In Just Two Short Years, America Is No Longer The Most Powerful Country

Here is 2021, you can google 2022 or 2023, or are you helpless?

2021 Federal Budget
Outlays $4.88T
Receipts $3.86T
Deficit $1.02T

Discretionary Spending
Defense $753b
Non-defense $733b
Total $1.49T

Mandatory Spending
Social Security $1,115b
Medicare 746b
Medicaid 452b
Other 660b
Interest on Debt 379b
Total $3.39T

Other $660Billion: pensions, trips, parties, seminars, staffing, salaries, training, lawyers. This is the fund they use to get rich aftrer very short time living it up "working" in GOVT. Sickening.
1. Past history and current threat

2. Lets face it, Russia has depleted its military power and it will take decades to rebuild it.

3. China is only a threat to Taiwan and it lacks the Naval strength and capability to launch an amphibious invasion. US support would be Naval and air with limited Army and Marines on the ground
1. Biden is undoubtedly the weakest US president in history. And that’s saying a lot considering we had Carter.

2. Sure, Russia is weakened from Ukraine, but China stepping up their support will fill that gap. And, you don’t think we have depleted ourselves?

“In the aftermath of the Biden administration pledging nearly $3 billion in new US military aid to Ukraine, a new report suggests that the US military has significantly depleted its ammunition stores in six months of the war in Europe. The reserves of some of the munitions for the US Army are now "uncomfortably low," US defence officials have told The Wall Street Journal. They also fear that the military's readiness for unexpected threats could be hampered by the shortage of weaponry and munitions.”

3. If you truly believe that you’re nuts…

“In 2018, Chinese President Xi Jinping donned military fatigues and boarded a People’s Liberation Army Navy destroyer in the South China Sea.

Spread out before him that April day was the largest flotilla Communist-ruled China had ever put to sea at one time, 48 ships, dozens of fighter jets, more than 10,000 military personnel.

By at least one measurement, Xi’s plan has worked. At some point between 2015 and today, China has assembled the world’s largest naval force. And now it’s working to make it formidable far from its shores.”

So, youre just flat out wrong.
Biden is undoubtedly the weakest US president in history.

As far as I had to read

Biden building a global coalition to contain Russia is anything but weak
Making it clear to China that the US will defend Taiwan is anything but weak
Nothing has ever been enough...

Who is outspending us?
The only country that worries me is china

And they dont have to worry about s 2 front war

We do

If you dont want to see American sons slaughtered likd cattle dont skimp on the military
China does own him, bought and paid for.
China can bide their time until the US Debt hits US readiness.

Can you show any payments made from China to Biden or any special favors Biden has offered China?

Biden supporting Taiwan pissed off China you know
The only country that worries me is china

And they dont have to worry about s 2 front war

We do

If you dont want to see American sons slaughtered likd cattle dont skimp on the military one is outspending's not even close.

And we're unlikely to fight a "2 front war" unless we go somewhere and initiate it.
As far as I had to read

Biden building a global coalition to contain Russia is anything but weak
Making it clear to China that the US will defend Taiwan is anything but weak
"Germany and America are dear friends. Friends tell each other the truth. And the truth is that Germany is not pulling its weight against Russia.

During his recent visit to the United States, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised that his country would soon begin spending 2% of its annual budget on defense.

Not only has Germany been slow to pull out its pocketbook, but it appears to be in no rush to send weapons, either. Germany delayed sending its Leopard 2 tanks to Ukraine for weeks while haggling with the Biden administration. Scholz would only agree to send the tanks if the United States first committed to sending its M1 Abrams."

As usual Germany wants us to bear the brunt of this aid....

And France is pathetic as well...

"France — western Europe’s other great military power — has decided against launching a mass training scheme of Ukrainian soldiers, an adviser to the French Defense Minister Sébastien Lecornu said, in line with French President Emmanuel Macron’s “wish to remain a ‘balancing power.’”

As for Taiwan, the WSJ states flat out....

"The U.S. is unprepared for such a crisis."

So, it seems you just don't know what you're talking about, and neither does Joe, which is even more dangerous.
China does own him, bought and paid for.
China can bide their time until the US Debt hits US readiness.
Which at the rate which Biden is depleting our weaponry, by sending it to Ukraine, while letting Europe sit back and watch us bleed, is a disaster...
Which at the rate which Biden is depleting our weaponry, by sending it to Ukraine, while letting Europe sit back and watch us bleed, is a disaster...

How about the asshole selling off the petro reserve?

We are so much weaker. Its so sad.

How about the asshole selling off the petro reserve?

We are so much weaker. Its so sad.

That's all part of the deal he has with China....Millions to his family and all.... one is outspending's not even close.

And we're unlikely to fight a "2 front war" unless we go somewhere and initiate it.
I disagree

War with china in the Taiwan Straights might ignite wider wars in eastern europe and the middle east

Always plan for the worst

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