In NC, of 6,947,317 Ballots Cast in 2012, just 121 were questioned

I have a question for those who are so adamant that voter I.D. laws will suppress the minority vote what facts or evidence do you have to support that claim? Please keep in mind opinions are neither facts or evidence.
and if the election was decided by 120 votes---------------------------?

And if the Captain of the football team were to rape your grand daughter?


I would probably kill him, but as usual you resort to stupid analogies rather than admit that your position on this is illogical and flawed.

If there was an election that was decided by 120 votes and there were 121 fraudulent votes------can you say Franken.

No, son, it's called 'killing a fly with a cannon'

Would you suggest we put the entire football team in jail so one of them couldn't rape your granddaughter?


Widespread voter fraud not an issue in NC, data shows

In 2012, nearly 7 million ballots were cast; of those, the state Board of Elections said 121 alleged cases of voter fraud were referred to the appropriate district attorney's office. (AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis)In 2012, nearly 7 million ballots were cast; of those, the state Board of Elections said 121 alleged cases of voter fraud were referred to the appropriate district attorney's office. (AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis)

One of the more compelling arguments for voter identification is the suppression of voter fraud. But for North Carolina, the number of cases of voter fraud reported by the state Board of Elections is minimal.

In 2012, nearly 7 million ballots were cast in the general and two primary elections. Of those 6,947,317 ballots, the state Board of Elections said 121 alleged cases of voter fraud were referred to the appropriate district attorney's office.

That means of the nearly 7 million votes cast, voter fraud accounted for 0.00174 percent of the ballots.

Widespread voter fraud not an issue in NC, data shows - WNCN: News, Weather for Raleigh. Durham, Fayetteville

One Vote Can Make a Difference

So let's kill millions of legal votes to make sure we don't have one illegal vote.

Tea party thinking ..... as long as they are minority votes for the Democrat, why not?

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United States Senate election in New Hampshire, 1974.....0.00%..........................2
Indiana's 8th congressional district, 1984........................ 0.00%..........................4
Massachusetts gubernatorial election, 1839.....................0.00%.......................... 2
Texas Senatorial Democratic Primary Runoff, 1948...........0.01%..........................87
United States presidential election in Florida, 2000 ...........0.01%.......................... 537
Alaska House of Representatives District 7, 2008............0.00997%..........................1
United States presidential election, 1832, Maryland ..........0.01%..........................4
United States Senate election in Minnesota, 2008.............0.01%.......................... 312
Connecticut's 2nd congressional district, 1994..................0.01% ..........................21
Attorney General of Virginia election, 2005....................... 0.02%.......................... 323
Oklahoma state elections, 2006 .........................................0.02%..........................2
United States presidential election, 1904, Maryland ............0.02%.......................... 51
United States presidential election, 1912, California............0.03%.......................... 174
United States presidential election, 2012; Iowa ................0.03%.......................... 34
United States Senate election in Nevada, 1964..................0.04%.......................... 48
Ohio Attorney General election, 1990................................0.04% ..........................1,234
Montana House of Representatives district 12 ...................0.05%.......................... 2
United States presidential election, 1892, California ............0.05%.......................... 147
Lakeview Local Schools tax levy, Ohio, 2010 ....................0.06%.......................... 2
U.S. presidential election, 2000, New Mexico electoral votes...............0.06%............366
United States presidential election, 1896, Kentucky electoral votes......0.06%............277
United States presidential election, 1960, Hawaii electoral votes.........0.06%............115
United States presidential election, 1916, New Hampshire .................0.06%............56
Ohio Senate 14th District Republican primary election, 2004..............0.07%............22
Colorado 7th Congressional district election, 2002 ............................0.07%............121
North Carolina State Agriculture Commissioner election, 2004............0.07%............2,353
Washington United States Senate election, 2000.............................. 0.09%............2,229
United States presidential election, 1884, New York electoral votes.....0.10%............ 1,149

Widespread voter fraud not an issue in NC, data shows

In 2012, nearly 7 million ballots were cast; of those, the state Board of Elections said 121 alleged cases of voter fraud were referred to the appropriate district attorney's office. (AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis)In 2012, nearly 7 million ballots were cast; of those, the state Board of Elections said 121 alleged cases of voter fraud were referred to the appropriate district attorney's office. (AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis)

One of the more compelling arguments for voter identification is the suppression of voter fraud. But for North Carolina, the number of cases of voter fraud reported by the state Board of Elections is minimal.

In 2012, nearly 7 million ballots were cast in the general and two primary elections. Of those 6,947,317 ballots, the state Board of Elections said 121 alleged cases of voter fraud were referred to the appropriate district attorney's office.

That means of the nearly 7 million votes cast, voter fraud accounted for 0.00174 percent of the ballots.

Widespread voter fraud not an issue in NC, data shows - WNCN: News, Weather for Raleigh. Durham, Fayetteville

I know you're going to struggle with understanding this but let's do some math. I will round the numbers off to make it easier to follow.

According to your article 7 million votes were cast.

The entire population of NC is 9.8 million.

The eligible voters in NC is 7.5 million. North Carolina State Board of Elections

The national average of voter turn out was 54% of eligible voters. National Voter Turnout in Federal Elections: 1960?2010 |

That pretty much means NC must have had some crazy f*cking turn out in 2012. Like 94%!

So the votes registered equaled 94% of the eligible voters in the state when the national average tells us there should have only been 4.1 million votes to begin with.

Out of those 7 million votes only 121 were deemed fraudulent? What about the other 3 million that shouldn't be there? Where the f*ck did those votes come from?
Its never been about voter fraud.

Its about cheating to win and that's all the GObP has left.
Its never been about voter fraud.

Its about cheating to win and that's all the GObP has left.

Well if that's the case you should be all about voter ID. That's going to expand your victories by taking away the conservative fraud right? If the real cheaters are in the GOP why are you p*ssing yourself over laws that limit that cheating? I'm pretty sure I know the real reason why.
Good lord folks;

Just make the voter registration card a picture ID and you don't have to worry about submitting anything other than what you have to submit now.

It's not that difficult.
No one has ever been dumb enough to try and steal an election by having the wrong people vote for registered voters. So stupid. Just a transparent power grab by scumbag Pubs.

Widespread voter fraud not an issue in NC, data shows

In 2012, nearly 7 million ballots were cast; of those, the state Board of Elections said 121 alleged cases of voter fraud were referred to the appropriate district attorney's office. (AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis)In 2012, nearly 7 million ballots were cast; of those, the state Board of Elections said 121 alleged cases of voter fraud were referred to the appropriate district attorney's office. (AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis)

One of the more compelling arguments for voter identification is the suppression of voter fraud. But for North Carolina, the number of cases of voter fraud reported by the state Board of Elections is minimal.

In 2012, nearly 7 million ballots were cast in the general and two primary elections. Of those 6,947,317 ballots, the state Board of Elections said 121 alleged cases of voter fraud were referred to the appropriate district attorney's office.

That means of the nearly 7 million votes cast, voter fraud accounted for 0.00174 percent of the ballots.

Widespread voter fraud not an issue in NC, data shows - WNCN: News, Weather for Raleigh. Durham, Fayetteville

I know you're going to struggle with understanding this but let's do some math. I will round the numbers off to make it easier to follow.

According to your article 7 million votes were cast.

The entire population of NC is 9.8 million.

The eligible voters in NC is 7.5 million. North Carolina State Board of Elections

The national average of voter turn out was 54% of eligible voters. National Voter Turnout in Federal Elections: 1960?2010 |

That pretty much means NC must have had some crazy f*cking turn out in 2012. Like 94%!

So the votes registered equaled 94% of the eligible voters in the state when the national average tells us there should have only been 4.1 million votes to begin with.

Out of those 7 million votes only 121 were deemed fraudulent? What about the other 3 million that shouldn't be there? Where the f*ck did those votes come from?

Not sure if the OP is talking about the 2012 General Election but Wikipedia shows the amount of votes cast as 4,505,372 United States presidential election, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No one has ever been dumb enough to try and steal an election by having the wrong people vote for registered voters. So stupid. Just a transparent power grab by scumbag Pubs.

I disagree, the elections should be as sterile as possible; a free Photo based voter registration card will help.
Voter registration card? We should be trying to make voting as easy as possible, but scumbag Pubs are always trying to pull a fast one. They're great at it, eh, hater dupes?
Voter registration card? We should be trying to make voting as easy as possible, but scumbag Pubs are always trying to pull a fast one. They're great at it, eh, hater dupes?

Every state I have lived in required you to register to vote. This would not be an additional requirement at least in those states. Are there other states that do not require you to be registered to vote?

Widespread voter fraud not an issue in NC, data shows

In 2012, nearly 7 million ballots were cast; of those, the state Board of Elections said 121 alleged cases of voter fraud were referred to the appropriate district attorney's office. (AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis)In 2012, nearly 7 million ballots were cast; of those, the state Board of Elections said 121 alleged cases of voter fraud were referred to the appropriate district attorney's office. (AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis)

One of the more compelling arguments for voter identification is the suppression of voter fraud. But for North Carolina, the number of cases of voter fraud reported by the state Board of Elections is minimal.

In 2012, nearly 7 million ballots were cast in the general and two primary elections. Of those 6,947,317 ballots, the state Board of Elections said 121 alleged cases of voter fraud were referred to the appropriate district attorney's office.

That means of the nearly 7 million votes cast, voter fraud accounted for 0.00174 percent of the ballots.

Widespread voter fraud not an issue in NC, data shows - WNCN: News, Weather for Raleigh. Durham, Fayetteville

I know you're going to struggle with understanding this but let's do some math. I will round the numbers off to make it easier to follow.

According to your article 7 million votes were cast.

The entire population of NC is 9.8 million.

The eligible voters in NC is 7.5 million. North Carolina State Board of Elections

The national average of voter turn out was 54% of eligible voters. National Voter Turnout in Federal Elections: 1960?2010 |

That pretty much means NC must have had some crazy f*cking turn out in 2012. Like 94%!

So the votes registered equaled 94% of the eligible voters in the state when the national average tells us there should have only been 4.1 million votes to begin with.

Out of those 7 million votes only 121 were deemed fraudulent? What about the other 3 million that shouldn't be there? Where the f*ck did those votes come from?

Not sure if the OP is talking about the 2012 General Election but Wikipedia shows the amount of votes cast as 4,505,372 United States presidential election, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well the first two words of his post were "In 2012" so...

Even in your link we have 400k votes that never should have been there by my math. Where did those votes come from?
If they do anything, it should be for future voters only. Old people who've been voting for years should have to do NOTHING. But this is all just Pub fear mongering hysteria and dupe ignorance, and a power grab to stop the poor, the elderly, and the young from voting. A-hole Pubs and silly dupes. Like the gerrymandering that won Pubs the house though they got less votes. First time ever. Pubs suq, period.
I know you're going to struggle with understanding this but let's do some math. I will round the numbers off to make it easier to follow.

According to your article 7 million votes were cast.

The entire population of NC is 9.8 million.

The eligible voters in NC is 7.5 million. North Carolina State Board of Elections

The national average of voter turn out was 54% of eligible voters. National Voter Turnout in Federal Elections: 1960?2010 |

That pretty much means NC must have had some crazy f*cking turn out in 2012. Like 94%!

So the votes registered equaled 94% of the eligible voters in the state when the national average tells us there should have only been 4.1 million votes to begin with.

Out of those 7 million votes only 121 were deemed fraudulent? What about the other 3 million that shouldn't be there? Where the f*ck did those votes come from?

Not sure if the OP is talking about the 2012 General Election but Wikipedia shows the amount of votes cast as 4,505,372 United States presidential election, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well the first two words of his post were "In 2012" so...

Even in your link we have 400k votes that never should have been there by my math. Where did those votes come from?

You should take into account that NC was one of the 11 or 12 states where campaigning took place. Your source goes back to 1960. Basically this hyper-targeting and sacrificing of large swaths of the country really only took root, maybe in 1992. Turnout should be higher in NC this year than it was in previous years since it was thought to be up for grabs. 400,000 votes out of a population of 9.5 million is what; about 4%. Not a huge number regardless.

If it were rigged, Obama didn't do a very good job (Romney won NC--his only victory).
A0 Your math suqs.
Of course everyone has to register, but I've never heard of a registration card.

You never heard of a voter registration card? Really? Wow.

Yeah, you get these cards and you have to show them to vote--this is where they get the list that they are SUPPOSED to be comparing your name to when you show up.
Not sure if the OP is talking about the 2012 General Election but Wikipedia shows the amount of votes cast as 4,505,372 United States presidential election, 2012 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Well the first two words of his post were "In 2012" so...

Even in your link we have 400k votes that never should have been there by my math. Where did those votes come from?

You should take into account that NC was one of the 11 or 12 states where campaigning took place. Your source goes back to 1960. Basically this hyper-targeting and sacrificing of large swaths of the country really only took root, maybe in 1992. Turnout should be higher in NC this year than it was in previous years since it was thought to be up for grabs. 400,000 votes out of a population of 9.5 million is what; about 4%. Not a huge number regardless.

If it were rigged, Obama didn't do a very good job (Romney won NC--his only victory).

Read the links I provided, all of them and my calculations used 2012 numbers.
If they do anything, it should be for future voters only. Old people who've been voting for years should have to do NOTHING. But this is all just Pub fear mongering hysteria and dupe ignorance, and a power grab to stop the poor, the elderly, and the young from voting. A-hole Pubs and silly dupes. Like the gerrymandering that won Pubs the house though they got less votes. First time ever. Pubs suq, period.


There should be one card that is uniform across 50 states, one set of standards, one ballot/voting machine that is standardized, and yes if you want to vote, you should have to register for your free picture voter registration card and have to present it to vote. Otherwise, why register?

If the Dems are reliant upon a group that can't muster the chutzpah to do the most basic tenant of citizenry; they deserve to lose.

It would really help the country on the whole if each party were to stop being enablers to their whacky demographics. We had 10,000 more gun deaths (i.e. homicides) than the UK did in 2007. That should tell you that they are doing something right and we are doing something wrong. That we have a political party crying foul over trying to make sure registered voters are the ones casting ballots is just as whacky (not as lethal I'll grant you) but it's a silly-assed lenght you guys are going to in an attempt to throw out every possible excuse. Are there parts of Rhode Island where the technology of photography hasn't reached--is that going to be the next excuse?

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