't bringing up the Holocaust out of nowhere.

My question to you is, what does my post have to do with Palestinians at all ?

Oh wait a minute, I never bring up Hitler or the Nazis. I never would do that , as I find it so despicable , after what the German suffered during and after the war due to the Zionist jews or atheists as they were, the Red Terrors was 10X's worst than any German could hope to be, as evidenced by their behavior since invading Palestine like murderous roaches.

So when ever you bring up Nazi's and Hitler like you always do, realize they are better than than the scum Zionist running Israel and controlling the US government. Yet the Jews have the nerve to go to Germany now for the cheaper living and free college. Jews love to live off of gentiles.

LOL I rest my case!
I don't know where she gets her facts since she doesn't provide any sources. She is having pipe dreams.
Yes, we know you are a Nazi supporter. And for that reason, you have zero credibility on the subject of Jews/Israel

Why does any discussion about the crimes of Zionist and the suffering of Palestininas always end with the Nazis and the suffering of Jews?
What has the violation of the international laws by the Zionists that happens TODAY to do with something that happened many, many years ago?

You have serious reading comprehension issues. You obviously haven't read many of Penelope's posts. She herself/itself brings up Nazis all the time and how she agrees with what they did, and how the Holocaust is fake. I wasn't bringing up the Holocaust out of nowhere.

My question to you is, what does my post have to do with Palestinians at all ?

Oh wait a minute, I never bring up Hitler or the Nazis. I never would do that , as I find it so despicable , after what the German suffered during and after the war due to the Zionist jews or atheists as they were, the Red Terrors was 10X's worst than any German could hope to be, as evidenced by their behavior since invading Palestine like murderous roaches.

So when ever you bring up Nazi's and Hitler like you always do, realize they are better than than the scum Zionist running Israel and controlling the US government. Yet the Jews have the nerve to go to Germany now for the cheaper living and free college. Jews love to live off of gentiles.

LOL I rest my case!
I don't know where she gets her facts since she doesn't provide any sources. She is having pipe dreams.

Penelope is just another miserable lowlife who probably lives off welfare in a trailer park and since she is so angry , she decided to blame Jews for her problems.

Read her posts, do you think she/it has a happy life ? A good job? Nah, she's just another deadbeat who can;t stand to see Jewish people succeed in life.
Thriving at the expense of the expense of the gentiles ? Where do come up with this crap ?

Here is an interesting opinion of an Israeli woman:

Sarcastic logic that seems to ramble disjointedly.... she is what eighty plus years old?

It is a way some people speak. If you are used to hearing this it makes sense. When a stranger says it, it sounds odd and at times contradictory.

Hitler and his lot painted the jews as people that don't work but have lots of money.

In Israel you see how jews work hard to make money. How they built a nation from sand and marsh.

Silly little minds would not understand the grandmother or those of her generation that know what antisemitism is.

The wording also has to do with people who did not speak english as first language growing up, or american english. When you translate not every word is in exact order that is clear to americans.

A long with every other nation. Why do you think no one wanted them. Ruined Henry Fords reputation, and everyone who said a word about them, even the American General fighting WWII were anti Semitic and the US army according to them. What a thankless bunch of leaches.

Leeches, not leaches.

Did you even finish high school ?
Thriving at the expense of the expense of the gentiles ? Where do come up with this crap ?

Here is an interesting opinion of an Israeli woman:

Sarcastic logic that seems to ramble disjointedly.... she is what eighty plus years old?

It is a way some people speak. If you are used to hearing this it makes sense. When a stranger says it, it sounds odd and at times contradictory.

Hitler and his lot painted the jews as people that don't work but have lots of money.

In Israel you see how jews work hard to make money. How they built a nation from sand and marsh.

Silly little minds would not understand the grandmother or those of her generation that know what antisemitism is.

The wording also has to do with people who did not speak english as first language growing up, or american english. When you translate not every word is in exact order that is clear to americans.

A long with every other nation. Why do you think no one wanted them. Ruined Henry Fords reputation, and everyone who said a word about them, even the American General fighting WWII were anti Semitic and the US army according to them. What a thankless bunch of leaches.

But ya love 'em anyway, don'tcha Snookums?
Thriving at the expense of the expense of the gentiles ? Where do come up with this crap ?

Here is an interesting opinion of an Israeli woman:

Sarcastic logic that seems to ramble disjointedly.... she is what eighty plus years old?

It is a way some people speak. If you are used to hearing this it makes sense. When a stranger says it, it sounds odd and at times contradictory.

Hitler and his lot painted the jews as people that don't work but have lots of money.

In Israel you see how jews work hard to make money. How they built a nation from sand and marsh.

Silly little minds would not understand the grandmother or those of her generation that know what antisemitism is.

The wording also has to do with people who did not speak english as first language growing up, or american english. When you translate not every word is in exact order that is clear to americans.

A long with every other nation. Why do you think no one wanted them. Ruined Henry Fords reputation, and everyone who said a word about them, even the American General fighting WWII were anti Semitic and the US army according to them. What a thankless bunch of leaches.

Care to provide links for these claims ?
BTW Penelope, you say the red terror was worse then what the Nazis did .

The number killed by Red terror is between 50 000 - 2 000 000, a TINY fraction of the people Hitler killed.

How is it possible for someone to be so dumb? It's amazing that you even manage to use a computer.
BTW Penelope, you say the red terror was worse then what the Nazis did .

The number killed by Red terror is between 50 000 - 2 000 000, a TINY fraction of the people Hitler killed.

How is it possible for someone to be so dumb? It's amazing that you even manage to use a computer.

And us, the Jews? An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name "Genrikh Yagoda," the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU's deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD.
Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin's collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system. After Stalin no longer viewed him favorably, Yagoda was demoted and executed, and was replaced as chief hangman in 1936 by Yezhov, the "bloodthirsty,7...342999,00.html

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