In NC, of 6,947,317 Ballots Cast in 2012, just 121 were questioned

Again, if you eliminated all fraud (intentional and otherwise) it would equal out across the nation.

You're welcome?

As I detailed above?

How many recounts did Washington state perform before they managed to get the outcome they wanted?

Washington State...I am assuming you have something you're just dying to tell us so I'll turn the floor over to you. Good night.
Why? I've beaten this argument to death.. There is no down side to voter ID, and if you have to contort that hard to prove that it isn't needed, then I have to conclude that if widespread voter fraud was discovered, you'd only be against it if it harmed democrats.

have a good morning.

Nobody knows what you're talking about with Washington State so I thought you were going to inform us all on it.

I'm 100% with you on voter ID but I think we should just have a nationally standardized state Voter ID card that has a picture on it that will eliminate all of this icessant lame bitching by those on the left about having to carry 2 forms of ID--the card and a photo ID. This takes care of it.

In no way did I say it would hurt democrats. Rather, I think it would hurt republicans more since, frankly older voters are more prone to memorly lapses and letting things expire (I credential our medical professionals and the older ones are the ones whom I need to inform of pending and expired licenses almost on a monthly basis).
Again, if you eliminated all fraud (intentional and otherwise) it would equal out across the nation.

You're welcome?

As I detailed above?

Washington State...I am assuming you have something you're just dying to tell us so I'll turn the floor over to you. Good night.
Why? I've beaten this argument to death.. There is no down side to voter ID, and if you have to contort that hard to prove that it isn't needed, then I have to conclude that if widespread voter fraud was discovered, you'd only be against it if it harmed democrats.

have a good morning.

Nobody knows what you're talking about with Washington State so I thought you were going to inform us all on it.

I'm 100% with you on voter ID but I think we should just have a nationally standardized state Voter ID card that has a picture on it that will eliminate all of this icessant lame bitching by those on the left about having to carry 2 forms of ID--the card and a photo ID. This takes care of it.

In no way did I say it would hurt democrats. Rather, I think it would hurt republicans more since, frankly older voters are more prone to memorly lapses and letting things expire (I credential our medical professionals and the older ones are the ones whom I need to inform of pending and expired licenses almost on a monthly basis).

He's not telling you the details of Washington State because they're all bogus.

I, like you, don't necessarily have a problem with requiring that people present ID to vote even though it's not really needed. Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem.

There are many, many, many more effective ways to combat election fraud that doesn't put undue burden on the voter and yes, sometimes requiring state issued photo ID is an undue burden.

There will come a point where less than 1% of the populace doesn't have a photo ID, but we're not there yet. As long as we aren't, we are unnecessarily disenfranchising voters to stop something that simply isn't happening. You're more likely to experience an Elvis sighting than in-person voter fraud.

Real time statewide databases and electronic pollbooks are much more effective at combating fraud than requiring everyone show their papers each time they vote.
Why? I've beaten this argument to death.. There is no down side to voter ID, and if you have to contort that hard to prove that it isn't needed, then I have to conclude that if widespread voter fraud was discovered, you'd only be against it if it harmed democrats.

have a good morning.

Nobody knows what you're talking about with Washington State so I thought you were going to inform us all on it.

I'm 100% with you on voter ID but I think we should just have a nationally standardized state Voter ID card that has a picture on it that will eliminate all of this icessant lame bitching by those on the left about having to carry 2 forms of ID--the card and a photo ID. This takes care of it.

In no way did I say it would hurt democrats. Rather, I think it would hurt republicans more since, frankly older voters are more prone to memorly lapses and letting things expire (I credential our medical professionals and the older ones are the ones whom I need to inform of pending and expired licenses almost on a monthly basis).

He's not telling you the details of Washington State because they're all bogus.

I, like you, don't necessarily have a problem with requiring that people present ID to vote even though it's not really needed. Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem.

There are many, many, many more effective ways to combat election fraud that doesn't put undue burden on the voter and yes, sometimes requiring state issued photo ID is an undue burden.

There will come a point where less than 1% of the populace doesn't have a photo ID, but we're not there yet. As long as we aren't, we are unnecessarily disenfranchising voters to stop something that simply isn't happening. You're more likely to experience an Elvis sighting than in-person voter fraud.

Real time statewide databases and electronic pollbooks are much more effective at combating fraud than requiring everyone show their papers each time they vote.

just one question: how do those people that you claim have no form of ID buy booze, register for welfare, register for food stamps, register for medicare and medicaid, register to vote, get treatment at an ER or free clinic?

your argument is bogus and you know it. The dems fight voter ID laws because they need the fraudulent votes in order to win.
Nobody knows what you're talking about with Washington State so I thought you were going to inform us all on it.

I'm 100% with you on voter ID but I think we should just have a nationally standardized state Voter ID card that has a picture on it that will eliminate all of this icessant lame bitching by those on the left about having to carry 2 forms of ID--the card and a photo ID. This takes care of it.

In no way did I say it would hurt democrats. Rather, I think it would hurt republicans more since, frankly older voters are more prone to memorly lapses and letting things expire (I credential our medical professionals and the older ones are the ones whom I need to inform of pending and expired licenses almost on a monthly basis).

He's not telling you the details of Washington State because they're all bogus.

I, like you, don't necessarily have a problem with requiring that people present ID to vote even though it's not really needed. Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem.

There are many, many, many more effective ways to combat election fraud that doesn't put undue burden on the voter and yes, sometimes requiring state issued photo ID is an undue burden.

There will come a point where less than 1% of the populace doesn't have a photo ID, but we're not there yet. As long as we aren't, we are unnecessarily disenfranchising voters to stop something that simply isn't happening. You're more likely to experience an Elvis sighting than in-person voter fraud.

Real time statewide databases and electronic pollbooks are much more effective at combating fraud than requiring everyone show their papers each time they vote.

just one question: how do those people that you claim have no form of ID buy booze, register for welfare, register for food stamps, register for medicare and medicaid, register to vote, get treatment at an ER or free clinic?

your argument is bogus and you know it. The dems fight voter ID laws because they need the fraudulent votes in order to win.

Do you realize that the ID required to do many of those things does not necessarily have to be a state issued photo ID? If my name or residence address hasn't been updated on my DL, I'm not prevented from purchasing a pack of smokes. Most of the restrictive ID states require a current, state issued photo ID...something 11% of the populace doesn't have...most of whom are poor, minorities or old people.

Republicans only care about voter ID to attempt to keep brown people from voting.
Nobody knows what you're talking about with Washington State so I thought you were going to inform us all on it.

I'm 100% with you on voter ID but I think we should just have a nationally standardized state Voter ID card that has a picture on it that will eliminate all of this icessant lame bitching by those on the left about having to carry 2 forms of ID--the card and a photo ID. This takes care of it.

In no way did I say it would hurt democrats. Rather, I think it would hurt republicans more since, frankly older voters are more prone to memorly lapses and letting things expire (I credential our medical professionals and the older ones are the ones whom I need to inform of pending and expired licenses almost on a monthly basis).

He's not telling you the details of Washington State because they're all bogus.

I, like you, don't necessarily have a problem with requiring that people present ID to vote even though it's not really needed. Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem.

There are many, many, many more effective ways to combat election fraud that doesn't put undue burden on the voter and yes, sometimes requiring state issued photo ID is an undue burden.

There will come a point where less than 1% of the populace doesn't have a photo ID, but we're not there yet. As long as we aren't, we are unnecessarily disenfranchising voters to stop something that simply isn't happening. You're more likely to experience an Elvis sighting than in-person voter fraud.

Real time statewide databases and electronic pollbooks are much more effective at combating fraud than requiring everyone show their papers each time they vote.

just one question: how do those people that you claim have no form of ID buy booze, register for welfare, register for food stamps, register for medicare and medicaid, register to vote, get treatment at an ER or free clinic?

your argument is bogus and you know it. The dems fight voter ID laws because they need the fraudulent votes in order to win.


ACORN, the Stuttering Clusterfukk's former group, was guilty of FELONY Voter Registration fraud in Nevada and has since disbanded.

Of the 1.4 Million Registration they turned in, fully 40% were fraudulent and without Voter ID, there is NO WAY to tell how many votes were actually cast using those phony Registrations.

No way to tell.

Not only ACORN was busted and driven out of business, but charges were filed against La Raza (you should look up what that means in Spanish) and other dimocrap scum GOTV organizations.

In Florida just a couple weeks ago, a dimocrap scum Rep's Top Staffer had to resign because..... Because he got caught.

Top staffer for Florida Democratic Rep. Garcia resigns amid voting fraud probe | Fox News

Authorities are investigating a sophisticated scheme to manipulate last year's primary elections by submitting hundreds of fraudulent absentee-ballot requests.
Garcia won the primary and later defeated incumbent Republican David Rivera in the general election.

To dimocraps, it only counts if you get caught.

dimocraps are some cheating motherfuckers.

dimocraps lie, they cheat, they steal, they are dishonest, back-stabbing, power-hungry totalitarian scumbags that need to be eliminated as a political party in its entirety.

Like the Nazis, the entire party should be made illegal
He's not telling you the details of Washington State because they're all bogus.

I, like you, don't necessarily have a problem with requiring that people present ID to vote even though it's not really needed. Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem.

There are many, many, many more effective ways to combat election fraud that doesn't put undue burden on the voter and yes, sometimes requiring state issued photo ID is an undue burden.

There will come a point where less than 1% of the populace doesn't have a photo ID, but we're not there yet. As long as we aren't, we are unnecessarily disenfranchising voters to stop something that simply isn't happening. You're more likely to experience an Elvis sighting than in-person voter fraud.

Real time statewide databases and electronic pollbooks are much more effective at combating fraud than requiring everyone show their papers each time they vote.

just one question: how do those people that you claim have no form of ID buy booze, register for welfare, register for food stamps, register for medicare and medicaid, register to vote, get treatment at an ER or free clinic?

your argument is bogus and you know it. The dems fight voter ID laws because they need the fraudulent votes in order to win.

Do you realize that the ID required to do many of those things does not necessarily have to be a state issued photo ID? If my name or residence address hasn't been updated on my DL, I'm not prevented from purchasing a pack of smokes. Most of the restrictive ID states require a current, state issued photo ID...something 11% of the populace doesn't have...most of whom are poor, minorities or old people.

Republicans only care about voter ID to attempt to keep brown people from voting.

just one question: how do those people that you claim have no form of ID buy booze, register for welfare, register for food stamps, register for medicare and medicaid, register to vote, get treatment at an ER or free clinic?

your argument is bogus and you know it. The dems fight voter ID laws because they need the fraudulent votes in order to win.

Do you realize that the ID required to do many of those things does not necessarily have to be a state issued photo ID? If my name or residence address hasn't been updated on my DL, I'm not prevented from purchasing a pack of smokes. Most of the restrictive ID states require a current, state issued photo ID...something 11% of the populace doesn't have...most of whom are poor, minorities or old people.

Republicans only care about voter ID to attempt to keep brown people from voting.


Nope, true shit. Truer than your claim that people who oppose restrictive photo ID laws want to cheat. See, some Republicans are admitting it.

Steve Munisteri, the Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, Ken Emanuelson, a leader in the Tea Party, said: “I'm going to be real honest with you – the Republican Party doesn't want black people to vote"

I wonder how the OP will spin this if the 121 turns into 4,000?

It is the epitome of poor thinking to conclude that because wrong doing has not been caught or prosecuted, that it does not happen.

I wonder how many employers lose 100's of thousands of dollars to employees stealing pens. Yet, no one ever seems to get caught.

If you don't want to find it, you won't.

If finding it harms a particular party, then they will make up anything to prevent it from being found.

Yep...all that means is they caught 121 of em. How many got away with it?
It's like stopping 500 illegals at the border and assuming you got them all.
Do you realize that the ID required to do many of those things does not necessarily have to be a state issued photo ID? If my name or residence address hasn't been updated on my DL, I'm not prevented from purchasing a pack of smokes. Most of the restrictive ID states require a current, state issued photo ID...something 11% of the populace doesn't have...most of whom are poor, minorities or old people.

Republicans only care about voter ID to attempt to keep brown people from voting.


Nope, true shit. Truer than your claim that people who oppose restrictive photo ID laws want to cheat. See, some Republicans are admitting it.

Steve Munisteri, the Chairman of the Republican Party of Texas, Ken Emanuelson, a leader in the Tea Party, said: “I'm going to be real honest with you – the Republican Party doesn't want black people to vote"


and the democrats don't want white conservatives to vote-------whats your point? Neither party wants their opposition to vote. Thats why we need a fair and equitable voting process---one where only legal registered voters are allowed to cast a ballot and every voter has to prove his identity before voting.

I don't care what form the ID takes, but it should be the same ID that you used to register and get your name on the voter rolls.

If the voters of any state want to make the requirement to register and vote a state issued picture ID, then so be it.

Widespread voter fraud not an issue in NC, data shows

In 2012, nearly 7 million ballots were cast; of those, the state Board of Elections said 121 alleged cases of voter fraud were referred to the appropriate district attorney's office. (AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis RALEIGH, N.C. -

One of the more compelling arguments for voter identification is the suppression of voter fraud. But for North Carolina, the number of cases of voter fraud reported by the state Board of Elections is minimal.

In 2012, nearly 7 million ballots were cast in the general and two primary elections. Of those 6,947,317 ballots, the state Board of Elections said 121 alleged cases of voter fraud were referred to the appropriate district attorney's office.

That means of the nearly 7 million votes cast, voter fraud accounted for 0.00174 percent of the ballots.

Widespread voter fraud not an issue in NC, data shows - WNCN: News, Weather for Raleigh. Durham, Fayetteville

Republicans successfully spread a lie ... and now claim the lie needs to be embellished because too many people believed it ....

Good grief ....

Last edited:

Widespread voter fraud not an issue in NC, data shows

In 2012, nearly 7 million ballots were cast; of those, the state Board of Elections said 121 alleged cases of voter fraud were referred to the appropriate district attorney's office. (AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis RALEIGH, N.C. -

One of the more compelling arguments for voter identification is the suppression of voter fraud. But for North Carolina, the number of cases of voter fraud reported by the state Board of Elections is minimal.

In 2012, nearly 7 million ballots were cast in the general and two primary elections. Of those 6,947,317 ballots, the state Board of Elections said 121 alleged cases of voter fraud were referred to the appropriate district attorney's office.

That means of the nearly 7 million votes cast, voter fraud accounted for 0.00174 percent of the ballots.

Widespread voter fraud not an issue in NC, data shows - WNCN: News, Weather for Raleigh. Durham, Fayetteville

Republicans successfully spread a lie ... and now claim the lie needs to be embellished because too many people believed it ....

Good grief ....


Are you OK with this: your name is Joe Blow, you are registered in precinct # 111, there are no voter ID requirements in your state.

on election day as soon as the polls open I walk into precinct #111 and say I am Joe Blow and I am here to vote. They check Joe Blow off the list and I cast a ballot for every republican on the ticket.

At 5 PM when you get off work as a fry cook at McDonalds, you show up at precinct #111, walk up to the counter and say "I am Joe Blow and I am here to vote" the poll worker checks and sees that you voted early in the day and says to you "are you trying to vote twice Mr Blow?". Then she calls the cops and you get arrested for attempted voter fraud.

please answer truthfully.
Are you saying Obama should get Joe a better job than fry cook at McDonald's ?


nice dodge, but I am asking you if you are OK with me using your vote. are you? If so, you can PM me your name and voting place, then you can stay home on election day.
In NC, of 6,947,317 Ballots Cast in 2012, just 121 were questioned

What is it that you don't undersand about Republicans solving a problem that doesn't exist by suppressing the minority vote?

It's not so complicated ....

There is no down side to voter ID

That's true, but there is a huge down side to requiring a voter ID, then blocking millions of minority voters from obtaining a voter ID.

Therein lies the Constitutional failure of Republicans who keep trying.

Nobody knows what you're talking about with Washington State so I thought you were going to inform us all on it.

I'm 100% with you on voter ID but I think we should just have a nationally standardized state Voter ID card that has a picture on it that will eliminate all of this icessant lame bitching by those on the left about having to carry 2 forms of ID--the card and a photo ID. This takes care of it.

In no way did I say it would hurt democrats. Rather, I think it would hurt republicans more since, frankly older voters are more prone to memorly lapses and letting things expire (I credential our medical professionals and the older ones are the ones whom I need to inform of pending and expired licenses almost on a monthly basis).

He's not telling you the details of Washington State because they're all bogus.

I, like you, don't necessarily have a problem with requiring that people present ID to vote even though it's not really needed. Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem.

There are many, many, many more effective ways to combat election fraud that doesn't put undue burden on the voter and yes, sometimes requiring state issued photo ID is an undue burden.

There will come a point where less than 1% of the populace doesn't have a photo ID, but we're not there yet. As long as we aren't, we are unnecessarily disenfranchising voters to stop something that simply isn't happening. You're more likely to experience an Elvis sighting than in-person voter fraud.

Real time statewide databases and electronic pollbooks are much more effective at combating fraud than requiring everyone show their papers each time they vote.

just one question: how do those people that you claim have no form of ID buy booze, register for welfare, register for food stamps, register for medicare and medicaid, register to vote, get treatment at an ER or free clinic?

your argument is bogus and you know it. The dems fight voter ID laws because they need the fraudulent votes in order to win.

And there you have it folks! The republicans can not win a presidential election, not because they have terrible candidates. Not because they are out of touch with the voters. Not because they are obstructionists. Not because their platform sucks. Not because they have offended all minorities and women. Not because of their position of social issues. Not because they offer no solutions to national problems. NO! Republicans can not win a presidential election because of voter fraud!
He's not telling you the details of Washington State because they're all bogus.

I, like you, don't necessarily have a problem with requiring that people present ID to vote even though it's not really needed. Voter ID is a solution in search of a problem.

There are many, many, many more effective ways to combat election fraud that doesn't put undue burden on the voter and yes, sometimes requiring state issued photo ID is an undue burden.

There will come a point where less than 1% of the populace doesn't have a photo ID, but we're not there yet. As long as we aren't, we are unnecessarily disenfranchising voters to stop something that simply isn't happening. You're more likely to experience an Elvis sighting than in-person voter fraud.

Real time statewide databases and electronic pollbooks are much more effective at combating fraud than requiring everyone show their papers each time they vote.

just one question: how do those people that you claim have no form of ID buy booze, register for welfare, register for food stamps, register for medicare and medicaid, register to vote, get treatment at an ER or free clinic?

your argument is bogus and you know it. The dems fight voter ID laws because they need the fraudulent votes in order to win.


ACORN, the Stuttering Clusterfukk's former group, was guilty of FELONY Voter Registration fraud in Nevada and has since disbanded.

Of the 1.4 Million Registration they turned in, fully 40% were fraudulent and without Voter ID, there is NO WAY to tell how many votes were actually cast using those phony Registrations.

No way to tell.

Not only ACORN was busted and driven out of business, but charges were filed against La Raza (you should look up what that means in Spanish) and other dimocrap scum GOTV organizations.

In Florida just a couple weeks ago, a dimocrap scum Rep's Top Staffer had to resign because..... Because he got caught.

Top staffer for Florida Democratic Rep. Garcia resigns amid voting fraud probe | Fox News

Authorities are investigating a sophisticated scheme to manipulate last year's primary elections by submitting hundreds of fraudulent absentee-ballot requests.
Garcia won the primary and later defeated incumbent Republican David Rivera in the general election.

To dimocraps, it only counts if you get caught.

dimocraps are some cheating motherfuckers.

dimocraps lie, they cheat, they steal, they are dishonest, back-stabbing, power-hungry totalitarian scumbags that need to be eliminated as a political party in its entirety.

Like the Nazis, the entire party should be made illegal

You should have stopped while you were ahead; you sound like a fucking idiot (and I actually agree with you on making people show proper ID to cast a ballot).
Never heard of a registration card. Here we sign, and everyone knows us. Sorry 20% of your over 80s just lost their vote in Pub country- let's make it hard for them...

And if someone new moves in...they have to get "known" to vote? If there is a new poll worker...they look over their shoulder and someone nods?

It would make much more sense to have a standard nationally uniform system in place for elections. It makes the process more stable, sterile, and legitimate.

That is bull shit. If you have an ID and are registered to vote you cannot be denied. Now tell me why YOU THINK minorities are to stupid to register and get an ID.

Widespread voter fraud not an issue in NC, data shows

In 2012, nearly 7 million ballots were cast; of those, the state Board of Elections said 121 alleged cases of voter fraud were referred to the appropriate district attorney's office. (AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis)In 2012, nearly 7 million ballots were cast; of those, the state Board of Elections said 121 alleged cases of voter fraud were referred to the appropriate district attorney's office. (AP Photo/Kostas Tsironis)

One of the more compelling arguments for voter identification is the suppression of voter fraud. But for North Carolina, the number of cases of voter fraud reported by the state Board of Elections is minimal.

In 2012, nearly 7 million ballots were cast in the general and two primary elections. Of those 6,947,317 ballots, the state Board of Elections said 121 alleged cases of voter fraud were referred to the appropriate district attorney's office.

That means of the nearly 7 million votes cast, voter fraud accounted for 0.00174 percent of the ballots.

Widespread voter fraud not an issue in NC, data shows - WNCN: News, Weather for Raleigh. Durham, Fayetteville

and if the election was decided by 120 votes---------------------------?

And if pigs could fly?

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