In North Korea, Missile Bases Suggest a Great Deception



Consider that this news comes from a non-government news source.

Certainly not. The New York Times is the heart of the deep state. The epitome of the ruling elite "uiniversity". It has been prominent in its attempts to take down America's president up to and including sending over 1300 tweets in a six hour period to Congressmen demanding they vote against tax cuts

nyt tweet.png

....making up false stories about White House leakers

new york times.jpg

...hiring a woman who said she enjoys being cruel to white people...


jeong 2.png

The New York Times is well known to be one of the best connected leftist organs out there. It has deep ties with the intelligence communities you spoke of. In fact the NYT to this day claims to be proud of working with Russia and Hillary on the Steele Dossier.

Opinion | I’m Proud We Published the Trump-Russia Dossier

Its tactics are KGB like. They simply delete politicians comments to protect them.

DEVASTATING PROOF OF MEDIA BIAS: New York Times Airbrushes Away Democrat's Embarrassing False Claim Without a Trace

And so when you attack the President of course you reach for the club (((they))) hand you. At the very least the NYT should be reclassified a super-pac or a 501c corporation or something. The FEC should fine them for violating campaign disclosure laws as they work full time to elect democrats and take down Trump.
Or perhaps they should simply be forced to follow the "diversity" rules they push on everyone else?

Non governmental source my ass. They are the opposition party.
Do you really think Lil Kim could possibly have out Foxed our great Orange negotiator?

Methinks they simply told each other what they wanted to hear, and kept up their same agendas....

So where are the pictures?


Satellite images reveal hidden North Korean missile bases@ Satellite images reveal hidden North Korea missile bases - CNNPolitics

Great! Thanks!

I see a lot of housing, barracks, and not much else. The detail leaves a little bit to be desired, considering my Google Earth shows the pool in my backyard in great detail!

Do you remember when Iraq and the media, NYT and CNN et al, claimed Bush bombed a "baby milk factory"? When they were rushed to the scene with their obsequious Iraqi guide, there was a sign in the rubble that said...wait for it..."BABY MILK FACTORY" in English lol

CNN in particular really pushed their Iraqi ally's story hard.

""It was the only source of infant formula food for children one year and younger in Iraq," Arnett said in the telephone report, labeled as having been cleared by Iraqi censors. "The steel girders that had been holding up the building were twisted and blackened, and the machinery inside was a molten pile. The intact signboard at the entrance of the factory read 'Baby Milk Plant' in English and Arabic."

I wish I could find a picture of that sign.
So where are the pictures?


Satellite images reveal hidden North Korean missile bases@ Satellite images reveal hidden North Korea missile bases - CNNPolitics

Great! Thanks!

I see a lot of housing, barracks, and not much else. The detail leaves a little bit to be desired, considering my Google Earth shows the pool in my backyard in great detail!

Do you remember when Iraq and the media, NYT and CNN et al, claimed Bush bombed a "baby milk factory"? When they were rushed to the scene with their obsequious Iraqi guide, there was a sign in the rubble that said...wait for it..."BABY MILK FACTORY" in English lol

CNN in particular really pushed their Iraqi ally's story hard.

""It was the only source of infant formula food for children one year and younger in Iraq," Arnett said in the telephone report, labeled as having been cleared by Iraqi censors. "The steel girders that had been holding up the building were twisted and blackened, and the machinery inside was a molten pile. The intact signboard at the entrance of the factory read 'Baby Milk Plant' in English and Arabic."

I wish I could find a picture of that sign.

Yes, and I love the fact that the greenhouses are conspicuously labeled. Who knew vegetables were critical in the manufacture and testing of ICBMs? I must have been absent that day in college.
WASHINGTON — North Korea is moving ahead with its ballistic missile program at 16 hidden bases that have been identified in new commercial satellite images, a network long known to American intelligence agencies but left undiscussed as President Trump claims to have neutralized the North’s nuclear threat.

The satellite images suggest that the North has been engaged in a great deception: It has offered to dismantle a major launching site — a step it began, then halted — while continuing to make improvements at more than a dozen others that would bolster launches of conventional and nuclear warheads.

The existence of the ballistic missile bases, which North Korea has never acknowledged, contradicts Mr. Trump’s assertion that his landmark diplomacy is leading to the elimination of a nuclear and missile program that the North had warned could devastate the United States. - Source

trumps house of cards is beginning to fall. The lies are unraveling, not that trump cares, he'll just tell more to cover the old ones. Consider that this news comes from a non-government news source. The US intelligence service must have known this before them and informed trump who did and said absolutely nothing.

The fat fuck of a Machiavellian president only cares about his ego.

Hook, line, sinker, bobber and fishing rod—you have swallowed the lies. Too bad.
NK has no more nukes, love conquers all
It's so precious seeing donny and Kim together.

Tell the much prefer Kim to Trump. And secretly you hope Kim defeats Trump no matter what the cost to the US is.
North Korea (and Russia) will always have the advantage of allies in the Democrat Party helping them defeat America. A little pressure...a little playing to the democrats and the media..and North Korea can push back a little harder. He knows he isnt facing a unified opponent. He is like Maxine Waters..playing a "resist" game by throwing sand in the gears and hoping to outlast Trump in the long term while hobbling him in the short term.

As many governments as we tend to topple and install out own shadow government in, you'd think they'd take out the actual crazy one.

China pretty much runs that gig, so maybe that's why we haven't.

You know they do have those little mosquito sized drones now. And I think their mouthparts are a little longer than the ones on the real mosquitos.
NK has no more nukes, love conquers all
It's so precious seeing donny and Kim together.

Tell the much prefer Kim to Trump. And secretly you hope Kim defeats Trump no matter what the cost to the US is.
North Korea (and Russia) will always have the advantage of allies in the Democrat Party helping them defeat America. A little pressure...a little playing to the democrats and the media..and North Korea can push back a little harder. He knows he isnt facing a unified opponent. He is like Maxine Waters..playing a "resist" game by throwing sand in the gears and hoping to outlast Trump in the long term while hobbling him in the short term.

View attachment 228680
Fuck yo hissy fits....people told you that Trump is a clown, now you mad at us for being right
NK has no more nukes, love conquers all
It's so precious seeing donny and Kim together.

Tell the much prefer Kim to Trump. And secretly you hope Kim defeats Trump no matter what the cost to the US is.
North Korea (and Russia) will always have the advantage of allies in the Democrat Party helping them defeat America. A little pressure...a little playing to the democrats and the media..and North Korea can push back a little harder. He knows he isnt facing a unified opponent. He is like Maxine Waters..playing a "resist" game by throwing sand in the gears and hoping to outlast Trump in the long term while hobbling him in the short term.

View attachment 228680
By the way, republicans have a long history of having circle jerk fantasies over Putin when Obama was president, you won't find a majority of democrats anywhere saying they want Kim to be president.

As usual, trump lovers continue to project the bullshit they did to Obama onto us and it is failing...

Ronald Reagan Jr. says Trump supporters would prefer Putin to any Democrat
By the way, republicans have a long history of having circle jerk fantasies over Putin when Obama was president, you won't find a majority of democrats anywhere saying they want Kim to be president.

Nahh they want Hillary to be President. Kim couldn't be the First Woman President. But given a preference between Trump and Kim? For Democrats that answer is easy...they hope like hell Kim defeat and embarrasses Trump and America.
Fuck yo hissy fits....people told you that Trump is a clown, now you mad at us for being right

This "us" I presume includes the Democrats and the Russians?
US, as in Americans who are not Trump sycophants....

Trump made a special coin just for Kim, based on what? The fact that Kim was able to stroke his ego, since he had the self-awareness to know that Trump is just as narcissistic as he was...if any other president had done this, they would be laughed off the stage -- especially with no deal in place..

When previous "ACTUAL" deals were made, you same Trump sycophants would say "those deals mean nothing, we can't trust Iran, Iraq, Russia, etc etc etc" -- well, those deals didn't require for us to "trust them" -- they had mechanisms in place for us to inspect them.

But you Trump sycophants now expect us to just trust whatever Trump tells us because he fell in love with Kim? Gtfoh

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