In NC, of 6,947,317 Ballots Cast in 2012, just 121 were questioned

There is no down side to voter ID

That's true, but there is a huge down side to requiring a voter ID, then blocking millions of minority voters from obtaining a voter ID.

Therein lies the Constitutional failure of Republicans who keep trying.


Why do you insist on calling minorities stupid?

You misread, I called the tea party white trash rednecks stupid.

You missed that?

That's true, but there is a huge down side to requiring a voter ID, then blocking millions of minority voters from obtaining a voter ID.

Therein lies the Constitutional failure of Republicans who keep trying.


Why do you insist on calling minorities stupid?

You misread, I called the tea party white trash rednecks stupid.

You missed that?


obama supporters are lazy ass takers never contributing garbage
That's true, but there is a huge down side to requiring a voter ID, then blocking millions of minority voters from obtaining a voter ID.

Therein lies the Constitutional failure of Republicans who keep trying.


Why do you insist on calling minorities stupid?

You misread, I called the tea party white trash rednecks stupid.

You missed that?


Funny...I've had zero problems obtaining an ID and keeping one. Why do you insist on demeaning minorities?
He's not telling you the details of Washington State because they're all bogus.

I, like you, don't necessarily have a problem with requiring that people present ID to vote even though it's not really needed. Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem.

There are many, many, many more effective ways to combat election fraud that doesn't put undue burden on the voter and yes, sometimes requiring state issued photo ID is an undue burden.

There will come a point where less than 1% of the populace doesn't have a photo ID, but we're not there yet. As long as we aren't, we are unnecessarily disenfranchising voters to stop something that simply isn't happening. You're more likely to experience an Elvis sighting than in-person voter fraud.

Real time statewide databases and electronic pollbooks are much more effective at combating fraud than requiring everyone show their papers each time they vote.

just one question: how do those people that you claim have no form of ID buy booze, register for welfare, register for food stamps, register for medicare and medicaid, register to vote, get treatment at an ER or free clinic?

your argument is bogus and you know it. The dems fight voter ID laws because they need the fraudulent votes in order to win.

And there you have it folks! The republicans can not win a presidential election, not because they have terrible candidates. Not because they are out of touch with the voters. Not because they are obstructionists. Not because their platform sucks. Not because they have offended all minorities and women. Not because of their position of social issues. Not because they offer no solutions to national problems. NO! Republicans can not win a presidential election because of voter fraud!

I guess you slept through the election of 2010. Every american should be against voter fraud and should support all measures to prevent it.

But since you dodged the question with your stupid rant, how do all those millions of poor people that you claim have no ID register for and receive all forms of govt handouts? how do they buy booze and smokes?

you lefties claim that there are 30 million of them------are none of them on welfare, getting food stamps, on medicaid or medicare? Really???? You guys look dumber with each new post on this topic.
That's true, but there is a huge down side to requiring a voter ID, then blocking millions of minority voters from obtaining a voter ID.

Therein lies the Constitutional failure of Republicans who keep trying.


Why do you insist on calling minorities stupid?

You misread, I called the tea party white trash rednecks stupid.

You missed that?


are Herman Cain and Alan West white trash rednecks?

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