In new Budget, Biden to Lower US Debt by $3T, After Trump had Record 4 yr Debt

The Banker “math”: Adding $20 TRILLION to the debt is cutting the debt by $3 TRILLION.

No, they they don't use regular math, they use toilet paper math.

I have sat you down and shut you up.

Trump had world record deficits, 25% of total debt in his little 4 years of failure, AND Biden has bigly lowered the Trump deficit from Trump's monster $3+T, down to $1.3T AND Biden's new budget cuts another $3+T from the deficit/debt.

Deal with it, obviously you can't.

The GOP own this debt as their policies created it

AND Biden's new budget cuts

What budget cuts? Link?
Because he inherited the Bush Blow up,

The recession ended in June 2009. Why did Obama double our debt after the recession ended?

the worst economic crisis since the great Depression

That ended a few months into his term.

Remember when Obama was so fucking lost he needed Bubba to come back to
try to unfuck his administration? That was hilarious!!!
We could argue all day about the Really bad or poor mistakes each party has made.
WE could argue about what better for all of us, things each party has brought forth.
BUT if you bring any 100% lie into the conversation
You have killed your credibility.
Agree worst economic crisis.
That it ended in a few months
Full on lie.
We could argue all day about the Really bad or poor mistakes each party has made.
WE could argue about what better for all of us, things each party has brought forth.
BUT if you bring any 100% lie into the conversation
You have killed your credibility.
Agree worst economic crisis.
That it ended in a few months
Full on lie.

Started in December 2007.

It ended a few months into Obama's term. Full on fact.
We could argue all day about the Really bad or poor mistakes each party has made.
WE could argue about what better for all of us, things each party has brought forth.
BUT if you bring any 100% lie into the conversation
You have killed your credibility.
Agree worst economic crisis.
That it ended in a few months
Full on lie.
Don't waste your time with this guy, he seriously is the village idiot.

The recession ended in 2009, but that is not the issue, the issue is that severity of the recession and the after math. He doesn't know anything about economics or US economic data so he doesn't realize that the severity of the Bush crash was so bad that it hurt and stunted US growth for years.
He tries to spin and claim that the Bush crash was over so then the economy should just boom, clearly too stupid to understand that that is not possible when the country is in full meltdown and the economy is not going to just boom after the biggest economic meltdown of our lives.

He is the typical fool who tries to act smart, yet can't comprehend simple things like I just said so he then tries to spin the facts to make dems look bad and ignore Bush's total failure

It is, but this was political. If House MAGAs are gonna threaten a default "because the debt", then Biden wants to have that conversation now.

DOA, but smart move, politically, IMO. Now it's just a matter of how effectively they can turn that into a coherent message. On that front, I have my doubts, though this WH has surprised me before.
Don't waste your time with this guy, he seriously is the village idiot.

The recession ended in 2009, but that is not the issue, the issue is that severity of the recession and the after math. He doesn't know anything about economics or US economic data so he doesn't realize that the severity of the Bush crash was so bad that it hurt and stunted US growth for years.
He tries to spin and claim that the Bush crash was over so then the economy should just boom, clearly too stupid to understand that that is not possible when the country is in full meltdown and the economy is not going to just boom after the biggest economic meltdown of our lives.

He is the typical fool who tries to act smart, yet can't comprehend simple things like I just said so he then tries to spin the facts to make dems look bad and ignore Bush's total failure

Obama's policies resulted in the weakest recovery in history.
He was so bad, the dems lost 63 seats (holy shit!!!) in the House in 2010.
It is, but this was political. If House MAGAs are gonna threaten a default "because the debt", then Biden wants to have that conversation now.

DOA, but smart move, politically, IMO. Now it's just a matter of how effectively they can turn that into a coherent message. On that front, I have my doubts, though this WH has surprised me before.
They are going to have to figure it....easy....less spending. Lets see if they get it.
Congress sets the budget and they do the spending. Remind me again, who was in charge of Congress for the last 6 years? Oh thats right, it was dems who did all that spending throughout Trumps presidency and 2 years into Bidens presidency. NOW the spending is coming down because you have fiscally responsible republicans in control.

No Dewey, the Rethugikkkons were in charge of both the house and senate in tRump's 1st 2 years and held the senate for tRump's last 2 years. Math is tough!
Obama's policies resulted in the weakest recovery in history.
He was so bad, the dems lost 63 seats (holy shit!!!) in the House in 2010.
What chance did Obama have, he inherited the Big Bush Crash, the worst crash of our lifetimes, and the Big Bush Wars. Obama was not great, but he didn't get a fair chance at all seeing how Bush and the GOP destroyed America with their total failure

But here's the thing, as not great as Obama was, he was still much much better than George inherit a balanced budget and blow up the economy and start 2 failed mismanaged wars Bush and Donald world record debt and deficits and FED stimulus with the same weak GDP growth as Obama Trump.

All the major problems in America are the result of GOP policy fuck ups
what are you stupid, yea I am going to calculate how much of the debt was dems as if that is even possible to do, that was the dumbest question ever. More joke shit from you. And more bullshit excuses from you defending republicans, you claim to be independent, yet all you do is make excuses for GOP failure.

The reality is this:
1. Trump was president its on him, deal with that
2. Trump repeatedly asked for more and bigger stimulus, its on him deal with that
3. Trump repeatedly asked and begged the FED for more fake money stimulus, thats on him deal with that.

All your excuses do not change these facts. When you are president the excuses stop and you take responsibility for your fuck ups and debt and failures... You have a problem with accepting that.

Any bad that happens under a dem president is that presidents fault, any bad that happens under a republican president is somehow the dems in Congress fault.. Oh and btw any success under a dem president is the republicans in congress doing, but any success under a republican president is definitely their doing..

You republicans don;'t even realize how stupid you sound and look. Anytime you try to be clever it ends up making you look even more stupid.
You can’t be honest and you toss out facts that don’t agree with your small minded agenda, thanks for admitting that you are dishonest In presenting facts.
because it is less than Trump and less than projected from trump
ya see how that works...

Dems= deficit reduction
GOP = deficit blow up
I know dishonesty is your best policy. Nothing works in a bubble unless you are a partisan moron.
You can’t be honest and you toss out facts that don’t agree with your small minded agenda, thanks for admitting that you are dishonest In presenting facts.
Tell me again how any bad that happens under a dem president is that presidents fault, any bad that happens under a republican president is somehow the dems in Congress fault.. Oh and btw any success under a dem president is the republicans in congress doing, but any success under a republican president is definitely their doing..

That's about all you do in everything you type. The Im not a republican i just support and defend everything republican and attack and spin everything dem.
They are going to have to figure it....easy....less spending. Lets see if they get it.

Neither side is as serious as they should be about reducing the debt, IMO, but they can figure it in the annual budget negotiations process w/o threatening to default on debt that's already been issued to bondholders. This is another stupid, dangerous gimmick by idiot MAGAs.

They should agree to what amounts to tax increases for the wealthiest of the wealthy and some spending cuts. I'd be open to raising the age of SS if MAGA wants deal with entitlements.
Tell me again how any bad that happens under a dem president is that presidents fault, any bad that happens under a republican president is somehow the dems in Congress fault.. Oh and btw any success under a dem president is the republicans in congress doing, but any success under a republican president is definitely their doing..

That's about all you do in everything you type. The Im not a republican i just support and defend everything republican and attack and spin everything dem.
Nothing that has happened to the economy thus far have I blamed Biden for, inflation was going to happen after we pumped $5 trillion in stimulus m9ney into the economy, not all Biden’s fault, Trump and Congress are also to blame and our reaction to Covid-19. The GDP was going to decline when we shut businesses down in March of 2020, 2021 was going to rebound after shutting down business in 2020, it is pretty obvious. I don’t blame much of the economy on Presidents, Congress is the one that creates budgets. One of my favorite fiscal times was Clinton and Gringrich using the checks and balances correctly to start running a balanced budget instead of playing partisan politics, like you ignorant idiots do.
What chance did Obama have, he inherited the Big Bush Crash, the worst crash of our lifetimes, and the Big Bush Wars. Obama was not great, but he didn't get a fair chance at all seeing how Bush and the GOP destroyed America with their total failure

But here's the thing, as not great as Obama was, he was still much much better than George inherit a balanced budget and blow up the economy and start 2 failed mismanaged wars Bush and Donald world record debt and deficits and FED stimulus with the same weak GDP growth as Obama Trump.

All the major problems in America are the result of GOP policy fuck ups

What chance did Obama have

He could have used policies that worked, instead of the usual leftist policies that make things worse.

Obama was not great

That's a nice way of saying he was awful.

But here's the thing, as not great as Obama was, he was still much much better than George inherit a balanced budget and blow up the economy

Bubbles don't last forever.
The Clinton internet Bubble popped. The Bush real estate bubble popped.

If the Internet bubble popped a year earlier and the real estate bubble popped a year later, we'd all be talking about how awesome Bush's economy was and how bad Clinton's was and how much worse that Obama's was.

and start 2 failed mismanaged wars

And if Clinton had whacked Osama when he had the chance, those wars would have never begun.

All the major problems in America are the result of GOP policy fuck ups

Just because weed is legal doesn't mean you have to smoke it all today.
Now get back to your broom. Those bank floors aren't going to clean themselves, you stupid twat.
Neither side is as serious as they should be about reducing the debt, IMO, but they can figure it in the annual budget negotiations process w/o threatening to default on debt that's already been issued to bondholders. This is another stupid, dangerous gimmick by idiot MAGAs.

They should agree to what amounts to tax increases for the wealthiest of the wealthy and some spending cuts. I'd be open to raising the age of SS if MAGA wants deal with entitlements.
I’m for lowering the age of SS and eliminating the war department and all the intelligence agencies.
We could argue all day about the Really bad or poor mistakes each party has made.
WE could argue about what better for all of us, things each party has brought forth.
BUT if you bring any 100% lie into the conversation
You have killed your credibility.
Agree worst economic crisis.
That it ended in a few months
Full on lie.
True all you do is lie.

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